blob: 11c38b84c67b3e8e839fa58e1d1b4c29575bd30c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Rickard Öberg. All Rights Reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2008-2013, Niclas Hedhman. All Rights Reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2012-2014, Paul Merlin. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* implied.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.zest.runtime.service;
import java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import org.apache.zest.api.common.MetaInfo;
import org.apache.zest.api.common.Visibility;
import org.apache.zest.api.configuration.Configuration;
import org.apache.zest.api.entity.Identity;
import org.apache.zest.api.injection.scope.This;
import org.apache.zest.api.service.ServiceDescriptor;
import org.apache.zest.api.structure.ModuleDescriptor;
import org.apache.zest.api.util.Classes;
import org.apache.zest.functional.HierarchicalVisitor;
import org.apache.zest.runtime.activation.ActivatorsInstance;
import org.apache.zest.runtime.activation.ActivatorsModel;
import org.apache.zest.runtime.composite.CompositeMethodsModel;
import org.apache.zest.runtime.composite.CompositeModel;
import org.apache.zest.runtime.composite.MixinModel;
import org.apache.zest.runtime.composite.MixinsModel;
import org.apache.zest.runtime.composite.StateModel;
import org.apache.zest.runtime.composite.TransientStateInstance;
import org.apache.zest.runtime.composite.UsesInstance;
import org.apache.zest.runtime.injection.DependencyModel;
import org.apache.zest.runtime.injection.InjectionContext;
import static org.apache.zest.runtime.legacy.Specifications.translate;
public final class ServiceModel extends CompositeModel
implements ServiceDescriptor
private static Method identityMethod;
identityMethod = Identity.class.getMethod( "identity" );
catch( NoSuchMethodException e )
private final String identity;
private final boolean instantiateOnStartup;
private final ActivatorsModel<?> activatorsModel;
private final Class configurationType;
public ServiceModel( ModuleDescriptor module,
List<Class<?>> types,
Visibility visibility,
MetaInfo metaInfo,
ActivatorsModel<?> activatorsModel,
MixinsModel mixinsModel,
StateModel stateModel,
CompositeMethodsModel compositeMethodsModel,
String identity,
boolean instantiateOnStartup
super( module, types, visibility, metaInfo, mixinsModel, stateModel, compositeMethodsModel );
this.identity = identity;
this.instantiateOnStartup = instantiateOnStartup;
this.activatorsModel = activatorsModel;
// Calculate configuration type
this.configurationType = calculateConfigurationType();
public boolean isInstantiateOnStartup()
return instantiateOnStartup;
public String identity()
return identity;
@SuppressWarnings( { "raw", "unchecked" } )
public ActivatorsInstance<?> newActivatorsInstance( ModuleDescriptor module )
throws Exception
return new ActivatorsInstance( activatorsModel.newInstances( module ) );
@SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
public <T> Class<T> configurationType()
return configurationType;
public <ThrowableType extends Throwable> boolean accept( HierarchicalVisitor<? super Object, ? super Object, ThrowableType> visitor )
throws ThrowableType
if( visitor.visitEnter( this ) )
if( activatorsModel.accept( visitor ) )
if( compositeMethodsModel.accept( visitor ) )
if( stateModel.accept( visitor ) )
mixinsModel.accept( visitor );
return visitor.visitLeave( this );
public ServiceInstance newInstance( final ModuleDescriptor module )
Object[] mixins = mixinsModel.newMixinHolder();
Map<AccessibleObject, Property<?>> properties = new HashMap<>(); propertyModel -> {
Object initialValue = propertyModel.initialValue( module );
if( propertyModel.accessor().equals( identityMethod ) )
initialValue = identity;
Property<?> property = new PropertyInstance<>( propertyModel, initialValue );
properties.put( propertyModel.accessor(), property );
} );
TransientStateInstance state = new TransientStateInstance( properties );
ServiceInstance compositeInstance = new ServiceInstance( this, mixins, state );
// Instantiate all mixins
int i = 0;
UsesInstance uses = UsesInstance.EMPTY_USES.use( this );
InjectionContext injectionContext = new InjectionContext( compositeInstance, uses, state );
for( MixinModel mixinModel : mixinsModel.mixinModels() )
mixins[ i++ ] = mixinModel.newInstance( injectionContext );
return compositeInstance;
public String toString()
return super.toString() + ":" + identity;
@SuppressWarnings( { "raw", "unchecked" } )
public Class calculateConfigurationType()
DependencyModel.ScopeSpecification thisSpec = new DependencyModel.ScopeSpecification( This.class );
Predicate<DependencyModel> configurationCheck =
translate( new DependencyModel.InjectionTypeFunction(), clazz -> clazz.equals( Configuration.class ) );
return dependencies().filter( thisSpec.and( configurationCheck ) )
.filter( dependencyModel -> dependencyModel.rawInjectionType().equals( Configuration.class ) )
.filter( dependencyModel -> dependencyModel.injectionType() instanceof ParameterizedType )
.map( dependencyModel -> Classes.RAW_CLASS.apply( ( (ParameterizedType) dependencyModel.injectionType() ).getActualTypeArguments()[ 0 ] ) )
.reduce( null, ( injectionClass, type ) -> {
if( injectionClass == null )
injectionClass = type;
if( injectionClass.isAssignableFrom( type ) )
injectionClass = type;
return injectionClass;
} );
// Class injectionClass = null;
// Iterable<DependencyModel> configurationThisDependencies =
// filter(
// and(
// translate( new DependencyModel.InjectionTypeFunction(),
// Specifications.<Class<?>>in( Configuration.class )
// ),
// new DependencyModel.ScopeSpecification( This.class ) ),
// dependencies()
// );
// for( DependencyModel dependencyModel : configurationThisDependencies )
// {
// if( dependencyModel.rawInjectionType()
// .equals( Configuration.class ) && dependencyModel.injectionType() instanceof ParameterizedType )
// {
// Class<?> type = Classes.RAW_CLASS
// .apply( ( (ParameterizedType) dependencyModel.injectionType() ).getActualTypeArguments()[ 0 ] );
// if( injectionClass == null )
// {
// injectionClass = type;
// }
// else
// {
// if( injectionClass.isAssignableFrom( type ) )
// {
// injectionClass = type;
// }
// }
// }
// }
// return injectionClass;