blob: 593584652c7c99ef67e111fe5f6e8c6e5e845b50 [file] [log] [blame]
USE CASE Process Handling Event [summary - Nuts and Bolts use case]
System automatically receives and validates incoming handling event data
for a cargo. The cargo is then inspected to see if it's still on track and
to initiate actions if necessary.
Certain conditions can cause relevant parties to be notified.
Primary actor.. Handling Manager
Scope.......... Handling System in shipping application
Preconditions.. None
Trigger........ Delivery Inspector receives handling event data from handling authority.
Main Success Scenario
1. Handling Manager asks Data Parser to <parse handling event data>.
2. Handling Manager asks Event Registrar to <register handling event>.
3. Handling Manager asks Delivery Inspector to <inspect cargo delivery status>.
1a. Handling event data is invalid:
1. Handling Manager notifies handling authority of invalid data and exits.
2a. Handling event data is not recognized in Delivery Inspector:
1. Handling Manager notifies handling authority of unrecognized data and exits.
3a. Cargo has arrived:
1. Handling Manager requests cargo owner to claim cargo.
3b. Cargo is misdirected or misrouted:
1. Handling Manager requests cargo owner to re-route cargo.
Success guarantees:
Handling event is registered.
Cargo delivery status is inspected.
Relevant notifications are sent.
Minimal guarantees:
Delivery Inspector data is in a valid state.
Registration attempt data is logged.
Relevant notifications are sent.
Cargo Owner wants
- access to accurate last-minute tracking information
- notification of misdirection or arrival of cargo
Shipper wants
- cargo handled efficiently (financial department)
- data consistency (IT department)
- handling process traceability (legal/support department)
Handling authority wants
- notification of rejected handling registration attempts.
Handling events are supposed to come in automatically from various incident
logging applications. We have no users processing handled cargos and therefore
no user-goal level use cases either! We only have subfunction use cases like
"RegisterHandlingEvent" describing a technical process with no human involvement.