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= Core Bootstrap =
Polygene™ has a distinct bootstrap phase, also known as the _Assembly_ of an application, where the applications structure
is defined programmatically. Once all the layers, modules and all the composite types in each module have been defined
the model is instantiated into an application. This enables the entire _structure_ system in Polygene, where types "belongs"
to a module and visibility rules define default behaviors, enforcement of architectural integrity and much more.
The _assembly_ is preceeded by the creation of the _Polygene Runtime_. The _assembly_ can be declared fully by defining
all modules and layers, and how the layers are sitting on top of each other, OR one can utilize one of the two
convenience assemblies, one for a _pancake_ pattern, where all layers are top on each other, or one with a single module
in a single layer, useful for small applications, spikes and tests. The +bootstrap+ system has several ways to acheive
this, and they are listed below in <<core-bootstrap-assembly-layered>>.
During _assembly_, the application (JVM level) architecture and the application model is defined. You define which
layers exist and how they relate to each other. For each layer, you define which modules it contains. And for each
module, you define which composites are in it, and what are the visibility rules for each of these composites.
You can also;
* Define default values for properties.
* Add additional interfaces to composites dynamically.
* Add concerns, mixins, constraints and side effects dynamically.
* Set _meta information_ on defined types.
* Import external services to be available as Polygene™ services.
* Tag services with markers
== Defining Objects ==
== Defining Transients ==
== Defining Values ==
== Defining Entities ==
== Defining Services ==
=== Tagging Services ===
=== Importing external Services ===
== Defining default values for Properties ==
== Adding additional interfaces to composites ==
== Adding concerns, mixins, constraints and side effects ==
== Setting meta information on assembled types ==
== Using Assemblers ==
Many <<libraries,libraries>> and <<extensions,extensions>> provides a cookie-cutter _Assembler_, to simplify the set up
of such component. Often these are suitable, but sometimes they won't fit the application in hand, in which case the
source code at least provides information of what is needed for the component to be used.
Assemblers are typically just instantiated and then call the assemble() method with the ModuleAssembly instance,
such as;
== Defining an Entity Store ==
Defining an _Entity Store_ is in principle as simple as defining a ServiceComposite implementing the EntityStore
interface. The problem is that most Entity Stores require <<core-api-service-configuration>>, and configuration requires an
Entity Store. This chicken-and-egg problem is resolved by having an entity store available that does not require any
<<core-api-service-configuration>>. Many _Assemblers_ for entity store implementations uses the MemoryEntityStore, and
effectively leaves the configuration in the properties file where <<core-api-service-configuration>> bootstraps from. It is
possible to chain this, so that for instance the Neo4J Entity Store uses the Preferences Entity Store for its
configuration, and the Preferences Entity Store uses the Memory Entity Store (i.e. the properties file).
The point is that the entity store used for the configuration of the primary entity store used in the application is
that it must not be visible to the application itself. Sometimes it is easier to put a Memory Entity Store in the
same module, with Visibility set to _module_. Sometimes it makes sense to have an additional Configuration layer below
the infrastructure layer, which has this setup.
As mentioned above, most entity stores defines a reasonable default _Assembler_, possibly with some constructor
arguments or methods to define certain aspects. An example is the popular JdbmEntityStore, which _Assembler_ can be
used like;
[[core-bootstrap-assembly-layered,Layered Application Assembler]]
== Layered Application Assembler (RECOMMENDED!) ==
In 2.1, a new way to instantiate Polygene™ applications was introduced. It starts with subclassing the
+LayeredApplicationAssembler+, and implementing the +assembleLayers()+ method.
In the +assembleLayers()+ method, one is epected to either call the +createLayer()+ method in the super class
with the Class of the LayerAssembler,
LayerAssembly domainLayer = createLayer( DomainLayer.class );
OR manually instantiate and call the LayerAssembler.
LayerAssembly infraLayer = new InfrastructureLayer( configModule ).assemble( assembly.layer( InfrastructureLayer.NAME ));
This is to make the normal case as simple as possible, yet allow the special needs that occssionally surfaces.
Each LayerAssembler implementation may optionally extend the +LayeredLayerAssembler+, to get access to the
+createModule()+ method, which again simplifies the creation of modules in the +assemble()+ method.
createModule( layer, InvoicingModule.class );
+ModuleAssembler+ implementations typically use +Assembler+ classes to put together, or call the +entities()+,
+values()+ methods described elsewhere on this page. There is no superclass to use.
+ModuleAssembler+ implementations should have a name ending with "Module" and the naming will insert a human-readable
space within the module name, e.g. +InvoicingModule+ will be named "Invoicing Module".
For example code, see the tutorial <<howto-assemble-application>>.
== Singleton Assembler ==
Every Polygene™ runtime instance consist of One Application, with one or more Layers and one or more Modules in each Layer.
So the minimal application is still one layer with one module. This is not recommended other than for testing purposes
and really trivial applications.
Let's take a closer look at how it is put together.
Once the SingletonAssembler constructor returns, the Polygene™ application is up and running.
The SingletonAssembler also makes common system resources available from the bootstrap code, such as
Module, UnitOfWorkFactory and others. This is possible since there is only one Module.
== Application Builder ==
Some applications has no need for runtime determination of the exact application structure, and no need for
advanced alterations to a staright-forward layered application structure. By using the +ApplicationBuilder+
it is possible to define the application structure from a JSON document, AND call the provided +main()+ class,
taking the JSON document as input on
The format of the JSON document, directly reflects the application structure, such as
"name": "Build from JSON test.",
"layers": [
{ "name": "service", "uses": [ "domain", "config"] },
{ "name": "donfig" },
"name": "domain",
"modules" : [
"name" : "Invoicing",
"assemblers" : [
At the moment, the JSON format only support +Assembler+ classes to do the work.
Another way to use the +ApplicationBuilder+ is to subclass it, optionally use the +configureFromJSON()+ method,
and then programmatically enhance the structure before calling +newApplication()+.
== Pancake Assembly ==
There is one case that stands out as a common case, and forms a reasonable middle-ground. It is where each layer sits
exactly on top of each other layer, like pancakes. Each layer will only use the layer directly below and only that
layer. For this case we have a convenience setup. You create an Assembler[][][], where the outer-most array is each
layer, the middle array is the modules in each layer, and the last array is a set of assemblers needed to put the
things togather.
Let's look at an example;
== Full Assembly ==
Full Assembly means that you have the opportunity to create any layer/module hierarchy that are within the rules of the
Polygene™ runtime. It requires more support in your code to be useful, and the example below is by no means a recommended way
to organize large application assemblies.
In principle, you first start the Polygene™ runtime, call newApplication with an ApplicationAssembler instance and call
activate() on the returned application. The ApplicationAssembler instance will be called with an
ApplicationAssemblyFactory, which is used to create an ApplicationAssembly describing the application structure.