blob: c10ccda4be9752a19cf2058428640c8ca121a7a6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.polygene.gradle.code
import org.gradle.api.artifacts.maven.MavenDeployer
class MavenMetadata
static void applyTo( MavenDeployer mavenDeployer )
mavenDeployer.pom {
project {
url ''
organization {
name 'The Apache Software Foundation'
url ''
inceptionYear '2007'
issueManagement {
system 'jira'
url ''
scm {
url ""
connection "scm:git:"
developerConnection "scm:git:"
licenses {
license {
name 'Apache License, version 2.0.'
url ''
mailingLists {
mailingList {
name 'Users List'
subscribe ''
unsubscribe ''
post ''
archive ''
otherArchives {
otherArchive ''
mailingList {
name 'Development List'
subscribe ''
unsubscribe ''
post ''
archive ''
otherArchives {
otherArchive ''
mailingList {
name 'Commits List'
subscribe ''
unsubscribe ''
post ''
archive ''
otherArchives {
otherArchive ''
developers {
developer {
id ''
name 'Niclas Hedhman'
email ''
roles {
role 'Core Team'
organizationUrl ''
timezone 'UTC+8'
developer {
id 'rickardoberg'
name 'Rickard \u00F6berg'
email ''
roles {
role 'Core Team'
url ''
organization 'Neo Technology AB'
organizationUrl ''
timezone 'UTC+8'
developer {
id ''
name 'Edward Yakop'
email ''
roles {
role 'Core Team'
organizationUrl ''
timezone 'UTC+8'
developer {
id ''
name 'Alin Dreghiciu'
email ''
roles {
role 'Core Team'
organizationUrl ''
timezone 'UTC+2'
developer {
id 'mesirii'
name 'Michael Hunger'
email ''
roles {
role 'Core Team'
timezone 'CET'
developer {
id "muhdkamil"
name "Muhd Kamil bin Mohd Baki"
roles {
role 'Platform Team'
timezone "UTC+8"
developer {
id ""
name "David Leangen"
organization "Bioscene"
email ""
roles {
role 'Platform Team'
timezone "UTC+9"
developer {
id ""
name "Sonny Gill"
email ""
roles {
role 'Community Team'
timezone "UTC+8"
developer {
id "taowen"
name "Tao Wen"
organization ""
email ""
roles {
role 'Community Team'
timezone "UTC+8"
developer {
id "thobe"
name "Tobias Ivarsson"
email ""
url ""
organization "NeoTechnology"
organizationUrl ""
roles {
role "Platform Team"
timezone "CET"
developer {
id "boon"
name "Lan Boon Ping"
email ""
roles {
role 'Platform Team'
timezone "UTC+8"
developer {
id ""
name "Jan Kronquist"
email ""
organization "Jayway"
roles {
role 'Platform Team'
timezone "CET"
developer {
id "nmwael"
name "Nino Saturnino Martinez Vazquez Wael"
roles {
role 'Platform Team'
timezone "CET"
developer {
id ""
name "Peter Neubauer"
email ""
roles {
role 'Platform Team'
timezone "CET"
developer {
id "rwallace"
name "Richard Wallace"
email ""
roles {
role 'Platform Team'
timezone "UTC-7"
developer {
id ""
name "Sianny Halim"
email ""
roles {
role 'Platform Team'
timezone "UTC+8"
developer {
id ""
name "Paul Merlin"
email ""
roles {
role 'Core Team'
timezone "CET"
developer {
id ""
name "Stanislav Muhametsin"
email ""
roles {
role 'Platform Team'
timezone "UTC+2"
developer {
id "tonny"
name "Tonny Kohar"
roles {
role "Community Team"
email ""
timezone "UTC+7"