blob: 64977ef74cce8bbeaf9ccb89900ab3ec3135fd0b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.polygene.api.composite;
import org.apache.polygene.api.common.InvalidApplicationException;
import org.apache.polygene.api.structure.TypeLookup;
import static;
* This exception is thrown if client code tries to create a non-existing Composite type.
public abstract class NoSuchCompositeTypeException extends InvalidApplicationException
private final String compositeType;
private final String moduleName;
private final String visibleTypes;
private final String metaType;
private final String candidateTypes;
protected NoSuchCompositeTypeException( String metaType, String compositeType, String moduleName, TypeLookup typeLookup )
super( "\n\tCould not find any visible " + metaType + " of type [" + compositeType + "] in module [" + moduleName + "]." );
this.metaType = metaType;
this.compositeType = compositeType;
this.moduleName = moduleName;
visibleTypes = formatVisibleTypes( typeLookup );
candidateTypes = findCandidateTypes( typeLookup );
public String compositeType()
return compositeType;
public String moduleName()
return moduleName;
public String visibleTypes()
return visibleTypes;
public String candidateTypes()
return candidateTypes;
public String getMessage()
return super.getMessage() + "\n" + candidateTypes + "\n" + visibleTypes;
private String formatVisibleTypes( TypeLookup typeLookup )
return descriptors( typeLookup )
.map( descriptor ->
String moduleName = descriptor.module().name();
String typeName = descriptor.primaryType().getName();
return "\t\t[" + typeName + "] in [" + moduleName + "]";
} )
.collect( joining( "\n", "\tVisible " + metaType + " types are:\n", "" ) );
private String findCandidateTypes( TypeLookup typeLookup )
return "";
// return descriptors( typeLookup )
// .filter( type -> compositeType.equals( type.primaryType().getName() ) )
// .map( descriptor ->
// {
// Class<?> primarytype = descriptor.primaryType();
// String typeName = primarytype.getName();
// return "\t\t[ " + typeName + "] in [" + descriptor.module().name() + "] with visibility " + descriptor.visibility();
// } )
// .collect( joining( "\n", "\tInvisible " + metaType + " types are:\n", "" ) );
protected abstract Stream<? extends CompositeDescriptor> descriptors( TypeLookup typeLookup );
public boolean equals( Object o )
if( this == o )
return true;
if( o == null || getClass() != o.getClass() )
return false;
NoSuchCompositeTypeException that = (NoSuchCompositeTypeException) o;
if( !compositeType.equals( that.compositeType ) )
return false;
if( !moduleName.equals( that.moduleName ) )
return false;
return visibleTypes.equals( that.visibleTypes );
public int hashCode()
int result = compositeType.hashCode();
result = 31 * result + moduleName.hashCode();
result = 31 * result + visibleTypes.hashCode();
return result;