blob: 3455a234b5b7988e7cc82e80f85477411d661448 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011, Niclas Hehdman. All Rights Reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2012, Paul Merlin. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.zest.test.value;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.apache.zest.api.common.Optional;
import org.apache.zest.api.injection.scope.Service;
import org.apache.zest.api.type.CollectionType;
import org.apache.zest.api.type.MapType;
import org.apache.zest.api.type.ValueCompositeType;
import org.apache.zest.api.type.ValueType;
import org.apache.zest.api.value.ValueBuilder;
import org.apache.zest.api.value.ValueSerialization;
import org.apache.zest.bootstrap.AssemblyException;
import org.apache.zest.bootstrap.ModuleAssembly;
import org.apache.zest.functional.Iterables;
import org.apache.zest.test.AbstractQi4jTest;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
* Assert that ValueSerialization behaviour on Collections and Maps is correct.
// TODO How to assert that given a collection of valuecomposites when serializing and deserializing we have to OOME?
public class AbstractCollectionSerializationTest
extends AbstractQi4jTest
public void assemble( ModuleAssembly module )
throws AssemblyException
module.values( SomeValue.class );
public void before()
module.injectTo( this );
@SuppressWarnings( "ProtectedField" )
protected ValueSerialization valueSerialization;
public void testIOString()
throws Exception
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
iterable( byteCollection() ).transferTo( map( valueSerialization.serialize(), text( sb ) ) );
String output = sb.toString();
List<Byte> list = new ArrayList<Byte>();
text( output ).transferTo( map( valueSerialization.deserialize( Byte.class ), collection( list ) ) );
assertEquals( byteCollection(), list );
public void givenPrimitiveArrayWithIntsWhenSerializingAndDeserializingExpectEquals()
throws Exception
int[] primitiveArray = new int[]
23, 42, -23, -42
String output = valueSerialization.serialize( primitiveArray );
int[] deserialized = valueSerialization.deserialize( int[].class, output );
assertArrayEquals( primitiveArray, deserialized );
public void givenArrayWithByteAndNullElementWhenSerializingAndDeserializingExpectEquals()
throws Exception
Byte[] array = new Byte[]
9, null, -12, -12, 127, -128, 73
String output = valueSerialization.serialize( array );
Byte[] deserialized = valueSerialization.deserialize( Byte[].class, output );
assertArrayEquals( array, deserialized );
public void givenIterableTypeWithByteAndNullElementWhenSerializingAndDeserializingExpectEquals()
throws Exception
String output = valueSerialization.serialize( Iterables.iterable( byteCollection().toArray() ) );
CollectionType collectionType = new CollectionType( List.class, new ValueType( Byte.class ) );
List<Byte> list = valueSerialization.deserialize( collectionType, output );
assertEquals( byteCollection(), list );
public void givenCollectionTypeWithByteAndNullElementWhenSerializingAndDeserializingExpectEquals()
throws Exception
String output = valueSerialization.serialize( byteCollection() );
CollectionType collectionType = new CollectionType( Set.class, new ValueType( Byte.class ) );
Set<Byte> list = valueSerialization.deserialize( collectionType, output );
assertEquals( new LinkedHashSet<Byte>( byteCollection() ), list );
public void givenCollectionTypeWithCharacterAndNullElementWhenSerializingAndDeserializingExpectEquals()
throws Exception
String output = valueSerialization.serialize( characterCollection() );
CollectionType collectionType = new CollectionType( List.class, new ValueType( Character.class ) );
List<Character> list = valueSerialization.deserialize( collectionType, output );
assertEquals( characterCollection(), list );
public void givenCollectionTypeWithShortAndNullElementWhenSerializingAndDeserializingExpectEquals()
throws Exception
String output = valueSerialization.serialize( shortCollection() );
CollectionType collectionType = new CollectionType( List.class, new ValueType( Short.class ) );
List<Short> list = valueSerialization.deserialize( collectionType, output );
assertEquals( shortCollection(), list );
public void givenCollectionTypeWithIntegerAndNullElementWhenSerializingAndDeserializingExpectEquals()
throws Exception
String output = valueSerialization.serialize( integerCollection() );
CollectionType collectionType = new CollectionType( List.class, new ValueType( Integer.class ) );
List<Integer> list = valueSerialization.deserialize( collectionType, output );
assertEquals( integerCollection(), list );
public void givenCollectionTypeWithLongAndNullElementWhenSerializingAndDeserializingExpectEquals()
throws Exception
String output = valueSerialization.serialize( longCollection() );
CollectionType collectionType = new CollectionType( List.class, new ValueType( Long.class ) );
List<Long> list = valueSerialization.deserialize( collectionType, output );
assertEquals( longCollection(), list );
public void givenCollectionTypeWithFloatAndNullElementWhenSerializingAndDeserializingExpectEquals()
throws Exception
String output = valueSerialization.serialize( floatCollection() );
CollectionType collectionType = new CollectionType( List.class, new ValueType( Float.class ) );
List<Float> list = valueSerialization.deserialize( collectionType, output );
assertEquals( floatCollection(), list );
public void givenCollectionTypeWithDoubleAndNullElementWhenSerializingExpectCorrectJsonOutput()
throws Exception
String output = valueSerialization.serialize( doubleCollection() );
CollectionType collectionType = new CollectionType( List.class, new ValueType( Double.class ) );
List<Double> list = valueSerialization.deserialize( collectionType, output );
assertEquals( doubleCollection(), list );
public void givenCollectionTypeWithBigIntegerAndNullElementWhenSerializingAndDeserializingExpectEquals()
throws Exception
String output = valueSerialization.serialize( bigIntegerCollection() );
CollectionType collectionType = new CollectionType( List.class, new ValueType( BigInteger.class ) );
List<BigInteger> list = valueSerialization.deserialize( collectionType, output );
assertEquals( bigIntegerCollection(), list );
public void givenCollectionTypeWithBigDecimalAndNullElementWhenSerializingAndDeserializingExpectEquals()
throws Exception
String output = valueSerialization.serialize( bigDecimalCollection() );
CollectionType collectionType = new CollectionType( Collection.class, new ValueType( BigDecimal.class ) );
Collection<BigDecimal> collection = valueSerialization.deserialize( collectionType, output );
assertEquals( bigDecimalCollection(), collection );
public void givenMapOfStringByteAndNullElementWhenSerializingAndDeserializingExpectEquals()
throws Exception
String output = valueSerialization.serialize( stringByteMap() );
MapType mapType = new MapType( Map.class, new ValueType( String.class ), new ValueType( Byte.class ) );
Map<String, Byte> value = valueSerialization.deserialize( mapType, output );
assertEquals( stringByteMap(), value );
public void givenMapOfStringListStringAndNullElementWhenSerializingAndDeserializingExpectEquals()
throws Exception
String output = valueSerialization.serialize( stringMultiMap() );
CollectionType collectionType = new CollectionType( List.class, new ValueType( String.class ) );
MapType mapType = new MapType( Map.class, new ValueType( String.class ), collectionType );
Map<String, List<String>> value = valueSerialization.deserialize( mapType, output );
assertEquals( stringMultiMap(), value );
public void givenListOfMapStringStringAndNullElementWhenSerializingAndDeserializingExpectEquals()
throws Exception
String output = valueSerialization.serialize( stringListOfMaps() );
ValueType stringType = new ValueType( String.class );
CollectionType collectionType = new CollectionType( List.class, new MapType( Map.class, stringType, stringType ) );
List<Map<String, String>> value = valueSerialization.deserialize( collectionType, output );
assertEquals( stringListOfMaps(), value );
public void givenListOfValueCompositesAndNullElementWhenSerializingAndDeserializingExpectEquals()
throws Exception
String output = valueSerialization.serialize( valueCompositesList() );
ValueCompositeType valueType = module.valueDescriptor( SomeValue.class.getName() ).valueType();
CollectionType collectionType = new CollectionType( List.class, valueType );
List<SomeValue> value = valueSerialization.deserialize( collectionType, output );
assertEquals( valueCompositesList(), value );
private ArrayList<Byte> byteCollection()
ArrayList<Byte> value = new ArrayList<Byte>();
value.add( (byte) 9 );
value.add( null );
value.add( (byte) -12 );
value.add( (byte) -12 );
value.add( (byte) 127 );
value.add( (byte) -128 );
value.add( (byte) 73 );
return value;
private List<Character> characterCollection()
List<Character> value = new ArrayList<Character>();
value.add( 'Q' );
value.add( 'i' );
value.add( null );
value.add( '4' );
value.add( 'j' );
return value;
private Collection<Short> shortCollection()
Collection<Short> value = new ArrayList<Short>();
value.add( (short) -32768 );
value.add( (short) 32767 );
value.add( (short) -82 );
value.add( null );
return value;
private Collection<Integer> integerCollection()
Collection<Integer> value = new ArrayList<Integer>();
value.add( Integer.MAX_VALUE );
value.add( -283 );
value.add( null );
value.add( Integer.MIN_VALUE );
value.add( 238 );
return value;
private Collection<Long> longCollection()
Collection<Long> value = new ArrayList<Long>();
value.add( 98239723L );
value.add( -1298233L );
value.add( -1L );
value.add( 0L );
value.add( null );
value.add( 1L );
value.add( Long.MAX_VALUE );
value.add( Long.MIN_VALUE );
return value;
private Collection<Float> floatCollection()
Collection<Float> value = new ArrayList<Float>();
value.add( -1f );
value.add( 1f );
value.add( 1f );
value.add( 0f );
value.add( Float.MAX_VALUE );
value.add( Float.MIN_VALUE );
value.add( null );
value.add( 0.123456f );
value.add( -0.232321f );
return value;
private Collection<Double> doubleCollection()
Collection<Double> value = new ArrayList<Double>();
value.add( -1.0 );
value.add( 1.0 );
value.add( 0.0 );
value.add( Double.MAX_VALUE );
value.add( null );
value.add( Double.MIN_VALUE );
value.add( 0.123456 );
value.add( -0.232321 );
return value;
private Collection<BigInteger> bigIntegerCollection()
Collection<BigInteger> value = new ArrayList<BigInteger>();
value.add( new BigInteger( "-1" ) );
value.add( BigInteger.ZERO );
value.add( BigInteger.ONE );
value.add( null );
value.add( BigInteger.TEN );
value.add( new BigInteger( "-1827368263823729372397239829332" ) );
value.add( new BigInteger( "2398723982982379827373972398723" ) );
return value;
private Collection<BigDecimal> bigDecimalCollection()
Collection<BigDecimal> value = new ArrayList<BigDecimal>();
value.add( new BigDecimal( "1.2" ) );
value.add( new BigDecimal( "3.4" ) );
value.add( null );
value.add( new BigDecimal( "5.6" ) );
return value;
private Map<String, Byte> stringByteMap()
Map<String, Byte> value = new LinkedHashMap<String, Byte>();
value.put( "a", (byte) 9 );
value.put( "b", null );
value.put( "c", (byte) -12 );
return value;
private Map<String, List<String>> stringMultiMap()
Map<String, List<String>> value = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>>();
List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
list.add( "foo" );
list.add( "bar" );
list.add( null );
list.add( "cathedral" );
list.add( "bazar" );
value.put( "alpha", list );
value.put( "beta", null );
value.put( "gamma", Collections.<String>emptyList() );
return value;
private List<Map<String, String>> stringListOfMaps()
List<Map<String, String>> value = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>();
Map<String, String> map = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
map.put( "foo", "bar" );
map.put( "cathedral", "bazar" );
map.put( "yield", null );
map.put( "42", "23" );
value.add( map );
value.add( null );
value.add( Collections.<String, String>emptyMap() );
return value;
private List<SomeValue> valueCompositesList()
List<SomeValue> list = new ArrayList<SomeValue>();
list.add( newSomeValue( "", "bazar" ) );
list.add( null );
list.add( newSomeValue( "bar", null ) );
return list;
public static interface SomeValue
Property<String> foo();
Property<String> cathedral();
private SomeValue newSomeValue( String foo, String cathedral )
ValueBuilder<SomeValue> builder = module.newValueBuilder( SomeValue.class );
SomeValue value = builder.prototype(); foo );
if( cathedral != null )
value.cathedral().set( cathedral );
return builder.newInstance();