blob: 0b0f340f529c3021543b7da908da359a48378bd6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011-2013, Niclas Hedhman. All Rights Reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2014, Paul Merlin. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* implied.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.zest.runtime.association;
import java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Member;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.lang.reflect.TypeVariable;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import org.apache.zest.api.association.AssociationDescriptor;
import org.apache.zest.api.association.GenericAssociationInfo;
import org.apache.zest.api.association.NamedAssociation;
import org.apache.zest.api.common.MetaInfo;
import org.apache.zest.api.common.QualifiedName;
import org.apache.zest.api.constraint.ConstraintViolation;
import org.apache.zest.api.constraint.ConstraintViolationException;
import org.apache.zest.api.entity.Aggregated;
import org.apache.zest.api.entity.EntityReference;
import org.apache.zest.api.entity.Queryable;
import org.apache.zest.api.util.Classes;
import org.apache.zest.bootstrap.BindingException;
import org.apache.zest.functional.Visitable;
import org.apache.zest.functional.Visitor;
import org.apache.zest.runtime.composite.ValueConstraintsInstance;
import org.apache.zest.runtime.model.Binder;
import org.apache.zest.runtime.model.Resolution;
import org.apache.zest.runtime.structure.ModuleUnitOfWork;
import org.apache.zest.runtime.unitofwork.BuilderEntityState;
import org.apache.zest.spi.entity.EntityState;
import static org.apache.zest.functional.Iterables.empty;
import static org.apache.zest.functional.Iterables.first;
* Model for a NamedAssociation.
* <p>Equality is based on the NamedAssociation accessor object (associated type and name), not on the QualifiedName.</p>
public final class NamedAssociationModel
implements AssociationDescriptor, AssociationInfo, Binder, Visitable<NamedAssociationModel>
private final ValueConstraintsInstance associationConstraints;
private final MetaInfo metaInfo;
private Type type;
private final AccessibleObject accessor;
private QualifiedName qualifiedName;
private final ValueConstraintsInstance constraints;
private boolean queryable;
private boolean immutable;
private boolean aggregated;
private AssociationInfo builderInfo;
public NamedAssociationModel( AccessibleObject accessor,
ValueConstraintsInstance valueConstraintsInstance,
ValueConstraintsInstance associationConstraintsInstance,
MetaInfo metaInfo
this.metaInfo = metaInfo;
this.constraints = valueConstraintsInstance;
this.associationConstraints = associationConstraintsInstance;
this.accessor = accessor;
private void initialize()
this.type = GenericAssociationInfo.associationTypeOf( accessor );
this.qualifiedName = QualifiedName.fromAccessor( accessor );
this.immutable = metaInfo.get( Immutable.class ) != null;
this.aggregated = metaInfo.get( Aggregated.class ) != null;
final Queryable queryable = accessor.getAnnotation( Queryable.class );
this.queryable = queryable == null || queryable.value();
public <T> T metaInfo( Class<T> infoType )
return metaInfo.get( infoType );
public QualifiedName qualifiedName()
return qualifiedName;
public Type type()
return type;
public boolean isImmutable()
return immutable;
public boolean isAggregated()
return aggregated;
public AccessibleObject accessor()
return accessor;
public boolean queryable()
return queryable;
public AssociationInfo getBuilderInfo()
return builderInfo;
public <T> NamedAssociation<T> newInstance( final ModuleUnitOfWork uow, EntityState state )
return new NamedAssociationInstance<>( state instanceof BuilderEntityState ? builderInfo : this, new BiFunction<EntityReference, Type, Object>()
public Object apply( EntityReference entityReference, Type type )
return uow.get( Classes.RAW_CLASS.apply( type ), entityReference.identity() );
}, state.namedAssociationValueOf( qualifiedName ) );
public void checkConstraints( Object composite )
throws ConstraintViolationException
if( constraints != null )
List<ConstraintViolation> violations = constraints.checkConstraints( composite );
if( !violations.isEmpty() )
Stream<Class<?>> empty = Stream.empty();
throw new ConstraintViolationException( "", empty, (Member) accessor, violations );
public void checkAssociationConstraints( NamedAssociation association )
throws ConstraintViolationException
if( associationConstraints != null )
List<ConstraintViolation> violations = associationConstraints.checkConstraints( association );
if( !violations.isEmpty() )
Stream<Class<?>> empty = Stream.empty();
throw new ConstraintViolationException( "", empty, (Member) accessor, violations );
public <ThrowableType extends Throwable> boolean accept( Visitor<? super NamedAssociationModel, ThrowableType> visitor )
throws ThrowableType
return visitor.visit( this );
public void bind( Resolution resolution )
throws BindingException
builderInfo = new AssociationInfo()
public boolean isImmutable()
return false;
public QualifiedName qualifiedName()
return qualifiedName;
public Type type()
return type;
public void checkConstraints( Object value )
throws ConstraintViolationException
NamedAssociationModel.this.checkConstraints( value );
if( type instanceof TypeVariable )
Class mainType = resolution.model().types().findFirst().orElse( null );
type = Classes.resolveTypeVariable( (TypeVariable) type, ( (Member) accessor ).getDeclaringClass(), mainType );
public boolean equals( Object o )
if( this == o )
return true;
if( o == null || getClass() != o.getClass() )
return false;
NamedAssociationModel that = (NamedAssociationModel) o;
return accessor.equals( that.accessor );
public int hashCode()
return accessor.hashCode();
public String toString()
if( accessor instanceof Field )
return ( (Field) accessor ).toGenericString();
return ( (Method) accessor ).toGenericString();