blob: d512d74b52ac2239af09a1f09ff0fa45cd478f1d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.polygene.gradle.structure.distributions
import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
import groovy.transform.TypeCheckingMode
import org.apache.polygene.gradle.BasePlugin
import org.apache.polygene.gradle.TaskGroups
import org.apache.polygene.gradle.code.PublishedCodePlugin
import org.apache.polygene.gradle.dependencies.DependenciesDeclarationExtension
import org.apache.polygene.gradle.dependencies.DependenciesPlugin
import org.apache.polygene.gradle.structure.release.ReleaseSpecExtension
import org.apache.polygene.gradle.tasks.ExecLogged
import org.apache.rat.gradle.RatTask
import org.gradle.api.Action
import org.gradle.api.Plugin
import org.gradle.api.Project
import org.gradle.api.Task
import org.gradle.api.artifacts.Dependency
import org.gradle.api.artifacts.component.ModuleComponentIdentifier
import org.gradle.api.artifacts.result.ComponentArtifactsResult
import org.gradle.api.artifacts.result.ResolvedArtifactResult
import org.gradle.api.artifacts.result.ResolvedDependencyResult
import org.gradle.api.file.CopySpec
import org.gradle.api.file.FileCopyDetails
import org.gradle.api.tasks.Copy
import org.gradle.api.tasks.Sync
import org.gradle.api.tasks.bundling.Compression
import org.gradle.api.tasks.bundling.Tar
import org.gradle.api.tasks.bundling.Zip
import org.gradle.language.base.plugins.LifecycleBasePlugin
import org.gradle.maven.MavenModule
import org.gradle.maven.MavenPomArtifact
import org.gradle.plugins.ide.internal.IdeDependenciesExtractor
import org.gradle.plugins.ide.internal.resolver.model.IdeExtendedRepoFileDependency
import org.gradle.plugins.signing.Sign
import org.gradle.plugins.signing.SigningExtension
import org.gradle.process.ExecSpec
import java.nio.file.Files
import java.nio.file.Path
// TODO Split each distribution as a separate plugin
// TODO Expose all project outputs into configurations
class DistributionsPlugin implements Plugin<Project>
static class TaskNames
static final String STAGE_SOURCE_DIST = 'stageSourceDistribution'
static final String ZIP_SOURCE_DIST = 'zipSourceDistribution'
static final String TAR_SOURCE_DIST = 'tarSourceDistribution'
static final String STAGE_MAVEN_BINARIES = 'stageBinariesMavenRepository'
static final String STAGE_BINARY_DIST = 'stageBinaryDistribution'
static final String ZIP_BINARY_DIST = 'zipBinaryDistribution'
static final String TAR_BINARY_DIST = 'tarBinaryDistribution'
private static final String STAGE_MAVEN_DEPENDENCIES = 'stageDependenciesMavenRepository'
static final String ZIP_DEPENDENCIES_DIST = 'zipDependenciesDistribution'
static final String CHECK_DISTRIBUTIONS = 'checkDistributions'
static final String CHECK_SOURCE_DIST = 'checkSourceDistribution'
static final String CHECK_BINARY_DIST = 'checkBinaryDistribution'
private static final String RAT_SOURCE_DIST = 'ratSourceDistribution'
private static final String INSPECT_SOURCE_DIST = 'inspectSourceDistribution'
private static final String BUILD_SOURCE_DIST = 'buildSourceDistribution'
private static final String RAT_BINARY_DIST = 'ratBinaryDistribution'
void apply( final Project project )
project.plugins.apply BasePlugin
project.plugins.apply org.gradle.api.plugins.BasePlugin
project.plugins.apply DependenciesPlugin
applyStageBinariesMavenRepository project
applyStageLibrariesMavenRepository project
applyAssembleDistributions project
applyCheckDistributions project
configureDistributionChecksums project
configureSigning project
private static void applyAssembleDistributions( Project project )
applySourceDistribution project
applyBinaryDistribution project
private static void applyCheckDistributions( Project project )
def distChecks = [ applySourceDistributionCheck( project ),
applyBinaryDistributionCheck( project ) ]
project.tasks.create( TaskNames.CHECK_DISTRIBUTIONS ) { Task task -> = TaskGroups.DISTRIBUTION_VERIFICATION
task.description = 'Run all distribution checks.'
task.dependsOn distChecks
private static void applySourceDistribution( Project project )
def releaseSpec = project.extensions.getByType( ReleaseSpecExtension )
def dependenciesDeclaration = project.rootProject.extensions.getByType( DependenciesDeclarationExtension )
def srcDistFilesCopySpec = project.copySpec { CopySpec spec ->
spec.from project.rootProject.projectDir
spec.include '*.txt'
spec.include 'doap.rdf'
spec.include '*.gradle'
spec.include 'gradle/**'
spec.include 'etc/**'
spec.include 'buildSrc/**'
spec.include 'src/**'
releaseSpec.publishedProjects.each { p ->
def relPath = new File( project.rootProject.projectDir.toURI().relativize( p.projectDir.toURI() ).toString() )
spec.include "$relPath/**"
spec.include 'distributions/**'
spec.include 'reports/**'
spec.include 'internals/**'
spec.include 'release/**'
spec.include 'manual/**'
spec.include 'samples/**'
spec.include 'tests/**'
spec.include 'tutorials/**'
// Filtered, see below
spec.exclude 'settings.gradle'
spec.exclude ''
// Excludes
spec.exclude '**/.git/**' // Git directories
spec.exclude '**/.git*' // Git files
spec.exclude '**/build/**' // Build output
spec.exclude 'gradlew*' // Gradle wrapper scripts
spec.exclude 'gradle/wrapper/**' // Gradle wrapper
spec.exclude 'tools/generator-polygene/app/templates/buildtool/wrapper' // Project Generator Gradle wrapper
spec.exclude '**/.gradle/**' // Gradle caches
spec.exclude '**/.gradletasknamecache' // Gradle shell completion cache
spec.exclude '**/node_modules/**' // Node's node_module dir
spec.exclude 'derby.log' // Derby test garbage
spec.exclude '**/*.iml' // IDEA files
spec.exclude '**/*.ipr' // IDEA files
spec.exclude '**/*.iws' // IDEA files
spec.exclude '**/.idea' // IDEA files
spec.exclude '**/out/**' // IDEA build output
spec.exclude '**/.classpath' // Eclipse files
spec.exclude '**/.project' // Eclipse files
spec.exclude '**/.settings' // Eclipse files
spec.exclude '**/.nb-gradle/**' // Netbeans files
spec.exclude '**/.nb-gradle*' // Netbeans files
spec.into '.'
def srcDistSupplementaryFilesCopySpec = project.copySpec { CopySpec spec ->
spec.from project.file( 'src/src-dist' )
spec.into '.'
spec.filter { String line -> line.replaceAll( '%REQUIRED_GRADLE_VERSION%', dependenciesDeclaration.gradleVersion ) }
def srcDistFilteredFilesTask = project.tasks.create 'srcDistFilteredFiles'
srcDistFilteredFilesTask.description = 'Apply release specification to source distribution build scripts'
// Generates various files for the source distribution
// - settings.gradle
// - to set version !
def filteredDir = new File( "$project.buildDir/tmp/srcDistFilteredFiles" )
srcDistFilteredFilesTask.outputs.file filteredDir
srcDistFilteredFilesTask.doLast {
// Settings
def settingsFile = new File( filteredDir, 'settings.gradle' )
if( releaseSpec.releaseVersion )
def filteredSettings = ''
def unapprovedProjectPaths = releaseSpec.unapprovedProjects.collect { p -> p.path.substring( 1 ) }
project.rootProject.file( 'settings.gradle' ).readLines().each { line ->
if( !unapprovedProjectPaths.find { p -> line.contains p } )
filteredSettings += "$line\n"
settingsFile.text = filteredSettings
settingsFile.text = project.rootProject.file( 'settings.gradle' ).text
def gradlePropsFile = new File( filteredDir, '' )
gradlePropsFile.text = project.rootProject.file( '' ).text +
def srcDistFilteredFilesCopySpec = project.copySpec { CopySpec spec ->
spec.from srcDistFilteredFilesTask
spec.into '.'
def srcDistCopySpec = project.copySpec { CopySpec spec ->
spec.into "apache-polygene-java-$project.version-src"
spec.with srcDistFilesCopySpec
spec.with srcDistSupplementaryFilesCopySpec
spec.with srcDistFilteredFilesCopySpec
def zipSources = project.tasks.create( TaskNames.ZIP_SOURCE_DIST, Zip ) { Zip task -> = TaskGroups.DISTRIBUTION
task.description = 'Assembles .zip source distribution.'
task.baseName = 'apache-polygene-java'
task.with srcDistCopySpec
task.classifier = 'src'
def tarSources = project.tasks.create( TaskNames.TAR_SOURCE_DIST, Tar ) { Tar task -> = TaskGroups.DISTRIBUTION
task.description = 'Assembles .tar.gz source distribution.'
task.baseName = 'apache-polygene-java'
task.with srcDistCopySpec
task.compression = Compression.GZIP
task.classifier = 'src'
project.artifacts.add( 'archives', zipSources )
project.artifacts.add( 'archives', tarSources )
project.tasks.create( TaskNames.STAGE_SOURCE_DIST, Copy ) { Copy task -> = TaskGroups.DISTRIBUTION
task.description = "Stages the source distribution in the build directory."
task.with srcDistCopySpec
task.into 'build/stage/source-distribution'
private static Task applySourceDistributionCheck( Project project )
def releaseSpec = project.extensions.getByType ReleaseSpecExtension
project.plugins.apply 'org.nosphere.apache.rat-base'
def unpackedSrcDistDir = project.file( "build/stage/source-distribution/apache-polygene-java-$project.version-src" )
project.tasks.create( TaskNames.RAT_SOURCE_DIST, RatTask, { RatTask task -> = TaskGroups.DISTRIBUTION_VERIFICATION
task.description = 'Checks the source distribution using Apache RAT.'
task.dependsOn TaskNames.STAGE_SOURCE_DIST
task.setInputDir unpackedSrcDistDir.absolutePath
task.onlyIf { !releaseSpec.developmentVersion }
task.excludes = [
'**/.DS_Store/**', '**/._*',
// Git Files
'**/.git/**', '**/.gitignore',
// Gradle Files
'gradle/wrapper/**', '**/gradlew', '**/gradlew.bat', '**/.gradle/**',
// Build Output
'**/build/**', '**/derby.log', 'out/**',
// IDE Files
'**/.idea/**', '**/*.iml', '**/*.ipr', '**/*.iws',
'**/.settings/**', '**/.classpath', '**/.project',
'**/.gradletasknamecache', '**/private/cache/**',
'**/.nb-gradle-properties', '**/.nb-gradle/**',
// JSON files are not allowed to have comments, according to and
// Various Text Resources
'**/README.*', '**/README*.*', '**/TODO',
// Graphic Resources
'**/*.svg', '**/*.gif', '**/*.png', '**/*.jpg', '**/*.psd',
// Keystores
// Syntax Highlighter - MIT
'manual/**/sh*.css', 'manual/**/sh*.js',
// jQuery & plugins - MIT
// W3C XML Schemas - W3C Software License
} as Action<RatTask> )
project.tasks.create( TaskNames.INSPECT_SOURCE_DIST ) { Task task -> = TaskGroups.DISTRIBUTION_VERIFICATION
task.description = 'Inspects various aspects of the source distribution.'
task.dependsOn TaskNames.STAGE_SOURCE_DIST
task.onlyIf { !releaseSpec.developmentVersion }
task.doLast {
// ad-hoc checks to the source distribution -----------------------
def assertFilePresent = { String path -> assert new File( unpackedSrcDistDir, path ).isFile() }
def assertFileAbsent = { String path -> assert !new File( unpackedSrcDistDir, path ).isFile() }
assertFileAbsent 'gradlew'
assertFileAbsent 'gradlew.bat'
assertFileAbsent 'gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar'
assertFileAbsent 'gradle/wrapper/'
assertFilePresent 'gradle/wrapper-install/build.gradle'
def wrapperFiles = []
unpackedSrcDistDir.traverse { File file ->
if(file.file &&
( 'gradle-wrapper' ) ||'gradlew'))) {
wrapperFiles << file
assert wrapperFiles.empty
project.tasks.create( TaskNames.BUILD_SOURCE_DIST, ExecLogged, { ExecLogged task -> = TaskGroups.DISTRIBUTION_VERIFICATION
task.description = 'Checks the source distribution by running `gradle check assemble` inside.'
task.dependsOn TaskNames.STAGE_SOURCE_DIST
task.mustRunAfter TaskNames.RAT_SOURCE_DIST
task.mustRunAfter TaskNames.INSPECT_SOURCE_DIST
def workDir = project.file( "$project.buildDir/tmp/${ TaskNames.BUILD_SOURCE_DIST }" )
task.inputs.dir unpackedSrcDistDir
task.workingDir = workDir
def gradlew = new File( workDir, 'gradlew' ).absolutePath
def settings = new File( workDir, 'settings.gradle' ).absolutePath
task.commandLine = [ gradlew, '-c', settings, 'check', 'assemble', '-u', '-s', /* '-g', workDir */ ]
task.doFirst {
project.copy { CopySpec spec ->
spec.from unpackedSrcDistDir
spec.into workDir
def logName = "${ TaskNames.BUILD_SOURCE_DIST }_installWrapper"
def stdout = project.file( "${ project.buildDir }/log/$logName/$logName-stdout.log" )
def stderr = project.file( "${ project.buildDir }/log/$logName/$logName-stderr.log" )
def rootGradlew = new File( project.rootDir, 'gradlew' ).absolutePath
ExecLogged.execLogged( project, stdout, stderr, { ExecSpec spec ->
spec.workingDir = workDir
spec.commandLine = [ rootGradlew, '-i', '-s', '-b', 'gradle/wrapper-install/build.gradle', 'install' ]
} as Action )
task.doLast {
if( workDir.exists() )
} as Action<ExecLogged> )
project.tasks.create( TaskNames.CHECK_SOURCE_DIST ) { Task task ->
task.description = "Checks the source distribution."
private static void applyBinaryDistribution( Project project )
def releaseSpec = project.extensions.getByType( ReleaseSpecExtension )
def docsCopySpec = project.copySpec { CopySpec spec ->
spec.from "$project.rootProject.projectDir/reports/build/docs"
spec.from "$project.rootProject.projectDir/manual/build/docs/website"
spec.into 'docs'
def libsCopySpec = project.copySpec { CopySpec spec ->
spec.from project.tasks.getByName( TaskNames.STAGE_MAVEN_BINARIES )
spec.into 'libs/'
spec.exclude '**-testsources.jar'
spec.exclude '**/*.asc'
def extraDistTextCopySpec = project.copySpec { CopySpec spec ->
releaseSpec.publishedProjects.collect { p ->
spec.from project.fileTree( dir: "$p.projectDir/src/dist/", include: '**', exclude: "**/*.jar*" )
spec.eachFile { FileCopyDetails fcd ->
fcd.filter( ReplaceTokens, tokens: [ version: project.version ] )
spec.into '.'
def binDistNoticesCopySpec = project.copySpec { CopySpec spec ->
spec.from "$project.rootProject.projectDir/LICENSE.txt"
spec.from "$project.projectDir/src/bin-dist"
spec.into '.'
def binDistImage = project.copySpec { CopySpec spec ->
spec.into "apache-polygene-java-$project.version-bin"
spec.with binDistNoticesCopySpec
spec.with docsCopySpec
spec.with extraDistTextCopySpec
spec.with libsCopySpec
def binariesBuildDependencies = {
.findAll { p -> p.plugins.hasPlugin( PublishedCodePlugin ) }
.collect { p -> "${ p.path }:${ LifecycleBasePlugin.ASSEMBLE_TASK_NAME }" as String } +
( releaseSpec.developmentVersion ? [] as List<String> : [ ':manual:website', ':reports:javadocs' ] )
def zipBinaries = project.tasks.create( TaskNames.ZIP_BINARY_DIST, Zip ) { Zip task -> = TaskGroups.DISTRIBUTION
task.description = 'Assembles .zip binary distribution.'
task.dependsOn binariesBuildDependencies
task.baseName = 'apache-polygene-java'
task.classifier = 'bin'
task.with binDistImage
def tarBinaries = project.tasks.create( TaskNames.TAR_BINARY_DIST, Tar ) { Tar task -> = TaskGroups.DISTRIBUTION
task.description = 'Assembles .tar.gz binary distribution.'
task.dependsOn binariesBuildDependencies
task.baseName = 'apache-polygene-java'
task.classifier = 'bin'
task.compression = Compression.GZIP
task.with binDistImage
project.artifacts.add( 'archives', zipBinaries )
project.artifacts.add( 'archives', tarBinaries )
project.tasks.create( TaskNames.STAGE_BINARY_DIST, Copy ) { Copy task -> = TaskGroups.DISTRIBUTION
task.description = "Stages the binary distribution in the build directory."
task.with binDistImage
task.into 'build/stage/binary-distribution'
private static Task applyBinaryDistributionCheck( Project project )
def releaseSpec = project.extensions.getByType ReleaseSpecExtension
project.plugins.apply 'org.nosphere.apache.rat-base'
def unpackedBinDistDir = project.file( "build/stage/binary-distribution/apache-polygene-java-$project.version-bin" )
project.tasks.create( TaskNames.RAT_BINARY_DIST, RatTask, { RatTask task -> = TaskGroups.DISTRIBUTION_VERIFICATION
task.description = "Checks the binary distribution using Apache RAT."
task.onlyIf { !releaseSpec.developmentVersion }
task.dependsOn TaskNames.STAGE_BINARY_DIST
task.inputDir = unpackedBinDistDir.absolutePath
task.reportDir = project.file( 'build/reports/rat-bin-dist' )
task.excludes = [
} as Action<RatTask> )
project.tasks.create( TaskNames.CHECK_BINARY_DIST ) { Task task ->
task.description = 'Checks the binary distribution.'
task.dependsOn TaskNames.RAT_BINARY_DIST
@CompileStatic( TypeCheckingMode.SKIP )
private static void configureDistributionChecksums( Project project )
project.tasks.withType( Zip ) { Zip task ->
task.doLast {
project.ant.checksum file: task.archivePath, algorithm: 'MD5'
project.ant.checksum file: task.archivePath, algorithm: 'SHA-512'
project.tasks.withType( Tar ) { Tar task ->
task.doLast {
project.ant.checksum file: task.archivePath, algorithm: 'MD5'
project.ant.checksum file: task.archivePath, algorithm: 'SHA-512'
private static void configureSigning( Project project )
def releaseSpec = project.extensions.getByType( ReleaseSpecExtension )
project.plugins.apply 'signing'
def signing = project.extensions.getByType SigningExtension
signing.required = !releaseSpec.developmentVersion && !project.findProperty( 'skipSigning' )
def distTasks = [ TaskNames.ZIP_SOURCE_DIST, TaskNames.TAR_SOURCE_DIST,
.collect { taskName -> project.tasks.getByName( taskName ) }
distTasks.each { distTask ->
distTask.finalizedBy signing.sign( distTask )
project.tasks.withType( Sign ) { Sign task ->
task.enabled = !releaseSpec.developmentVersion && !project.findProperty( 'skipSigning' )
task.onlyIf { !project.findProperty( 'skipSigning' ) }
private static void applyStageBinariesMavenRepository( Project project )
def releaseSpec = project.extensions.getByType ReleaseSpecExtension
project.tasks.create( TaskNames.STAGE_MAVEN_BINARIES, Sync, { Sync task -> = TaskGroups.DISTRIBUTION
task.description = 'Stages published binaries as a maven repository in the build directory.'
releaseSpec.publishedProjects.each { p ->
p.afterEvaluate { evaluatedProject ->
if( p.plugins.hasPlugin( PublishedCodePlugin ) )
task.dependsOn "${ p.path }:uploadStageArchives"
task.from "${ p.buildDir }/stage/archives"
task.into project.file( "$project.buildDir/stage/maven-binaries" )
} as Action<Sync> )
private static void applyStageLibrariesMavenRepository( Project project )
def releaseSpec = project.extensions.getByType ReleaseSpecExtension
def dependenciesDeclaration = project.rootProject.extensions.getByType DependenciesDeclarationExtension
def stageTask = project.tasks.create( TaskNames.STAGE_MAVEN_DEPENDENCIES ) { Task task -> = TaskGroups.DISTRIBUTION
task.description = 'Stages dependencies of published binaries as a maven repository in the build directory. (BIG)'
def output = project.file "$project.buildDir/stage/dependencies" 'libraries', dependenciesDeclaration.libraries
task.outputs.dir output
task.doLast {
// Resolve runtime dependencies across all staged projects
def libraries = [ ] as Set<Dependency>
releaseSpec.publishedProjects.each { p ->
libraries += p.configurations.getByName( 'runtime' ).allDependencies
def configuration = project.configurations.detachedConfiguration( libraries as Dependency[] )
DependenciesPlugin.applyDependencyResolutionRules configuration, dependenciesDeclaration
// Copy Maven POMs
def allDependencies = configuration.incoming.resolutionResult.allDependencies as Set<ResolvedDependencyResult>
def componentIds = allDependencies.collect { }
def result = project.dependencies.createArtifactResolutionQuery()
.forComponents( componentIds )
.withArtifacts( MavenModule, MavenPomArtifact )
result.resolvedComponents.each { ComponentArtifactsResult component ->
def id =
if( id instanceof ModuleComponentIdentifier )
def artifact = component.getArtifacts( MavenPomArtifact )[ 0 ]
if( artifact instanceof ResolvedArtifactResult )
def groupDir = new File( output, id.getGroup().split( "\\." ).join( '/' ) )
File moduleDir = new File( groupDir, "${ id.getModule() }/${ id.getVersion() }" )
Files.createDirectories moduleDir.toPath()
def destination = new File( moduleDir, artifact.getFile().getName() ).toPath()
Files.exists( destination ) ?: Files.copy( artifact.getFile().toPath(), destination )
// Copy Maven artifacts using the Gradle IDE Model
// Include sources if available, otherwise include javadoc if available
IdeDependenciesExtractor dependenciesExtractor = new IdeDependenciesExtractor()
def ideDependencies = dependenciesExtractor.extractRepoFileDependencies project.dependencies,
[ configuration ], [ ],
true, true
ideDependencies.each { IdeExtendedRepoFileDependency ideDependency ->
def id =
def groupDir = new File( output, "\\." ).join( '/' ) )
File moduleDir = new File( groupDir, "${ }/${ id.version }" )
Files.createDirectories moduleDir.toPath()
Path destination = new File( moduleDir, ).toPath()
Files.exists( destination ) ?: Files.copy( ideDependency.file.toPath(), destination )
if( ideDependency.sourceFile )
def sourceDestination = new File( moduleDir, ).toPath()
Files.exists( sourceDestination ) ?: Files.copy( ideDependency.sourceFile.toPath(), sourceDestination )
else if( ideDependency.javadocFile )
def javadocDestination = new File( moduleDir, ).toPath()
Files.exists( javadocDestination ) ?: Files.copy( ideDependency.javadocFile.toPath(), javadocDestination )
project.tasks.create( TaskNames.ZIP_DEPENDENCIES_DIST, Zip ) { Zip task -> = TaskGroups.DISTRIBUTION
task.description = 'Assemble .zip dependencies distribution (BIG)'
task.baseName = 'apache-polygene-java'
task.classifier = 'dependencies'
task.from stageTask
task.into "apache-polygene-java-$project.version-dependencies"