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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.polygene.runtime.query;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.polygene.api.identity.Identity;
import org.apache.polygene.api.identity.StringIdentity;
import org.apache.polygene.api.unitofwork.UnitOfWork;
import org.apache.polygene.api.unitofwork.UnitOfWorkCompletionException;
import org.apache.polygene.api.value.ValueBuilder;
import org.apache.polygene.api.value.ValueBuilderFactory;
import org.apache.polygene.runtime.query.model.City;
import org.apache.polygene.runtime.query.model.Domain;
import org.apache.polygene.runtime.query.model.Female;
import org.apache.polygene.runtime.query.model.Male;
import org.apache.polygene.runtime.query.model.Nameable;
import org.apache.polygene.runtime.query.model.Person;
import org.apache.polygene.runtime.query.model.entities.FemaleEntity;
import org.apache.polygene.runtime.query.model.entities.MaleEntity;
import org.apache.polygene.runtime.query.model.entities.PetEntity;
import org.apache.polygene.runtime.query.model.values.ContactValue;
import org.apache.polygene.runtime.query.model.values.ContactsValue;
* JAVADOC Add JavaDoc
class Network
public static final Identity KUALALUMPUR = StringIdentity.fromString( "kualalumpur" );
public static final Identity PENANG = StringIdentity.fromString( "penang" );
private static List<Domain> domains;
private static List<Person> persons;
private static List<Male> males;
private static List<Female> females;
private static List<PetEntity> pets;
private static List<Nameable> nameables;
static void populate( final UnitOfWork uow, ValueBuilderFactory vbf )
throws UnitOfWorkCompletionException
domains = new ArrayList<>();
persons = new ArrayList<>();
males = new ArrayList<>();
females = new ArrayList<>();
pets = new ArrayList<>();
nameables = new ArrayList<>();
Domain gaming = uow.newEntity( Domain.class );
setName( gaming, "Gaming" );
gaming.description().set( "Gaming domain" );
Domain programming = uow.newEntity( Domain.class );
setName( programming, "Programming" );
programming.description().set( "Programing domain" );
Domain cooking = uow.newEntity( Domain.class );
setName( cooking, "Cooking" );
cooking.description().set( "Cooking domain" );
Domain cars = uow.newEntity( Domain.class );
setName( cars, "Cars" );
cars.description().set( "Cars" );
City kualaLumpur = uow.newEntity( City.class, KUALALUMPUR);
setName( kualaLumpur, "Kuala Lumpur" ); "Malaysia" );
kualaLumpur.county().set( "Some Jaya" );
City penang = uow.newEntity( City.class, PENANG);
setName( penang, "Penang" ); "Malaysia" );
penang.county().set( "Some Other Jaya" );
Female vivianSmith = uow.newEntity( FemaleEntity.class );
setName( vivianSmith, "Vivian Smith" );
vivianSmith.placeOfBirth().set( kualaLumpur );
vivianSmith.yearOfBirth().set( 1992 );
vivianSmith.interests().add( 0, gaming );
vivianSmith.interests().add( 0, programming ); "" );
List<String> vivianTags = new ArrayList<>();
vivianTags.add( "Awesome" );
vivianTags.add( "Pretty" );
vivianTags.add( "Cool" );
vivianSmith.tags().set( vivianTags );
Female annDoe = uow.newEntity( FemaleEntity.class );
setName( annDoe, "Ann Doe" );
annDoe.placeOfBirth().set( kualaLumpur );
annDoe.yearOfBirth().set( 1975 );
annDoe.interests().add( 0, cooking );
List<String> annTags = new ArrayList<>();
annTags.add( "Conservative" );
annTags.add( "Pretty" );
annDoe.tags().set( annTags );
Male joeDoe = uow.newEntity( MaleEntity.class );
setName( joeDoe, "Joe Doe" );
joeDoe.placeOfBirth().set( kualaLumpur );
joeDoe.yearOfBirth().set( 1990 );
joeDoe.mother().set( annDoe );
joeDoe.pastGirlFriends().add( 0, annDoe );
joeDoe.interests().add( 0, programming );
joeDoe.interests().add( 0, gaming ); "" );
List<String> joeTags = new ArrayList<>();
joeTags.add( "Cool" );
joeTags.add( "Hunk" );
joeTags.add( "Awesome" );
joeDoe.tags().set( joeTags );
Male jackDoe = uow.newEntity( MaleEntity.class );
setName( jackDoe, "Jack Doe" );
jackDoe.placeOfBirth().set( penang );
jackDoe.yearOfBirth().set( 1970 );
jackDoe.interests().add( 0, cars );
jackDoe.wife().set( annDoe );
List<String> jackTags = new ArrayList<String>();
jackTags.add( "Conservative" );
jackTags.add( "Awesome" );
jackDoe.tags().set( jackTags );
ValueBuilder<ContactsValue> builder = vbf.newValueBuilder( ContactsValue.class );
ValueBuilder<ContactValue> contactBuilder = vbf.newValueBuilder( ContactValue.class );
contactBuilder.prototype().email().set( "" );
contactBuilder.prototype().phone().set( "555-1234" );
builder.prototype().contacts().get().add( contactBuilder.newInstance() );
jackDoe.contacts().set( builder.newInstance() );
annDoe.husband().set( jackDoe );
PetEntity rex = uow.newEntity( PetEntity.class );
setName( rex, "Rex" );
rex.changeOwner( jackDoe );
rex.updateDescription( "Rex is a great dog" );
PetEntity kitty = uow.newEntity( PetEntity.class );
setName( kitty, "Kitty" );
kitty.changeOwner( annDoe );
domains.add( gaming );
domains.add( programming );
domains.add( cooking );
domains.add( cars );
persons.add( annDoe );
persons.add( joeDoe );
persons.add( jackDoe );
persons.add( vivianSmith );
females.add( annDoe );
females.add( vivianSmith );
males.add( joeDoe );
males.add( jackDoe );
pets.add( rex );
pets.add( kitty );
nameables.add( gaming );
nameables.add( programming );
nameables.add( cooking );
nameables.add( cars );
nameables.add( kualaLumpur );
nameables.add( penang );
nameables.add( annDoe );
nameables.add( joeDoe );
nameables.add( jackDoe );
nameables.add( vivianSmith );
static void refresh( UnitOfWork uow )
refresh( uow, domains );
refresh( uow, persons );
refresh( uow, males );
refresh( uow, females );
refresh( uow, pets );
refresh( uow, nameables );
private static <T> void refresh( UnitOfWork uow, List<T> list )
for( int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++ )
T entity = list.get( i );
list.set( i, uow.get( entity ) );
static Iterable<Domain> domains()
return domains;
static Iterable<Person> persons()
return persons;
static Iterable<Nameable> nameables()
return nameables;
static Iterable<Male> males()
return males;
static Iterable<Female> females()
return females;
static Iterable<PetEntity> pets()
return pets;
private static void setName( Nameable nameable, String name )
{ name );