blob: 941099b8820a52c3e557aa9bac7ab16f892456a6 [file] [log] [blame]
<!-- Copyright (C) 2004 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved. -->
<record id="0x1025" name="Text" excel-record-id="TEXT" package="org.apache.poi.hssf.record">
<description>The text record is used to define text stored on a chart.</description>
<author>Glen Stampoultzis (glens at</author>
<field type="int" size="1" name="horizontal alignment">
<const name="left" value="1"/>
<const name="center" value="2"/>
<const name="bottom" value="3"/> <!-- is this correct. maybe it should be right???? -->
<const name="justify" value="4"/>
<field type="int" size="1" name="vertical alignment">
<const name="top" value="1"/>
<const name="center" value="2"/>
<const name="bottom" value="3"/>
<const name="justify" value="4"/>
<field type="int" size="2" name="display mode">
<const name="transparent" value="1"/>
<const name="opaque" value="2"/>
<field type="int" size="4" name="rgbColor" description="RGB color of text, high byte should be 0"/>
<field type="int" size="4" name="x" description="x position of the text in 1/4000th of the chart area"/>
<field type="int" size="4" name="y" description="y position of the text in 1/4000th of the chart area"/>
<field type="int" size="4" name="width" description="width of the text in 1/4000th of the chart area"/>
<field type="int" size="4" name="height" description="width of the text in 1/4000th of the chart area"/>
<field type="bits" size="2" name="options1">
<bit number="0" name="auto color" description="true = automaticly selected colour, false = user-selected"/>
<bit number="1" name="show key" description="true = draw legend"/>
<bit number="2" name="show value" description="false = text is category label"/>
<bit number="3" name="vertical" description="true = text is vertical"/>
<bit number="4" name="auto generated text" description=""/>
<bit number="5" name="generated" description=""/>
<bit number="6" name="auto label deleted" description=""/>
<bit number="7" name="auto background" description=""/>
<bit mask="0x0700" name="rotation" description="">
<const name="none" value="0"/>
<const name="top to bottom" value="1"/>
<const name="rotated 90 degrees" value="2"/>
<const name="rotated 90 degrees clockwise" value="3"/>
<bit number="11" name="show category label as percentage" description=""/>
<bit number="12" name="show value as percentage" description=""/>
<bit number="13" name="show bubble sizes" description=""/>
<bit number="14" name="show label" description=""/>
<field type="int" size="2" name="index of color value" description="the index of the color value for the text"/>
<field type="bits" size="2" name="options2">
<bit mask="0x000F" name="data label placement">
<const name="chart dependent" value="0"/>
<const name="outside" value="1"/>
<const name="inside" value="2"/>
<const name="center" value="3"/>
<const name="axis" value="4"/>
<const name="above" value="5"/>
<const name="below" value="6"/>
<const name="left" value="7"/>
<const name="right" value="8"/>
<const name="auto" value="9"/>
<const name="user moved" value="10"/>
<field type="int" size="2" name="text rotation" description="0 = horizontal, 90 = up, 180 = down, -90 = down"/>