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package org.apache.poi.poifs.crypt;
import org.apache.poi.EncryptedDocumentException;
public enum CipherAlgorithm {
// key size for rc4: 0x00000028 - 0x00000080 (inclusive) with 8-bit increments
// no block size, because its a streaming cipher
rc4(CipherProvider.rc4, "RC4", 0x6801, 0x40, new int[]{0x28,0x30,0x38,0x40,0x48,0x50,0x58,0x60,0x68,0x70,0x78,0x80}, -1, 20, "RC4", false),
// aes has always a block size of 128 - only its keysize may vary
aes128(CipherProvider.aes, "AES", 0x660E, 128, new int[]{128}, 16, 32, "AES", false),
aes192(CipherProvider.aes, "AES", 0x660F, 192, new int[]{192}, 16, 32, "AES", false),
aes256(CipherProvider.aes, "AES", 0x6610, 256, new int[]{256}, 16, 32, "AES", false),
rc2(null, "RC2", -1, 0x80, new int[]{0x28,0x30,0x38,0x40,0x48,0x50,0x58,0x60,0x68,0x70,0x78,0x80}, 8, 20, "RC2", false),
des(null, "DES", -1, 64, new int[]{64}, 8/*for 56-bit*/, 32, "DES", false),
// desx is not supported. Not sure, if it can be simulated by des3 somehow
des3(null, "DESede", -1, 192, new int[]{192}, 8, 32, "3DES", false),
// need bouncycastle provider for this one ...
// see
des3_112(null, "DESede", -1, 128, new int[]{128}, 8, 32, "3DES_112", true),
// only for digital signatures
rsa(null, "RSA", -1, 1024, new int[]{1024, 2048, 3072, 4096}, -1, -1, "", false);
public final CipherProvider provider;
public final String jceId;
public final int ecmaId;
public final int defaultKeySize;
public final int allowedKeySize[];
public final int blockSize;
public final int encryptedVerifierHashLength;
public final String xmlId;
public final boolean needsBouncyCastle;
CipherAlgorithm(CipherProvider provider, String jceId, int ecmaId, int defaultKeySize, int allowedKeySize[], int blockSize, int encryptedVerifierHashLength, String xmlId, boolean needsBouncyCastle) {
this.provider = provider;
this.jceId = jceId;
this.ecmaId = ecmaId;
this.defaultKeySize = defaultKeySize;
this.allowedKeySize = allowedKeySize.clone();
this.blockSize = blockSize;
this.encryptedVerifierHashLength = encryptedVerifierHashLength;
this.xmlId = xmlId;
this.needsBouncyCastle = needsBouncyCastle;
public static CipherAlgorithm fromEcmaId(int ecmaId) {
for (CipherAlgorithm ca : CipherAlgorithm.values()) {
if (ca.ecmaId == ecmaId) return ca;
throw new EncryptedDocumentException("cipher algorithm " + ecmaId + " not found");
public static CipherAlgorithm fromXmlId(String xmlId, int keySize) {
for (CipherAlgorithm ca : CipherAlgorithm.values()) {
if (!ca.xmlId.equals(xmlId)) continue;
for (int ks : ca.allowedKeySize) {
if (ks == keySize) return ca;
throw new EncryptedDocumentException("cipher algorithm " + xmlId + "/" + keySize + " not found");