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/* ====================================================================
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package org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertArrayEquals;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import org.apache.poi.POIDataSamples;
import org.apache.poi.ddf.EscherBSERecord;
import org.apache.poi.ddf.EscherContainerRecord;
import org.apache.poi.ddf.EscherRecord;
import org.apache.poi.hslf.HSLFTestDataSamples;
import org.apache.poi.hslf.blip.DIB;
import org.apache.poi.hslf.blip.EMF;
import org.apache.poi.hslf.blip.JPEG;
import org.apache.poi.hslf.blip.PICT;
import org.apache.poi.hslf.blip.PNG;
import org.apache.poi.hslf.blip.WMF;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.crypto.Biff8EncryptionKey;
import org.apache.poi.util.Units;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Disabled;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
* Test adding/reading pictures
* @author Yegor Kozlov
public final class TestPictures {
private static final POIDataSamples slTests = POIDataSamples.getSlideShowInstance();
* Test read/write Macintosh PICT
void testPICT() throws IOException {
HSLFSlideShow ppt = new HSLFSlideShow();
HSLFSlide slide = ppt.createSlide();
byte[] src_bytes = slTests.readFile("cow.pict");
HSLFPictureData data = ppt.addPicture(src_bytes, PictureType.PICT);
ImageHeaderPICT nHeader = new ImageHeaderPICT(src_bytes, 512);
final int expWidth = 197, expHeight = 137;
Dimension nDim = nHeader.getSize();
assertEquals(expWidth, nDim.getWidth(), 0);
assertEquals(expHeight, nDim.getHeight(), 0);
Dimension dim = data.getImageDimensionInPixels();
assertEquals(Units.pointsToPixel(expWidth), dim.getWidth(), 0);
assertEquals(Units.pointsToPixel(expHeight), dim.getHeight(), 0);
HSLFPictureShape pict = new HSLFPictureShape(data);
assertEquals(data.getIndex(), pict.getPictureIndex());
//serialize and read again
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ppt = new HSLFSlideShow(new HSLFSlideShowImpl(new ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray())));
//make sure we can read this picture shape and it refers to the correct picture data
List<HSLFShape> sh = ppt.getSlides().get(0).getShapes();
assertEquals(1, sh.size());
pict = (HSLFPictureShape)sh.get(0);
assertEquals(data.getIndex(), pict.getPictureIndex());
//check picture data
List<HSLFPictureData> pictures = ppt.getPictureData();
assertEquals(1, pictures.size());
HSLFPictureData pd = pictures.get(0);
dim = pd.getImageDimension();
assertEquals(expWidth, dim.width);
assertEquals(expHeight, dim.height);
//the Picture shape refers to the PictureData object in the Presentation
assertEquals(pict.getPictureData(), pd);
assertEquals(1, pictures.size());
assertEquals(PictureType.PICT, pd.getType());
assertTrue(pd instanceof PICT);
//compare the content of the initial file with what is stored in the PictureData
byte[] ppt_bytes = pd.getData();
assertEquals(src_bytes.length, ppt_bytes.length);
//in PICT the first 512 bytes are MAC specific and may not be preserved, ignore them
byte[] b1 = Arrays.copyOfRange(src_bytes, 512, src_bytes.length);
byte[] b2 = Arrays.copyOfRange(ppt_bytes, 512, ppt_bytes.length);
assertArrayEquals(b1, b2);
* Test read/write WMF
void testWMF() throws IOException {
HSLFSlideShow ppt = new HSLFSlideShow();
HSLFSlide slide = ppt.createSlide();
byte[] src_bytes = slTests.readFile("santa.wmf");
HSLFPictureData data = ppt.addPicture(src_bytes, PictureType.WMF);
ImageHeaderWMF nHeader = new ImageHeaderWMF(src_bytes, 0);
final int expWidth = 136, expHeight = 146;
Dimension nDim = nHeader.getSize();
assertEquals(expWidth, nDim.getWidth(), 0);
assertEquals(expHeight, nDim.getHeight(), 0);
Dimension dim = data.getImageDimensionInPixels();
assertEquals(Units.pointsToPixel(expWidth), dim.getWidth(), 0);
assertEquals(Units.pointsToPixel(expHeight), dim.getHeight(), 0);
HSLFPictureShape pict = new HSLFPictureShape(data);
assertEquals(data.getIndex(), pict.getPictureIndex());
//serialize and read again
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ppt = new HSLFSlideShow(new HSLFSlideShowImpl(new ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray())));
//make sure we can read this picture shape and it refers to the correct picture data
List<HSLFShape> sh = ppt.getSlides().get(0).getShapes();
assertEquals(1, sh.size());
pict = (HSLFPictureShape)sh.get(0);
assertEquals(data.getIndex(), pict.getPictureIndex());
//check picture data
List<HSLFPictureData> pictures = ppt.getPictureData();
assertEquals(1, pictures.size());
HSLFPictureData pd = pictures.get(0);
dim = pd.getImageDimension();
assertEquals(expWidth, dim.width);
assertEquals(expHeight, dim.height);
//the Picture shape refers to the PictureData object in the Presentation
assertEquals(pict.getPictureData(), pd);
assertEquals(PictureType.WMF, pd.getType());
assertTrue(pd instanceof WMF);
//compare the content of the initial file with what is stored in the PictureData
byte[] ppt_bytes = pd.getData();
assertEquals(src_bytes.length, ppt_bytes.length);
//in WMF the first 22 bytes - is a metafile header
byte[] b1 = Arrays.copyOfRange(src_bytes, 22, src_bytes.length);
byte[] b2 = Arrays.copyOfRange(ppt_bytes, 22, ppt_bytes.length);
assertArrayEquals(b1, b2);
* Test read/write EMF
void testEMF() throws IOException {
HSLFSlideShow ppt = new HSLFSlideShow();
HSLFSlide slide = ppt.createSlide();
byte[] src_bytes = slTests.readFile("wrench.emf");
HSLFPictureData data = ppt.addPicture(src_bytes, PictureType.EMF);
ImageHeaderEMF nHeader = new ImageHeaderEMF(src_bytes, 0);
final int expWidth = 190, expHeight = 115;
Dimension nDim = nHeader.getSize();
assertEquals(expWidth, nDim.getWidth(), 0);
assertEquals(expHeight, nDim.getHeight(), 0);
Dimension dim = data.getImageDimensionInPixels();
assertEquals(Units.pointsToPixel(expWidth), dim.getWidth(), 0);
assertEquals(Units.pointsToPixel(expHeight), dim.getHeight(), 0);
HSLFPictureShape pict = new HSLFPictureShape(data);
assertEquals(data.getIndex(), pict.getPictureIndex());
//serialize and read again
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ppt = new HSLFSlideShow(new HSLFSlideShowImpl(new ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray())));
//make sure we can get this picture shape and it refers to the correct picture data
List<HSLFShape> sh = ppt.getSlides().get(0).getShapes();
assertEquals(1, sh.size());
pict = (HSLFPictureShape)sh.get(0);
assertEquals(data.getIndex(), pict.getPictureIndex());
//check picture data
List<HSLFPictureData> pictures = ppt.getPictureData();
assertEquals(1, pictures.size());
HSLFPictureData pd = pictures.get(0);
dim = pd.getImageDimension();
assertEquals(expWidth, dim.width);
assertEquals(expHeight, dim.height);
//the Picture shape refers to the PictureData object in the Presentation
assertEquals(pict.getPictureData(), pd);
assertEquals(1, pictures.size());
assertEquals(PictureType.EMF, pd.getType());
assertTrue(pd instanceof EMF);
//compare the content of the initial file with what is stored in the PictureData
byte[] ppt_bytes = pd.getData();
assertArrayEquals(src_bytes, ppt_bytes);
* Test read/write PNG
void testPNG() throws IOException {
HSLFSlideShow ppt = new HSLFSlideShow();
HSLFSlide slide = ppt.createSlide();
byte[] src_bytes = slTests.readFile("tomcat.png");
HSLFPictureData data = ppt.addPicture(src_bytes, PictureType.PNG);
HSLFPictureShape pict = new HSLFPictureShape(data);
assertEquals(data.getIndex(), pict.getPictureIndex());
//serialize and read again
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ppt = new HSLFSlideShow(new HSLFSlideShowImpl(new ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray())));
//make sure we can read this picture shape and it refers to the correct picture data
List<HSLFShape> sh = ppt.getSlides().get(0).getShapes();
assertEquals(1, sh.size());
pict = (HSLFPictureShape)sh.get(0);
assertEquals(data.getIndex(), pict.getPictureIndex());
//check picture data
List<HSLFPictureData> pictures = ppt.getPictureData();
//the Picture shape refers to the PictureData object in the Presentation
assertEquals(pict.getPictureData(), pictures.get(0));
assertEquals(1, pictures.size());
assertEquals(PictureType.PNG, pictures.get(0).getType());
assertTrue(pictures.get(0) instanceof PNG);
//compare the content of the initial file with what is stored in the PictureData
byte[] ppt_bytes = pictures.get(0).getData();
assertArrayEquals(src_bytes, ppt_bytes);
* Test read/write JPEG
void testJPEG() throws IOException {
HSLFSlideShow ppt = new HSLFSlideShow();
HSLFSlide slide = ppt.createSlide();
byte[] src_bytes = slTests.readFile("clock.jpg");
HSLFPictureData data = ppt.addPicture(src_bytes, PictureType.JPEG);
HSLFPictureShape pict = new HSLFPictureShape(data);
assertEquals(data.getIndex(), pict.getPictureIndex());
//serialize and read again
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ppt = new HSLFSlideShow(new HSLFSlideShowImpl(new ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray())));
//make sure we can read this picture shape and it refers to the correct picture data
List<HSLFShape> sh = ppt.getSlides().get(0).getShapes();
assertEquals(1, sh.size());
pict = (HSLFPictureShape)sh.get(0);
assertEquals(data.getIndex(), pict.getPictureIndex());
//check picture data
List<HSLFPictureData> pictures = ppt.getPictureData();
//the Picture shape refers to the PictureData object in the Presentation
assertEquals(pict.getPictureData(), pictures.get(0));
assertEquals(1, pictures.size());
assertEquals(PictureType.JPEG, pictures.get(0).getType());
assertTrue(pictures.get(0) instanceof JPEG);
//compare the content of the initial file with what is stored in the PictureData
byte[] ppt_bytes = pictures.get(0).getData();
assertArrayEquals(src_bytes, ppt_bytes);
* Test read/write DIB
void testDIB() throws IOException {
HSLFSlideShow ppt = new HSLFSlideShow();
HSLFSlide slide = ppt.createSlide();
byte[] src_bytes = slTests.readFile("clock.dib");
HSLFPictureData data = ppt.addPicture(src_bytes, PictureType.DIB);
HSLFPictureShape pict = new HSLFPictureShape(data);
assertEquals(data.getIndex(), pict.getPictureIndex());
//serialize and read again
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ppt = new HSLFSlideShow(new HSLFSlideShowImpl(new ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray())));
//make sure we can read this picture shape and it refers to the correct picture data
List<HSLFShape> sh = ppt.getSlides().get(0).getShapes();
assertEquals(1, sh.size());
pict = (HSLFPictureShape)sh.get(0);
assertEquals(data.getIndex(), pict.getPictureIndex());
//check picture data
List<HSLFPictureData> pictures = ppt.getPictureData();
//the Picture shape refers to the PictureData object in the Presentation
assertEquals(pict.getPictureData(), pictures.get(0));
assertEquals(1, pictures.size());
assertEquals(PictureType.DIB, pictures.get(0).getType());
assertTrue(pictures.get(0) instanceof DIB);
//compare the content of the initial file with what is stored in the PictureData
byte[] ppt_bytes = pictures.get(0).getData();
assertArrayEquals(src_bytes, ppt_bytes);
* Read pictures in different formats from a reference slide show
void testReadPictures() throws IOException {
byte[] src_bytes, ppt_bytes, b1, b2;
HSLFPictureShape pict;
HSLFPictureData pdata;
HSLFSlideShow ppt = HSLFTestDataSamples.getSlideShow("pictures.ppt");
List<HSLFSlide> slides = ppt.getSlides();
List<HSLFPictureData> pictures = ppt.getPictureData();
assertEquals(5, pictures.size());
pict = (HSLFPictureShape)slides.get(0).getShapes().get(0); //the first slide contains JPEG
pdata = pict.getPictureData();
assertTrue(pdata instanceof JPEG);
assertEquals(PictureType.JPEG, pdata.getType());
src_bytes = pdata.getData();
ppt_bytes = slTests.readFile("clock.jpg");
assertArrayEquals(src_bytes, ppt_bytes);
pict = (HSLFPictureShape)slides.get(1).getShapes().get(0); //the second slide contains PNG
pdata = pict.getPictureData();
assertTrue(pdata instanceof PNG);
assertEquals(PictureType.PNG, pdata.getType());
src_bytes = pdata.getData();
ppt_bytes = slTests.readFile("tomcat.png");
assertArrayEquals(src_bytes, ppt_bytes);
pict = (HSLFPictureShape)slides.get(2).getShapes().get(0); //the third slide contains WMF
pdata = pict.getPictureData();
assertTrue(pdata instanceof WMF);
assertEquals(PictureType.WMF, pdata.getType());
src_bytes = pdata.getData();
ppt_bytes = slTests.readFile("santa.wmf");
assertEquals(src_bytes.length, ppt_bytes.length);
//ignore the first 22 bytes - it is a WMF metafile header
b1 = Arrays.copyOfRange(src_bytes, 22, src_bytes.length);
b2 = Arrays.copyOfRange(ppt_bytes, 22, ppt_bytes.length);
assertArrayEquals(b1, b2);
pict = (HSLFPictureShape)slides.get(3).getShapes().get(0); //the forth slide contains PICT
pdata = pict.getPictureData();
assertTrue(pdata instanceof PICT);
assertEquals(PictureType.PICT, pdata.getType());
src_bytes = pdata.getData();
ppt_bytes = slTests.readFile("cow.pict");
assertEquals(src_bytes.length, ppt_bytes.length);
//ignore the first 512 bytes - it is a MAC specific crap
b1 = Arrays.copyOfRange(src_bytes, 512, src_bytes.length);
b2 = Arrays.copyOfRange(ppt_bytes, 512, ppt_bytes.length);
assertArrayEquals(b1, b2);
pict = (HSLFPictureShape)slides.get(4).getShapes().get(0); //the fifth slide contains EMF
pdata = pict.getPictureData();
assertTrue(pdata instanceof EMF);
assertEquals(PictureType.EMF, pdata.getType());
src_bytes = pdata.getData();
ppt_bytes = slTests.readFile("wrench.emf");
assertArrayEquals(src_bytes, ppt_bytes);
* Test that on a party corrupt powerpoint document, which has
* crazy pictures of type 0, we do our best.
void testZeroPictureType() throws IOException {
HSLFSlideShowImpl hslf = new HSLFSlideShowImpl(slTests.openResourceAsStream("PictureTypeZero.ppt"));
// Should still have 2 real pictures
assertEquals(2, hslf.getPictureData().size());
// Both are real pictures, both WMF
assertEquals(PictureType.WMF, hslf.getPictureData().get(0).getType());
assertEquals(PictureType.WMF, hslf.getPictureData().get(1).getType());
// Now test what happens when we use the SlideShow interface
HSLFSlideShow ppt = new HSLFSlideShow(hslf);
List<HSLFSlide> slides = ppt.getSlides();
List<HSLFPictureData> pictures = ppt.getPictureData();
assertEquals(12, slides.size());
assertEquals(2, pictures.size());
HSLFPictureShape pict;
HSLFPictureData pdata;
pict = (HSLFPictureShape)slides.get(0).getShapes().get(1); // 2nd object on 1st slide
pdata = pict.getPictureData();
assertTrue(pdata instanceof WMF);
assertEquals(PictureType.WMF, pdata.getType());
pict = (HSLFPictureShape)slides.get(0).getShapes().get(2); // 3rd object on 1st slide
pdata = pict.getPictureData();
assertTrue(pdata instanceof WMF);
assertEquals(PictureType.WMF, pdata.getType());
* YK: The test is disabled because the owner asked to delete the test file from POI svn.
* See "Please remove my file from your svn" on @poi-dev from Dec 12, 2013
@Disabled("requires an internet connection to a 3rd party site")
// As of 2017-06-20, the file still exists at the specified URL and the test passes.
void testZeroPictureLength() throws IOException {
// take the data from www instead of test directory
URL url = new URL("");
HSLFSlideShowImpl hslf = new HSLFSlideShowImpl(url.openStream());
/* Assume that the file could retrieved...
InputStream is;
HSLFSlideShowImpl hslf;
try {
is = url.openStream();
hslf = new HSLFSlideShowImpl(is);
} catch (final IOException e) {
Assume.assumeTrue(e.getMessage(), false);
throw e;
// Should still have 2 real pictures
assertEquals(2, hslf.getPictureData().size());
// Both are real pictures, both WMF
assertEquals(PictureType.WMF, hslf.getPictureData().get(0).getType());
assertEquals(PictureType.WMF, hslf.getPictureData().get(1).getType());
// Now test what happens when we use the SlideShow interface
HSLFSlideShow ppt = new HSLFSlideShow(hslf);
List<HSLFSlide> slides = ppt.getSlides();
List<HSLFPictureData> pictures = ppt.getPictureData();
assertEquals(27, slides.size());
assertEquals(2, pictures.size());
HSLFPictureShape pict;
HSLFPictureData pdata;
pict = (HSLFPictureShape)slides.get(6).getShapes().get(13);
pdata = pict.getPictureData();
assertTrue(pdata instanceof WMF);
assertEquals(PictureType.WMF, pdata.getType());
pict = (HSLFPictureShape)slides.get(7).getShapes().get(13);
pdata = pict.getPictureData();
assertTrue(pdata instanceof WMF);
assertEquals(PictureType.WMF, pdata.getType());
//add a new picture, it should be correctly appended to the Pictures stream
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
for(HSLFPictureData p : pictures) p.write(out);
int streamSize = out.size();
HSLFPictureData data = ppt.addPicture(new byte[100], PictureType.JPEG);
int offset = data.getOffset();
assertEquals(streamSize, offset);
assertEquals(3, ppt.getPictureData().size());
void testGetPictureName() throws IOException {
HSLFSlideShow ppt = HSLFTestDataSamples.getSlideShow("ppt_with_png.ppt");
HSLFSlide slide = ppt.getSlides().get(0);
HSLFPictureShape p = (HSLFPictureShape)slide.getShapes().get(0); //the first slide contains JPEG
assertEquals("test", p.getPictureName());
void testSetPictureName() throws IOException {
HSLFSlideShow ppt = new HSLFSlideShow();
HSLFSlide slide = ppt.createSlide();
byte[] img = slTests.readFile("tomcat.png");
HSLFPictureData data = ppt.addPicture(img, PictureType.PNG);
HSLFPictureShape pict = new HSLFPictureShape(data);
//serialize and read again
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ppt = new HSLFSlideShow(new ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray()));
HSLFPictureShape p = (HSLFPictureShape)ppt.getSlides().get(0).getShapes().get(0);
assertEquals("tomcat.png", p.getPictureName());
void testPictureIndexIsOneBased() throws IOException {
try (HSLFSlideShow ppt = HSLFTestDataSamples.getSlideShow("ppt_with_png.ppt")) {
HSLFPictureData picture = ppt.getPictureData().get(0);
assertEquals(1, picture.getIndex());
* Verify that it is possible for a user to change the contents of a {@link HSLFPictureData} using
* {@link HSLFPictureData#setData(byte[])}, and that the changes are saved to the slideshow.
void testEditPictureData() throws IOException {
byte[] newImage = slTests.readFile("tomcat.png");
ByteArrayOutputStream modifiedSlideShow = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
// Load an existing slideshow and modify the image
try (HSLFSlideShow ppt = HSLFTestDataSamples.getSlideShow("ppt_with_png.ppt")) {
HSLFPictureData picture = ppt.getPictureData().get(0);
// Load the modified slideshow and verify the image content
try (HSLFSlideShow ppt = new HSLFSlideShow(new ByteArrayInputStream(modifiedSlideShow.toByteArray()))) {
HSLFPictureData picture = ppt.getPictureData().get(0);
byte[] modifiedImageData = picture.getData();
assertArrayEquals(newImage, modifiedImageData);
* Verify that it is possible for a user to change the contents of an encrypted {@link HSLFPictureData} using
* {@link HSLFPictureData#setData(byte[])}, and that the changes are saved to the slideshow.
void testEditPictureDataEncrypted() throws IOException {
byte[] newImage = slTests.readFile("tomcat.png");
ByteArrayOutputStream modifiedSlideShow = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {
// Load an existing slideshow and modify the image
try (HSLFSlideShow ppt = HSLFTestDataSamples.getSlideShow("ppt_with_png_encrypted.ppt")) {
HSLFPictureData picture = ppt.getPictureData().get(0);
// Load the modified slideshow and verify the image content
try (HSLFSlideShow ppt = new HSLFSlideShow(new ByteArrayInputStream(modifiedSlideShow.toByteArray()))) {
HSLFPictureData picture = ppt.getPictureData().get(0);
byte[] modifiedImageData = picture.getData();
assertArrayEquals(newImage, modifiedImageData);
} finally {
* Verify that the {@link EscherBSERecord#getOffset()} values are modified for all images after the image being
* changed.
void testEditPictureDataRecordOffsetsAreShifted() throws IOException {
int[] originalOffsets = {0, 12013, 15081, 34162, 59563};
int[] modifiedOffsets = {0, 35, 3103, 22184, 47585};
ByteArrayOutputStream inMemory = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try (HSLFSlideShow ppt = HSLFTestDataSamples.getSlideShow("pictures.ppt")) {
int[] offsets = ppt.getPictureData().stream().mapToInt(HSLFPictureData::getOffset).toArray();
assertArrayEquals(originalOffsets, offsets);
HSLFPictureData imageBeingChanged = ppt.getPictureData().get(0);
// It doesn't matter that this isn't a valid image. We are just testing offsets here.
imageBeingChanged.setData(new byte[10]);
// Verify that the in-memory representations have all been updated
offsets = ppt.getPictureData().stream().mapToInt(HSLFPictureData::getOffset).toArray();
assertArrayEquals(modifiedOffsets, offsets);
try (HSLFSlideShow ppt = new HSLFSlideShow(new ByteArrayInputStream(inMemory.toByteArray()))) {
// Verify that the persisted representations have all been updated
int[] offsets = ppt.getPictureData().stream().mapToInt(HSLFPictureData::getOffset).toArray();
assertArrayEquals(modifiedOffsets, offsets);
* Verify that the {@link EscherBSERecord#getOffset()} values are modified for all images after the image being
* changed, but assuming that the records are not stored in a sorted-by-offset fashion.
* We have not encountered a file that has meaningful data that is not sorted. However, we have encountered files
* that have records with an offset of 0 interspersed between meaningful records. See {@code 53446.ppt} and
* {@code alterman_security.ppt} for examples.
void testEditPictureDataOutOfOrderRecords() throws IOException {
int[] modifiedOffsets = {0, 35, 3103, 22184, 47585};
ByteArrayOutputStream inMemory = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try (HSLFSlideShow ppt = HSLFTestDataSamples.getSlideShow("pictures.ppt")) {
// For this test we're going to intentionally manipulate the records into a shuffled order.
EscherContainerRecord container = ppt.getPictureData().get(0).bStore;
List<EscherRecord> children = container.getChildRecords();
for (EscherRecord child : children) {
for (EscherRecord child : children) {
HSLFPictureData imageBeingChanged = ppt.getPictureData().get(0);
// It doesn't matter that this isn't a valid image. We are just testing offsets here.
imageBeingChanged.setData(new byte[10]);
// Verify that the in-memory representations have all been updated
int[] offsets = ppt.getPictureData().stream().mapToInt(HSLFPictureData::getOffset).toArray();
assertArrayEquals(modifiedOffsets, offsets);
try (HSLFSlideShow ppt = new HSLFSlideShow(new ByteArrayInputStream(inMemory.toByteArray()))) {
// Verify that the persisted representations have all been updated
int[] offsets = ppt.getPictureData().stream().mapToInt(HSLFPictureData::getOffset).toArray();
assertArrayEquals(modifiedOffsets, offsets);
* Verify that a slideshow with records that have offsets not matching those of the pictures in the stream still
* correctly pairs the records and pictures.
void testSlideshowWithIncorrectOffsets() throws IOException {
int[] originalOffsets;
int originalNumberOfRecords;
// Create a presentation that has records with unmatched offsets, but with matched UIDs.
ByteArrayOutputStream inMemory = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try (HSLFSlideShow ppt = HSLFTestDataSamples.getSlideShow("pictures.ppt")) {
originalOffsets = ppt.getPictureData().stream().mapToInt(HSLFPictureData::getOffset).toArray();
originalNumberOfRecords = ppt.getPictureData().get(0).bStore.getChildCount();
Random random = new Random();
for (HSLFPictureData picture : ppt.getPictureData()) {
// Bound is arbitrary and irrelevant to the test.
try (HSLFSlideShow ppt = new HSLFSlideShow(new ByteArrayInputStream(inMemory.toByteArray()))) {
// Verify that the offsets all got fixed.
int[] offsets = ppt.getPictureData().stream().mapToInt(HSLFPictureData::getOffset).toArray();
assertArrayEquals(originalOffsets, offsets);
// Verify that there are the same number of records as in the original slideshow.
int numberOfRecords = ppt.getPictureData().get(0).bStore.getChildCount();
assertEquals(originalNumberOfRecords, numberOfRecords);