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package org.apache.poi.openxml4j.opc;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertDoesNotThrow;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertThrows;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue;
import static;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.OpenXML4JTestDataSamples;
import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.exceptions.InvalidFormatException;
import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.opc.internal.ContentType;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest;
import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.ValueSource;
* Tests for content type (ContentType class).
public final class TestContentType {
private static final String FEATURE_DISALLOW_DOCTYPE_DECL = "";
* Check rule M1.13: Package implementers shall only create and only
* recognize parts with a content type; format designers shall specify a
* content type for each part included in the format. Content types for
* package parts shall fit the definition and syntax for media types as
* specified in RFC 2616, \u00A73.7.
@ValueSource(strings = {"text/xml", "application/pgp-key", "application/vnd.hp-PCLXL", "application/vnd.lotus-1-2-3"})
void testContentTypeValidation(String contentType) throws InvalidFormatException {
assertDoesNotThrow(() -> new ContentType(contentType));
* Check rule M1.13 : Package implementers shall only create and only
* recognize parts with a content type; format designers shall specify a
* content type for each part included in the format. Content types for
* package parts shall fit the definition and syntax for media types as
* specified in RFC 2616, \u00A3.7.
* <p>
* Check rule M1.14: Content types shall not use linear white space either
* between the type and subtype or between an attribute and its value.
* Content types also shall not have leading or trailing white spaces.
* Package implementers shall create only such content types and shall
* require such content types when retrieving a part from a package; format
* designers shall specify only such content types for inclusion in the
* format.
@ValueSource(strings = {"text/xml/app", "",
"test", "text(xml/xml", "text)xml/xml", "text<xml/xml",
"text>/xml", "text@/xml", "text,/xml", "text;/xml",
"text:/xml", "text\\/xml", "t/ext/xml", "t\"ext/xml",
"text[/xml", "text]/xml", "text?/xml", "tex=t/xml",
"te{xt/xml", "tex}t/xml", "te xt/xml",
"text\u0009/xml", "text xml", " text/xml "})
void testContentTypeValidationFailure(String contentType) {
assertThrows(InvalidFormatException.class, () -> new ContentType(contentType),
"Must have fail for content type: '" + contentType + "' !");
* Parameters are allowed, provides that they meet the
* criteria of rule [01.2]
* Invalid parameters are verified as incorrect in
* {@link #testContentTypeParameterFailure()}
@ValueSource(strings = {"mail/toto;titi=tata",
"text/xml;a=b;c=d", "text/xml;key1=param1;key2=param2",
void testContentTypeParam(String contentType) {
assertDoesNotThrow(() -> new ContentType(contentType));
* Check rule [O1.2]: Format designers might restrict the usage of
* parameters for content types.
@ValueSource(strings = {
"mail/toto;\"titi=tata\"", // quotes not allowed like that
"mail/toto;titi = tata", // spaces not allowed
"text/\u0080" // characters above ASCII are not allowed
void testContentTypeParameterFailure(String contentType) {
assertThrows(InvalidFormatException.class, () -> new ContentType(contentType),
"Must have fail for content type: '" + contentType + "' !");
* Check rule M1.15: The package implementer shall require a content type
* that does not include comments and the format designer shall specify such
* a content type.
@ValueSource(strings = {"text/xml(comment)"})
void testContentTypeCommentFailure(String contentType) {
assertThrows(InvalidFormatException.class, () -> new ContentType(contentType),
"Must have fail for content type: '" + contentType + "' !");
* OOXML content types don't need entities and we shouldn't
* barf if we get one from a third party system that added them
* (expected = InvalidFormatException.class)
void testFileWithContentTypeEntities() throws Exception {
try (InputStream is = OpenXML4JTestDataSamples.openSampleStream("ContentTypeHasEntities.ooxml")) {
if (isOldXercesActive()) {;
} else {
assertThrows(InvalidFormatException.class, () ->;
* Check that we can open a file where there are valid
* parameters on a content type
void testFileWithContentTypeParams() throws Exception {
try (InputStream is = OpenXML4JTestDataSamples.openSampleStream("ContentTypeHasParameters.ooxml");
OPCPackage p = {
final String typeResqml = "application/x-resqml+xml";
// Check the types on everything
for (PackagePart part : p.getParts()) {
final String contentType = part.getContentType();
final ContentType details = part.getContentTypeDetails();
final int length = details.getParameterKeys().length;
final boolean hasParameters = details.hasParameters();
// _rels type doesn't have any params
if (part.isRelationshipPart()) {
assertEquals(ContentTypes.RELATIONSHIPS_PART, contentType);
assertEquals(ContentTypes.RELATIONSHIPS_PART, details.toString());
assertEquals(0, length);
// Core type doesn't have any params
else if (part.getPartName().toString().equals("/docProps/core.xml")) {
assertEquals(ContentTypes.CORE_PROPERTIES_PART, contentType);
assertEquals(ContentTypes.CORE_PROPERTIES_PART, details.toString());
assertEquals(0, length);
// Global Crs types do have params
else if (part.getPartName().toString().equals("/global1dCrs.xml")) {
assertEquals(typeResqml, details.toString(false));
assertContains("version=2.0", details.toString());
assertContains("type=obj_global1dCrs", details.toString());
assertEquals(2, length);
assertEquals("2.0", details.getParameter("version"));
assertEquals("obj_global1dCrs", details.getParameter("type"));
} else if (part.getPartName().toString().equals("/global2dCrs.xml")) {
assertEquals(typeResqml, details.toString(false));
assertContains("version=2.0", details.toString());
assertContains("type=obj_global2dCrs", details.toString());
assertEquals(2, length);
assertEquals("2.0", details.getParameter("version"));
assertEquals("obj_global2dCrs", details.getParameter("type"));
// Other thingy
else if (part.getPartName().toString().equals("/myTestingGuid.xml")) {
assertEquals(typeResqml, details.toString(false));
assertContains("version=2.0", details.toString());
assertContains("type=obj_tectonicBoundaryFeature", details.toString());
assertEquals(2, length);
assertEquals("2.0", details.getParameter("version"));
assertEquals("obj_tectonicBoundaryFeature", details.getParameter("type"));
// That should be it!
else {
fail("Unexpected part " + part);
private static void assertContains(String needle, String haystack) {
public static boolean isOldXercesActive() {
DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
try {
return false;
} catch (Exception|AbstractMethodError ignored) {}
return true;