blob: a166eb5d6e334f6ec4c6a268c6fc8f812aa58447 [file] [log] [blame]
/* ====================================================================
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package org.apache.poi;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.crypto.Biff8EncryptionKey;
import org.apache.poi.poifs.crypt.Decryptor;
import org.apache.poi.stress.AbstractFileHandler;
import org.apache.poi.stress.FileHandler;
import org.apache.poi.stress.HDGFFileHandler;
import org.apache.poi.stress.HMEFFileHandler;
import org.apache.poi.stress.HPBFFileHandler;
import org.apache.poi.stress.HPSFFileHandler;
import org.apache.poi.stress.HSLFFileHandler;
import org.apache.poi.stress.HSMFFileHandler;
import org.apache.poi.stress.HSSFFileHandler;
import org.apache.poi.stress.HWPFFileHandler;
import org.apache.poi.stress.OPCFileHandler;
import org.apache.poi.stress.POIFSFileHandler;
import org.apache.poi.stress.XDGFFileHandler;
import org.apache.poi.stress.XSLFFileHandler;
import org.apache.poi.stress.XSSFBFileHandler;
import org.apache.poi.stress.XSSFFileHandler;
import org.apache.poi.stress.XWPFFileHandler;
import org.junit.AssumptionViolatedException;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameter;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters;
* This is an integration test which performs various actions on all stored test-files and tries
* to reveal problems which are introduced, but not covered (yet) by unit tests.
* This test looks for any file under the test-data directory and tries to do some useful
* processing with it based on it's type.
* The test is implemented as a junit {@link Parameterized} test, which leads
* to one test-method call for each file (currently around 950 files are handled).
* There is a a mapping of extension to implementations of the interface
* {@link FileHandler} which defines how the file is loaded and which actions are
* tried with the file.
* The test can be expanded by adding more actions to the FileHandlers, this automatically
* applies the action to any such file in our test-data repository.
* There is also a list of files that should actually fail.
* Note: It is also a test-failure if a file that is expected to fail now actually works,
* i.e. if a bug was fixed in POI itself, the file should be removed from the expected-failures
* here as well! This is to ensure that files that should not work really do not work, e.g.
* that we do not remove expected sanity checks.
public class TestAllFiles {
private static final File ROOT_DIR = new File("test-data");
private static final boolean IGNORE_SCRATCHPAD = Boolean.getBoolean("scratchpad.ignore");
public static final String[] SCAN_EXCLUDES = new String[] { "**/.svn/**", "lost+found", "**/.git/**" };
private static final Map<String,String> FILE_PASSWORD;
// map file extensions to the actual mappers
public static final Map<String, FileHandler> HANDLERS = new HashMap<>();
static {
// Excel
HANDLERS.put(".xls", new HSSFFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".xlsx", new XSSFFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".xlsm", new XSSFFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".xltx", new XSSFFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".xlsb", new XSSFBFileHandler());
// Word
HANDLERS.put(".doc", IGNORE_SCRATCHPAD ? new HPSFFileHandler() : new HWPFFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".docx", new XWPFFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".dotx", new XWPFFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".docm", new XWPFFileHandler());
// OpenXML4J files
HANDLERS.put(".ooxml", new OPCFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".zip", new OPCFileHandler());
// Powerpoint
HANDLERS.put(".ppt", IGNORE_SCRATCHPAD ? new HPSFFileHandler() : new HSLFFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".pptx", new XSLFFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".pptm", new XSLFFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".ppsm", new XSLFFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".ppsx", new XSLFFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".thmx", new XSLFFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".potx", new XSLFFileHandler());
// Outlook
HANDLERS.put(".msg", IGNORE_SCRATCHPAD ? new HPSFFileHandler() : new HSMFFileHandler());
// Publisher
HANDLERS.put(".pub", IGNORE_SCRATCHPAD ? new HPSFFileHandler() : new HPBFFileHandler());
// Visio - binary
HANDLERS.put(".vsd", IGNORE_SCRATCHPAD ? new HPSFFileHandler() : new HDGFFileHandler());
// Visio - ooxml
HANDLERS.put(".vsdm", new XDGFFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".vsdx", new XDGFFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".vssm", new XDGFFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".vssx", new XDGFFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".vstm", new XDGFFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".vstx", new XDGFFileHandler());
// Visio - not handled yet
HANDLERS.put(".vst", new NullFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".vss", new NullFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".ole2", new POIFSFileHandler());
// Microsoft Admin Template?
HANDLERS.put(".adm", new HPSFFileHandler());
// Microsoft TNEF
HANDLERS.put(".dat", IGNORE_SCRATCHPAD ? new HPSFFileHandler() : new HMEFFileHandler());
// TODO: are these readable by some of the formats?
HANDLERS.put(".wri", new NullFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".shw", new NullFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".zvi", new NullFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".mpp", new NullFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".qwp", new NullFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".wps", new NullFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".bin", new NullFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".xps", new NullFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".sldprt", new NullFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".mdb", new NullFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".vml", new NullFileHandler());
// ignore some file types, images, other formats, ...
HANDLERS.put(".txt", new NullFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".pdf", new NullFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".rtf", new NullFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".gif", new NullFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".html", new NullFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".png", new NullFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".wmf", new NullFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".emf", new NullFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".dib", new NullFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".svg", new NullFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".pict", new NullFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".jpg", new NullFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".jpeg", new NullFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".tif", new NullFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".tiff", new NullFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".wav", new NullFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".pfx", new NullFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".xml", new NullFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".csv", new NullFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".ods", new NullFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".ttf", new NullFileHandler());
// VBA source files
HANDLERS.put(".vba", new NullFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".bas", new NullFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".frm", new NullFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".frx", new NullFileHandler()); //binary
HANDLERS.put(".cls", new NullFileHandler());
// map some files without extension
HANDLERS.put("spreadsheet/BigSSTRecord", new NullFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put("spreadsheet/BigSSTRecord2", new NullFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put("spreadsheet/BigSSTRecord2CR1", new NullFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put("spreadsheet/BigSSTRecord2CR2", new NullFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put("spreadsheet/BigSSTRecord2CR3", new NullFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put("spreadsheet/BigSSTRecord2CR4", new NullFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put("spreadsheet/BigSSTRecord2CR5", new NullFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put("spreadsheet/BigSSTRecord2CR6", new NullFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put("spreadsheet/BigSSTRecord2CR7", new NullFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put("spreadsheet/BigSSTRecordCR", new NullFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put("spreadsheet/test_properties1", new NullFileHandler());
// keystore files
HANDLERS.put(".pfx", new NullFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".pem", new NullFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".jks", new NullFileHandler());
HANDLERS.put(".pkcs12", new NullFileHandler());
Map<String,String> passmap = new HashMap<>();
passmap.put("slideshow/Password_Protected-hello.ppt", "hello");
passmap.put("slideshow/Password_Protected-56-hello.ppt", "hello");
passmap.put("slideshow/Password_Protected-np-hello.ppt", "hello");
passmap.put("slideshow/cryptoapi-proc2356.ppt", "crypto");
passmap.put("spreadsheet/xor-encryption-abc.xls", "abc");
passmap.put("spreadsheet/35897-type4.xls", "freedom");
passmap.put("spreadsheet/58616.xlsx", Decryptor.DEFAULT_PASSWORD);
passmap.put("spreadsheet/password.xls", "password");
passmap.put("spreadsheet/protected_passtika.xlsx", "tika");
passmap.put("document/bug53475-password-is-pass.docx", "pass");
passmap.put("document/bug53475-password-is-solrcell.docx", "solrcell");
passmap.put("document/password_password_cryptoapi.doc", "password");
passmap.put("document/password_tika_binaryrc4.doc", "tika");
passmap.put("poifs/protect.xlsx", Decryptor.DEFAULT_PASSWORD);
passmap.put("poifs/extenxls_pwd123.xlsx", "pwd123");
passmap.put("poifs/protected_agile.docx", Decryptor.DEFAULT_PASSWORD);
passmap.put("poifs/60320-protected.xlsx", "Test001!!");
passmap.put("poifs/protected_sha512.xlsx", "this is a test");
FILE_PASSWORD = Collections.unmodifiableMap(passmap);
private static Set<String> unmodifiableHashSet(String... a) {
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(hashSet(a));
private static Set<String> hashSet(String... a) {
return new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(a));
// Old Word Documents where we can at least extract some text
private static final Set<String> OLD_FILES_HWPF = unmodifiableHashSet(
private static final Set<String> EXPECTED_FAILURES = unmodifiableHashSet(
// password protected files without known password
// TODO: fails XMLExportTest, is this ok?
// TODO: these fail now with some NPE/file read error because we now try to compute every value via Cell.toString()!
// TODO: good to ignore?
// This is actually a spreadsheet!
// some files that are broken, eg Word 95, ...
"spreadsheet/54764-2.xlsx", // see TestXSSFBugs.bug54764()
"spreadsheet/54764.xlsx", // see TestXSSFBugs.bug54764()
"poifs/unknown_properties.msg", // POIFS properties corrupted
(IGNORE_SCRATCHPAD ? "" : "poifs/only-zero-byte-streams.ole2"), // No actual contents
"spreadsheet/poc-xmlbomb.xlsx", // contains xml-entity-expansion
"spreadsheet/poc-xmlbomb-empty.xlsx", // contains xml-entity-expansion
"spreadsheet/poc-shared-strings.xlsx", // contains shared-string-entity-expansion
// old Excel files, which we only support simple text extraction of
// OOXML Strict is not yet supported, see bug #57699
// non-TNEF files
// sheet cloning errors
private static final Set<String> IGNORED = unmodifiableHashSet(
// OPC handler works / XSSF handler fails
"spreadsheet/61300.xls"//intentionally fuzzed -- used to cause infinite loop
@Parameters(name="{index}: {0} using {1}")
public static Iterable<Object[]> files() {
DirectoryScanner scanner = new DirectoryScanner();
System.out.println("Handling " + scanner.getIncludedFiles().length + " files");
List<Object[]> files = new ArrayList<>();
for(String file : scanner.getIncludedFiles()) {
file = file.replace('\\', '/'); // ... failures/handlers lookup doesn't work on windows otherwise
if (IGNORED.contains(file)) {
System.out.println("Ignoring " + file);
FileHandler handler = HANDLERS.get(getExtension(file));
files.add(new Object[] { file, handler });
// for some file-types also run OPCFileHandler
if(handler instanceof XSSFFileHandler ||
handler instanceof XWPFFileHandler ||
handler instanceof XSLFFileHandler ||
handler instanceof XDGFFileHandler) {
files.add(new Object[] { file, new OPCFileHandler() });
if (handler instanceof HSSFFileHandler ||
handler instanceof HSLFFileHandler ||
handler instanceof HWPFFileHandler ||
handler instanceof HDGFFileHandler) {
files.add(new Object[] { file, new HPSFFileHandler() });
return files;
public String file;
public FileHandler handler;
public void setPassword() {
// this also removes the password for non encrypted files
String pass = TestAllFiles.FILE_PASSWORD.get(file);
public void testAllFiles() throws Exception {
if(handler == null) {
fail("Did not find a handler for file " + file);
System.out.println("Reading " + file + " with " + handler.getClass().getSimpleName());
assertNotNull("Unknown file extension for file: " + file + ": " + getExtension(file), handler);
File inputFile = new File(ROOT_DIR, file);
// special cases where docx-handling breaks, but OPCPackage handling works
boolean ignoredOPC = (file.endsWith(".docx") || file.endsWith(".xlsx") ||
file.endsWith(".xlsb") || file.endsWith(".pptx")) &&
handler instanceof OPCFileHandler;
boolean ignoreHPSF = (handler instanceof HPSFFileHandler);
try {
try (InputStream stream = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(inputFile), 64 * 1024)) {
handler.handleFile(stream, file);
assertFalse("Expected to fail for file " + file + " and handler " + handler + ", but did not fail!",
OLD_FILES_HWPF.contains(file) && !ignoreHPSF);
assertFalse("Expected to fail for file " + file + " and handler " + handler + ", but did not fail!",
EXPECTED_FAILURES.contains(file) && !ignoredOPC && !ignoreHPSF);
} catch (OldFileFormatException e) {
// for old word files we should still support extracting text
if(OLD_FILES_HWPF.contains(file)) {
} else {
// check if we expect failure for this file
if(!EXPECTED_FAILURES.contains(file) && !AbstractFileHandler.EXPECTED_EXTRACTOR_FAILURES.contains(file)) {
System.out.println("Failed: " + file);
throw new Exception("While handling " + file, e);
} catch (AssumptionViolatedException e) {
// file handler ignored this file
} catch (Exception e) {
// check if we expect failure for this file
if(!EXPECTED_FAILURES.contains(file) && !AbstractFileHandler.EXPECTED_EXTRACTOR_FAILURES.contains(file)) {
System.out.println("Failed: " + file);
throw new Exception("While handling " + file, e);
try {
// let some file handlers do additional stuff
} catch (AssumptionViolatedException e) {
// file handler ignored this file
} catch (Exception e) {
if(!EXPECTED_FAILURES.contains(file) && !AbstractFileHandler.EXPECTED_EXTRACTOR_FAILURES.contains(file)) {
System.out.println("Failed: " + file);
throw new Exception("While handling " + file, e);
public static String getExtension(String file) {
int pos = file.lastIndexOf('.');
if(pos == -1 || pos == file.length()-1) {
return file;
return file.substring(pos).toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT);
public static class NullFileHandler implements FileHandler {
public void handleFile(InputStream stream, String path) throws Exception {
public void handleExtracting(File file) throws Exception {
public void handleAdditional(File file) throws Exception {