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/* ====================================================================
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The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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==================================================================== */
package org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel;
import static org.apache.poi.ooxml.POIXMLTypeLoader.DEFAULT_XML_OPTIONS;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Spliterator;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.poi.common.usermodel.PictureType;
import org.apache.poi.ooxml.POIXMLDocument;
import org.apache.poi.ooxml.POIXMLDocumentPart;
import org.apache.poi.ooxml.POIXMLException;
import org.apache.poi.ooxml.POIXMLProperties;
import org.apache.poi.ooxml.POIXMLRelation;
import org.apache.poi.ooxml.util.IdentifierManager;
import org.apache.poi.ooxml.util.PackageHelper;
import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.exceptions.InvalidFormatException;
import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.exceptions.OpenXML4JException;
import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.opc.OPCPackage;
import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.opc.PackagePart;
import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.opc.PackagePartName;
import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.opc.PackageRelationship;
import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.opc.PackageRelationshipTypes;
import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.opc.PackagingURIHelper;
import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.opc.TargetMode;
import org.apache.poi.poifs.crypt.HashAlgorithm;
import org.apache.poi.util.IOUtils;
import org.apache.poi.util.Internal;
import org.apache.poi.wp.usermodel.HeaderFooterType;
import org.apache.poi.xddf.usermodel.chart.XDDFChart;
import org.apache.poi.xwpf.model.XWPFHeaderFooterPolicy;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlCursor;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlOptions;
import org.openxmlformats.schemas.officeDocument.x2006.sharedTypes.STOnOff1;
import org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.CTBody;
import org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.CTDocument1;
import org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.CTFtnEdn;
import org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.CTOnOff;
import org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.CTP;
import org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.CTRow;
import org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.CTSdtBlock;
import org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.CTSectPr;
import org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.CTStyles;
import org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.CTTbl;
import org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.CTTc;
import org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.CommentsDocument;
import org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.DocumentDocument;
import org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.EndnotesDocument;
import org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.FootnotesDocument;
import org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.NumberingDocument;
import org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.STDocProtect;
import org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.STHdrFtr;
import org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.StylesDocument;
* High(ish) level class for working with .docx files.
* <p>
* This class tries to hide some of the complexity
* of the underlying file format, but as it's not a
* mature and stable API yet, certain parts of the
* XML structure come through. You'll therefore almost
* certainly need to refer to the OOXML specifications
* from
* at some point in your use.
public class XWPFDocument extends POIXMLDocument implements Document, IBody {
public static final String NS_OOXML_WP_MAIN = "";
private static final Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(XWPFDocument.class);
protected List<XWPFFooter> footers = new ArrayList<>();
protected List<XWPFHeader> headers = new ArrayList<>();
protected List<XWPFHyperlink> hyperlinks = new ArrayList<>();
protected List<XWPFParagraph> paragraphs = new ArrayList<>();
protected List<XWPFTable> tables = new ArrayList<>();
protected List<XWPFSDT> contentControls = new ArrayList<>();
protected List<IBodyElement> bodyElements = new ArrayList<>();
protected List<XWPFPictureData> pictures = new ArrayList<>();
protected Map<Long, List<XWPFPictureData>> packagePictures = new HashMap<>();
protected XWPFEndnotes endnotes;
protected XWPFNumbering numbering;
protected XWPFStyles styles;
protected XWPFFootnotes footnotes;
private CTDocument1 ctDocument;
private XWPFSettings settings;
private XWPFComments comments;
protected final List<XWPFChart> charts = new ArrayList<>();
* Keeps track on all id-values used in this document and included parts, like headers, footers, etc.
private final IdentifierManager drawingIdManager = new IdentifierManager(0L, 4294967295L);
private final FootnoteEndnoteIdManager footnoteIdManager = new FootnoteEndnoteIdManager(this);
* Handles the joy of different headers/footers for different pages
private XWPFHeaderFooterPolicy headerFooterPolicy;
* @param pkg OPC package
* @throws IOException If reading data from the package fails
* @throws POIXMLException a RuntimeException that can be caused by invalid OOXML data
* @throws RuntimeException a number of other runtime exceptions can be thrown, especially if there are problems with the
* input format
public XWPFDocument(OPCPackage pkg) throws IOException {
//build a tree of POIXMLDocumentParts, this document being the root
* @param is The InputStream to read data from
* @throws IOException If reading data from the stream fails
* @throws POIXMLException a RuntimeException that can be caused by invalid OOXML data
* @throws RuntimeException a number of other runtime exceptions can be thrown, especially if there are problems with the
* input format
public XWPFDocument(InputStream is) throws IOException {
//build a tree of POIXMLDocumentParts, this workbook being the root
public XWPFDocument() {
* Create a new WordProcessingML package and setup the default minimal content
protected static OPCPackage newPackage() {
OPCPackage pkg = null;
try {
pkg = OPCPackage.create(new UnsynchronizedByteArrayOutputStream()); // NOSONAR - we do not want to close this here
// Main part
PackagePartName corePartName = PackagingURIHelper.createPartName(XWPFRelation.DOCUMENT.getDefaultFileName());
// Create main part relationship
pkg.addRelationship(corePartName, TargetMode.INTERNAL, PackageRelationshipTypes.CORE_DOCUMENT);
// Create main document part
pkg.createPart(corePartName, XWPFRelation.DOCUMENT.getContentType());
return pkg;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new POIXMLException(e);
protected void onDocumentRead() throws IOException {
try {
DocumentDocument doc;
try (InputStream stream = getPackagePart().getInputStream()) {
doc = DocumentDocument.Factory.parse(stream, DEFAULT_XML_OPTIONS);
ctDocument = doc.getDocument();
// parse the document with cursor and add
// the XmlObject to its lists
try (XmlCursor docCursor = ctDocument.newCursor()) {
while (docCursor.toNextSelection()) {
XmlObject o = docCursor.getObject();
if (o instanceof CTBody) {
try (XmlCursor bodyCursor = o.newCursor()) {
while (bodyCursor.toNextSelection()) {
XmlObject bodyObj = bodyCursor.getObject();
if (bodyObj instanceof CTP) {
XWPFParagraph p = new XWPFParagraph((CTP) bodyObj, this);
} else if (bodyObj instanceof CTTbl) {
XWPFTable t = new XWPFTable((CTTbl) bodyObj, this);
} else if (bodyObj instanceof CTSdtBlock) {
XWPFSDT c = new XWPFSDT((CTSdtBlock) bodyObj, this);
// Sort out headers and footers
if (doc.getDocument().getBody().getSectPr() != null) {
headerFooterPolicy = new XWPFHeaderFooterPolicy(this);
// Create for each XML-part in the Package a PartClass
for (RelationPart rp : getRelationParts()) {
POIXMLDocumentPart p = rp.getDocumentPart();
String relation = rp.getRelationship().getRelationshipType();
if (relation.equals(XWPFRelation.STYLES.getRelation())) {
this.styles = (XWPFStyles) p;
} else if (relation.equals(XWPFRelation.NUMBERING.getRelation())) {
this.numbering = (XWPFNumbering) p;
} else if (relation.equals(XWPFRelation.FOOTER.getRelation())) {
XWPFFooter footer = (XWPFFooter) p;
} else if (relation.equals(XWPFRelation.HEADER.getRelation())) {
XWPFHeader header = (XWPFHeader) p;
} else if (relation.equals(XWPFRelation.COMMENT.getRelation())) {
this.comments = (XWPFComments) p;
} else if (relation.equals(XWPFRelation.SETTINGS.getRelation())) {
settings = (XWPFSettings) p;
} else if (relation.equals(XWPFRelation.IMAGES.getRelation())) {
XWPFPictureData picData = (XWPFPictureData) p;
} else if (relation.equals(XWPFRelation.CHART.getRelation())) {
//now we can use all methods to modify charts in XWPFDocument
XWPFChart chartData = (XWPFChart) p;
} else if (relation.equals(XWPFRelation.GLOSSARY_DOCUMENT.getRelation())) {
// We don't currently process the glossary itself
// Until we do, we do need to load the glossary child parts of it
for (POIXMLDocumentPart gp : p.getRelations()) {
// Trigger the onDocumentRead for all the child parts
// Otherwise we'll hit issues on Styles, Settings etc on save
// TODO: Refactor this to not need to access protected method
// from other package! Remove the static helper method once fixed!!!
} catch (XmlException e) {
throw new POIXMLException(e);
private void initHyperlinks() {
// Get the hyperlinks
// TODO: make me optional/separated in private function
try {
hyperlinks = new ArrayList<>();
for (PackageRelationship rel : getPackagePart().getRelationshipsByType(XWPFRelation.HYPERLINK.getRelation())) {
hyperlinks.add(new XWPFHyperlink(rel.getId(), rel.getTargetURI().toString()));
} catch (InvalidFormatException e) {
throw new POIXMLException(e);
private void initFootnotes() throws XmlException, IOException {
for (RelationPart rp : getRelationParts()) {
POIXMLDocumentPart p = rp.getDocumentPart();
String relation = rp.getRelationship().getRelationshipType();
if (relation.equals(XWPFRelation.FOOTNOTE.getRelation())) {
this.footnotes = (XWPFFootnotes) p;
} else if (relation.equals(XWPFRelation.ENDNOTE.getRelation())) {
this.endnotes = (XWPFEndnotes) p;
* Create a new CTWorkbook with all values set to default
protected void onDocumentCreate() {
ctDocument = CTDocument1.Factory.newInstance();
settings = (XWPFSettings) createRelationship(XWPFRelation.SETTINGS, XWPFFactory.getInstance());
POIXMLProperties.ExtendedProperties expProps = getProperties().getExtendedProperties();
* Returns the low level document base object
public CTDocument1 getDocument() {
return ctDocument;
IdentifierManager getDrawingIdManager() {
return drawingIdManager;
* returns an Iterator with paragraphs and tables
public List<IBodyElement> getBodyElements() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(bodyElements);
public Iterator<IBodyElement> getBodyElementsIterator() {
return bodyElements.iterator();
* returns a Spliterator with paragraphs and tables
* @since POI 5.2.0
public Spliterator<IBodyElement> getBodyElementsSpliterator() {
return bodyElements.spliterator();
public List<XWPFParagraph> getParagraphs() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(paragraphs);
public List<XWPFTable> getTables() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(tables);
* @return list of XWPFCharts in this document
public List<XWPFChart> getCharts() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(charts);
public XWPFTable getTableArray(int pos) {
if (pos >= 0 && pos < tables.size()) {
return tables.get(pos);
return null;
* @return the list of footers
public List<XWPFFooter> getFooterList() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(footers);
public XWPFFooter getFooterArray(int pos) {
if (pos >= 0 && pos < footers.size()) {
return footers.get(pos);
return null;
* @return the list of headers
public List<XWPFHeader> getHeaderList() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(headers);
public XWPFHeader getHeaderArray(int pos) {
if (pos >= 0 && pos < headers.size()) {
return headers.get(pos);
return null;
public String getTblStyle(XWPFTable table) {
return table.getStyleID();
public XWPFHyperlink getHyperlinkByID(String id) {
for (XWPFHyperlink link : hyperlinks) {
if (link.getId().equals(id)) {
return link;
// If the link was not found, rebuild the list (maybe a new link was added into the document) and check again.
for (XWPFHyperlink link : hyperlinks) {
if (link.getId().equals(id)) {
return link;
// Link still not there? Giving up.
return null;
public XWPFFootnote getFootnoteByID(int id) {
if (footnotes == null) {
return null;
return (XWPFFootnote)footnotes.getFootnoteById(id);
public XWPFEndnote getEndnoteByID(int id) {
if (endnotes == null) {
return null;
return endnotes.getFootnoteById(id);
public List<XWPFFootnote> getFootnotes() {
if (footnotes == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
return footnotes.getFootnotesList();
public XWPFHyperlink[] getHyperlinks() {
return hyperlinks.toArray(new XWPFHyperlink[0]);
* Get Comments
* @return comments
public XWPFComments getDocComments() {
return comments;
public XWPFComment getCommentByID(String id) {
if (null == comments) {
return null;
return comments.getCommentByID(id);
public XWPFComment[] getComments() {
if (null == comments) {
return null;
return comments.getComments().toArray(new XWPFComment[0]);
* Get the document part that's defined as the
* given relationship of the core document.
public PackagePart getPartById(String id) {
try {
PackagePart corePart = getCorePart();
return corePart.getRelatedPart(corePart.getRelationship(id));
} catch (InvalidFormatException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
* Returns the policy on headers and footers, which
* also provides a way to get at them.
public XWPFHeaderFooterPolicy getHeaderFooterPolicy() {
return headerFooterPolicy;
public XWPFHeaderFooterPolicy createHeaderFooterPolicy() {
if (headerFooterPolicy == null) {
// if (! ctDocument.getBody().isSetSectPr()) {
// ctDocument.getBody().addNewSectPr();
// }
headerFooterPolicy = new XWPFHeaderFooterPolicy(this);
return headerFooterPolicy;
* Create a header of the given type
* @param type {@link HeaderFooterType} enum
* @return object of type {@link XWPFHeader}
public XWPFHeader createHeader(HeaderFooterType type) {
XWPFHeaderFooterPolicy hfPolicy = createHeaderFooterPolicy();
// TODO this needs to be migrated out into section code
if (type == HeaderFooterType.FIRST) {
CTSectPr ctSectPr = getSection();
if (!ctSectPr.isSetTitlePg()) {
CTOnOff titlePg = ctSectPr.addNewTitlePg();
// } else if (type == HeaderFooterType.EVEN) {
// TODO Add support for Even/Odd headings and footers
return hfPolicy.createHeader(STHdrFtr.Enum.forInt(type.toInt()));
* Create a footer of the given type
* @param type {@link HeaderFooterType} enum
* @return object of type {@link XWPFFooter}
public XWPFFooter createFooter(HeaderFooterType type) {
XWPFHeaderFooterPolicy hfPolicy = createHeaderFooterPolicy();
// TODO this needs to be migrated out into section code
if (type == HeaderFooterType.FIRST) {
CTSectPr ctSectPr = getSection();
if (!ctSectPr.isSetTitlePg()) {
CTOnOff titlePg = ctSectPr.addNewTitlePg();
// } else if (type == HeaderFooterType.EVEN) {
// TODO Add support for Even/Odd headings and footers
return hfPolicy.createFooter(STHdrFtr.Enum.forInt(type.toInt()));
* Return the {@link CTSectPr} object that corresponds with the
* last section in this document.
* @return {@link CTSectPr} object
private CTSectPr getSection() {
CTBody ctBody = getDocument().getBody();
return (ctBody.isSetSectPr() ?
ctBody.getSectPr() :
* Returns the styles object used
public CTStyles getStyle() throws XmlException, IOException {
PackagePart[] parts;
try {
parts = getRelatedByType(XWPFRelation.STYLES.getRelation());
} catch (InvalidFormatException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
if (parts.length != 1) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Expecting one Styles document part, but found " + parts.length);
try (InputStream stream = parts[0].getInputStream()) {
StylesDocument sd = StylesDocument.Factory.parse(stream, DEFAULT_XML_OPTIONS);
return sd.getStyles();
* Get the document's embedded files.
public List<PackagePart> getAllEmbeddedParts() throws OpenXML4JException {
List<PackagePart> embedds = new LinkedList<>();
// Get the embeddings for the workbook
PackagePart part = getPackagePart();
for (PackageRelationship rel : getPackagePart().getRelationshipsByType(OLE_OBJECT_REL_TYPE)) {
for (PackageRelationship rel : getPackagePart().getRelationshipsByType(PACK_OBJECT_REL_TYPE)) {
return embedds;
* Finds that for example the 2nd entry in the body list is the 1st paragraph
private int getBodyElementSpecificPos(int pos, List<? extends IBodyElement> list) {
// If there's nothing to find, skip it
if (list.isEmpty()) {
return -1;
if (pos >= 0 && pos < bodyElements.size()) {
// Ensure the type is correct
IBodyElement needle = bodyElements.get(pos);
if (needle.getElementType() != list.get(0).getElementType()) {
// Wrong type
return -1;
// Work back until we find it
int startPos = Math.min(pos, list.size() - 1);
for (int i = startPos; i >= 0; i--) {
if (list.get(i) == needle) {
return i;
// Couldn't be found
return -1;
* Look up the paragraph at the specified position in the body elements list
* and return this paragraphs position in the paragraphs list
* @param pos The position of the relevant paragraph in the body elements
* list
* @return the position of the paragraph in the paragraphs list, if there is
* a paragraph at the position in the bodyelements list. Else it
* will return -1
public int getParagraphPos(int pos) {
return getBodyElementSpecificPos(pos, paragraphs);
* get with the position of a table in the bodyelement array list
* the position of this table in the table array list
* @param pos position of the table in the bodyelement array list
* @return if there is a table at the position in the bodyelement array list,
* else it will return null.
public int getTablePos(int pos) {
return getBodyElementSpecificPos(pos, tables);
* Add a new paragraph at position of the cursor. The cursor must be on the
* {@link XmlCursor.TokenType#START} tag of an subelement
* of the documents body. When this method is done, the cursor passed as
* parameter points to the {@link XmlCursor.TokenType#END}
* of the newly inserted paragraph.
* @param cursor The cursor-position where the new paragraph should be added.
* @return the {@link XWPFParagraph} object representing the newly inserted
* CTP object
public XWPFParagraph insertNewParagraph(XmlCursor cursor) {
if (isCursorInBody(cursor)) {
String uri = CTP.type.getName().getNamespaceURI();
* TODO DO not use a coded constant, find the constant in the OOXML
* classes instead, as the child of type CT_Paragraph is defined in the
* OOXML schema as 'p'
String localPart = "p";
// creates a new Paragraph, cursor is positioned inside the new
// element
cursor.beginElement(localPart, uri);
// move the cursor to the START token to the paragraph just created
CTP p = (CTP) cursor.getObject();
XWPFParagraph newP = new XWPFParagraph(p, this);
XmlObject o = null;
* move the cursor to the previous element until a) the next
* paragraph is found or b) all elements have been passed
while (!(o instanceof CTP) && (cursor.toPrevSibling())) {
o = cursor.getObject();
* if the object that has been found is a) not a paragraph or b) is
* the paragraph that has just been inserted, as the cursor in the
* while loop above was not moved as there were no other siblings,
* then the paragraph that was just inserted is the first paragraph
* in the body. Otherwise, take the previous paragraph and calculate
* the new index for the new paragraph.
if ((!(o instanceof CTP)) || o == p) {
paragraphs.add(0, newP);
} else {
int pos = paragraphs.indexOf(getParagraph((CTP) o)) + 1;
paragraphs.add(pos, newP);
* create a new cursor, that points to the START token of the just
* inserted paragraph
try (XmlCursor newParaPos = p.newCursor()) {
* Calculate the paragraphs index in the list of all body
* elements
int i = 0;
while (cursor.toPrevSibling()) {
o = cursor.getObject();
if (o instanceof CTP || o instanceof CTTbl) {
bodyElements.add(i, newP);
return newP;
return null;
public XWPFTable insertNewTbl(XmlCursor cursor) {
if (isCursorInBody(cursor)) {
String uri = CTTbl.type.getName().getNamespaceURI();
String localPart = "tbl";
cursor.beginElement(localPart, uri);
CTTbl t = (CTTbl) cursor.getObject();
XWPFTable newT = new XWPFTable(t, this);
XmlObject o = null;
while (!(o instanceof CTTbl) && (cursor.toPrevSibling())) {
o = cursor.getObject();
if (!(o instanceof CTTbl)) {
tables.add(0, newT);
} else {
int pos = tables.indexOf(getTable((CTTbl) o)) + 1;
tables.add(pos, newT);
int i = 0;
try (XmlCursor tableCursor = t.newCursor()) {
while (cursor.toPrevSibling()) {
o = cursor.getObject();
if (o instanceof CTP || o instanceof CTTbl) {
bodyElements.add(i, newT);
return newT;
return null;
* verifies that cursor is on the right position
private boolean isCursorInBody(XmlCursor cursor) {
try (XmlCursor verify = cursor.newCursor()) {
return (verify.getObject() == this.ctDocument.getBody());
private int getPosOfBodyElement(IBodyElement needle) {
BodyElementType type = needle.getElementType();
IBodyElement current;
for (int i = 0; i < bodyElements.size(); i++) {
current = bodyElements.get(i);
if (current.getElementType() == type) {
if (current.equals(needle)) {
return i;
return -1;
* Get the position of the paragraph, within the list
* of all the body elements.
* @param p The paragraph to find
* @return The location, or -1 if the paragraph couldn't be found
public int getPosOfParagraph(XWPFParagraph p) {
return getPosOfBodyElement(p);
* Get the position of the table, within the list of
* all the body elements.
* @param t The table to find
* @return The location, or -1 if the table couldn't be found
public int getPosOfTable(XWPFTable t) {
return getPosOfBodyElement(t);
* commit and saves the document
protected void commit() throws IOException {
XmlOptions xmlOptions = new XmlOptions(DEFAULT_XML_OPTIONS);
xmlOptions.setSaveSyntheticDocumentElement(new QName(CTDocument1.type.getName().getNamespaceURI(), "document"));
PackagePart part = getPackagePart();
try (OutputStream out = part.getOutputStream()) {, xmlOptions);
* Gets the index of the relation we're trying to create
private int getRelationIndex(XWPFRelation relation) {
int i = 1;
for (RelationPart rp : getRelationParts()) {
if (rp.getRelationship().getRelationshipType().equals(relation.getRelation())) {
return i;
* Appends a new paragraph to this document
* @return a new paragraph
public XWPFParagraph createParagraph() {
XWPFParagraph p = new XWPFParagraph(ctDocument.getBody().addNewP(), this);
return p;
* Creates an empty comments for the document if one does not already exist
* @return comments
public XWPFComments createComments() {
if (comments == null) {
CommentsDocument commentsDoc = CommentsDocument.Factory.newInstance();
XWPFRelation relation = XWPFRelation.COMMENT;
int i = getRelationIndex(relation);
XWPFComments wrapper = (XWPFComments) createRelationship(relation, XWPFFactory.getInstance(), i);
comments = wrapper;
return comments;
* Creates an empty numbering if one does not already exist and sets the numbering member
* @return numbering
public XWPFNumbering createNumbering() {
if (numbering == null) {
NumberingDocument numberingDoc = NumberingDocument.Factory.newInstance();
XWPFRelation relation = XWPFRelation.NUMBERING;
int i = getRelationIndex(relation);
XWPFNumbering wrapper = (XWPFNumbering) createRelationship(relation, XWPFFactory.getInstance(), i);
numbering = wrapper;
return numbering;
* Creates an empty styles for the document if one does not already exist
* @return styles
public XWPFStyles createStyles() {
if (styles == null) {
StylesDocument stylesDoc = StylesDocument.Factory.newInstance();
XWPFRelation relation = XWPFRelation.STYLES;
int i = getRelationIndex(relation);
XWPFStyles wrapper = (XWPFStyles) createRelationship(relation, XWPFFactory.getInstance(), i);
styles = wrapper;
return styles;
* Creates an empty footnotes element for the document if one does not already exist
* @return footnotes
public XWPFFootnotes createFootnotes() {
if (footnotes == null) {
FootnotesDocument footnotesDoc = FootnotesDocument.Factory.newInstance();
XWPFRelation relation = XWPFRelation.FOOTNOTE;
int i = getRelationIndex(relation);
XWPFFootnotes wrapper = (XWPFFootnotes) createRelationship(relation, XWPFFactory.getInstance(), i);
footnotes = wrapper;
return footnotes;
* Add a CTFtnEdn footnote to the document.
* @param note CTFtnEnd to be added.
* @return New {@link XWPFFootnote}
public XWPFFootnote addFootnote(CTFtnEdn note) {
return footnotes.addFootnote(note);
* Add a CTFtnEdn endnote to the document.
* @param note CTFtnEnd to be added.
* @return New {@link XWPFEndnote}
public XWPFEndnote addEndnote(CTFtnEdn note) {
XWPFEndnote endnote = new XWPFEndnote(this, note);
return endnote;
* remove a BodyElement from bodyElements array list
* @return true if removing was successfully, else return false
public boolean removeBodyElement(int pos) {
if (pos >= 0 && pos < bodyElements.size()) {
BodyElementType type = bodyElements.get(pos).getElementType();
if (type == BodyElementType.TABLE) {
int tablePos = getTablePos(pos);
if (type == BodyElementType.PARAGRAPH) {
int paraPos = getParagraphPos(pos);
return true;
return false;
* copies content of a paragraph to a existing paragraph in the list paragraphs at position pos
public void setParagraph(XWPFParagraph paragraph, int pos) {
paragraphs.set(pos, paragraph);
ctDocument.getBody().setPArray(pos, paragraph.getCTP());
/* TODO update body element, update xwpf element, verify that
* incoming paragraph belongs to this document or if not, XML was
* copied properly (namespace-abbreviations, etc.)
* @return the LastParagraph of the document
public XWPFParagraph getLastParagraph() {
int lastPos = paragraphs.toArray().length - 1;
return paragraphs.get(lastPos);
* Create an empty table with one row and one column as default.
* @return a new table
public XWPFTable createTable() {
XWPFTable table = new XWPFTable(ctDocument.getBody().addNewTbl(), this);
return table;
* Create an empty table with a number of rows and cols specified
public XWPFTable createTable(int rows, int cols) {
XWPFTable table = new XWPFTable(ctDocument.getBody().addNewTbl(), this, rows, cols);
return table;
public void createTOC() {
CTSdtBlock block = this.getDocument().getBody().addNewSdt();
TOC toc = new TOC(block);
for (XWPFParagraph par : paragraphs) {
String parStyle = par.getStyle();
if (parStyle != null && parStyle.startsWith("Heading")) {
try {
int level = Integer.parseInt(parStyle.substring("Heading".length()));
toc.addRow(level, par.getText(), 1, "112723803");
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
LOG.atError().withThrowable(e).log("can't format number in TOC heading");
* Replace content of table in array tables at position pos with a
public void setTable(int pos, XWPFTable table) {
tables.set(pos, table);
ctDocument.getBody().setTblArray(pos, table.getCTTbl());
* Verifies that the documentProtection tag in settings.xml file <br>
* specifies that the protection is enforced (w:enforcement="1") <br>
* <br>
* sample snippet from settings.xml
* <pre>
* &lt;w:settings ... &gt;
* &lt;w:documentProtection w:edit=&quot;readOnly&quot; w:enforcement=&quot;1&quot;/&gt;
* </pre>
* @return true if documentProtection is enforced with option any
public boolean isEnforcedProtection() {
return settings.isEnforcedWith();
* Verifies that the documentProtection tag in settings.xml file <br>
* specifies that the protection is enforced (w:enforcement="1") <br>
* and that the kind of protection is readOnly (w:edit="readOnly")<br>
* <br>
* sample snippet from settings.xml
* <pre>
* &lt;w:settings ... &gt;
* &lt;w:documentProtection w:edit=&quot;readOnly&quot; w:enforcement=&quot;1&quot;/&gt;
* </pre>
* @return true if documentProtection is enforced with option readOnly
public boolean isEnforcedReadonlyProtection() {
return settings.isEnforcedWith(STDocProtect.READ_ONLY);
* Verifies that the documentProtection tag in settings.xml file <br>
* specifies that the protection is enforced (w:enforcement="1") <br>
* and that the kind of protection is forms (w:edit="forms")<br>
* <br>
* sample snippet from settings.xml
* <pre>
* &lt;w:settings ... &gt;
* &lt;w:documentProtection w:edit=&quot;forms&quot; w:enforcement=&quot;1&quot;/&gt;
* </pre>
* @return true if documentProtection is enforced with option forms
public boolean isEnforcedFillingFormsProtection() {
return settings.isEnforcedWith(STDocProtect.FORMS);
* Verifies that the documentProtection tag in settings.xml file <br>
* specifies that the protection is enforced (w:enforcement="1") <br>
* and that the kind of protection is comments (w:edit="comments")<br>
* <br>
* sample snippet from settings.xml
* <pre>
* &lt;w:settings ... &gt;
* &lt;w:documentProtection w:edit=&quot;comments&quot; w:enforcement=&quot;1&quot;/&gt;
* </pre>
* @return true if documentProtection is enforced with option comments
public boolean isEnforcedCommentsProtection() {
return settings.isEnforcedWith(STDocProtect.COMMENTS);
* Verifies that the documentProtection tag in settings.xml file <br>
* specifies that the protection is enforced (w:enforcement="1") <br>
* and that the kind of protection is trackedChanges (w:edit="trackedChanges")<br>
* <br>
* sample snippet from settings.xml
* <pre>
* &lt;w:settings ... &gt;
* &lt;w:documentProtection w:edit=&quot;trackedChanges&quot; w:enforcement=&quot;1&quot;/&gt;
* </pre>
* @return true if documentProtection is enforced with option trackedChanges
public boolean isEnforcedTrackedChangesProtection() {
return settings.isEnforcedWith(STDocProtect.TRACKED_CHANGES);
public boolean isEnforcedUpdateFields() {
return settings.isUpdateFields();
* Enforces the readOnly protection.<br>
* In the documentProtection tag inside settings.xml file, <br>
* it sets the value of enforcement to "1" (w:enforcement="1") <br>
* and the value of edit to readOnly (w:edit="readOnly")<br>
* <br>
* sample snippet from settings.xml
* <pre>
* &lt;w:settings ... &gt;
* &lt;w:documentProtection w:edit=&quot;readOnly&quot; w:enforcement=&quot;1&quot;/&gt;
* </pre>
public void enforceReadonlyProtection() {
* Enforces the readOnly protection with a password.<br>
* <br>
* sample snippet from settings.xml
* <pre>
* &lt;w:documentProtection w:edit=&quot;readOnly&quot; w:enforcement=&quot;1&quot;
* w:cryptProviderType=&quot;rsaAES&quot; w:cryptAlgorithmClass=&quot;hash&quot;
* w:cryptAlgorithmType=&quot;typeAny&quot; w:cryptAlgorithmSid=&quot;14&quot;
* w:cryptSpinCount=&quot;100000&quot; w:hash=&quot;...&quot; w:salt=&quot;....&quot;
* /&gt;
* </pre>
* @param password the plaintext password, if null no password will be applied
* @param hashAlgo the hash algorithm - only md2, m5, sha1, sha256, sha384 and sha512 are supported.
* if null, it will default default to sha1
public void enforceReadonlyProtection(String password, HashAlgorithm hashAlgo) {
settings.setEnforcementEditValue(STDocProtect.READ_ONLY, password, hashAlgo);
* Enforce the Filling Forms protection.<br>
* In the documentProtection tag inside settings.xml file, <br>
* it sets the value of enforcement to "1" (w:enforcement="1") <br>
* and the value of edit to forms (w:edit="forms")<br>
* <br>
* sample snippet from settings.xml
* <pre>
* &lt;w:settings ... &gt;
* &lt;w:documentProtection w:edit=&quot;forms&quot; w:enforcement=&quot;1&quot;/&gt;
* </pre>
public void enforceFillingFormsProtection() {
* Enforce the Filling Forms protection.<br>
* <br>
* sample snippet from settings.xml
* <pre>
* &lt;w:documentProtection w:edit=&quot;forms&quot; w:enforcement=&quot;1&quot;
* w:cryptProviderType=&quot;rsaAES&quot; w:cryptAlgorithmClass=&quot;hash&quot;
* w:cryptAlgorithmType=&quot;typeAny&quot; w:cryptAlgorithmSid=&quot;14&quot;
* w:cryptSpinCount=&quot;100000&quot; w:hash=&quot;...&quot; w:salt=&quot;....&quot;
* /&gt;
* </pre>
* @param password the plaintext password, if null no password will be applied
* @param hashAlgo the hash algorithm - only md2, m5, sha1, sha256, sha384 and sha512 are supported.
* if null, it will default default to sha1
public void enforceFillingFormsProtection(String password, HashAlgorithm hashAlgo) {
settings.setEnforcementEditValue(STDocProtect.FORMS, password, hashAlgo);
* Enforce the Comments protection.<br>
* In the documentProtection tag inside settings.xml file,<br>
* it sets the value of enforcement to "1" (w:enforcement="1") <br>
* and the value of edit to comments (w:edit="comments")<br>
* <br>
* sample snippet from settings.xml
* <pre>
* &lt;w:settings ... &gt;
* &lt;w:documentProtection w:edit=&quot;comments&quot; w:enforcement=&quot;1&quot;/&gt;
* </pre>
public void enforceCommentsProtection() {
* Enforce the Comments protection.<br>
* <br>
* sample snippet from settings.xml
* <pre>
* &lt;w:documentProtection w:edit=&quot;comments&quot; w:enforcement=&quot;1&quot;
* w:cryptProviderType=&quot;rsaAES&quot; w:cryptAlgorithmClass=&quot;hash&quot;
* w:cryptAlgorithmType=&quot;typeAny&quot; w:cryptAlgorithmSid=&quot;14&quot;
* w:cryptSpinCount=&quot;100000&quot; w:hash=&quot;...&quot; w:salt=&quot;....&quot;
* /&gt;
* </pre>
* @param password the plaintext password, if null no password will be applied
* @param hashAlgo the hash algorithm - only md2, m5, sha1, sha256, sha384 and sha512 are supported.
* if null, it will default default to sha1
public void enforceCommentsProtection(String password, HashAlgorithm hashAlgo) {
settings.setEnforcementEditValue(STDocProtect.COMMENTS, password, hashAlgo);
* Enforce the Tracked Changes protection.<br>
* In the documentProtection tag inside settings.xml file, <br>
* it sets the value of enforcement to "1" (w:enforcement="1") <br>
* and the value of edit to trackedChanges (w:edit="trackedChanges")<br>
* <br>
* sample snippet from settings.xml
* <pre>
* &lt;w:settings ... &gt;
* &lt;w:documentProtection w:edit=&quot;trackedChanges&quot; w:enforcement=&quot;1&quot;/&gt;
* </pre>
public void enforceTrackedChangesProtection() {
* Enforce the Tracked Changes protection.<br>
* <br>
* sample snippet from settings.xml
* <pre>
* &lt;w:documentProtection w:edit=&quot;trackedChanges&quot; w:enforcement=&quot;1&quot;
* w:cryptProviderType=&quot;rsaAES&quot; w:cryptAlgorithmClass=&quot;hash&quot;
* w:cryptAlgorithmType=&quot;typeAny&quot; w:cryptAlgorithmSid=&quot;14&quot;
* w:cryptSpinCount=&quot;100000&quot; w:hash=&quot;...&quot; w:salt=&quot;....&quot;
* /&gt;
* </pre>
* @param password the plaintext password, if null no password will be applied
* @param hashAlgo the hash algorithm - only md2, m5, sha1, sha256, sha384 and sha512 are supported.
* if null, it will default default to sha1
public void enforceTrackedChangesProtection(String password, HashAlgorithm hashAlgo) {
settings.setEnforcementEditValue(STDocProtect.TRACKED_CHANGES, password, hashAlgo);
* Validates the existing password
* @return true, only if password was set and equals, false otherwise
public boolean validateProtectionPassword(String password) {
return settings.validateProtectionPassword(password);
* Remove protection enforcement.<br>
* In the documentProtection tag inside settings.xml file <br>
* it sets the value of enforcement to "0" (w:enforcement="0") <br>
public void removeProtectionEnforcement() {
* Enforces fields update on document open (in Word).
* In the settings.xml file <br>
* sets the updateSettings value to true (w:updateSettings w:val="true")
* <p>
* <ul>
* <li>Causing Word to ask on open: "This document contains fields that may refer to other files. Do you want to update the fields in this document?"
* (if "Update automatic links at open" is enabled)</li>
* <li>Flag is removed after saving with changes in Word </li>
* </ul>
public void enforceUpdateFields() {
* Check if revision tracking is turned on.
* @return {@code true} if revision tracking is turned on
public boolean isTrackRevisions() {
return settings.isTrackRevisions();
* Enable or disable revision tracking.
* @param enable {@code true} to turn on revision tracking, {@code false} to turn off revision tracking
public void setTrackRevisions(boolean enable) {
* Returns the current zoom factor in percent values, i.e. 100 is normal zoom.
* @return A percent value denoting the current zoom setting of this document.
public long getZoomPercent() {
return settings.getZoomPercent();
* Set the zoom setting as percent value, i.e. 100 is normal zoom.
* @param zoomPercent A percent value denoting the zoom setting for this document.
public void setZoomPercent(long zoomPercent) {
* Returns the even-and-odd-headings setting
* @return True or false indicating whether or not separate even and odd headings is turned on.
public boolean getEvenAndOddHeadings() {
return settings.getEvenAndOddHeadings();
* Sets the even-and-odd-headings setting
* @param enable Set to true to turn on separate even and odd headings.
public void setEvenAndOddHeadings(boolean enable) {
* Returns the mirror margins setting
* @return True or false indicating whether or not mirror margins is turned on.
public boolean getMirrorMargins() {
return settings.getMirrorMargins();
* Sets the mirror margins setting
* @param enable Set to true to turn on mirror margins.
public void setMirrorMargins(boolean enable) {
* inserts an existing XWPFTable to the arrays bodyElements and tables
public void insertTable(int pos, XWPFTable table) {
bodyElements.add(pos, table);
int i = 0;
for (CTTbl tbl : ctDocument.getBody().getTblArray()) {
if (tbl == table.getCTTbl()) {
tables.add(i, table);
* Returns all Pictures, which are referenced from the document itself.
* @return a {@link List} of {@link XWPFPictureData}. The returned {@link List} is unmodifiable. Use #a
public List<XWPFPictureData> getAllPictures() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(pictures);
* @return all Pictures in this package
public List<XWPFPictureData> getAllPackagePictures() {
List<XWPFPictureData> result = new ArrayList<>();
Collection<List<XWPFPictureData>> values = packagePictures.values();
for (List<XWPFPictureData> list : values) {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(result);
* @return document level settings
* @since POI 5.2.1
public XWPFSettings getSettings() {
return settings;
void registerPackagePictureData(XWPFPictureData picData) {
List<XWPFPictureData> list = packagePictures.computeIfAbsent(picData.getChecksum(), k -> new ArrayList<>(1));
if (!list.contains(picData)) {
XWPFPictureData findPackagePictureData(byte[] pictureData) {
long checksum = IOUtils.calculateChecksum(pictureData);
XWPFPictureData xwpfPicData = null;
* Try to find PictureData with this checksum. Create new, if none
* exists.
List<XWPFPictureData> xwpfPicDataList = packagePictures.get(checksum);
if (xwpfPicDataList != null) {
Iterator<XWPFPictureData> iter = xwpfPicDataList.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext() && xwpfPicData == null) {
XWPFPictureData curElem =;
if (Arrays.equals(pictureData, curElem.getData())) {
xwpfPicData = curElem;
return xwpfPicData;
* Adds a picture to the document.
* @param pictureData The picture data
* @param format the format of the picture, see constants in {@link Document}
* @return the index to this picture (0 based), the added picture can be
* obtained from {@link #getAllPictures()} .
* @throws InvalidFormatException if the format is not known
* @see #addPictureData(byte[], PictureType)
public String addPictureData(byte[] pictureData, int format) throws InvalidFormatException {
return addPictureData(pictureData, PictureType.findByOoxmlId(format));
* Adds a picture to the document.
* @param pictureData The picture data
* @param pictureType the {@link PictureType}
* @return the index to this picture (0 based), the added picture can be
* obtained from {@link #getAllPictures()} .
* @throws InvalidFormatException if the format is not known
* @since POI 5.2.3
public String addPictureData(byte[] pictureData, PictureType pictureType) throws InvalidFormatException {
if (pictureType == null) {
throw new InvalidFormatException("pictureType is not supported");
XWPFPictureData xwpfPicData = findPackagePictureData(pictureData);
POIXMLRelation relDesc = XWPFPictureData.RELATIONS[pictureType.ooxmlId];
if (xwpfPicData == null) {
/* Part doesn't exist, create a new one */
int idx = getNextPicNameNumber(pictureType);
xwpfPicData = (XWPFPictureData) createRelationship(relDesc, XWPFFactory.getInstance(), idx);
/* write bytes to new part */
PackagePart picDataPart = xwpfPicData.getPackagePart();
try (OutputStream out = picDataPart.getOutputStream()) {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new POIXMLException(e);
return getRelationId(xwpfPicData);
} else if (!getRelations().contains(xwpfPicData)) {
* Part already existed, but was not related so far. Create
* relationship to the already existing part and update
* POIXMLDocumentPart data.
// TODO add support for TargetMode.EXTERNAL relations.
RelationPart rp = addRelation(null, XWPFRelation.IMAGES, xwpfPicData);
return rp.getRelationship().getId();
} else {
/* Part already existed, get relation id and return it */
return getRelationId(xwpfPicData);
* Adds a picture to the document.
* @param is The picture data
* @param format the format of the picture, see constants in {@link Document}
* @return the index to this picture (0 based), the added picture can be
* obtained from {@link #getAllPictures()} .
* @throws InvalidFormatException if the format is not known
* @see #addPictureData(InputStream, PictureType)
public String addPictureData(InputStream is, int format) throws InvalidFormatException {
try {
byte[] data = IOUtils.toByteArrayWithMaxLength(is, XWPFPictureData.getMaxImageSize());
return addPictureData(data, format);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new POIXMLException(e);
* Adds a picture to the document.
* @param is The picture data
* @param pictureType the {@link PictureType}
* @return the index to this picture (0 based), the added picture can be
* obtained from {@link #getAllPictures()} .
* @throws InvalidFormatException if the pictureType is not known
* @since POI 5.2.3
public String addPictureData(InputStream is, PictureType pictureType) throws InvalidFormatException {
try {
byte[] data = IOUtils.toByteArrayWithMaxLength(is, XWPFPictureData.getMaxImageSize());
return addPictureData(data, pictureType);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new POIXMLException(e);
* get the next free ImageNumber
* @param format the format of the picture, see constants in {@link Document}
* @return the next free ImageNumber
* @throws InvalidFormatException If the format of the picture is not known.
* @see #getNextPicNameNumber(PictureType)
public int getNextPicNameNumber(int format) throws InvalidFormatException {
return getNextPicNameNumber(PictureType.findByOoxmlId(format));
* get the next free ImageNumber
* @param pictureType the {@link PictureType}
* @return the next free ImageNumber
* @throws InvalidFormatException If the pictureType of the picture is not known.
* @since POI 5.2.3
public int getNextPicNameNumber(PictureType pictureType) throws InvalidFormatException {
if (pictureType == null) {
throw new InvalidFormatException("pictureType is not supported");
int img = getAllPackagePictures().size() + 1;
String proposal = XWPFPictureData.RELATIONS[pictureType.ooxmlId].getFileName(img);
PackagePartName createPartName = PackagingURIHelper.createPartName(proposal);
while (this.getPackage().getPart(createPartName) != null) {
proposal = XWPFPictureData.RELATIONS[pictureType.ooxmlId].getFileName(img);
createPartName = PackagingURIHelper.createPartName(proposal);
return img;
* returns the PictureData by blipID
* @return XWPFPictureData of a specificID
public XWPFPictureData getPictureDataByID(String blipID) {
POIXMLDocumentPart relatedPart = getRelationById(blipID);
if (relatedPart instanceof XWPFPictureData) {
return (XWPFPictureData) relatedPart;
return null;
* getNumbering
* @return numbering
public XWPFNumbering getNumbering() {
return numbering;
* get Styles
* @return styles for this document
public XWPFStyles getStyles() {
return styles;
public XWPFParagraph getParagraph(CTP p) {
for (XWPFParagraph paragraph : paragraphs) {
if (paragraph.getCTP() == p) {
return paragraph;
return null;
* get a table by its CTTbl-Object
* @return a table by its CTTbl-Object or null
public XWPFTable getTable(CTTbl ctTbl) {
for (int i = 0; i < tables.size(); i++) {
if (getTables().get(i).getCTTbl() == ctTbl) {
return getTables().get(i);
return null;
public Iterator<XWPFTable> getTablesIterator() {
return tables.iterator();
* @since POI 5.2.0
public Spliterator<XWPFTable> getTablesSpliterator() {
return tables.spliterator();
public Iterator<XWPFParagraph> getParagraphsIterator() {
return paragraphs.iterator();
* @since POI 5.2.0
public Spliterator<XWPFParagraph> getParagraphsSpliterator() {
return paragraphs.spliterator();
* Returns the paragraph that of position pos
public XWPFParagraph getParagraphArray(int pos) {
if (pos >= 0 && pos < paragraphs.size()) {
return paragraphs.get(pos);
return null;
* returns the Part, to which the body belongs, which you need for adding relationship to other parts
* Actually it is needed of the class XWPFTableCell. Because you have to know to which part the tableCell
* belongs.
public POIXMLDocumentPart getPart() {
return this;
* get the PartType of the body, for example
public BodyType getPartType() {
return BodyType.DOCUMENT;
* get the TableCell which belongs to the TableCell
public XWPFTableCell getTableCell(CTTc cell) {
XmlObject o;
CTRow row;
try (final XmlCursor cursor = cell.newCursor()) {
o = cursor.getObject();
if (!(o instanceof CTRow)) {
return null;
row = (CTRow) o;
o = cursor.getObject();
if (!(o instanceof CTTbl)) {
return null;
CTTbl tbl = (CTTbl) o;
XWPFTable table = getTable(tbl);
if (table == null) {
return null;
XWPFTableRow tableRow = table.getRow(row);
if (tableRow == null) {
return null;
return tableRow.getTableCell(cell);
public XWPFDocument getXWPFDocument() {
return this;
* This method is used to create template for chart XML
* no need to read MS-Word file and modify charts
* @return This method return object of XWPFChart Object with default height and width
* @since POI 4.0.0
public XWPFChart createChart() throws InvalidFormatException, IOException {
* This method is used to create template for chart XML
* no need to read MS-Word file and modify charts
* @param width width of chart in document
* @param height height of chart in document
* @return This method return object of XWPFChart
* @since POI 4.0.0
public XWPFChart createChart(int width, int height) throws InvalidFormatException, IOException {
return createChart(createParagraph().createRun(), width, height);
* @param run in which the chart will be attached.
* @param width in EMU.
* @param height in EMU.
* @return the new chart.
* @since POI 4.1.2
public XWPFChart createChart(XWPFRun run, int width, int height) throws InvalidFormatException, IOException {
//get chart number
int chartNumber = getNextPartNumber(XWPFRelation.CHART, charts.size() + 1);
//create relationship in document for new chart
RelationPart rp = createRelationship(
XWPFRelation.CHART, XWPFFactory.getInstance(), chartNumber, false);
// initialize xwpfchart object
XWPFChart xwpfChart = rp.getDocumentPart();
xwpfChart.attach(rp.getRelationship().getId(), run);
xwpfChart.setChartBoundingBox(width, height);
//add chart object to chart list
return xwpfChart;
* Create a new footnote and add it to the document.
* @return New XWPFFootnote.
* @since 4.0.0
public XWPFFootnote createFootnote() {
XWPFFootnotes footnotes = this.createFootnotes();
return footnotes.createFootnote();
* Remove the specified footnote if present.
* @param pos Array position of the footnote to be removed.
* @return True if the footnote was removed.
* @since 4.0.0
public boolean removeFootnote(int pos) {
if (null != footnotes) {
return footnotes.removeFootnote(pos);
} else {
return false;
* Create a new end note and add it to the document.
* @return New {@link XWPFEndnote}.
* @since 4.0.0
public XWPFEndnote createEndnote() {
XWPFEndnotes endnotes = this.createEndnotes();
return endnotes.createEndnote();
public XWPFEndnotes createEndnotes() {
if (endnotes == null) {
EndnotesDocument endnotesDoc = EndnotesDocument.Factory.newInstance();
XWPFRelation relation = XWPFRelation.ENDNOTE;
int i = getRelationIndex(relation);
XWPFEndnotes wrapper = (XWPFEndnotes) createRelationship(relation, XWPFFactory.getInstance(), i);
endnotes = wrapper;
return endnotes;
* Gets the list of end notes for the document.
* @return List, possibly empty, of {@link XWPFEndnote}s.
public List<XWPFEndnote> getEndnotes() {
if (endnotes == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
return endnotes.getEndnotesList();
* Remove the specified end note if present.
* @param pos Array position of the end note to be removed.
* @return True if the end note was removed.
* @since 4.0.0
public boolean removeEndnote(int pos) {
if (null != endnotes) {
return endnotes.removeEndnote(pos);
} else {
return false;