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import static;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.MultipleGradientPaint.ColorSpaceType;
import java.awt.MultipleGradientPaint.CycleMethod;
import java.awt.geom.*;
import org.apache.poi.util.POILogFactory;
import org.apache.poi.util.POILogger;
* This class handles color transformations
* @see HSL code taken from <a href="">Java Tips Weblog</a>
public class DrawPaint {
// HSL code is public domain - see
private final static POILogger LOG = POILogFactory.getLogger(DrawPaint.class);
protected PlaceableShape shape;
public DrawPaint(PlaceableShape shape) {
this.shape = shape;
public static SolidPaint createSolidPaint(final Color color) {
return new SolidPaint() {
public ColorStyle getSolidColor() {
return new ColorStyle(){
public Color getColor() { return color; }
public int getAlpha() { return -1; }
public int getLumOff() { return -1; }
public int getLumMod() { return -1; }
public int getShade() { return -1; }
public int getTint() { return -1; }
public Paint getPaint(Graphics2D graphics, PaintStyle paint) {
if (paint instanceof SolidPaint) {
return getSolidPaint((SolidPaint)paint, graphics);
} else if (paint instanceof GradientPaint) {
return getGradientPaint((GradientPaint)paint, graphics);
} else if (paint instanceof TexturePaint) {
return getTexturePaint((TexturePaint)paint, graphics);
return null;
protected Paint getSolidPaint(SolidPaint fill, Graphics2D graphics) {
return applyColorTransform(fill.getSolidColor());
protected Paint getGradientPaint(GradientPaint fill, Graphics2D graphics) {
switch (fill.getGradientType()) {
case linear:
return createLinearGradientPaint(fill, graphics);
case circular:
return createRadialGradientPaint(fill, graphics);
case shape:
return createPathGradientPaint(fill, graphics);
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("gradient fill of type "+fill+" not supported.");
protected Paint getTexturePaint(TexturePaint fill, Graphics2D graphics) {
InputStream is = fill.getImageData();
if (is == null) return TRANSPARENT_PAINT.getSolidColor().getColor();
assert(graphics != null);
ImageRenderer renderer = (ImageRenderer)graphics.getRenderingHint(Drawable.IMAGE_RENDERER);
if (renderer == null) renderer = new ImageRenderer();
try {
renderer.loadImage(fill.getImageData(), fill.getContentType());
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.log(POILogger.ERROR, "Can't load image data - using transparent color", e);
return TRANSPARENT_PAINT.getSolidColor().getColor();
int alpha = fill.getAlpha();
if (alpha != -1) {
Dimension dim = renderer.getDimension();
Rectangle2D textAnchor = new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, dim.getWidth(), dim.getHeight());
Paint paint = new java.awt.TexturePaint(renderer.getImage(), textAnchor);
return paint;
* Convert color transformations in {@link ColorStyle} to a {@link Color} instance
public static Color applyColorTransform(ColorStyle color){
Color result = color.getColor();
if (result == null || color.getAlpha() == 100) {
return TRANSPARENT_PAINT.getSolidColor().getColor();
result = applyAlpha(result, color);
result = applyLuminance(result, color);
result = applyShade(result, color);
result = applyTint(result, color);
return result;
protected static Color applyAlpha(Color c, ColorStyle fc) {
int alpha = c.getAlpha();
return (alpha == 255) ? c : new Color(c.getRed(), c.getGreen(), c.getBlue(), alpha);
* Apply lumMod / lumOff adjustments
* @param c the color to modify
* @param lumMod luminance modulation in the range [0..100000]
* @param lumOff luminance offset in the range [0..100000]
* @return modified color
* @see <a href="">Using Office Open XML to Customize Document Formatting in the 2007 Office System</a>
protected static Color applyLuminance(Color c, ColorStyle fc) {
int lumMod = fc.getLumMod();
if (lumMod == -1) lumMod = 100000;
int lumOff = fc.getLumOff();
if (lumOff == -1) lumOff = 0;
if (lumMod == 100000 && lumOff == 0) return c;
// The lumMod value is the percent luminance. A lumMod value of "60000",
// is 60% of the luminance of the original color.
// When the color is a shade of the original theme color, the lumMod
// attribute is the only one of the tags shown here that appears.
// The <a:lumOff> tag appears after the <a:lumMod> tag when the color is a
// tint of the original. The lumOff value always equals 1-lumMod, which is used in the tint calculation
// Despite having different ways to display the tint and shade percentages,
// all of the programs use the same method to calculate the resulting color.
// Convert the original RGB value to HSL ... and then adjust the luminance (L)
// with one of the following equations before converting the HSL value back to RGB.
// (The % tint in the following equations refers to the tint, themetint, themeshade,
// or lumMod values, as applicable.)
// For a shade, the equation is luminance * %tint.
// For a tint, the equation is luminance * %tint + (1-%tint).
// (Note that 1-%tint is equal to the lumOff value in DrawingML.)
double fLumOff = lumOff / 100000d;
double fLumMod = lumMod / 100000d;
double hsl[] = RGB2HSL(c);
hsl[2] = hsl[2]*fLumMod+fLumOff;
Color c2 = HSL2RGB(hsl[0], hsl[1], hsl[2], c.getAlpha()/255d);
return c2;
* This algorithm returns result different from PowerPoint.
* TODO: revisit and improve
protected static Color applyShade(Color c, ColorStyle fc) {
int shade = fc.getShade();
if (shade == -1) return c;
float fshade = shade / 100000.f;
float red = c.getRed() * fshade;
float green = c.getGreen() * fshade;
float blue = c.getGreen() * fshade;
return new Color(Math.round(red), Math.round(green), Math.round(blue), c.getAlpha());
* This algorithm returns result different from PowerPoint.
* TODO: revisit and improve
protected static Color applyTint(Color c, ColorStyle fc) {
int tint = fc.getTint();
if (tint == -1) return c;
float ftint = tint / 100000.f;
float red = ftint * c.getRed() + (1.f - ftint) * 255.f;
float green = ftint * c.getGreen() + (1.f - ftint) * 255.f;
float blue = ftint * c.getBlue() + (1.f - ftint) * 255.f;
return new Color(Math.round(red), Math.round(green), Math.round(blue), c.getAlpha());
protected Paint createLinearGradientPaint(GradientPaint fill, Graphics2D graphics) {
double angle = fill.getGradientAngle();
Rectangle2D anchor = DrawShape.getAnchor(graphics, shape);
AffineTransform at = AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(
anchor.getX() + anchor.getWidth() / 2,
anchor.getY() + anchor.getHeight() / 2);
double diagonal = Math.sqrt(anchor.getHeight() * anchor.getHeight() + anchor.getWidth() * anchor.getWidth());
Point2D p1 = new Point2D.Double(anchor.getX() + anchor.getWidth() / 2 - diagonal / 2,
anchor.getY() + anchor.getHeight() / 2);
p1 = at.transform(p1, null);
Point2D p2 = new Point2D.Double(anchor.getX() + anchor.getWidth(), anchor.getY() + anchor.getHeight() / 2);
p2 = at.transform(p2, null);
snapToAnchor(p1, anchor);
snapToAnchor(p2, anchor);
float[] fractions = fill.getGradientFractions();
Color[] colors = new Color[fractions.length];
int i = 0;
for (ColorStyle fc : fill.getGradientColors()) {
colors[i++] = applyColorTransform(fc);
AffineTransform grAt = new AffineTransform();
if(fill.isRotatedWithShape()) {
double rotation = shape.getRotation();
if (rotation != 0.) {
double centerX = anchor.getX() + anchor.getWidth() / 2;
double centerY = anchor.getY() + anchor.getHeight() / 2;
grAt.translate(centerX, centerY);
grAt.translate(-centerX, -centerY);
return new LinearGradientPaint
(p1, p2, fractions, colors, CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE, ColorSpaceType.SRGB, grAt);
protected Paint createRadialGradientPaint(GradientPaint fill, Graphics2D graphics) {
Rectangle2D anchor = DrawShape.getAnchor(graphics, shape);
Point2D pCenter = new Point2D.Double(anchor.getX() + anchor.getWidth()/2,
anchor.getY() + anchor.getHeight()/2);
float radius = (float)Math.max(anchor.getWidth(), anchor.getHeight());
float[] fractions = fill.getGradientFractions();
Color[] colors = new Color[fractions.length];
int i=0;
for (ColorStyle fc : fill.getGradientColors()) {
colors[i++] = applyColorTransform(fc);
return new RadialGradientPaint(pCenter, radius, fractions, colors);
protected Paint createPathGradientPaint(GradientPaint fill, Graphics2D graphics) {
// currently we ignore an eventually center setting
float[] fractions = fill.getGradientFractions();
Color[] colors = new Color[fractions.length];
int i=0;
for (ColorStyle fc : fill.getGradientColors()) {
colors[i++] = applyColorTransform(fc);
return new PathGradientPaint(colors, fractions);
protected void snapToAnchor(Point2D p, Rectangle2D anchor) {
if (p.getX() < anchor.getX()) {
p.setLocation(anchor.getX(), p.getY());
} else if (p.getX() > (anchor.getX() + anchor.getWidth())) {
p.setLocation(anchor.getX() + anchor.getWidth(), p.getY());
if (p.getY() < anchor.getY()) {
p.setLocation(p.getX(), anchor.getY());
} else if (p.getY() > (anchor.getY() + anchor.getHeight())) {
p.setLocation(p.getX(), anchor.getY() + anchor.getHeight());
* Convert HSL values to a RGB Color.
* @param h Hue is specified as degrees in the range 0 - 360.
* @param s Saturation is specified as a percentage in the range 1 - 100.
* @param l Luminance is specified as a percentage in the range 1 - 100.
* @param alpha the alpha value between 0 - 1
* @returns the RGB Color object
private static Color HSL2RGB(double h, double s, double l, double alpha) {
if (s <0.0f || s > 100.0f) {
String message = "Color parameter outside of expected range - Saturation";
throw new IllegalArgumentException( message );
if (l <0.0f || l > 100.0f) {
String message = "Color parameter outside of expected range - Luminance";
throw new IllegalArgumentException( message );
if (alpha <0.0f || alpha > 1.0f) {
String message = "Color parameter outside of expected range - Alpha";
throw new IllegalArgumentException( message );
// Formula needs all values between 0 - 1.
h = h % 360.0f;
h /= 360f;
s /= 100f;
l /= 100f;
double q = (l < 0.5d)
? l * (1d + s)
: (l + s) - (s * l);
double p = 2d * l - q;
double r = Math.max(0, HUE2RGB(p, q, h + (1.0d / 3.0d)));
double g = Math.max(0, HUE2RGB(p, q, h));
double b = Math.max(0, HUE2RGB(p, q, h - (1.0d / 3.0d)));
r = Math.min(r, 1.0d);
g = Math.min(g, 1.0d);
b = Math.min(b, 1.0d);
return new Color((float)r, (float)g, (float)b, (float)alpha);
private static double HUE2RGB(double p, double q, double h) {
if (h < 0d) h += 1d;
if (h > 1d) h -= 1d;
if (6d * h < 1d) {
return p + ((q - p) * 6d * h);
if (2d * h < 1d) {
return q;
if (3d * h < 2d) {
return p + ( (q - p) * 6d * ((2.0d / 3.0d) - h) );
return p;
* Convert a RGB Color to it corresponding HSL values.
* @return an array containing the 3 HSL values.
private static double[] RGB2HSL(Color color)
// Get RGB values in the range 0 - 1
float[] rgb = color.getRGBColorComponents( null );
double r = rgb[0];
double g = rgb[1];
double b = rgb[2];
// Minimum and Maximum RGB values are used in the HSL calculations
double min = Math.min(r, Math.min(g, b));
double max = Math.max(r, Math.max(g, b));
// Calculate the Hue
double h = 0;
if (max == min) {
h = 0;
} else if (max == r) {
h = ((60d * (g - b) / (max - min)) + 360d) % 360d;
} else if (max == g) {
h = (60d * (b - r) / (max - min)) + 120d;
} else if (max == b) {
h = (60d * (r - g) / (max - min)) + 240d;
// Calculate the Luminance
double l = (max + min) / 2d;
// Calculate the Saturation
double s = 0;
if (max == min) {
s = 0;
} else if (l <= .5d) {
s = (max - min) / (max + min);
} else {
s = (max - min) / (2d - max - min);
return new double[] {h, s * 100, l * 100};