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import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.poi.poifs.common.POIFSConstants;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
* Class to test PropertyBlock functionality
* @author Marc Johnson
public final class TestPropertyBlock extends TestCase {
public void testCreatePropertyBlocks() {
// test with 0 properties
List properties = new ArrayList();
BlockWritable[] blocks =
assertEquals(0, blocks.length);
// test with 1 property
properties.add(new LocalProperty("Root Entry"));
blocks = PropertyBlock.createPropertyBlockArray(POIFSConstants.SMALLER_BIG_BLOCK_SIZE_DETAILS,properties);
assertEquals(1, blocks.length);
byte[] testblock = new byte[ 512 ];
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
setDefaultBlock(testblock, j);
testblock[ 0x0000 ] = ( byte ) 'R';
testblock[ 0x0002 ] = ( byte ) 'o';
testblock[ 0x0004 ] = ( byte ) 'o';
testblock[ 0x0006 ] = ( byte ) 't';
testblock[ 0x0008 ] = ( byte ) ' ';
testblock[ 0x000A ] = ( byte ) 'E';
testblock[ 0x000C ] = ( byte ) 'n';
testblock[ 0x000E ] = ( byte ) 't';
testblock[ 0x0010 ] = ( byte ) 'r';
testblock[ 0x0012 ] = ( byte ) 'y';
testblock[ 0x0040 ] = ( byte ) 22;
verifyCorrect(blocks, testblock);
// test with 3 properties
properties.add(new LocalProperty("workbook"));
properties.add(new LocalProperty("summary"));
blocks = PropertyBlock.createPropertyBlockArray(POIFSConstants.SMALLER_BIG_BLOCK_SIZE_DETAILS,properties);
assertEquals(1, blocks.length);
testblock[ 0x0080 ] = ( byte ) 'w';
testblock[ 0x0082 ] = ( byte ) 'o';
testblock[ 0x0084 ] = ( byte ) 'r';
testblock[ 0x0086 ] = ( byte ) 'k';
testblock[ 0x0088 ] = ( byte ) 'b';
testblock[ 0x008A ] = ( byte ) 'o';
testblock[ 0x008C ] = ( byte ) 'o';
testblock[ 0x008E ] = ( byte ) 'k';
testblock[ 0x00C0 ] = ( byte ) 18;
testblock[ 0x0100 ] = ( byte ) 's';
testblock[ 0x0102 ] = ( byte ) 'u';
testblock[ 0x0104 ] = ( byte ) 'm';
testblock[ 0x0106 ] = ( byte ) 'm';
testblock[ 0x0108 ] = ( byte ) 'a';
testblock[ 0x010A ] = ( byte ) 'r';
testblock[ 0x010C ] = ( byte ) 'y';
testblock[ 0x0140 ] = ( byte ) 16;
verifyCorrect(blocks, testblock);
// test with 4 properties
properties.add(new LocalProperty("wintery"));
blocks = PropertyBlock.createPropertyBlockArray(POIFSConstants.SMALLER_BIG_BLOCK_SIZE_DETAILS,properties);
assertEquals(1, blocks.length);
testblock[ 0x0180 ] = ( byte ) 'w';
testblock[ 0x0182 ] = ( byte ) 'i';
testblock[ 0x0184 ] = ( byte ) 'n';
testblock[ 0x0186 ] = ( byte ) 't';
testblock[ 0x0188 ] = ( byte ) 'e';
testblock[ 0x018A ] = ( byte ) 'r';
testblock[ 0x018C ] = ( byte ) 'y';
testblock[ 0x01C0 ] = ( byte ) 16;
verifyCorrect(blocks, testblock);
// test with 5 properties
properties.add(new LocalProperty("foo"));
blocks = PropertyBlock.createPropertyBlockArray(POIFSConstants.SMALLER_BIG_BLOCK_SIZE_DETAILS,properties);
assertEquals(2, blocks.length);
testblock = new byte[ 1024 ];
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
setDefaultBlock(testblock, j);
testblock[ 0x0000 ] = ( byte ) 'R';
testblock[ 0x0002 ] = ( byte ) 'o';
testblock[ 0x0004 ] = ( byte ) 'o';
testblock[ 0x0006 ] = ( byte ) 't';
testblock[ 0x0008 ] = ( byte ) ' ';
testblock[ 0x000A ] = ( byte ) 'E';
testblock[ 0x000C ] = ( byte ) 'n';
testblock[ 0x000E ] = ( byte ) 't';
testblock[ 0x0010 ] = ( byte ) 'r';
testblock[ 0x0012 ] = ( byte ) 'y';
testblock[ 0x0040 ] = ( byte ) 22;
testblock[ 0x0080 ] = ( byte ) 'w';
testblock[ 0x0082 ] = ( byte ) 'o';
testblock[ 0x0084 ] = ( byte ) 'r';
testblock[ 0x0086 ] = ( byte ) 'k';
testblock[ 0x0088 ] = ( byte ) 'b';
testblock[ 0x008A ] = ( byte ) 'o';
testblock[ 0x008C ] = ( byte ) 'o';
testblock[ 0x008E ] = ( byte ) 'k';
testblock[ 0x00C0 ] = ( byte ) 18;
testblock[ 0x0100 ] = ( byte ) 's';
testblock[ 0x0102 ] = ( byte ) 'u';
testblock[ 0x0104 ] = ( byte ) 'm';
testblock[ 0x0106 ] = ( byte ) 'm';
testblock[ 0x0108 ] = ( byte ) 'a';
testblock[ 0x010A ] = ( byte ) 'r';
testblock[ 0x010C ] = ( byte ) 'y';
testblock[ 0x0140 ] = ( byte ) 16;
testblock[ 0x0180 ] = ( byte ) 'w';
testblock[ 0x0182 ] = ( byte ) 'i';
testblock[ 0x0184 ] = ( byte ) 'n';
testblock[ 0x0186 ] = ( byte ) 't';
testblock[ 0x0188 ] = ( byte ) 'e';
testblock[ 0x018A ] = ( byte ) 'r';
testblock[ 0x018C ] = ( byte ) 'y';
testblock[ 0x01C0 ] = ( byte ) 16;
testblock[ 0x0200 ] = ( byte ) 'f';
testblock[ 0x0202 ] = ( byte ) 'o';
testblock[ 0x0204 ] = ( byte ) 'o';
testblock[ 0x0240 ] = ( byte ) 8;
verifyCorrect(blocks, testblock);
private static void setDefaultBlock(byte [] testblock, int j)
int base = j * 128;
int index = 0;
for (; index < 0x40; index++)
testblock[ base++ ] = ( byte ) 0;
testblock[ base++ ] = ( byte ) 2;
testblock[ base++ ] = ( byte ) 0;
index += 2;
for (; index < 0x44; index++)
testblock[ base++ ] = ( byte ) 0;
for (; index < 0x50; index++)
testblock[ base++ ] = ( byte ) 0xff;
for (; index < 0x80; index++)
testblock[ base++ ] = ( byte ) 0;
private static void verifyCorrect(BlockWritable[] blocks, byte[] testblock) {
ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(512
* blocks.length);
for (int j = 0; j < blocks.length; j++) {
try {
blocks[ j ].writeBlocks(stream);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
byte[] output = stream.toByteArray();
assertEquals(testblock.length, output.length);
for (int j = 0; j < testblock.length; j++)
assertEquals("mismatch at offset " + j, testblock[ j ],
output[ j ]);