blob: 8d8e29f2f0d9b0ea22faa4c6236c678982f01247 [file] [log] [blame]
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import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNotEquals;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
* Test for EqualEval
final class TestEqualEval {
* Test for bug observable at svn revision 692218 (Sep 2008)<br>
* The value from a 1x1 area should be taken immediately, regardless of srcRow and srcCol
void test1x1AreaOperand() {
ValueEval[] values = { BoolEval.FALSE, };
ValueEval[] args = {
EvalFactory.createAreaEval("B1:B1", values),
ValueEval result = evaluate(EvalInstances.Equal, args, 10, 10);
assertNotEquals(ErrorEval.VALUE_INVALID, result, "Identified bug in evaluation of 1x1 area");
assertTrue(result instanceof BoolEval);
* Empty string is equal to blank
void testBlankEqualToEmptyString() {
ValueEval[] args = {
new StringEval(""),
ValueEval result = evaluate(EvalInstances.Equal, args, 10, 10);
assertEquals(BoolEval.class, result.getClass());
BoolEval be = (BoolEval) result;
assertTrue(be.getBooleanValue(), "Identified bug blank/empty string equality");
* Test for bug 46613 (observable at svn r737248)
void testStringInsensitive_bug46613() {
assertTrue(evalStringCmp("abc", "aBc", EvalInstances.Equal));
assertTrue(evalStringCmp("ABC", "azz", EvalInstances.LessThan));
assertTrue(evalStringCmp("abc", "AZZ", EvalInstances.LessThan));
assertTrue(evalStringCmp("ABC", "aaa", EvalInstances.GreaterThan));
assertTrue(evalStringCmp("abc", "AAA", EvalInstances.GreaterThan));
private static boolean evalStringCmp(String a, String b, Function cmpOp) {
ValueEval[] args = {
new StringEval(a),
new StringEval(b),
ValueEval result = evaluate(cmpOp, args, 10, 20);
assertEquals(BoolEval.class, result.getClass());
BoolEval be = (BoolEval) result;
return be.getBooleanValue();
void testBooleanCompares() {
confirmCompares(BoolEval.TRUE, new StringEval("TRUE"), +1);
confirmCompares(BoolEval.TRUE, new NumberEval(1.0), +1);
confirmCompares(BoolEval.TRUE, BoolEval.TRUE, 0);
confirmCompares(BoolEval.TRUE, BoolEval.FALSE, +1);
confirmCompares(BoolEval.FALSE, new StringEval("TRUE"), +1);
confirmCompares(BoolEval.FALSE, new StringEval("FALSE"), +1);
confirmCompares(BoolEval.FALSE, new NumberEval(0.0), +1);
confirmCompares(BoolEval.FALSE, BoolEval.FALSE, 0);
private static void confirmCompares(ValueEval a, ValueEval b, int expRes) {
confirm(a, b, expRes>0, EvalInstances.GreaterThan);
confirm(a, b, expRes>=0, EvalInstances.GreaterEqual);
confirm(a, b, expRes==0, EvalInstances.Equal);
confirm(a, b, expRes<=0, EvalInstances.LessEqual);
confirm(a, b, expRes<0, EvalInstances.LessThan);
confirm(b, a, expRes<0, EvalInstances.GreaterThan);
confirm(b, a, expRes<=0, EvalInstances.GreaterEqual);
confirm(b, a, expRes==0, EvalInstances.Equal);
confirm(b, a, expRes>=0, EvalInstances.LessEqual);
confirm(b, a, expRes>0, EvalInstances.LessThan);
private static void confirm(ValueEval a, ValueEval b, boolean expectedResult, Function cmpOp) {
ValueEval[] args = { a, b, };
ValueEval result = evaluate(cmpOp, args, 10, 20);
assertEquals(BoolEval.class, result.getClass());
assertEquals(expectedResult, ((BoolEval) result).getBooleanValue());
* Bug 47198 involved a formula "-A1=0" where cell A1 was 0.0.
* Excel evaluates "-A1=0" to TRUE, not because it thinks -0.0==0.0
* but because "-A1" evaluated to +0.0
* <p>
* Note - the original diagnosis of bug 47198 was that
* "Excel considers -0.0 to be equal to 0.0" which is NQR
* See {@link TestMinusZeroResult} for more specific tests regarding -0.0.
void testZeroEquality_bug47198() {
NumberEval zero = new NumberEval(0.0);
NumberEval mZero = (NumberEval) evaluate(UnaryMinusEval.instance, new ValueEval[] { zero, }, 0, 0);
assertNotEquals(0x8000000000000000L, Double.doubleToLongBits(mZero.getNumberValue()),
"Identified bug 47198: unary minus should convert -0.0 to 0.0");
ValueEval[] args = { zero, mZero, };
BoolEval result = (BoolEval) evaluate(EvalInstances.Equal, args, 0, 0);
assertTrue(result.getBooleanValue(), "Identified bug 47198: -0.0 != 0.0");
void testRounding_bug47598() {
double x = 1+1.0028-0.9973; // should be 1.0055, but has IEEE rounding
assertNotEquals(1.0055, x, 0.0);
NumberEval a = new NumberEval(x);
NumberEval b = new NumberEval(1.0055);
assertEquals("1.0055", b.getStringValue());
ValueEval[] args = { a, b, };
BoolEval result = (BoolEval) evaluate(EvalInstances.Equal, args, 0, 0);
assertTrue(result.getBooleanValue(), "Identified bug 47598: 1+1.0028-0.9973 != 1.0055");
private static ValueEval evaluate(Function oper, ValueEval[] args, int srcRowIx, int srcColIx) {
return oper.evaluate(args, srcRowIx, (short) srcColIx);