blob: 1766c514dda4c7aa283f7311d85f112217ebe275 [file] [log] [blame]
/* ====================================================================
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package org.apache.poi.hssf.record;
import static org.apache.poi.hssf.record.SupBookRecord.CH_ALT_STARTUP_DIR;
import static org.apache.poi.hssf.record.SupBookRecord.CH_DOWN_DIR;
import static org.apache.poi.hssf.record.SupBookRecord.CH_LIB_DIR;
import static org.apache.poi.hssf.record.SupBookRecord.CH_SAME_VOLUME;
import static org.apache.poi.hssf.record.SupBookRecord.CH_STARTUP_DIR;
import static org.apache.poi.hssf.record.SupBookRecord.CH_UP_DIR;
import static org.apache.poi.hssf.record.SupBookRecord.CH_VOLUME;
import static org.apache.poi.hssf.record.SupBookRecord.PATH_SEPERATOR;
import static org.apache.poi.hssf.record.TestcaseRecordInputStream.confirmRecordEncoding;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
* Tests the serialization and deserialization of the SupBook record
* class works correctly.
final class TestSupBookRecord {
* This contains a fake data section of a SubBookRecord
byte[] dataIR = new byte[] {
byte[] dataAIF = new byte[] {
byte[] dataER = new byte[] {
(byte)0x07,(byte)0x00, (byte)0x00,
(byte)'t', (byte)'e', (byte)'s', (byte)'t', (byte)'U', (byte)'R', (byte)'L',
(byte)0x06,(byte)0x00, (byte)0x00,
(byte)'S', (byte)'h', (byte)'e', (byte)'e', (byte)'t', (byte)'1',
(byte)0x06,(byte)0x00, (byte)0x00,
(byte)'S', (byte)'h', (byte)'e', (byte)'e', (byte)'t', (byte)'2',
* tests that we can load the record
void testLoadIR() {
SupBookRecord record = new SupBookRecord(TestcaseRecordInputStream.create(0x01AE, dataIR));
assertTrue( record.isInternalReferences() ); //expected flag
assertEquals( 0x4, record.getNumberOfSheets() ); //expected # of sheets
assertEquals( 8, record.getRecordSize() ); //sid+size+data
* tests that we can load the record
void testLoadER() {
SupBookRecord record = new SupBookRecord(TestcaseRecordInputStream.create(0x01AE, dataER));
assertTrue( record.isExternalReferences() ); //expected flag
assertEquals( 0x2, record.getNumberOfSheets() ); //expected # of sheets
assertEquals( 34, record.getRecordSize() ); //sid+size+data
assertEquals("testURL", record.getURL());
String[] sheetNames = record.getSheetNames();
assertEquals(2, sheetNames.length);
assertEquals("Sheet1", sheetNames[0]);
assertEquals("Sheet2", sheetNames[1]);
* tests that we can load the record
void testLoadAIF() {
SupBookRecord record = new SupBookRecord(TestcaseRecordInputStream.create(0x01AE, dataAIF));
assertTrue( record.isAddInFunctions() ); //expected flag
assertEquals( 0x1, record.getNumberOfSheets() ); //expected # of sheets
assertEquals( 8, record.getRecordSize() ); //sid+size+data
* Tests that we can store the record
void testStoreIR() {
SupBookRecord record = SupBookRecord.createInternalReferences((short)4);
confirmRecordEncoding(0x01AE, dataIR, record.serialize());
void testStoreER() {
String url = "testURL";
String[] sheetNames = { "Sheet1", "Sheet2", };
SupBookRecord record = SupBookRecord.createExternalReferences(url, sheetNames);
confirmRecordEncoding(0x01AE, dataER, record.serialize());
void testStoreAIF() {
SupBookRecord record = SupBookRecord.createAddInFunctions();
assertEquals(1, record.getNumberOfSheets());
confirmRecordEncoding(0x01AE, dataAIF, record.serialize());
void testExternalReferenceUrl() {
String[] sheetNames = new String[]{"SampleSheet"};
final char startMarker = (char)1;
SupBookRecord record;
record = new SupBookRecord(startMarker + "test.xls", sheetNames);
assertEquals("test.xls", record.getURL());
//UNC path notation
record = new SupBookRecord(startMarker + "" + CH_VOLUME + "@servername" + CH_DOWN_DIR + "test.xls", sheetNames);
assertEquals("\\\\servername" + PATH_SEPERATOR + "test.xls", record.getURL());
//Absolute path notation - different device
record = new SupBookRecord(startMarker + "" + CH_VOLUME + "D" + CH_DOWN_DIR + "test.xls", sheetNames);
assertEquals("D:" + PATH_SEPERATOR + "test.xls", record.getURL());
//Absolute path notation - same device
record = new SupBookRecord(startMarker + "" + CH_SAME_VOLUME + "folder" + CH_DOWN_DIR + "test.xls", sheetNames);
assertEquals(PATH_SEPERATOR + "folder" + PATH_SEPERATOR + "test.xls", record.getURL());
//Relative path notation - down
record = new SupBookRecord(startMarker + "folder" + CH_DOWN_DIR + "test.xls", sheetNames);
assertEquals("folder" + PATH_SEPERATOR + "test.xls", record.getURL());
//Relative path notation - up
record = new SupBookRecord(startMarker +""+ CH_UP_DIR + "test.xls", sheetNames);
assertEquals(".." + PATH_SEPERATOR + "test.xls", record.getURL());
//Relative path notation - for EXCEL.exe - fallback
record = new SupBookRecord(startMarker +""+ CH_STARTUP_DIR + "test.xls", sheetNames);
assertEquals("." + PATH_SEPERATOR + "test.xls", record.getURL());
//Relative path notation - for EXCEL lib folder - fallback
record = new SupBookRecord(startMarker +""+ CH_LIB_DIR + "test.xls", sheetNames);
assertEquals("." + PATH_SEPERATOR + "test.xls", record.getURL());
//Relative path notation - for alternative EXCEL.exe - fallback
record = new SupBookRecord(startMarker +""+ CH_ALT_STARTUP_DIR+ "test.xls", sheetNames);
assertEquals("." + PATH_SEPERATOR + "test.xls", record.getURL());