blob: 143a3ad2adf2cca5be60163f668ca165e3d929e9 [file] [log] [blame]
/* ====================================================================
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package org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.poi.xwpf.XWPFTestDataSamples;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.CTFtnEdnRef;
import org.openxmlformats.schemas.wordprocessingml.x2006.main.CTR;
public class TestXWPFFootnote {
private XWPFDocument docOut;
private String p1Text;
private String p2Text;
private BigInteger footnoteId;
private XWPFFootnote footnote;
public void setUp() {
docOut = new XWPFDocument();
p1Text = "First paragraph in footnote";
p2Text = "Second paragraph in footnote";
// NOTE: XWPFDocument.createFootnote() delegates directly
// to XWPFFootnotes.createFootnote() so this tests
// both creation of new XWPFFootnotes in document
// and XWPFFootnotes.createFootnote();
// NOTE: Creating the footnote does not automatically
// create a first paragraph.
footnote = docOut.createFootnote();
footnoteId = footnote.getId();
public void testAddParagraphsToFootnote() throws IOException {
// Add a run to the first paragraph:
XWPFParagraph p1 = footnote.createParagraph();
// Create a second paragraph:
XWPFParagraph p = footnote.createParagraph();
assertNotNull("Paragraph is null", p);
XWPFDocument docIn = XWPFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack(docOut);
XWPFFootnote testFootnote = docIn.getFootnoteByID(footnoteId.intValue());
assertEquals(2, testFootnote.getParagraphs().size());
XWPFParagraph testP1 = testFootnote.getParagraphs().get(0);
assertEquals(p1Text, testP1.getText());
XWPFParagraph testP2 = testFootnote.getParagraphs().get(1);
assertEquals(p2Text, testP2.getText());
// The first paragraph added using createParagraph() should
// have the required footnote reference added to the first
// run.
// Verify that we have a footnote reference in the first paragraph and not
// in the second paragraph.
XWPFRun r1 = testP1.getRuns().get(0);
assertTrue("No footnote reference in testP1", r1.getCTR().getFootnoteRefList().size() > 0);
assertNotNull("No footnote reference in testP1", r1.getCTR().getFootnoteRefArray(0));
XWPFRun r2 = testP2.getRuns().get(0);
assertNotNull("Expected a run in testP2", r2);
assertEquals("Found a footnote reference in testP2", 0, r2.getCTR().getFootnoteRefList().size());
public void testAddTableToFootnote() throws IOException {
XWPFTable table = footnote.createTable();
XWPFDocument docIn = XWPFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack(docOut);
XWPFFootnote testFootnote = docIn.getFootnoteByID(footnoteId.intValue());
XWPFTable testTable = testFootnote.getTableArray(0);
table = footnote.createTable(2, 3);
assertEquals(2, table.getNumberOfRows());
assertEquals(3, table.getRow(0).getTableCells().size());
// If the table is the first body element of the footnote then
// a paragraph with the footnote reference should have been
// added automatically.
assertEquals("Expected 3 body elements", 3, footnote.getBodyElements().size());
IBodyElement testP1 = footnote.getBodyElements().get(0);
assertTrue("Expected a paragraph, got " + testP1.getClass().getSimpleName() , testP1 instanceof XWPFParagraph);
XWPFRun r1 = ((XWPFParagraph)testP1).getRuns().get(0);
assertTrue("No footnote reference in testP1", r1.getCTR().getFootnoteRefList().size() > 0);
assertNotNull("No footnote reference in testP1", r1.getCTR().getFootnoteRefArray(0));
public void testRemoveFootnote() {
// NOTE: XWPFDocument.removeFootnote() delegates directly to
// XWPFFootnotes.
assertEquals("Expected 2 footnotes", 2, docOut.getFootnotes().size());
assertNotNull("Didn't get second footnote", docOut.getFootnotes().get(1));
boolean result = docOut.removeFootnote(0);
assertTrue("Remove footnote did not return true", result);
assertEquals("Expected 1 footnote after removal", 1, docOut.getFootnotes().size());
public void testAddFootnoteRefToParagraph() {
XWPFParagraph p = docOut.createParagraph();
List<XWPFRun> runs = p.getRuns();
assertEquals("Expected no runs in new paragraph", 0, runs.size());
XWPFRun run = p.getRuns().get(0);
CTR ctr = run.getCTR();
assertNotNull("Expected a run", run);
CTFtnEdnRef ref = ctr.getFootnoteReferenceList().get(0);
// FIXME: Verify that the footnote reference is w:endnoteReference, not w:footnoteReference
assertEquals("Footnote ID and reference ID did not match", footnote.getId(), ref.getId());