blob: b2aaa55d64a21a461d21d992718683efa29c336f [file] [log] [blame]
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<name>Apache Pluto</name>
Version numbers also need to be changed in
* All project pom.xml files,
* dist-build.xml in this directory,
* The pluto-portal-driver-config.xml in the pluto-portal module (src/main/webapp/WEB-INF),
* The pluto.container.version.major and pluto.container.version.minor properties (in this file)
<!-- Due to a bug in maven 2.0, the description must not contain any line breaks or tabs. -->
<description>Pluto is the Reference Implementation of the Java Portlet Specfication.</description>
<!-- Mailing Lists ======================================================= -->
<name>Pluto User List</name>
<name>Pluto Developer List</name>
<name>Pluto SCM List</name>
<!-- Pluto Committers ==================================================== -->
<!-- Email format: [name]#a@T#[domain].d0t.[extension]
'@' and '.' characters are added because m2 seems to need them to
generate mailto links. -->
<name>Michael Blum</name>
<name>Carsten Ziegeler</name>
<name>David DeWolf</name>
<organization>Three Pillar Software, Inc.</organization>
<role>Java Developer</role>
<name>Nick Lothian</name>
<name>Craig Doremus</name>
<name>Zhong Zheng</name>
<organization />
<role>Java Developer</role>
<name>Santiago Gala</name>
<organization />
<name>Raphael Luta</name>
<organization />
<name>David S. Taylor</name>
<organization />
<name>Scott T. Weaver</name>
<name>Stefan Hepper</name>
<name>Elliot Metsger</name>
<organization>Johns Hopkins University, Sheridan Libraries</organization>
<name>Eric Dalquist</name>
<organization>University of Wisconsin - Madison, DoIT</organization>
<!-- Pluto Contributors ================================================== -->
<name>Michael Westbay</name>
<name>Ken Weiner</name>
<name>Ken Atherton</name>
<name>David Hay</name>
<name>The Apache Software License, Version 2.0</name>
<name>Apache Software Foundation</name>
<!-- Dependency Version Properties ======================================= -->
Modification of these properties affects:
1) Dependent project poms
2) maven-pluto-plugin/src/main/resources/ as well!
<!-- Pluto Modules ======================================================= -->
<!-- Pluto Core Modules -->
<!-- Pluto Portal and Testsuite Modules -->
<!-- Pluto Utilities, Maven Plugins and Ant Tasks -->
<!-- Pluto Documentations -->
<name>Apache Pluto Staging Repository</name>
<name>Apache Release Distribution Repository</name>
<name>Apache Maven Repository (Snapshots and Test Builds)</name>
<!-- NOTE: When publishing the Pluto website, you
need to use the 2.0-beta-7-SNAPSHOT version. However,
it is being commented out so CI builds do not fail.
(CI build servers may not have snapshot repos
configured) -->
<!-- binary libraries and webapps, no external dependencies -->
<!-- portal and testsuite, all bundled and configured with Tomcat -->
<!-- Buildable source distribution (includes Maven 2 poms) -->
<!-- Container binaries only, no external dependencies -->