blob: 7949712160639aab615abecf5fbe609cf1873580 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
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package plc4go
import (
// This is the main entry point for PLC4Go applications
type PlcDriverManager interface {
// RegisterDriver Manually register a new driver
RegisterDriver(driver PlcDriver)
// ListDriverNames List the names of all drivers registered in the system
ListDriverNames() []string
// GetDriver Get access to a driver instance for a given driver-name
GetDriver(driverName string) (PlcDriver, error)
// RegisterTransport Manually register a new driver
RegisterTransport(transport transports.Transport)
// ListTransportNames List the names of all drivers registered in the system
ListTransportNames() []string
// GetTransport Get access to a driver instance for a given driver-name
GetTransport(transportName string, connectionString string, options map[string][]string) (transports.Transport, error)
// GetConnection Get a connection to a remote PLC for a given plc4x connection-string
GetConnection(connectionString string) <-chan PlcConnectionConnectResult
// Discover Execute all available discovery methods on all available drivers using all transports
Discover(func(event model.PlcDiscoveryEvent)) error
type PlcDriverManger struct {
drivers map[string]PlcDriver
transports map[string]transports.Transport
func NewPlcDriverManager() PlcDriverManager {
log.Trace().Msg("Creating plc driver manager")
return PlcDriverManger{
drivers: map[string]PlcDriver{},
transports: map[string]transports.Transport{},
func (m PlcDriverManger) RegisterDriver(driver PlcDriver) {
if driver == nil {
panic("driver must not be nil")
log.Debug().Str("protocolName", driver.GetProtocolName()).Msg("Registering driver")
// If this driver is already registered, just skip resetting it
for driverName := range m.drivers {
if driverName == driver.GetProtocolCode() {
log.Warn().Str("protocolName", driver.GetProtocolName()).Msg("Already registered")
m.drivers[driver.GetProtocolCode()] = driver
log.Info().Str("protocolName", driver.GetProtocolName()).Msgf("Driver for %s registered", driver.GetProtocolName())
func (m PlcDriverManger) ListDriverNames() []string {
log.Trace().Msg("Listing driver names")
var driverNames []string
for driverName := range m.drivers {
driverNames = append(driverNames, driverName)
log.Trace().Msgf("Found %d driver(s)", len(driverNames))
return driverNames
func (m PlcDriverManger) GetDriver(driverName string) (PlcDriver, error) {
if val, ok := m.drivers[driverName]; ok {
return val, nil
return nil, errors.Errorf("couldn't find driver %s", driverName)
func (m PlcDriverManger) RegisterTransport(transport transports.Transport) {
if transport == nil {
panic("transport must not be nil")
log.Debug().Str("transportName", transport.GetTransportName()).Msg("Registering transport")
// If this transport is already registered, just skip resetting it
for transportName := range m.transports {
if transportName == transport.GetTransportCode() {
log.Warn().Str("transportName", transport.GetTransportName()).Msg("Transport already registered")
m.transports[transport.GetTransportCode()] = transport
log.Info().Str("transportName", transport.GetTransportName()).Msgf("Transport for %s registered", transport.GetTransportName())
func (m PlcDriverManger) ListTransportNames() []string {
log.Trace().Msg("Listing transport names")
var transportNames []string
for transportName := range m.transports {
transportNames = append(transportNames, transportName)
log.Trace().Msgf("Found %d transports", len(transportNames))
return transportNames
func (m PlcDriverManger) GetTransport(transportName string, _ string, _ map[string][]string) (transports.Transport, error) {
if val, ok := m.transports[transportName]; ok {
log.Debug().Str("transportName", transportName).Msg("Returning transport")
return val, nil
return nil, errors.Errorf("couldn't find transport %s", transportName)
func (m PlcDriverManger) GetConnection(connectionString string) <-chan PlcConnectionConnectResult {
log.Debug().Str("connectionString", connectionString).Msgf("Getting connection for %s", connectionString)
// Parse the connection string.
connectionUrl, err := url.Parse(connectionString)
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Msg("Error parsing connection")
ch := make(chan PlcConnectionConnectResult)
go func() {
ch <- NewPlcConnectionConnectResult(nil, errors.Wrap(err, "error parsing connection string"))
return ch
log.Debug().Stringer("connectionUrl", connectionUrl).Msg("parsed connection URL")
// The options will be used to configure both the transports as well as the connections/drivers
configOptions := connectionUrl.Query()
// Find the driver specified in the url.
driverName := connectionUrl.Scheme
driver, err := m.GetDriver(driverName)
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Str("driverName", driverName).Msgf("Couldn't get driver for %s", driverName)
ch := make(chan PlcConnectionConnectResult)
go func() {
ch <- NewPlcConnectionConnectResult(nil, errors.Wrap(err, "error getting driver for connection string"))
return ch
// If a transport is provided alongside the driver, the URL content is decoded as "opaque" data
// Then we have to re-parse that to get the transport code as well as the host & port information.
var transportName string
var transportConnectionString string
if len(connectionUrl.Opaque) > 0 {
log.Trace().Msg("we handling a opaque connectionUrl")
connectionUrl, err := url.Parse(connectionUrl.Opaque)
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Str("connectionUrl.Opaque", connectionUrl.Opaque).Msg("Couldn't get transport due to parsing error")
ch := make(chan PlcConnectionConnectResult)
go func() {
ch <- NewPlcConnectionConnectResult(nil, errors.Wrap(err, "error parsing connection string"))
return ch
transportName = connectionUrl.Scheme
transportConnectionString = connectionUrl.Host
} else {
log.Trace().Msg("we handling a non-opaque connectionUrl")
// If no transport was provided the driver has to provide a default transport.
transportName = driver.GetDefaultTransport()
transportConnectionString = connectionUrl.Host
Str("transportName", transportName).
Str("transportConnectionString", transportConnectionString).
Msgf("got a transport %s", transportName)
// If no transport has been specified explicitly or per default, we have to abort.
if transportName == "" {
log.Error().Msg("got a empty transport")
ch := make(chan PlcConnectionConnectResult)
go func() {
ch <- NewPlcConnectionConnectResult(nil, errors.New("no transport specified and no default defined by driver"))
return ch
// Assemble a correct transport url
transportUrl := url.URL{
Scheme: transportName,
Host: transportConnectionString,
log.Debug().Stringer("transportUrl", &transportUrl).Msg("Assembled transport url")
// Create a new connection
return driver.GetConnection(transportUrl, m.transports, configOptions)
// TODO: Currently all network devices are used as well as all transports and all protocols. It would be cool if we had some sort of DiscoveryRequestBuilder instead of only this single method.
func (m PlcDriverManger) Discover(callback func(event model.PlcDiscoveryEvent)) error {
for _, driver := range m.drivers {
if driver.SupportsDiscovery() {
err := driver.Discover(callback)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "Error running Discover on driver %s", driver.GetProtocolName())
return nil