blob: 904b1a5217ed6809f43a48756ee97bcd0a858e7f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package bacnetip
import (
var stateLog = log.Logger
type IOCBState int
const (
IOCBState_IDLE IOCBState = iota
func (i IOCBState) String() string {
switch i {
case IOCBState_IDLE:
return "IDLE"
return "PENDING"
case IOCBState_ACTIVE:
return "ACTIVE"
return "COMPLETED"
return "ABORTED"
return "Unknown"
type IOQControllerStates int
const (
IOQControllerStates_CTRL_IDLE IOQControllerStates = iota
func (i IOQControllerStates) String() string {
switch i {
case IOQControllerStates_CTRL_IDLE:
return "IDLE"
case IOQControllerStates_CTRL_ACTIVE:
return "ACTIVE"
case IOQControllerStates_CTRL_WAITING:
return "WAITING"
return "Unknown"
type _IOCB interface {
setIOController(ioController _IOController)
setIOState(newState IOCBState)
getIOState() IOCBState
setIOResponse(msg _PDU)
setIOError(err error)
getRequest() _PDU
getDestination() *Address
getPriority() int
Abort(err error) error
var _identNext = 1
var _identLock sync.Mutex
type IOCB struct {
ioID int
request _PDU
destination *Address
ioState IOCBState
ioResponse _PDU
ioError error
ioController _IOController
ioComplete sync.Cond
ioCompleteDone bool
ioCallback []func()
ioQueue []_IOCB
ioTimeout *time.Timer
ioTimoutCancel chan any
priority int
func NewIOCB(request _PDU, destination *Address) (*IOCB, error) {
// lock the identity sequence number
// generate a unique identity for this block
ioID := _identNext
// release the lock
// debugging postponed until ID acquired
log.Debug().Msgf("NewIOCB(%d)", ioID)
return &IOCB{
// save the ID
ioID: ioID,
// save the request parameter
request: request,
destination: destination,
ioComplete: *sync.NewCond(&sync.Mutex{}),
// start with an idle request
ioState: IOCBState_IDLE,
}, nil
// AddCallback Pass a function to be called when IO is complete.
func (i *IOCB) AddCallback(fn func()) {
log.Debug().Msgf("AddCallback(%d): %t", i.ioID, fn != nil)
// store it
i.ioCallback = append(i.ioCallback, fn)
// already complete?
if i.ioCompleteDone {
// Wait for the completion event to be set
func (i *IOCB) Wait() {
log.Debug().Msgf("Wait(%d)", i.ioID)
// Trigger Set the completion event and make the callback(s)
func (i *IOCB) Trigger() {
log.Debug().Msgf("Trigger(%d)", i.ioID)
// if it's queued, remove it from its queue
myIndex := -1
var meAsInterface _IOCB = i
for index, qe := range i.ioQueue {
if qe == meAsInterface {
myIndex = index
if myIndex >= 0 {
i.ioQueue = append(i.ioQueue[:myIndex], i.ioQueue[myIndex+1:]...)
// if there's a timer, cancel it
if i.ioTimeout != nil {
log.Debug().Msg("cancel timeout")
// set the completion event
log.Debug().Msg("complete event set")
// make callback(s)
for _, f := range i.ioCallback {
// Complete Called to complete a transaction, usually when ProcessIO has shipped the IOCB off to some other thread or
// function.
func (i *IOCB) Complete(apdu _PDU) error {
log.Debug().Msgf("Complete(%d)\n%s", i.ioID, apdu)
if i.ioController != nil {
// pass to the controller
return i.ioController.CompleteIO(i, apdu)
} else {
// just fill in the data
i.ioState = IOCBState_COMPLETED
i.ioResponse = apdu
return nil
// Abort Called by a client to abort a transaction.
func (i *IOCB) Abort(err error) error {
log.Debug().Err(err).Msgf("Abort(%d)", i.ioID)
defer close(i.ioTimoutCancel)
if i.ioController != nil {
// pass to the controller
return i.ioController.AbortIO(i, err)
} else {
// just fill in the data
i.ioState = IOCBState_ABORTED
i.ioError = err
return nil
// SetTimeout Called to set a transaction timer.
func (i *IOCB) SetTimeout(delay time.Duration) {
// if one has already been created, cancel it
if i.ioTimeout != nil {
} else {
now := time.Now()
i.ioTimeout = time.NewTimer(delay)
i.ioTimoutCancel = make(chan any)
go func() {
select {
case timeout := <-i.ioTimeout.C:
_ = i.Abort(utils.NewTimeoutError(now.Sub(timeout)))
case <-i.ioTimoutCancel:
func (i *IOCB) setIOController(ioController _IOController) {
i.ioController = ioController
func (i *IOCB) setIOState(newState IOCBState) {
i.ioState = newState
func (i *IOCB) getIOState() IOCBState {
return i.ioState
func (i *IOCB) setIOResponse(msg _PDU) {
i.ioResponse = msg
func (i *IOCB) setIOError(err error) {
i.ioError = err
func (i *IOCB) getRequest() _PDU {
return i.request
func (i *IOCB) getDestination() *Address {
return i.destination
func (i *IOCB) getPriority() int {
return i.priority
func (i *IOCB) clearQueue() {
i.ioQueue = nil
// An PriorityItem is something we manage in a priority queue.
type PriorityItem struct {
value _IOCB // The value of the item; arbitrary.
priority int // The priority of the item in the queue.
// The index is needed by update and is maintained by the heap.Interface methods.
index int // The index of the item in the heap.
// A PriorityQueue implements heap.Interface and holds Items.
type PriorityQueue []*PriorityItem
func (pq *PriorityQueue) Len() int { return len(*pq) }
func (pq *PriorityQueue) Less(i, j int) bool {
// We want Pop to give us the highest, not lowest, priority so we use greater than here.
return (*pq)[i].priority > (*pq)[j].priority
func (pq *PriorityQueue) Swap(i, j int) {
(*pq)[i], (*pq)[j] = (*pq)[j], (*pq)[i]
(*pq)[i].index = i
(*pq)[j].index = j
func (pq *PriorityQueue) Push(x any) {
n := len(*pq)
item := x.(*PriorityItem)
item.index = n
*pq = append(*pq, item)
func (pq *PriorityQueue) Pop() any {
old := *pq
n := len(old)
item := old[n-1]
old[n-1] = nil // avoid memory leak
item.index = -1 // for safety
*pq = old[0 : n-1]
return item
// update modifies the priority and value of an Item in the queue.
func (pq *PriorityQueue) update(item *PriorityItem, value _IOCB, priority int) {
item.value = value
item.priority = priority
heap.Fix(pq, item.index)
type IOQueue struct {
notEmpty sync.Cond
queue PriorityQueue
func NewIOQueue(name string) *IOQueue {
log.Debug().Msgf("NewIOQueue %s", name)
return &IOQueue{}
// Put an IOCB to a queue. This is usually called by the function that filters requests and passes them out to the
// correct processing thread.
func (i *IOQueue) Put(iocb _IOCB) error {
log.Debug().Msgf("Put %s", iocb)
// requests should be pending before being queued
if iocb.getIOState() != IOCBState_PENDING {
return errors.New("invalid state transition")
// add the request to the end of the list of iocb's at same priority
priority := iocb.getPriority()
heap.Push(&i.queue, PriorityItem{iocb, priority, 0})
return nil
// Get a request from a queue, optionally block until a request is available.
func (i *IOQueue) Get(block bool, delay *time.Duration) (_IOCB, error) {
log.Debug().Msgf("Get block=%t, delay=%s", block, delay)
// if the queue is empty, and we do not block return None
if !block && len(i.queue) == 0 {
log.Debug().Msgf("not blocking and empty")
return nil, nil
// wait for something to be in the queue
if len(i.queue) == 0 {
if delay != nil {
gotSomething := make(chan any)
go func() {
timeout := time.NewTimer(*delay)
defer utils.CleanupTimer(timeout)
select {
case <-gotSomething:
case <-timeout.C:
return nil, nil
} else {
if len(i.queue) == 0 {
return nil, nil
// extract the first element
pi := heap.Pop(&i.queue).(PriorityItem)
iocb := pi.value
// return the request
return iocb, nil
// Remove a control block from the queue, called if the request
// is canceled/aborted
func (i *IOQueue) Remove(iocb _IOCB) error {
for _, item := range i.queue {
if iocb == item.value {
heap.Remove(&i.queue, item.index)
if len(i.queue) == 0 {
return nil
return nil
// Abort all the control blocks in the queue
func (i *IOQueue) Abort(err error) {
for _, item := range i.queue {
_ = item.value.Abort(err)
i.queue = nil
// the queue is now empty, clear the event
type _IOController interface {
Abort(err error) error
ProcessIO(iocb _IOCB) error
CompleteIO(iocb _IOCB, pdu _PDU) error
AbortIO(iocb _IOCB, err error) error
type IOController struct {
name string
rootStruct _IOController
func NewIOController(name string, rootStruct _IOController) (*IOController, error) {
log.Debug().Msgf("NewIOController name=%s", name)
return &IOController{
// save the name
name: name,
rootStruct: rootStruct,
}, nil
// Abort all requests, no default implementation.
func (i *IOController) Abort(err error) error {
return nil
// RequestIO Called by a client to start processing a request.
func (i *IOController) RequestIO(iocb _IOCB) error {
log.Debug().Msgf("RequestIO\n%s", iocb)
// bind the iocb to this controller
// hopefully there won't be an error
var err error
// change the state
// let derived class figure out how to process this
err = i.rootStruct.ProcessIO(iocb)
// if there was an error, abort the request
if err != nil {
return i.rootStruct.AbortIO(iocb, err)
return nil
// ProcessIO Figure out how to respond to this request. This must be provided by the derived class.
func (i *IOController) ProcessIO(_IOCB) error {
panic("IOController must implement ProcessIO()")
// ActiveIO Called by a handler to notify the controller that a request is being processed
func (i *IOController) ActiveIO(iocb _IOCB) error {
log.Debug().Msgf("ActiveIO %s", iocb)
// requests should be idle or pending before coming active
if iocb.getIOState() != IOCBState_IDLE && iocb.getIOState() != IOCBState_PENDING {
return errors.Errorf("invalid state transition (currently %d)", iocb.getIOState())
// change the state
return nil
// CompleteIO Called by a handler to return data to the client
func (i *IOController) CompleteIO(iocb _IOCB, apdu _PDU) error {
log.Debug().Msgf("CompleteIO %s\n%s", iocb, apdu)
// if it completed, leave it alone
if iocb.getIOState() == IOCBState_COMPLETED {
return nil
// if it already aborted, leave it alone
if iocb.getIOState() == IOCBState_ABORTED {
return nil
// change the state
// notify the client
return nil
// AbortIO Called by a handler or a client to abort a transaction
func (i *IOController) AbortIO(iocb _IOCB, err error) error {
log.Debug().Err(err).Msgf("AbortIO %s", iocb)
// if it completed, leave it alone
if iocb.getIOState() == IOCBState_COMPLETED {
return nil
// if it already aborted, leave it alone
if iocb.getIOState() == IOCBState_ABORTED {
return nil
// change the state
// notify the client
return nil
type _IOQController interface {
ProcessIO(iocb _IOCB) error
type IOQController struct {
state IOQControllerStates
activeIOCB _IOCB
ioQueue *IOQueue
waitTime time.Duration
rootStruct _IOQController
func NewIOQController(name string, rootStruct _IOQController) (*IOQController, error) {
i := &IOQController{
rootStruct: rootStruct,
var err error
i.IOController, err = NewIOController(name, i)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "error creating IO controller")
// start idle
i.state = IOQControllerStates_CTRL_IDLE
log.Debug().Msgf("%s %s %s", time.Now(), name, i.state)
// no active iocb
i.activeIOCB = nil
// create an IOQueue for iocb's requested when not idle
i.ioQueue = NewIOQueue(name + " queue")
return i, nil
// Abort all pending requests
func (i *IOQController) Abort(err error) error {
if i.state == IOQControllerStates_CTRL_IDLE {
return nil
for {
iocb, err := i.ioQueue.Get(false, nil)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "error getting something from queue")
if iocb == nil {
log.Debug().Msgf("iocb %v", iocb)
// change the state
// notify the client
if i.state != IOQControllerStates_CTRL_IDLE {
log.Debug().Msg("busy after aborts")
return nil
// RequestIO Called by a client to start processing a request
func (i *IOQController) RequestIO(iocb _IOCB) error {
log.Debug().Msgf("RequestIO %v", iocb)
// bind the iocb to this controller
// if we're busy, queue it
if i.state != IOQControllerStates_CTRL_IDLE {
log.Debug().Msgf("busy, request queued, activeIOCB: %v", i.activeIOCB)
if err := i.ioQueue.Put(iocb); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "error putting iocb in the queue")
return nil
if err := i.rootStruct.ProcessIO(iocb); err != nil {
log.Debug().Err(err).Msgf("ProcessIO error")
if err := i.Abort(err); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "error sending abort")
return nil
// ProcessIO Figure out how to respond to this request. This must be provided by the derived class
func (i *IOQController) ProcessIO(_IOCB) error {
panic("IOController must implement ProcessIO()")
// ActiveIO Called by a handler to notify the controller that a request is being processed
func (i *IOQController) ActiveIO(iocb _IOCB) error {
log.Debug().Msgf("ActiveIO %v", iocb)
// base class work first, setting iocb state and timer data
if err := i.IOController.ActiveIO(iocb); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "error calling super active io")
// change our state
i.state = IOQControllerStates_CTRL_ACTIVE
stateLog.Debug().Msgf("%s %s %s", time.Now(),, "active")
// keep track of the iocb
i.activeIOCB = iocb
return nil
// CompleteIO Called by a handler to return data to the client
func (i *IOQController) CompleteIO(iocb _IOCB, msg _PDU) error {
log.Debug().Msgf("CompleteIO %v %v", iocb, msg)
// check to see if it is completing the active one
if iocb != i.activeIOCB {
return errors.New("not the current iocb")
// normal completion
if err := i.IOController.CompleteIO(iocb, msg); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "error completing io")
// no longer an active iocb
i.activeIOCB = nil
// check to see if we should wait a bit
if i.waitTime != 0 {
// change our state
i.state = IOQControllerStates_CTRL_WAITING
stateLog.Debug().Msgf("%s %s %s", time.Now(),, "waiting")
task := FunctionTask(i._waitTrigger)
task.InstallTask(nil, &i.waitTime)
} else {
// change our state
i.state = IOQControllerStates_CTRL_IDLE
stateLog.Debug().Msgf("%s %s %s", time.Now(),, "idle")
// look for more to do
return nil
// AbortIO Called by a handler or a client to abort a transaction
func (i *IOQController) AbortIO(iocb _IOCB, err error) error {
log.Debug().Err(err).Msgf("AbortIO %v", iocb)
// Normal abort
if err := i.IOController.ActiveIO(iocb); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "ActiveIO failed")
// check to see if it is completing the active one
if iocb != i.activeIOCB {
log.Debug().Msg("not current iocb")
return nil
// no longer an active iocb
i.activeIOCB = nil
// change our state
i.state = IOQControllerStates_CTRL_IDLE
stateLog.Debug().Msgf("%s %s %s", time.Now(),, "idle")
// look for more to do
return nil
// _trigger Called to launch the next request in the queue
func (i *IOQController) _trigger() error {
// if we are busy, do nothing
if i.state != IOQControllerStates_CTRL_IDLE {
log.Debug().Msg("not idle")
return nil
// if there is nothing to do, return
if len(i.ioQueue.queue) == 0 {
log.Debug().Msg("empty queue")
return nil
// get the next iocb
iocb, err := i.ioQueue.Get(false, nil)
if err != nil {
panic("this should never happen")
if err := i.ProcessIO(iocb); err != nil {
// if there was an error, abort the request
if err := i.Abort(err); err != nil {
log.Debug().Err(err).Msg("error aborting")
return nil
return nil
// if we're idle, call again
if i.state == IOQControllerStates_CTRL_IDLE {
return nil
// _waitTrigger is called to launch the next request in the queue
func (i *IOQController) _waitTrigger() error {
// make sure we are waiting
if i.state != IOQControllerStates_CTRL_WAITING {
log.Debug().Msg("not waiting")
return nil
// change our state
i.state = IOQControllerStates_CTRL_IDLE
stateLog.Debug().Msgf("%s %s %s", time.Now(),, "idle")
// look for more to do
return i._trigger()
type SieveQueue struct {
requestFn func(apdu _PDU)
address *Address
func NewSieveQueue(fn func(apdu _PDU), address *Address) (*SieveQueue, error) {
s := &SieveQueue{}
var err error
s.IOQController, err = NewIOQController(address.String(), s)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "error creating a IOQController")
// Save a reference to the request function
s.requestFn = fn
s.address = address
return s, nil
func (s *SieveQueue) ProcessIO(iocb _IOCB) error {
log.Debug().Msgf("ProcessIO %s", iocb)
// this is now an active request
if err := s.ActiveIO(iocb); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "error on active io")
// send the request
return nil
func (s *SieveQueue) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%#q", s)