blob: eb47b9120abf9c238d6520689cb8d684edbfd43c [file] [log] [blame]
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import com.digitalpetri.enip.EnipPacket;
import com.digitalpetri.enip.EnipStatus;
import com.digitalpetri.enip.cip.epath.EPath;
import com.digitalpetri.enip.cip.epath.LogicalSegment;
import com.digitalpetri.enip.cip.structs.MessageRouterResponse;
import com.digitalpetri.enip.commands.*;
import com.digitalpetri.enip.cpf.*;
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf;
import io.netty.handler.codec.MessageToMessageCodec;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutablePair;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
public class Plc4XEtherNetIpProtocol extends MessageToMessageCodec<EnipPacket, PlcRequestContainer<InternalPlcRequest, InternalPlcResponse>> {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Plc4XEtherNetIpProtocol.class);
private static final int SERVICE_COMMUNICATIONS_TYPE_CODE = 0x0100;
private long sessionHandle = 0;
private static final AtomicLong messageId = new AtomicLong();
// General information about the remote communication endpoint.
private CipIdentityItem identityItem;
// Flag to signal, if the remote communication endpoint supports encapsulation of CIP data.
private boolean supportsCipEncapsulation = false;
// Flag to indicate, if implicit IO (subscription) is generally supported by the remote communication endpoint.
// This is handled via separate UDP socket, which would have to be established in parallel.
private boolean supportsClass0Or1UdpConnections = false;
// Map of non-cip interfaces, that might be used for specialized IO in future versions.
private Map<String, Integer> nonCipInterfaces = null;
// In CIP we are doing explicit connected messaging, this requires every used address to be registered at the
// remote server and to use that Addresses connectionId for accessing data. We are saving the references to
// these here.
// REMARK: Eventually we should add a timeout to these so we unregister them after not being used
// for quire some time. Hereby freeing resources on both client and server.
private Map<PlcField, Long> fieldConnectionMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private final Map<Long, PlcRequestContainer<InternalPlcRequest, InternalPlcResponse>> requestsMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
* If the IsoTP protocol is used on top of the ISO on TCP protocol, then as soon as the pipeline receives the
* request to connect, an IsoTP connection request TPDU must be sent in order to initialize the connection.
* @param ctx the current protocol layers context
* @param evt the event
* @throws Exception throws an exception if something goes wrong internally
public void userEventTriggered(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object evt) throws Exception {
// If the connection has just been established, start setting up the connection
// by sending a connection request to the plc.
if (evt instanceof ConnectEvent) {
LOGGER.debug("EtherNet/IP Protocol Sending Connection Request");
EnipPacket packet = new EnipPacket(CommandCode.RegisterSession, 0, EnipStatus.EIP_SUCCESS,
messageId.getAndIncrement(), new RegisterSession());;
} else {
super.userEventTriggered(ctx, evt);
public void exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Throwable cause) throws Exception {
LOGGER.trace("(-->ERR): {}", ctx, cause);
super.exceptionCaught(ctx, cause);
// Encoding
protected void encode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, PlcRequestContainer<InternalPlcRequest, InternalPlcResponse> msg, List<Object> out) {
LOGGER.trace("(<--OUT): {}, {}, {}", ctx, msg, out);
// Reset transactionId on overflow
messageId.compareAndSet(Short.MAX_VALUE + 1L, 0);
PlcRequest request = msg.getRequest();
if (request instanceof PlcReadRequest) {
encodeReadRequest(msg, out);
} else if (request instanceof PlcWriteRequest) {
encodeWriteRequest(msg, out);
} /*else if(request instanceof PlcSubscriptionRequest) {
encodeSubscriptionRequest(msg, out);
} else if(request instanceof PlcUnsubscriptionRequest) {
TODO: Implement this and refactor PlcUnsubscriptionRequest first ...
private void encodeWriteRequest(PlcRequestContainer<InternalPlcRequest, InternalPlcResponse> msg, List<Object> out) {
if (!supportsCipEncapsulation) {
LOGGER.warn("CIP Encapsulation not supported by remote, payload encapsulation must be handled by target and originator");
/*PlcWriteRequest request = (PlcWriteRequest) msg.getRequest();
// Create a ForwardOpen CIP request
// Create EIP UnconnectedDataItemRequest
UnconnectedDataItemRequest dataItem = new UnconnectedDataItemRequest(dataEncoder);
CpfPacket packet = new CpfPacket(new NullAddressItem(), dataItem);
// Send that via EIP SendRRData packet
CompletableFuture<T> future = new CompletableFuture<>();
sendRRData(new SendRRData(packet)).whenComplete((command, ex) -> {
if (command != null) {
CpfItem[] items = command.getPacket().getItems();
if (items.length == 2 &&
items[0].getTypeId() == NullAddressItem.TYPE_ID &&
items[1].getTypeId() == UnconnectedDataItemResponse.TYPE_ID) {
ByteBuf data = ((UnconnectedDataItemResponse) items[1]).getData();
} else {
future.completeExceptionally(new Exception("received unexpected items"));
} else {
channelManager.getChannel().whenComplete((ch, ex) -> {
if (ch != null) writeCommand(ch, command, future);
else future.completeExceptionally(ex);
private void encodeReadRequest(PlcRequestContainer<InternalPlcRequest, InternalPlcResponse> msg, List<Object> out) {
if (!supportsCipEncapsulation) {
LOGGER.warn("CIP Encapsulation not supported by remote, payload encapsulation must be handled by target and originator");
InternalPlcReadRequest request = (InternalPlcReadRequest) msg.getRequest();
for (String fieldName : request.getFieldNames()) {
PlcField field = request.getField(fieldName);
// CIP Part
EtherNetIpField enipField = (EtherNetIpField) field;
EPath.PaddedEPath path = new EPath.PaddedEPath(new LogicalSegment.ClassId(enipField.getObjectNumber()),
new LogicalSegment.InstanceId(enipField.getInstanceNumber()),
new LogicalSegment.AttributeId(enipField.getAttributeNumber()));
GetAttributeSingleService service = new GetAttributeSingleService(path);
// ENIP Part
EnipPacket packet = new EnipPacket(CommandCode.SendRRData, sessionHandle, EnipStatus.EIP_SUCCESS,
messageId.getAndIncrement(), new SendRRData(new CpfPacket(
new NullAddressItem(),
new UnconnectedDataItemRequest(service::encodeRequest)
requestsMap.put(packet.getSenderContext(), msg);
// Decoding
protected void decode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, EnipPacket msg, List<Object> out) {
LOGGER.trace("(-->IN): {}, {}, {}", ctx, msg, out);
LOGGER.debug("{}: session handle: {}, sender context: {}, EtherNetIPPacket:{}", msg, msg.getSessionHandle(), msg.getSenderContext(), msg);
EnipPacket packet = null;
switch (msg.getCommandCode()) {
case RegisterSession:
handleRegisterSession(ctx, msg);
// Now try getting some detailed information about the remote.
packet = new EnipPacket(CommandCode.ListIdentity, sessionHandle, EnipStatus.EIP_SUCCESS,
messageId.getAndIncrement(), new ListIdentity());
case UnRegisterSession:
handleUnregisterSession(ctx, msg);
// Spec: The receiver shall initiate a close of the underlying
// TCP/IP connection when it receives this command.;
case ListIdentity:
handleListIdentity(ctx, msg);
// Now try listing the services the remote has to offer.
packet = new EnipPacket(CommandCode.ListServices, sessionHandle, EnipStatus.EIP_SUCCESS,
messageId.getAndIncrement(), new ListServices());
case ListInterfaces:
handleListInterfaces(ctx, msg);
// Here we're done connecting. ConnectedEvent());
case ListServices:
handleListServices(ctx, msg);
// Now try listing the interfaces the remote has to offer.
packet = new EnipPacket(CommandCode.ListInterfaces, sessionHandle, EnipStatus.EIP_SUCCESS,
messageId.getAndIncrement(), new ListInterfaces());
case Nop:
handleNop(ctx, msg);
case SendRRData:
handleSendRRDataResponse(ctx, msg);
case SendUnitData:
// This might be where the connected data is sent (eventually publish/subscribe communication)
if (packet != null) {;
* In order to do explicit connected messaging, the client has to register a session with the server.
* In case of a successful session registration the response will contain the sessionHandle, which is
* required to be used in all subsequent connected interactions.
* @param ctx the {@link ChannelHandlerContext} instance.
* @param msg the packet received from the server.
private void handleRegisterSession(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, EnipPacket msg) {
if (msg.getStatus() == EnipStatus.EIP_SUCCESS) {
sessionHandle = msg.getSessionHandle();"EtherNet/IP session registered session-handle {}", sessionHandle);
} else { PlcProtocolException("Got a non-success response."));
* As connected operations allocate resources on the server and the client, when receiving a
* {@link UnRegisterSession} message (request or response) the locally allocated resources have
* to be released again. As the correct response to a UnRegisterSession is the closing of the
* connection by the receiving side, this incoming command must be a request sent from the
* server.
* @param ctx the {@link ChannelHandlerContext} instance.
* @param msg the packet received from the server.
private void handleUnregisterSession(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, EnipPacket msg) {
if (msg.getStatus() == EnipStatus.EIP_SUCCESS) {
// Reset all internal variables.
identityItem = null;
supportsCipEncapsulation = false;
supportsClass0Or1UdpConnections = false;
nonCipInterfaces = null;
fieldConnectionMap = null;
} else { PlcProtocolException("Got a non-success response."));
* The response to a {@link ListIdentity} command contains a lot of information about the
* remote counterpart. In this case we just save this information for further usage.
* @param ctx the {@link ChannelHandlerContext} instance.
* @param msg the packet received from the server.
private void handleListIdentity(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, EnipPacket msg) {
if (msg.getStatus() == EnipStatus.EIP_SUCCESS) {
ListIdentity listIdentityResponse = (ListIdentity) msg.getCommand();
if (listIdentityResponse != null) {
identityItem = listIdentityResponse.getIdentity().orElse(null);
if (identityItem != null) {"Connected to: \n - product name: {} \n - serial number: {} ",
identityItem.getProductName().trim(), identityItem.getSerialNumber());
} else {
identityItem = null;
} else { PlcProtocolException("Got a non-success response."));
* Some times EtherNet/IP devices support other devices than the default one.
* As we are required to ev eventually reference these interfaces, build a map
* of all the devices the remote supports. This way we can check the validity
* before actually sending a request.
* @param ctx the {@link ChannelHandlerContext} instance.
* @param msg the packet received from the server.
private void handleListInterfaces(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, EnipPacket msg) {
if (msg.getStatus() == EnipStatus.EIP_SUCCESS) {
ListInterfaces listInterfaces = (ListInterfaces) msg.getCommand();
if (listInterfaces != null) {
// If the device supports non-CIP interfaces, this array is not empty.
// In this case build a map so we can access the information when sending
// data in RR-Requests (Request-Response).
if (listInterfaces.getInterfaces().length > 0) {
nonCipInterfaces = new HashMap<>();
for (ListInterfaces.InterfaceInformation interfaceInformation : listInterfaces.getInterfaces()) {
String interfaceName = new String(
interfaceInformation.getData(), Charset.forName("US-ASCII")).trim();
nonCipInterfaces.put(interfaceName, interfaceInformation.hashCode());
} else {
nonCipInterfaces = null;
} else { PlcProtocolException("Got a non-success response."));
* Each EtherNet/IP device can support one or more so-called `services`. At least the `Communications`
* service is required to be supported by every EtherNet/IP compliant device. This is used for default
* IO operations. Usually vendors support custom services which are adjusted to their particular needs,
* which might be able to provide better performance than the default. In this case we are ignoring all
* these as supporting these would require custom adapters on the PLC4X side. However we do inspect the
* capabilities of the `Communications` service to check if encapsulation of CIP data is supported and
* if we are able to do connected implicit communication via a parallel UDP channel.
* @param ctx the {@link ChannelHandlerContext} instance.
* @param msg the packet received from the server.
private void handleListServices(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, EnipPacket msg) {
if (msg.getStatus() == EnipStatus.EIP_SUCCESS) {
ListServices listServices = (ListServices) msg.getCommand();
if (listServices != null) {
for (ListServices.ServiceInformation service : listServices.getServices()) {
// Check if the type code matches the communications service and if bit 5 of the
// capability flags is set.
if (service.getTypeCode() == SERVICE_COMMUNICATIONS_TYPE_CODE) {
supportsCipEncapsulation = (service.getCapabilityFlags() & 32) != 0;
supportsClass0Or1UdpConnections = (service.getCapabilityFlags() & 256) != 0;
} else {
supportsCipEncapsulation = false;
supportsClass0Or1UdpConnections = false;
} else { PlcProtocolException("Got a non-success response."));
* NOP request/responses are simple no-payload messages used to check if a connection is still
* available. Depending on if it's a request or reply, we simply send back a NOP Reply or not.
* As no reply is to be generated for an incoming NOP command, this must be a NopRequest.
* @param ctx the {@link ChannelHandlerContext} instance.
* @param msg the packet received from the server.
private void handleNop(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, EnipPacket msg) {
if (msg.getStatus() == EnipStatus.EIP_SUCCESS) {
//Nop nop = (Nop) msg.getCommand();
// TODO: Reset some sort of timer ...
} else {
new PlcProtocolException("Got a non-success flagged request."));
* As RR Data is Request Response data and the server will not issue a request to
* the client, we can be pretty sure this is a response to a previously issued request.
* This contains the actual payload for our requests.
* @param ctx the {@link ChannelHandlerContext} instance.
* @param msg the packet received from the server.
private void handleSendRRDataResponse(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, EnipPacket msg) {
// This is where the typical request/response stuff is handled.
long senderContext = msg.getSenderContext();
PlcRequestContainer<InternalPlcRequest, InternalPlcResponse> plcRequestContainer = requestsMap.get(senderContext);
if (plcRequestContainer == null) {
new PlcProtocolException("Unrelated payload received for message " + msg));
if (!(plcRequestContainer.getRequest() instanceof PlcReadRequest)) {
ctx.fireExceptionCaught(new PlcProtocolException("Expecting a PlcReadRequest here."));
InternalPlcReadRequest request = (InternalPlcReadRequest) plcRequestContainer.getRequest();
PlcResponseCode responseCode;
if (msg.getStatus() != EnipStatus.EIP_SUCCESS) {
responseCode = PlcResponseCode.NOT_FOUND;
} else {
responseCode = PlcResponseCode.OK;
SendRRData sendRRDataCommand = (SendRRData) msg.getCommand();
if (sendRRDataCommand == null) {
ctx.fireExceptionCaught(new PlcProtocolException("Expecting a SendRRData command here."));
CpfItem[] items = sendRRDataCommand.getPacket().getItems();
if (items.length != 2) {
ctx.fireExceptionCaught(new PlcProtocolException("Expecting 2 items here."));
CpfItem payload = items[1];
if (!(payload instanceof UnconnectedDataItemResponse)) {
ctx.fireExceptionCaught(new PlcProtocolException("Item[1] should be of type UnconnectedDataItemResponse"));
UnconnectedDataItemResponse enipResponse = (UnconnectedDataItemResponse) payload;
ByteBuf data = enipResponse.getData();
if (data.readableBytes() > 0) {
Map<String, Pair<PlcResponseCode, BaseDefaultFieldItem>> values = new HashMap<>();
// TODO: This is not quite correct as this will probalby not work when requesting more than one item.
for (String fieldName : request.getFieldNames()) {
MessageRouterResponse cipResponse = MessageRouterResponse.decode(data);
short value;
// TODO: This is not quite correct as we assume everything is an integer.
if (cipResponse.getData().readableBytes() >= 2) {
value = cipResponse.getData().readShort();
} else {
value = -1;
DefaultLongFieldItem fieldItem = new DefaultLongFieldItem((long) value);
values.put(fieldName, new ImmutablePair<>(responseCode, fieldItem));
InternalPlcReadResponse response = new DefaultPlcReadResponse(request, values);
// Encoding helpers.
// Decoding helpers.