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package org.apache.plc4x.language.c;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.regexp.joni.constants.StringType;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.math.NumberUtils;
import org.apache.plc4x.plugins.codegenerator.protocol.freemarker.BaseFreemarkerLanguageTemplateHelper;
import org.apache.plc4x.plugins.codegenerator.protocol.freemarker.FreemarkerException;
import org.apache.plc4x.plugins.codegenerator.types.definitions.*;
import org.apache.plc4x.plugins.codegenerator.types.enums.EnumValue;
import org.apache.plc4x.plugins.codegenerator.types.fields.*;
import org.apache.plc4x.plugins.codegenerator.types.references.*;
import org.apache.plc4x.plugins.codegenerator.types.terms.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Function;
public class CLanguageTemplateHelper extends BaseFreemarkerLanguageTemplateHelper {
public CLanguageTemplateHelper(TypeDefinition thisType, String protocolName, String flavorName, Map<String, TypeDefinition> types) {
super(thisType, protocolName, flavorName, types);
public String getSourceDirectory() {
return String.join("", getProtocolName().split("-")) + ".src";
public String getIncludesDirectory() {
return String.join("", getProtocolName().split("-")) + ".include";
* Little helper that converts a given type name in camel-case into a c-style snake-case expression.
* In addition it appends a prefix for the protocol name and the output flavor.
* @param typeName camel-case type name
* @return c-style type name
public String getCTypeName(String typeName) {
return "plc4c_" + camelCaseToSnakeCase(getProtocolName()).toLowerCase() +
"_" + camelCaseToSnakeCase(getFlavorName()).toLowerCase() +
"_" + camelCaseToSnakeCase(typeName).toLowerCase();
public String getFieldName(ComplexTypeDefinition baseType, NamedField field) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (baseType != getThisTypeDefinition()) {
return sb.toString();
* Converts a camel-case string to snake-case.
* @param camelCase camel-case string
* @return snake-case string
public String camelCaseToSnakeCase(String camelCase) {
StringBuilder snakeCase = new StringBuilder();
final char[] chars = camelCase.toCharArray();
for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
String lowerCaseChar = String.valueOf(chars[i]).toLowerCase();
// If the previous letter is a lowercase letter and this one is uppercase, create a new snake-segment.
if ((i > 0) && !Character.isUpperCase(chars[i - 1]) && Character.isUpperCase(chars[i])) {
} else if ((i < (chars.length - 2)) && Character.isUpperCase(chars[i]) && !Character.isUpperCase(chars[i + 1])) {
// If this is uppercase and the previous one is too ... just make this letter lowercase.
else if ((i > 0) && Character.isUpperCase(chars[i - 1]) && Character.isUpperCase(chars[i])) {
} else if (chars[i] == '-') {
} else {
// If the first letter was a capital letter, the string will start with a "_".
// In this case we cut that char off.
if (snakeCase.indexOf("_") == 0) {
return snakeCase.toString().substring(1);
return snakeCase.toString();
* Little wrapper around the actual getLanguageTypeName which handles the case of requiring
* DataIo type fields.
* @param field field we want to get the type name for
* @return type name we should use in C
public String getLanguageTypeNameForField(Field field) {
if(!(field instanceof TypedField)) {
throw new FreemarkerException("Field " + field + " is not a TypedField");
// If this is an array with variable length, then we have to use our "plc4c_list" to store the data.
if ((field instanceof ArrayField) && (!isFixedValueExpression(((ArrayField) field).getLoopExpression()))) {
return "plc4c_list";
TypedField typedField = (TypedField) field;
TypeReference typeReference = typedField.getType();
if (typeReference instanceof ComplexTypeReference) {
final TypeDefinition typeDefinition = getTypeDefinitionForTypeReference(typeReference);
if (typeDefinition instanceof DataIoTypeDefinition) {
return "plc4c_data*";
return getLanguageTypeNameForTypeReference(typeReference);
public Map<ComplexTypeDefinition, ConstField> getAllConstFields() {
Map<ComplexTypeDefinition, ConstField> constFields = new HashMap<>();
((ComplexTypeDefinition) getThisTypeDefinition()).getConstFields().forEach(
constField -> constFields.put((ComplexTypeDefinition) getThisTypeDefinition(), constField));
if(getSwitchField() != null) {
for (DiscriminatedComplexTypeDefinition switchCase : getSwitchField().getCases()) {
constField -> constFields.put(switchCase, constField));
return constFields;
* If a property references a complex type in an argument, we need to pass that as a pointer,
* same with optional fields.
* @param typeDefinition type that contains the property or attribute.
* @param propertyName name of the property or attribute
* @return true if the access needs to be using pointers
public boolean requiresPointerAccess(ComplexTypeDefinition typeDefinition, String propertyName) {
final Optional<NamedField> namedFieldOptional = typeDefinition.getFields().stream().filter(field -> field instanceof NamedField).map(field -> (NamedField) field).filter(namedField -> namedField.getName().equals(propertyName)).findFirst();
// If the property name refers to a field, check if it's an optional field.
// If it is, pointer access is required, if not, it's not.
if(namedFieldOptional.isPresent()) {
final NamedField namedField = namedFieldOptional.get();
if(namedField instanceof TypedField) {
TypedField typedField = (TypedField) namedField;
return !(namedField instanceof EnumField) && (isComplexTypeReference(typedField.getType()));
return false;
final Optional<Argument> parserArgument = -> argument.getName().equals(propertyName)).findFirst();
// If the property name refers to a parser argument, as soon as it's a complex type,
// pointer access is required.
return parserArgument.filter(argument -> argument.getType() instanceof ComplexTypeReference).isPresent();
// In all other cases, the property might be a built-in constant, so we don't need pointer
// access for any of these.
* Converts a given type-reference into a concrete type in C
* If it's a complex type, this is trivial, as the typename then follows the usual pattern.
* For simple types it's a little more complex as depending on the parameters the concrete type will be different.
* @param typeReference type reference
* @return c type
public String getLanguageTypeNameForTypeReference(TypeReference typeReference) {
if (typeReference instanceof SimpleTypeReference) {
SimpleTypeReference simpleTypeReference = (SimpleTypeReference) typeReference;
switch (simpleTypeReference.getBaseType()) {
case BIT:
return "bool";
case UINT:
case INT: {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (simpleTypeReference.getBaseType() == SimpleTypeReference.SimpleBaseType.UINT) {
if (simpleTypeReference.getSizeInBits() % 64 == 0) {
} else if (simpleTypeReference.getSizeInBits() % 32 == 0) {
} else if (simpleTypeReference.getSizeInBits() % 16 == 0) {
} else if (simpleTypeReference.getSizeInBits() % 8 == 0) {
} else {
if (simpleTypeReference.getBaseType() == SimpleTypeReference.SimpleBaseType.UINT) {
// We already have the "u" in there ...
sb.append("nsigned ");
return sb.toString();
case FLOAT:
FloatTypeReference floatTypeReference = (FloatTypeReference) simpleTypeReference;
int sizeInBits = ((floatTypeReference.getBaseType() == SimpleTypeReference.SimpleBaseType.FLOAT) ? 1 : 0) +
floatTypeReference.getExponent() + floatTypeReference.getMantissa();
if (sizeInBits <= 32) {
return "float";
if (sizeInBits <= 64) {
return "double";
throw new FreemarkerException("Unsupported float type with " + sizeInBits + " bits.");
case UFLOAT:
throw new FreemarkerException("Unsupported unsigned float type.");
case STRING:
return "char*";
case TIME:
return "time_t";//throw new FreemarkerException("Unsupported time type.");
case DATE:
return "time_t";//throw new FreemarkerException("Unsupported date type.");
return "time_t";//throw new FreemarkerException("Unsupported date-time type.");
throw new FreemarkerException("Unsupported simple type. " + simpleTypeReference.getBaseType());
} else {
return getCTypeName(((ComplexTypeReference) typeReference).getName());
public String getLoopExpressionSuffix(TypedField field) {
if (field instanceof ArrayField) {
ArrayField arrayField = (ArrayField) field;
if (arrayField.getLoopType() == ArrayField.LoopType.COUNT) {
Term countTerm = arrayField.getLoopExpression();
if (isFixedValueExpression(countTerm)) {
int evaluatedCount = evaluateFixedValueExpression(countTerm);
return "[" + evaluatedCount + "]";
return "";
* Ge the type-size suffix in case of simple types.
* @param field the field we want to get the type-size for
* @return a type-size string for the given field or an empty string if this does not apply
public String getTypeSizeForField(TypedField field) {
TypeReference typeReference = field.getType();
if (typeReference instanceof SimpleTypeReference) {
SimpleTypeReference simpleTypeReference = (SimpleTypeReference) typeReference;
switch (simpleTypeReference.getBaseType()) {
case BIT:
return " : 1";
case UINT:
case INT:
// If the bit-size is exactly one of the built-in tpye-sizes, omit the suffix.
if ((simpleTypeReference.getSizeInBits() == 8) || (simpleTypeReference.getSizeInBits() == 16) ||
(simpleTypeReference.getSizeInBits() == 32) || (simpleTypeReference.getSizeInBits() == 64)) {
return "";
return " : " + simpleTypeReference.getSizeInBits();
case FLOAT:
case UFLOAT:
// If the bit-size is exactly one of the built-in tpye-sizes, omit the suffix.
if ((simpleTypeReference.getSizeInBits() == 32) || (simpleTypeReference.getSizeInBits() == 64)) {
return "";
return " : " + simpleTypeReference.getSizeInBits();
case STRING:
case TIME:
case DATE:
return "";
return "";
public String escapeValue(TypeReference typeReference, String valueString) {
if (valueString == null) {
return null;
if ("null".equals(valueString)) {
// C doesn't like NULL values for enums, so we have to return something else (we'll treat -1 as NULL)
if (typeReference instanceof ComplexTypeReference) {
if (getTypeDefinitionForTypeReference(typeReference) instanceof EnumTypeDefinition) {
return "-1";
return "NULL";
if (typeReference instanceof SimpleTypeReference) {
SimpleTypeReference simpleTypeReference = (SimpleTypeReference) typeReference;
switch (simpleTypeReference.getBaseType()) {
case UINT:
case INT:
// C doesn't like this hex notation, so we have to convert it to a numeric one
if (valueString.startsWith("0x")) {
return Long.toString(Long.parseLong(valueString.substring(2), 16));
// If it's a one character string and is numeric, output it as char.
else if (!NumberUtils.isParsable(valueString) && (valueString.length() == 1)) {
return "'" + valueString + "'";
case STRING:
return "\"" + valueString + "\"";
return valueString;
public String escapeEnumValue(TypeReference typeReference, String valueString) {
// Currently the only case in which here complex type references are used are when referencing enum constants.
if (typeReference instanceof ComplexTypeReference) {
// C doesn't like NULL values for enums, so we have to return something else (we'll treat -1 as NULL)
if ("null".equals(valueString)) {
return "-1";
String typeName = valueString.substring(0, valueString.indexOf('.'));
String constantName = valueString.substring(valueString.indexOf('.') + 1);
return getCTypeName(typeName) + "_" + constantName;
} else {
return escapeValue(typeReference, valueString);
public Collection<EnumValue> getUniqueEnumValues(EnumValue[] enumValues) {
Map<String, EnumValue> filteredEnumValues = new TreeMap<>();
for (EnumValue enumValue : enumValues) {
if (!filteredEnumValues.containsKey(enumValue.getValue())) {
filteredEnumValues.put(enumValue.getValue(), enumValue);
return filteredEnumValues.values();
public String getReadBufferReadMethodCall(SimpleTypeReference simpleTypeReference, String valueString) {
switch (simpleTypeReference.getBaseType()) {
case BIT:
return "plc4c_spi_read_bit(io, (bool*) " + valueString + ")";
case UINT:
IntegerTypeReference unsignedIntegerTypeReference = (IntegerTypeReference) simpleTypeReference;
if (unsignedIntegerTypeReference.getSizeInBits() <= 8) {
return "plc4c_spi_read_unsigned_byte(io, " + unsignedIntegerTypeReference.getSizeInBits() + ", (uint8_t*) " + valueString + ")";
if (unsignedIntegerTypeReference.getSizeInBits() <= 16) {
return "plc4c_spi_read_unsigned_short(io, " + unsignedIntegerTypeReference.getSizeInBits() + ", (uint16_t*) " + valueString + ")";
if (unsignedIntegerTypeReference.getSizeInBits() <= 32) {
return "plc4c_spi_read_unsigned_int(io, " + unsignedIntegerTypeReference.getSizeInBits() + ", (uint32_t*) " + valueString + ")";
if (unsignedIntegerTypeReference.getSizeInBits() <= 64) {
return "plc4c_spi_read_unsigned_long(io, " + unsignedIntegerTypeReference.getSizeInBits() + ", (uint64_t*) " + valueString + ")";
throw new FreemarkerException("Unsupported unsigned integer type with " + unsignedIntegerTypeReference.getSizeInBits() + " bits");
case INT:
IntegerTypeReference integerTypeReference = (IntegerTypeReference) simpleTypeReference;
if (integerTypeReference.getSizeInBits() <= 8) {
return "plc4c_spi_read_signed_byte(io, " + integerTypeReference.getSizeInBits() + ", (int8_t*) " + valueString + ")";
if (integerTypeReference.getSizeInBits() <= 16) {
return "plc4c_spi_read_signed_short(io, " + integerTypeReference.getSizeInBits() + ", (int16_t*) " + valueString + ")";
if (integerTypeReference.getSizeInBits() <= 32) {
return "plc4c_spi_read_signed_int(io, " + integerTypeReference.getSizeInBits() + ", (int32_t*) " + valueString + ")";
if (integerTypeReference.getSizeInBits() <= 64) {
return "plc4c_spi_read_signed_long(io, " + integerTypeReference.getSizeInBits() + ", (int64_t*) " + valueString + ")";
throw new FreemarkerException("Unsupported signed integer type with " + integerTypeReference.getSizeInBits() + " bits");
case FLOAT:
FloatTypeReference floatTypeReference = (FloatTypeReference) simpleTypeReference;
if (floatTypeReference.getSizeInBits() <= 32) {
return "plc4c_spi_read_float(io, " + floatTypeReference.getSizeInBits() + ", (float*) " + valueString + ")";
} else if(floatTypeReference.getSizeInBits() <= 64) {
return "plc4c_spi_read_double(io, " + floatTypeReference.getSizeInBits() + ", (double*) " + valueString + ")";
throw new FreemarkerException("Unsupported float type with " + floatTypeReference.getSizeInBits() + " bits");
case STRING:
StringTypeReference stringTypeReference = (StringTypeReference) simpleTypeReference;
return "plc4c_spi_read_string(io, " + stringTypeReference.getSizeInBits() + ", \"" +
stringTypeReference.getEncoding() + "\"" + ", (char**) " + valueString + ")";
throw new FreemarkerException("Unsupported type " + simpleTypeReference.getBaseType().name());
public String getWriteBufferWriteMethodCall(SimpleTypeReference simpleTypeReference, String fieldName) {
switch (simpleTypeReference.getBaseType()) {
case BIT:
return "plc4c_spi_write_bit(io, " + fieldName + ")";
case UINT:
IntegerTypeReference unsignedIntegerTypeReference = (IntegerTypeReference) simpleTypeReference;
if (unsignedIntegerTypeReference.getSizeInBits() <= 8) {
return "plc4c_spi_write_unsigned_byte(io, " + unsignedIntegerTypeReference.getSizeInBits() + ", " + fieldName + ")";
if (unsignedIntegerTypeReference.getSizeInBits() <= 16) {
return "plc4c_spi_write_unsigned_short(io, " + unsignedIntegerTypeReference.getSizeInBits() + ", " + fieldName + ")";
if (unsignedIntegerTypeReference.getSizeInBits() <= 32) {
return "plc4c_spi_write_unsigned_int(io, " + unsignedIntegerTypeReference.getSizeInBits() + ", " + fieldName + ")";
if (unsignedIntegerTypeReference.getSizeInBits() <= 64) {
return "plc4c_spi_write_unsigned_long(io, " + unsignedIntegerTypeReference.getSizeInBits() + ", " + fieldName + ")";
throw new FreemarkerException("Unsupported unsigned integer type with " + unsignedIntegerTypeReference.getSizeInBits() + " bits");
case INT:
IntegerTypeReference integerTypeReference = (IntegerTypeReference) simpleTypeReference;
if (integerTypeReference.getSizeInBits() <= 8) {
return "plc4c_spi_write_signed_byte(io, " + integerTypeReference.getSizeInBits() + ", " + fieldName + ")";
if (integerTypeReference.getSizeInBits() <= 16) {
return "plc4c_spi_write_signed_short(buf, " + integerTypeReference.getSizeInBits() + ", " + fieldName + ")";
if (integerTypeReference.getSizeInBits() <= 32) {
return "plc4c_spi_write_signed_int(io, " + integerTypeReference.getSizeInBits() + ", " + fieldName + ")";
if (integerTypeReference.getSizeInBits() <= 64) {
return "plc4c_spi_write_signed_long(io, " + integerTypeReference.getSizeInBits() + ", " + fieldName + ")";
throw new FreemarkerException("Unsupported signed integer type with " + integerTypeReference.getSizeInBits() + " bits");
case FLOAT:
FloatTypeReference floatTypeReference = (FloatTypeReference) simpleTypeReference;
if (floatTypeReference.getSizeInBits() <= 32) {
return "plc4c_spi_write_float(io, " + floatTypeReference.getSizeInBits() + ", " + fieldName + ")";
} else if(floatTypeReference.getSizeInBits() <= 64) {
return "plc4c_spi_write_double(io, " + floatTypeReference.getSizeInBits() + ", " + fieldName + ")";
throw new FreemarkerException("Unsupported float type with " + floatTypeReference.getSizeInBits() + " bits");
case STRING:
StringTypeReference stringTypeReference = (StringTypeReference) simpleTypeReference;
return "plc4c_spi_write_string(io, " + stringTypeReference.getSizeInBits() + ", \"" +
stringTypeReference.getEncoding() + "\", " + fieldName + ")";
throw new FreemarkerException("Unsupported type " + simpleTypeReference.getBaseType().name());
public String getNullValueForTypeReference(TypeReference typeReference) {
if (typeReference instanceof SimpleTypeReference) {
SimpleTypeReference simpleTypeReference = (SimpleTypeReference) typeReference;
switch (simpleTypeReference.getBaseType()) {
case BIT:
return "false";
case UINT:
case INT:
return "0";
case FLOAT:
case UFLOAT:
return "0.0";
case STRING:
return "\"\"";
case TIME:
throw new FreemarkerException("Unsupported time type.");
case DATE:
throw new FreemarkerException("Unsupported date type.");
throw new FreemarkerException("Unsupported date-time type.");
throw new FreemarkerException("Unsupported type.");
} else {
ComplexTypeReference complexTypeReference = (ComplexTypeReference) typeReference;
return getCTypeName(complexTypeReference.getName()) + "_null()";
public String getReservedValue(ReservedField reservedField) {
final String languageTypeName = getLanguageTypeNameForTypeReference(reservedField.getType());
if("BigInteger".equals(languageTypeName)) {
return "BigInteger.valueOf(" + reservedField.getReferenceValue() + ")";
} else {
return "(" + languageTypeName + ") " + reservedField.getReferenceValue();
public String toParseExpression(TypeDefinition baseType, Field field, Term term, Argument[] parserArguments) {
return toExpression(baseType, field, term, term1 -> toVariableParseExpression(baseType, field, term1, parserArguments));
public String toSerializationExpression(TypeDefinition baseType, Field field, Term term, Argument[] parserArguments) {
return toExpression(baseType, field, term, term1 -> toVariableSerializationExpression(baseType, field, term1, parserArguments));
private String toExpression(TypeDefinition baseType, Field field, Term term, Function<Term, String> variableExpressionGenerator) {
if (term == null) {
return "";
if (term instanceof Literal) {
if (term instanceof NullLiteral) {
return "NULL";
} else if (term instanceof BooleanLiteral) {
return Boolean.toString(((BooleanLiteral) term).getValue());
} else if (term instanceof NumericLiteral) {
return ((NumericLiteral) term).getNumber().toString();
} else if (term instanceof StringLiteral) {
return "\"" + ((StringLiteral) term).getValue() + "\"";
} else if (term instanceof VariableLiteral) {
VariableLiteral variableLiteral = (VariableLiteral) term;
if(variableLiteral.contains("lengthInBytes")) {
TypeDefinition lengthType;
String lengthExpression;
if(variableLiteral.getName().equals("lengthInBytes")) {
lengthType = (baseType.getParentType() == null) ? baseType : (ComplexTypeDefinition) baseType.getParentType();
lengthExpression = "_message";
} else {
final Optional<TypeReference> typeReferenceForProperty = getTypeReferenceForProperty( (ComplexTypeDefinition) baseType, variableLiteral.getName());
if(!typeReferenceForProperty.isPresent()) {
throw new FreemarkerException("Unknown type for property " + variableLiteral.getName());
lengthType = getTypeDefinitionForTypeReference(typeReferenceForProperty.get());
lengthExpression = variableExpressionGenerator.apply(term);
return getCTypeName(lengthType.getName()) + "_length_in_bytes(" + lengthExpression + ")";
} else if (variableLiteral.getName().equals("lastItem")) {
return "lastItem";
// If this literal references an Enum type, then we have to output it differently.
} else if (getTypeDefinitions().get(variableLiteral.getName()) instanceof EnumTypeDefinition) {
return getCTypeName(variableLiteral.getName()) + "_" + variableLiteral.getChild().getName();
} else {
return variableExpressionGenerator.apply(term);
} else {
throw new FreemarkerException("Unsupported Literal type " + term.getClass().getName());
} else if (term instanceof UnaryTerm) {
UnaryTerm ut = (UnaryTerm) term;
Term a = ut.getA();
switch (ut.getOperation()) {
case "!":
return "!(" + toExpression(baseType, field, a, variableExpressionGenerator) + ")";
case "-":
return "-(" + toExpression(baseType, field, a, variableExpressionGenerator) + ")";
case "()":
return "(" + toExpression(baseType, field, a, variableExpressionGenerator) + ")";
throw new FreemarkerException("Unsupported unary operation type " + ut.getOperation());
} else if (term instanceof BinaryTerm) {
BinaryTerm bt = (BinaryTerm) term;
Term a = bt.getA();
Term b = bt.getB();
String operation = bt.getOperation();
if ("^".equals(operation)) {
return "Math.pow((" + toExpression(baseType, field, a, variableExpressionGenerator) + "), (" + toExpression(baseType, field, b, variableExpressionGenerator) + "))";
return "(" + toExpression(baseType, field, a, variableExpressionGenerator) + ") " + operation + " (" + toExpression(baseType, field, b, variableExpressionGenerator) + ")";
} else if (term instanceof TernaryTerm) {
TernaryTerm tt = (TernaryTerm) term;
if ("if".equals(tt.getOperation())) {
Term a = tt.getA();
Term b = tt.getB();
Term c = tt.getC();
return "((" + toExpression(baseType, field, a, variableExpressionGenerator) + ") ? " + toExpression(baseType, field, b, variableExpressionGenerator) + " : " + toExpression(baseType, field, c, variableExpressionGenerator) + ")";
} else {
throw new FreemarkerException("Unsupported ternary operation type " + tt.getOperation());
} else {
throw new FreemarkerException("Unsupported Term type " + term.getClass().getName());
public String toVariableParseExpression(TypeDefinition baseType, Field field, Term term, Argument[] parserArguments) {
VariableLiteral vl = (VariableLiteral) term;
if("CAST".equals(vl.getName())) {
if((vl.getArgs() == null) || (vl.getArgs().size() != 2)) {
throw new FreemarkerException("A CAST expression expects exactly two arguments.");
final VariableLiteral sourceTerm = (VariableLiteral) vl.getArgs().get(0);
final VariableLiteral typeTerm = (VariableLiteral) vl.getArgs().get(1);
ComplexTypeReference castTypeReference = typeTerm::getName;
final TypeDefinition castType = getTypeDefinitionForTypeReference(castTypeReference);
// If we're casting to a sub-type of a discriminated value, we got to cast to the parent
// type instead and add the name of the sub-type as prefix to the property we're tryging to
// access next.
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if(castType.getParentType() != null) {
} else {
sb.append("*) (");
sb.append(toVariableParseExpression(baseType, field, sourceTerm, parserArguments)).append("))");
if(vl.getChild() != null) {
if(castType.getParentType() != null) {
// Change the name of the property to contain the sub-type-prefix.
appendVariableExpressionRest(sb, baseType, vl.getChild());
} else {
appendVariableExpressionRest(sb, castType, vl.getChild());
return sb.toString();
// STATIC_CALL implies that driver specific static logic should be called
if ("STATIC_CALL".equals(vl.getName())) {
String functionName = ((StringLiteral) vl.getArgs().get(0)).getValue();
// We'll cut off the java package structure and just take the segment after the last "."
functionName = functionName.substring(functionName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1, functionName.length() -1);
// But to make the function name unique, well add the driver prefix to it.
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(getCTypeName(functionName));
if (vl.getArgs().size() > 1) {
boolean firstArg = true;
for (int i = 1; i < vl.getArgs().size(); i++) {
Term arg = vl.getArgs().get(i);
if (!firstArg) {
sb.append(", ");
sb.append(toParseExpression(baseType, field, arg, parserArguments));
firstArg = false;
return sb.toString();
// Any name that is full upper-case is considered a function call.
// These are generally defined in the spi file evaluation_helper.c.
// All should have a name prefix "plc4c_spi_evaluation_helper_".
else if (vl.getName().equals(vl.getName().toUpperCase())) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("plc4c_spi_evaluation_helper_" + vl.getName().toLowerCase());
if (vl.getArgs() != null) {
boolean firstArg = true;
for (Term arg : vl.getArgs()) {
if (!firstArg) {
sb.append(", ");
sb.append(toParseExpression(baseType, field, arg, parserArguments));
firstArg = false;
if (vl.getIndex() != VariableLiteral.NO_INDEX) {
if(vl.getChild() != null) {
appendVariableExpressionRest(sb, baseType, vl.getChild());
return sb.toString();
} else if("io".equals(vl.getName())) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("io");
if(vl.getChild() != null) {
appendVariableExpressionRest(sb, baseType, vl.getChild());
return sb.toString();
} else if("_type".equals(vl.getName())) {
if((vl.getChild() != null) && "encoding".equals(vl.getChild().getName()) && (field instanceof TypedField) && (((TypedField) field).getType() instanceof StringTypeReference)) {
TypedField typedField = (TypedField) field;
StringTypeReference stringTypeReference = (StringTypeReference) typedField.getType();
return "\"" + stringTypeReference.getEncoding().substring(1, stringTypeReference.getEncoding().length() - 1) + "\"";
} else {
throw new FreemarkerException("_type is currently pretty much hard-coded for some usecases, please check CLanguageTemplateHelper.toVariableParseExpression");
final String name = vl.getName();
// In case of DataIo types, we'll just check the arguments.
if(baseType instanceof DataIoTypeDefinition) {
if(baseType.getParserArguments() != null) {
for (Argument parserArgument : baseType.getParserArguments()) {
if(parserArgument.getName().equals(name)) {
return name;
// Try to find the type of the addressed property.
final Optional<TypeReference> propertyTypeOptional =
getTypeReferenceForProperty((ComplexTypeDefinition) baseType, name);
// If we couldn't find the type, we didn't find the property.
if(!propertyTypeOptional.isPresent()) {
throw new FreemarkerException("Could not find property with name '" + name + "' in type " + baseType.getName());
final TypeReference propertyType = propertyTypeOptional.get();
// If it's a simple field, there is no sub-type to access.
if(propertyType instanceof SimpleTypeReference) {
if(vl.getChild() != null) {
throw new FreemarkerException("Simple property '" + name + "' doesn't have child properties.");
return name;
// If it references a complex, type we need to get that type's definition first.
final TypeDefinition propertyTypeDefinition = getTypeDefinitions().get(((ComplexTypeReference) propertyType).getName());
// If we're not accessing any child property, no need to handle anything special.
if(vl.getChild() == null) {
return name;
// If there is a child we need to check if this is a discriminator property.
// As discriminator properties are not real properties, but saved in the static metadata
// of a type, we need to generate a different access pattern.
if(propertyTypeDefinition instanceof ComplexTypeDefinition) {
final Optional<DiscriminatorField> discriminatorFieldOptional = ((ComplexTypeDefinition) propertyTypeDefinition).getFields().stream().filter(
curField -> curField instanceof DiscriminatorField).map(curField -> (DiscriminatorField) curField).filter(
discriminatorField -> discriminatorField.getName().equals(vl.getChild().getName())).findFirst();
// If child references a discriminator field of the type we found, we have to escape it.
if (discriminatorFieldOptional.isPresent()) {
return getCTypeName(propertyTypeDefinition.getName()) + "_get_discriminator(" + name + "->_type)." + vl.getChild().getName();
// Handling enum properties in C is a little more tricky as we have to use the enum value
// and pass this to a function that then returns the desired property value.
else if(propertyTypeDefinition instanceof EnumTypeDefinition) {
return getCTypeName(propertyTypeDefinition.getName()) +
"_get_" + camelCaseToSnakeCase(vl.getChild().getName()) +
"(" + vl.getName() + ")";
// Else ... generate a simple access path.
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(vl.getName());
if(vl.getChild() != null) {
appendVariableExpressionRest(sb, baseType, vl.getChild());
return sb.toString();
private String toVariableSerializationExpression(TypeDefinition baseType, Field field, Term term, Argument[] serialzerArguments) {
VariableLiteral vl = (VariableLiteral) term;
if ("STATIC_CALL".equals(vl.getName())) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (!(vl.getArgs().get(0) instanceof StringLiteral)) {
throw new FreemarkerException("Expecting the first argument of a 'STATIC_CALL' to be a StringLiteral");
String methodName = ((StringLiteral) vl.getArgs().get(0)).getValue();
methodName = methodName.substring(1, methodName.length() - 1);
for (int i = 1; i < vl.getArgs().size(); i++) {
Term arg = vl.getArgs().get(i);
if (i > 1) {
sb.append(", ");
if (arg instanceof VariableLiteral) {
VariableLiteral va = (VariableLiteral) arg;
// "io" and "_value" are always available in every parser.
boolean isSerializerArg = "io".equals(va.getName()) || "_value".equals(va.getName()) || "element".equals(va.getName());
boolean isTypeArg = "_type".equals(va.getName());
if (!isSerializerArg && !isTypeArg && serialzerArguments != null) {
for (Argument serializerArgument : serialzerArguments) {
if (serializerArgument.getName().equals(va.getName())) {
isSerializerArg = true;
if (isSerializerArg) {
if(va.getChild() != null) {
appendVariableExpressionRest(sb, baseType, va.getChild());
} else if (isTypeArg) {
String part = va.getChild().getName();
switch (part) {
case "name":
case "length":
sb.append("\"").append(((SimpleTypeReference) field).getSizeInBits()).append("\"");
case "encoding":
if(!(field instanceof TypedField)) {
throw new FreemarkerException("'encoding' only supported for typed fields.");
TypedField typedField = (TypedField) field;
if(!(typedField.getType() instanceof StringTypeReference)) {
throw new FreemarkerException("Can only access 'encoding' for string types.");
StringTypeReference stringTypeReference = (StringTypeReference) typedField.getType();
String encoding = stringTypeReference.getEncoding();
// Cut off the single quotes.
encoding = encoding.substring(1, encoding.length() - 1);
} else {
sb.append(toVariableSerializationExpression(baseType, field, va, null));
} else if (arg instanceof StringLiteral) {
sb.append(((StringLiteral) arg).getValue());
return sb.toString();
// All uppercase names are not fields, but utility methods.
else if (vl.getName().equals(vl.getName().toUpperCase())) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("plc4c_spi_evaluation_helper_" + vl.getName().toLowerCase());
if (vl.getArgs() != null) {
boolean firstArg = true;
for (Term arg : vl.getArgs()) {
if (!firstArg) {
sb.append(", ");
if (arg instanceof VariableLiteral) {
VariableLiteral va = (VariableLiteral) arg;
boolean isSerializerArg = "io".equals(va.getName());
boolean isTypeArg = "_type".equals(va.getName());
if (!isSerializerArg && !isTypeArg && serialzerArguments != null) {
for (Argument serializerArgument : serialzerArguments) {
if (serializerArgument.getName().equals(va.getName())) {
isSerializerArg = true;
if (isSerializerArg) {
if(va.getChild() != null) {
appendVariableExpressionRest(sb, baseType, va.getChild());
} else if (isTypeArg) {
String part = va.getChild().getName();
switch (part) {
case "name":
case "length":
sb.append("\"").append(((SimpleTypeReference) field).getSizeInBits()).append("\"");
case "encoding":
if(!(field instanceof TypedField)) {
throw new FreemarkerException("'encoding' only supported for typed fields.");
TypedField typedField = (TypedField) field;
if(!(typedField.getType() instanceof StringTypeReference)) {
throw new FreemarkerException("Can only access 'encoding' for string types.");
StringTypeReference stringTypeReference = (StringTypeReference) typedField.getType();
String encoding = stringTypeReference.getEncoding();
// Cut off the single quotes.
encoding = encoding.substring(1, encoding.length() - 1);
} else {
sb.append(toVariableSerializationExpression(baseType, field, va, null));
} else if (arg instanceof StringLiteral) {
sb.append(((StringLiteral) arg).getValue());
firstArg = false;
return sb.toString();
// The synthetic checksumRawData is a local field and should not be accessed as bean property.
boolean isSerializerArg = "checksumRawData".equals(vl.getName()) || "_value".equals(vl.getName()) || "element".equals(vl.getName());
boolean isTypeArg = "_type".equals(vl.getName());
if (!isSerializerArg && !isTypeArg && serialzerArguments != null) {
for (Argument serializerArgument : serialzerArguments) {
if (serializerArgument.getName().equals(vl.getName())) {
isSerializerArg = true;
if (isSerializerArg) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(vl.getName());
if(vl.getChild() != null) {
appendVariableExpressionRest(sb, baseType, vl.getChild());
return sb.toString();
} else if (isTypeArg) {
String part = vl.getChild().getName();
switch (part) {
case "name":
return "\"" + field.getTypeName() + "\"";
case "length":
return "\"" + ((SimpleTypeReference) field).getSizeInBits() + "\"";
case "encoding":
if(!(field instanceof TypedField)) {
throw new FreemarkerException("'encoding' only supported for typed fields.");
TypedField typedField = (TypedField) field;
if(!(typedField.getType() instanceof StringTypeReference)) {
throw new FreemarkerException("Can only access 'encoding' for string types.");
StringTypeReference stringTypeReference = (StringTypeReference) typedField.getType();
String encoding = stringTypeReference.getEncoding();
// Cut off the single quotes.
encoding = encoding.substring(1, encoding.length() - 1);
return "\"" + encoding + "\"";
return "";
} else {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("_message->");
// If this is a property of a sub-type, add the sub-type name to the property.
if(baseType != getThisTypeDefinition()) {
// If this expression references enum constants we need to do things differently
final Optional<TypeReference> typeReferenceForProperty =
getTypeReferenceForProperty((ComplexTypeDefinition) baseType, vl.getName());
if(typeReferenceForProperty.isPresent()) {
final TypeReference typeReference = typeReferenceForProperty.get();
if(typeReference instanceof ComplexTypeReference) {
final TypeDefinition typeDefinitionForTypeReference =
if ((typeDefinitionForTypeReference instanceof EnumTypeDefinition) && (vl.getChild() != null)){
return getCTypeName(typeDefinitionForTypeReference.getName()) +
"_get_" + camelCaseToSnakeCase(vl.getChild().getName()) +
"(" + sb.toString() + ")";
// If it wasn't an enum, treat it as a normal property.
appendVariableExpressionRest(sb, baseType, vl);
return sb.toString();
private void appendVariableExpressionRest(StringBuilder sb, TypeDefinition baseType, VariableLiteral vl) {
if(vl.isIndexed()) {
sb.insert(0, "plc4c_utils_list_get_value(");
sb.append(", ").append(vl.getIndex()).append(")");
} else {
// Suppress any "lengthInBytes" properties as these are handled differently in C
if((vl.getChild() != null) && !vl.getChild().getName().equals("lengthInBytes")) {
appendVariableExpressionRest(sb, baseType, vl.getChild());
public int getNumBits(SimpleTypeReference simpleTypeReference) {
switch (simpleTypeReference.getBaseType()) {
case BIT: {
return 1;
case UINT:
case INT: {
IntegerTypeReference integerTypeReference = (IntegerTypeReference) simpleTypeReference;
return integerTypeReference.getSizeInBits();
case FLOAT: {
FloatTypeReference floatTypeReference = (FloatTypeReference) simpleTypeReference;
return floatTypeReference.getSizeInBits();
case STRING: {
IntegerTypeReference integerTypeReference = (IntegerTypeReference) simpleTypeReference;
return integerTypeReference.getSizeInBits();
default: {
return 0;
public String getLengthInBitsFunctionNameForComplexTypedField(Field field) {
if(field instanceof TypedField) {
TypedField typedField = (TypedField) field;
final TypeReference typeReference = typedField.getType();
if(typeReference instanceof ComplexTypeReference) {
ComplexTypeReference complexTypeReference = (ComplexTypeReference) typeReference;
return getCTypeName(complexTypeReference.getName()) + "_length_in_bits";
} else {
throw new FreemarkerException("lengthInBits functions only exist for complex types");
} else {
throw new FreemarkerException("lengthInBits functions only exist for TypedFields");