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<h2 id="canopen">CANopen</h2>
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<p>CANopen is communication protocol built on top of CAN.
CAN is a popular link layer standard which allows exchanging data between nodes and build multi-node applications.
All nodes can broadcast their information to the buss allowing fast data exchanges without necessity to coordinate over a single "master" node.
CANopen is a specific protocol built on top of CAN bus.</p>
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<p>The CAN in Automation (CiA) organization is responsible for releasing CANopen specification.
It has built number of application layer protocols on top of CAN, CANopen is one of them.</p>
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<p>It is possible to obtain a copy of specification from CiA website.
Please refer the official materials for more details on protocol and its constructs.</p>
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<p>Apache PLC4X is open source project.
It is not a certified product.</p>
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<h3 id="links">Links</h3>
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<p><a href="">CAN in Automation</a> organization managing specification.</p>
<p>Public materials published by CAN in Automation: <a href="" class="bare"></a></p>
<p>CAN in Automation membership: <a href="" class="bare"></a></p>
<p>Further device profiles built on top of CANopen: <a href="" class="bare"></a></p>
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<br/><div style="text-align:center;">Home screen image taken from <a
href="">Flickr</a>, "Tesla Robot Dance" by Steve Jurvetson, licensed
under <a href="">CC BY 2.0 Generic</a>, image cropped
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