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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<document id="drag-and-drop">
<title>Drag and Drop</title>
td {
Like the clipboard, drag and drop is a common metaphor for data transfer. By clicking
and dragging with the mouse, the user can move, copy, or link data within or between
applications. It is signed to allow drag/drop integration with other applications; as
with the clipboard, untrusted applications can only perform local drag and drop
The following application demonstrates Pivot's support for drag and drop. Users can
drag the sample images from this page into the applet (the area within the border), or
drag the image out of the applet into any other application that supports images:
<td rowspan="2">
<application class="org.apache.pivot.wtk.ScriptApplication"
width="420" height="240">
<libraries signed="true">
<img src="IMG_0725_2.jpg"/>
<img src="IMG_0735_2.jpg"/>
The BXML source for this example is as follows. It creates an <tt>ImageView</tt> and
attaches a drag source and drop target to it via the <tt>dragSource</tt> and
<tt>dropTarget</tt> attributes, respectively. The code for these handlers is defined
in "dragdrop.js", discussed next:
<source type="xml" location="org/apache/pivot/tutorials/dragdrop/drag_drop.bxml">
<Window title="Drag and Drop" maximized="true"
<bxml:script src="dragdrop.js"/>
<Border styles="{padding:2}">
<ImageView bxml:id="imageView" image="/org/apache/pivot/tutorials/IMG_0767_2.jpg"
dragSource="$dragSoure" dropTarget="$dropTarget"/>
The contents of "dragdrop.js" are as follows:
<source type="jscript" location="org/apache/pivot/tutorials/dragdrop/dragdrop.js">
var dragSoure = new DragSource() {
beginDrag: function(component, x, y) {
return true;
endDrag: function(component, dropAction) {
// No-op
getContent: function() {
var content = new LocalManifest();
return content;
getOffset: function() {
// No-op; not used for native drags
return null;
getRepresentation: function() {
// No-op; not used for native drags
return null;
getSupportedDropActions: function() {
return DropAction.COPY.getMask();
isNative: function() {
return true;
var dropTarget = new DropTarget() {
dragEnter: function(component, dragContent, supportedDropActions, userDropAction) {
return (dragContent.containsImage()) ? DropAction.COPY : null;
dragExit: function(component) {
// No-op
dragMove: function(component, dragContent, supportedDropActions, x, y, userDropAction) {
return (dragContent.containsImage()) ? DropAction.COPY : null;
userDropActionChange: function(component, dragContent, supportedDropActions,
x, y, userDropAction) {
return (dragContent.containsImage()) ? DropAction.COPY : null;
drop: function(component, dragContent, supportedDropActions, x, y, userDropAction) {
var dropAction = null;
if (dragContent.containsImage()) {
dropAction = DropAction.COPY;
return dropAction;
When the user initiates a drag operation, the Pivot platform detects the gesture and
walks the component hierarchy looking for a drag source. When it finds one, it calls
<tt>beginDrag()</tt>. If this method returns <tt>true</tt>, the platform calls
<tt>getContent()</tt> and begins the drag. Like the clipboard, drag/drop content is
also stored in a <tt>Manifest</tt>. In the case of a drag source, a
<tt>LocalManifest</tt> is used. The drag source in this example simply places the
image that is currently displayed by the image view in the manifest. It also reports
that the only supported action for this drag operation is COPY, by returning the
bitmask value of <tt>DropAction.COPY</tt> from <tt>getSupportedDropActions()</tt>.
When the user drags an image over the image view, the platform walks the component
hierarchy looking for a drop target. When it finds one, it calls <tt>dragEnter()</tt>.
If the drop target is capable of accepting the drop, it returns its preferred drop
action (the action that would result if the user dropped the drag content at that
point). The platform repeatedly calls <tt>dragMove()</tt> while the mouse remains over
the drop target, giving the application the opportunity to report a different drop
action depending on the current mouse location.
Finally, when the user releases the mouse button, the <tt>drop()</tt> method is
called. This method actually performs the drop, and returns the actual drop action
that was performed (or <tt>null</tt> if nothing was dropped).