blob: f08603f9e7c4c09bdf4e0a79c39bc18515a6f775 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
* Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.pivot.wtk;
import java.util.Comparator;
import org.apache.pivot.beans.DefaultProperty;
import org.apache.pivot.collections.ArrayList;
import org.apache.pivot.collections.List;
import org.apache.pivot.collections.ListListener;
import org.apache.pivot.collections.Map;
import org.apache.pivot.collections.Sequence;
import org.apache.pivot.collections.immutable.ImmutableList;
import org.apache.pivot.json.JSON;
import org.apache.pivot.json.JSONSerializer;
import org.apache.pivot.serialization.SerializationException;
import org.apache.pivot.util.Filter;
import org.apache.pivot.util.ListenerList;
import org.apache.pivot.util.Utils;
import org.apache.pivot.wtk.content.ListViewItemRenderer;
* Component that displays a sequence of items, optionally allowing a user to
* select or check one or more items.
public class ListView extends Component {
* Enumeration defining supported selection modes.
public enum SelectMode {
* Selection is disabled.
* A single index may be selected at a time.
* Multiple indexes may be concurrently selected.
* {@link Renderer} interface to customize the appearance of items in a
* ListView.
public interface ItemRenderer extends Renderer {
* Prepares the renderer for layout or paint.
* @param item The item to render, or <tt>null</tt> if called to
* calculate preferred height for skins that assume a fixed renderer
* height.
* @param index The index of the item being rendered, or <tt>-1</tt> if
* <tt>item</tt> is <tt>null</tt>.
* @param listView The host component.
* @param selected If <tt>true</tt>, the item is selected. the item.
* @param state The selected, unselected or mixed state for the checkmark.
* If tri-state checkmarks are not enabled, this value will either be
* selected or unselected.
* @param highlighted If <tt>true</tt>, the item is highlighted.
* @param disabled If <tt>true</tt>, the item is disabled.
public void render(Object item, int index, ListView listView, boolean selected,
Button.State state, boolean highlighted, boolean disabled);
* Converts a list item to a string representation.
* @param item The particular list item.
* @return The item's string representation, or <tt>null</tt> if the item
* does not have a string representation. <p> Note that this method may
* be called often during keyboard navigation, so implementations should
* avoid unnecessary string allocations.
public String toString(Object item);
* List view item editor interface.
public interface ItemEditor {
* Called to begin editing a list item.
* @param listView The list view being edited.
* @param itemIndex The index if the particular item being edited.
public void beginEdit(ListView listView, int itemIndex);
* Terminates an edit operation.
* @param result <tt>true</tt> to perform the edit; <tt>false</tt> to
* cancel it.
public void endEdit(boolean result);
* Tests whether an edit is currently in progress.
* @return Whether an edit is in progress.
public boolean isEditing();
* List view skin interface. List view skins are required to implement this.
public interface Skin {
public int getItemAt(int y);
public Bounds getItemBounds(int index);
public int getItemIndent();
* Translates between list and bind context data during data binding.
public interface ListDataBindMapping {
* Converts a context value to list data during a
* {@link Component#load(Object)} operation.
* @param value The value fetched from the bound object.
* @return The value converted to a list of data.
public List<?> toListData(Object value);
* Converts list data to a context value during a
* {@link Component#store(Object)} operation.
* @param listData The current list data from the list view.
* @return That list data converted to an object suitable for
* persistence in the bound object.
public Object valueOf(List<?> listData);
* Translates between item position and bind context data during data
* binding.
public interface ItemBindMapping {
* Returns the index of the item in the source list during a
* {@link Component#load(Object)} operation.
* @param listData The source list data.
* @param value The value to locate.
* @return The index of first occurrence of the value if it exists in the
* list; <tt>-1</tt>, otherwise.
public int indexOf(List<?> listData, Object value);
* Retrieves the value at the given index during a
* {@link Component#store(Object)} operation.
* @param listData The source list data.
* @param index The index of the value to retrieve.
* @return The item at the given index.
public Object get(List<?> listData, int index);
* Translates between item position and bind context data as well
* as item state during data binding.
public interface ItemStateBindMapping extends ItemBindMapping {
* Returns the {@link Button.State} for the given item during a
* {@link Component#load(Object)} operation.
* @param item The list item whose state we need.
* @return The {@link Button.State} for the given item.
public Button.State getState(Object item);
* Sets the {@link Button.State} for the given item during a
* {@link Component#store(Object)} operation.
* @param item The list item whose state we are going to set.
* @param state The {@link Button.State} for the given item.
public void setState(Object item, Button.State state);
private static class ListViewListenerList extends WTKListenerList<ListViewListener> implements
ListViewListener {
public void listDataChanged(ListView listView, List<?> previousListData) {
for (ListViewListener listener : this) {
listener.listDataChanged(listView, previousListData);
public void itemRendererChanged(ListView listView,
ListView.ItemRenderer previousItemRenderer) {
for (ListViewListener listener : this) {
listener.itemRendererChanged(listView, previousItemRenderer);
public void itemEditorChanged(ListView listView, ListView.ItemEditor previousItemEditor) {
for (ListViewListener listener : this) {
listener.itemEditorChanged(listView, previousItemEditor);
public void selectModeChanged(ListView listView, ListView.SelectMode previousSelectMode) {
for (ListViewListener listener : this) {
listener.selectModeChanged(listView, previousSelectMode);
public void checkmarksEnabledChanged(ListView listView) {
for (ListViewListener listener : this) {
public void checkmarksTriStateChanged(ListView listView) {
for (ListViewListener listener : this) {
public void checkmarksMixedAsCheckedChanged(ListView listView) {
for (ListViewListener listener : this) {
public void disabledItemFilterChanged(ListView listView,
Filter<?> previousDisabledItemFilter) {
for (ListViewListener listener : this) {
listener.disabledItemFilterChanged(listView, previousDisabledItemFilter);
public void disabledCheckmarkFilterChanged(ListView listView,
Filter<?> previousDisabledCheckmarkFilter) {
for (ListViewListener listener : this) {
listener.disabledCheckmarkFilterChanged(listView, previousDisabledCheckmarkFilter);
private static class ListViewItemListenerList extends WTKListenerList<ListViewItemListener>
implements ListViewItemListener {
public void itemInserted(ListView listView, int index) {
for (ListViewItemListener listener : this) {
listener.itemInserted(listView, index);
public void itemsRemoved(ListView listView, int index, int count) {
for (ListViewItemListener listener : this) {
listener.itemsRemoved(listView, index, count);
public void itemUpdated(ListView listView, int index) {
for (ListViewItemListener listener : this) {
listener.itemUpdated(listView, index);
public void itemsCleared(ListView listView) {
for (ListViewItemListener listener : this) {
public void itemsSorted(ListView listView) {
for (ListViewItemListener listener : this) {
private static class ListViewItemStateListenerList extends
WTKListenerList<ListViewItemStateListener> implements ListViewItemStateListener {
public void itemCheckedChanged(ListView listView, int index) {
for (ListViewItemStateListener listener : this) {
listener.itemCheckedChanged(listView, index);
public void itemCheckedStateChanged(ListView listView, int index) {
for (ListViewItemStateListener listener : this) {
listener.itemCheckedStateChanged(listView, index);
private static class ListViewSelectionListenerList extends
WTKListenerList<ListViewSelectionListener> implements ListViewSelectionListener {
public void selectedRangeAdded(ListView listView, int rangeStart, int rangeEnd) {
for (ListViewSelectionListener listener : this) {
listener.selectedRangeAdded(listView, rangeStart, rangeEnd);
public void selectedRangeRemoved(ListView listView, int rangeStart, int rangeEnd) {
for (ListViewSelectionListener listener : this) {
listener.selectedRangeRemoved(listView, rangeStart, rangeEnd);
public void selectedRangesChanged(ListView listView, Sequence<Span> previousSelection) {
for (ListViewSelectionListener listener : this) {
listener.selectedRangesChanged(listView, previousSelection);
public void selectedItemChanged(ListView listView, Object previousSelectedItem) {
for (ListViewSelectionListener listener : this) {
listener.selectedItemChanged(listView, previousSelectedItem);
private static class ListViewBindingListenerList extends
WTKListenerList<ListViewBindingListener> implements ListViewBindingListener {
public void listDataKeyChanged(ListView listView, String previousListDataKey) {
for (ListViewBindingListener listener : this) {
listener.listDataKeyChanged(listView, previousListDataKey);
public void listDataBindTypeChanged(ListView listView, BindType previousListDataBindType) {
for (ListViewBindingListener listener : this) {
listener.listDataBindTypeChanged(listView, previousListDataBindType);
public void listDataBindMappingChanged(ListView listView,
ListView.ListDataBindMapping previousListDataBindMapping) {
for (ListViewBindingListener listener : this) {
listener.listDataBindMappingChanged(listView, previousListDataBindMapping);
public void selectedItemKeyChanged(ListView listView, String previousSelectedItemKey) {
for (ListViewBindingListener listener : this) {
listener.selectedItemKeyChanged(listView, previousSelectedItemKey);
public void selectedItemBindTypeChanged(ListView listView,
BindType previousSelectedItemBindType) {
for (ListViewBindingListener listener : this) {
listener.selectedItemBindTypeChanged(listView, previousSelectedItemBindType);
public void selectedItemBindMappingChanged(ListView listView,
ItemBindMapping previousSelectedItemBindMapping) {
for (ListViewBindingListener listener : this) {
listener.selectedItemBindMappingChanged(listView, previousSelectedItemBindMapping);
public void selectedItemsKeyChanged(ListView listView, String previousSelectedItemsKey) {
for (ListViewBindingListener listener : this) {
listener.selectedItemsKeyChanged(listView, previousSelectedItemsKey);
public void selectedItemsBindTypeChanged(ListView listView,
BindType previousSelectedItemsBindType) {
for (ListViewBindingListener listener : this) {
listener.selectedItemsBindTypeChanged(listView, previousSelectedItemsBindType);
public void selectedItemsBindMappingChanged(ListView listView,
ItemBindMapping previousSelectedItemsBindMapping) {
for (ListViewBindingListener listener : this) {
listener.selectedItemsBindMappingChanged(listView, previousSelectedItemsBindMapping);
public void checkedItemsKeyChanged(ListView listView, String previousCheckedItemsKey) {
for (ListViewBindingListener listener : this) {
listener.checkedItemsKeyChanged(listView, previousCheckedItemsKey);
public void checkedItemsBindTypeChanged(ListView listView,
BindType previousCheckedItemsBindType) {
for (ListViewBindingListener listener : this) {
listener.checkedItemsBindTypeChanged(listView, previousCheckedItemsBindType);
public void checkedItemsBindMappingChanged(ListView listView,
ListView.ItemBindMapping previousCheckedItemsBindMapping) {
for (ListViewBindingListener listener : this) {
listener.checkedItemsBindMappingChanged(listView, previousCheckedItemsBindMapping);
public void itemsStateKeyChanged(ListView listView, String previousItemsStateKey) {
for (ListViewBindingListener listener : this) {
listener.itemsStateKeyChanged(listView, previousItemsStateKey);
public void itemsStateBindTypeChanged(ListView listView, BindType previousItemsStateBindType) {
for (ListViewBindingListener listener : this) {
listener.itemsStateBindTypeChanged(listView, previousItemsStateBindType);
public void itemsStateBindMappingChanged(ListView listView,
ListView.ItemStateBindMapping previousItemsStateBindMapping) {
for (ListViewBindingListener listener : this) {
listener.itemsStateBindMappingChanged(listView, previousItemsStateBindMapping);
private List<?> listData = null;
private ItemRenderer itemRenderer = null;
private ItemEditor itemEditor = null;
private RangeSelection rangeSelection = new RangeSelection();
private SelectMode selectMode = SelectMode.SINGLE;
private boolean checkmarksEnabled = false;
private ArrayList<Integer> checkedIndexes = new ArrayList<>();
private boolean allowTriStateCheckmarks = false;
private boolean checkmarksMixedAsChecked = false;
private ArrayList<Integer> mixedIndexes = new ArrayList<>();
private Filter<?> disabledItemFilter = null;
private Filter<?> disabledCheckmarkFilter = null;
private String listDataKey = null;
private BindType listDataBindType = BindType.BOTH;
private ListDataBindMapping listDataBindMapping = null;
private String selectedItemKey = null;
private BindType selectedItemBindType = BindType.BOTH;
private ItemBindMapping selectedItemBindMapping = null;
private String selectedItemsKey = null;
private BindType selectedItemsBindType = BindType.BOTH;
private ItemBindMapping selectedItemsBindMapping = null;
private String checkedItemsKey = null;
private BindType checkedItemsBindType = BindType.BOTH;
private ItemBindMapping checkedItemsBindMapping = null;
private String itemsStateKey = null;
private BindType itemsStateBindType = BindType.BOTH;
private ItemStateBindMapping itemsStateBindMapping = null;
private ListListener<Object> listDataListener = new ListListener<Object>() {
public void itemInserted(List<Object> list, int index) {
// Increment selected ranges
int updated = rangeSelection.insertIndex(index);
// Increment checked and mixed indexes
int i = ArrayList.binarySearch(checkedIndexes, Integer.valueOf(index));
if (i < 0) {
i = -(i + 1);
int n = checkedIndexes.getLength();
while (i < n) {
checkedIndexes.update(i, Integer.valueOf(checkedIndexes.get(i).intValue() + 1));
if (allowTriStateCheckmarks) {
i = ArrayList.binarySearch(mixedIndexes, Integer.valueOf(index));
if (i < 0) {
i = -(i + 1);
n = mixedIndexes.getLength();
while (i < n) {
mixedIndexes.update(i, Integer.valueOf(mixedIndexes.get(i).intValue() + 1));
// Notify listeners that items were inserted
listViewItemListeners.itemInserted(ListView.this, index);
if (updated > 0) {
listViewSelectionListeners.selectedRangesChanged(ListView.this, getSelectedRanges());
public void itemsRemoved(List<Object> list, int index, Sequence<Object> items) {
int count = items.getLength();
int previousSelectedIndex;
if (selectMode == SelectMode.SINGLE && rangeSelection.getLength() > 0) {
previousSelectedIndex = rangeSelection.get(0).start;
} else {
previousSelectedIndex = -1;
// Decrement selected ranges
int updated = rangeSelection.removeIndexes(index, count);
// Remove and decrement checked and mixed indexes
int i = ArrayList.binarySearch(checkedIndexes, Integer.valueOf(index));
if (i < 0) {
i = -(i + 1);
int j = ArrayList.binarySearch(checkedIndexes, Integer.valueOf(index + count - 1));
if (j < 0) {
j = -(j + 1);
} else {
checkedIndexes.remove(i, j - i);
int n = checkedIndexes.getLength();
while (i < n) {
checkedIndexes.update(i, Integer.valueOf(checkedIndexes.get(i).intValue() - count));
if (allowTriStateCheckmarks) {
i = ArrayList.binarySearch(mixedIndexes, Integer.valueOf(index));
if (i < 0) {
i = -(i + 1);
j = ArrayList.binarySearch(mixedIndexes, Integer.valueOf(index + count - 1));
if (j < 0) {
j = -(j + 1);
} else {
mixedIndexes.remove(i, j - i);
n = mixedIndexes.getLength();
while (i < n) {
mixedIndexes.update(i, Integer.valueOf(mixedIndexes.get(i).intValue() - count));
// Notify listeners that items were removed
listViewItemListeners.itemsRemoved(ListView.this, index, count);
if (updated > 0) {
listViewSelectionListeners.selectedRangesChanged(ListView.this, getSelectedRanges());
if (selectMode == SelectMode.SINGLE && getSelectedIndex() != previousSelectedIndex) {
listViewSelectionListeners.selectedItemChanged(ListView.this, null);
public void itemUpdated(List<Object> list, int index, Object previousItem) {
listViewItemListeners.itemUpdated(ListView.this, index);
public void listCleared(List<Object> list) {
int cleared = rangeSelection.getLength();
if (cleared > 0) {
listViewSelectionListeners.selectedRangesChanged(ListView.this, getSelectedRanges());
if (selectMode == SelectMode.SINGLE) {
listViewSelectionListeners.selectedItemChanged(ListView.this, null);
public void comparatorChanged(List<Object> list, Comparator<Object> previousComparator) {
if (list.getComparator() != null) {
int cleared = rangeSelection.getLength();
if (cleared > 0) {
if (selectMode == SelectMode.SINGLE) {
listViewSelectionListeners.selectedItemChanged(ListView.this, null);
private ListViewListenerList listViewListeners = new ListViewListenerList();
private ListViewItemListenerList listViewItemListeners = new ListViewItemListenerList();
private ListViewItemStateListenerList listViewItemStateListeners = new ListViewItemStateListenerList();
private ListViewSelectionListenerList listViewSelectionListeners = new ListViewSelectionListenerList();
private ListViewBindingListenerList listViewBindingListeners = new ListViewBindingListenerList();
private static final ItemRenderer DEFAULT_ITEM_RENDERER = new ListViewItemRenderer();
* Creates a list view populated with an empty array list.
public ListView() {
this(new ArrayList<>());
* Creates a list view populated with the given list data. <p> Note that the
* default renderer uses (as last option) the toString method on list
* elements, so override it to return whatever you want to display in the
* ListView, or implement your own custom renderer.
* @param listData The data to set.
* @see ListViewItemRenderer
public ListView(List<?> listData) {
* Returns the list data.
* @return The data currently presented by the list view.
public List<?> getListData() {
return this.listData;
* Sets the list data.
* @param listData The data to be presented by the list view.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the list data is {@code null}.
public void setListData(List<?> listData) {
Utils.checkNull(listData, "listData");
List<?> previousListData = this.listData;
if (previousListData != listData) {
int cleared;
if (previousListData != null) {
// Clear any existing selection
cleared = rangeSelection.getLength();
((List<Object>) previousListData).getListListeners().remove(listDataListener);
} else {
cleared = 0;
((List<Object>) listData).getListListeners().add(listDataListener);
// Update the list data and fire change event
this.listData = listData;
listViewListeners.listDataChanged(this, previousListData);
if (cleared > 0) {
listViewSelectionListeners.selectedRangesChanged(this, getSelectedRanges());
if (selectMode == SelectMode.SINGLE) {
listViewSelectionListeners.selectedItemChanged(this, null);
* Sets the list data.
* @param listData A JSON string (must begin with <tt>[</tt> and end with
* <tt>]</tt>) denoting the data to be presented by the list view.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the list data argument is {@code null}
* or cannot be parsed into a list of items.
public final void setListData(String listData) {
Utils.checkNull(listData, "listData");
try {
} catch (SerializationException exception) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(exception);
* Sets the list data.
* @param listData A URL referring to a JSON file containing the data to be
* presented by the list view.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the list data URL is {@code null}
* or if there is any kind of error trying to retrieve the list data from
* that location.
public void setListData(URL listData) {
Utils.checkNull(listData, "listData");
JSONSerializer jsonSerializer = new JSONSerializer();
try {
setListData((List<?>) jsonSerializer.readObject(listData.openStream()));
} catch (SerializationException exception) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(exception);
} catch (IOException exception) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(exception);
protected void setSkin(org.apache.pivot.wtk.Skin skin) {
if (!(skin instanceof ListView.Skin)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Skin class must implement "
+ ListView.Skin.class.getName());
* @return The item renderer used for items in this list.
public ItemRenderer getItemRenderer() {
return itemRenderer;
* Sets the item renderer to be used for items in this list.
* @param itemRenderer The item renderer for the list.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the renderer given is {@code null}.
public void setItemRenderer(ItemRenderer itemRenderer) {
Utils.checkNull(itemRenderer, "itemRenderer");
ItemRenderer previousItemRenderer = this.itemRenderer;
if (previousItemRenderer != itemRenderer) {
this.itemRenderer = itemRenderer;
listViewListeners.itemRendererChanged(this, previousItemRenderer);
* Returns the editor used to edit items in this list.
* @return The item editor, or <tt>null</tt> if no editor is installed.
public ItemEditor getItemEditor() {
return itemEditor;
* Sets the editor used to edit items in this list.
* @param itemEditor The item editor for the list.
public void setItemEditor(ItemEditor itemEditor) {
ItemEditor previousItemEditor = this.itemEditor;
if (previousItemEditor != itemEditor) {
this.itemEditor = itemEditor;
listViewListeners.itemEditorChanged(this, previousItemEditor);
* Returns the currently selected index, even when in multi-select mode.
* @return The currently selected index.
public int getSelectedIndex() {
return getFirstSelectedIndex();
* Sets the selection to a single index.
* @param index The index to select, or <tt>-1</tt> to clear the selection.
public void setSelectedIndex(int index) {
if (index == -1) {
} else {
int listDataLength = listData.getLength();
if (listDataLength > 0 && index < listDataLength) {
setSelectedRange(index, index);
* Sets the selection to a single range.
* @param start The beginning of the single selection.
* @param end The end of the selection.
public void setSelectedRange(int start, int end) {
ArrayList<Span> selectedRanges = new ArrayList<>();
selectedRanges.add(new Span(start, end));
* Returns the currently selected ranges.
* @return An immutable list containing the currently selected ranges. Note
* that the returned list is a wrapper around the actual selection, not a
* copy. Any changes made to the selection state will be reflected in the
* list, but events will not be fired.
public ImmutableList<Span> getSelectedRanges() {
return rangeSelection.getSelectedRanges();
* Sets the selection to the given range sequence. Any overlapping or
* connecting ranges will be consolidated, and the resulting selection will
* be sorted in ascending order.
* @param selectedRanges The new set of selected ranges.
* @return The ranges that were actually set.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the ranges argument is {@code null}
* or if any of the individual range elements is {@code null}.
public Sequence<Span> setSelectedRanges(Sequence<Span> selectedRanges) {
Utils.checkNull(selectedRanges, "selectedRanges");
// When we're in mode NONE, the only thing we can do is to clear the
// selection
if (selectMode == SelectMode.NONE && selectedRanges.getLength() > 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Selection is not enabled.");
// Update the selection
Sequence<Span> previousSelectedRanges = this.rangeSelection.getSelectedRanges();
Object previousSelectedItem = (selectMode == SelectMode.SINGLE) ? getSelectedItem() : null;
RangeSelection listSelection = new RangeSelection();
for (int i = 0, n = selectedRanges.getLength(); i < n; i++) {
Span range = selectedRanges.get(i);
Utils.checkNull(range, "range");
if (range.start < 0 || range.end >= listData.getLength()) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
listSelection.addRange(range.start, range.end);
this.rangeSelection = listSelection;
// Notify listeners
listViewSelectionListeners.selectedRangesChanged(this, previousSelectedRanges);
if (selectMode == SelectMode.SINGLE) {
listViewSelectionListeners.selectedItemChanged(this, previousSelectedItem);
return getSelectedRanges();
* Sets the selection to the given range sequence.
* @param selectedRanges A JSON-formatted string containing the ranges to
* select.
* @return The ranges that were actually set.
* @see #setSelectedRanges(Sequence)
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the input string is {@code null}
* or if the value cannot be parsed correctly to a range specification.
public final Sequence<Span> setSelectedRanges(String selectedRanges) {
Utils.checkNull(selectedRanges, "selectedRanges");
try {
} catch (SerializationException exception) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(exception);
return getSelectedRanges();
private static Sequence<Span> parseSelectedRanges(String json) throws SerializationException {
ArrayList<Span> selectedRanges = new ArrayList<>();
List<?> list = JSONSerializer.parseList(json);
for (Object item : list) {
Map<String, ?> map = (Map<String, ?>) item;
selectedRanges.add(new Span(map));
return selectedRanges;
* Returns the first selected index.
* @return The first selected index, or <tt>-1</tt> if nothing is selected.
public int getFirstSelectedIndex() {
return (rangeSelection.getLength() > 0) ? rangeSelection.get(0).start : -1;
* Returns the last selected index.
* @return The last selected index, or <tt>-1</tt> if nothing is selected.
public int getLastSelectedIndex() {
return (rangeSelection.getLength() > 0) ? rangeSelection.get(rangeSelection.getLength() - 1).end
: -1;
* Adds a single index to the selection.
* @param index The index to add.
* @return <tt>true</tt> if the index was added to the selection;
* <tt>false</tt>, otherwise.
public boolean addSelectedIndex(int index) {
Sequence<Span> addedRanges = addSelectedRange(index, index);
return (addedRanges.getLength() > 0);
* Adds a range of indexes to the selection.
* @param start The first index in the range.
* @param end The last index in the range.
* @return The ranges that were added to the selection.
public Sequence<Span> addSelectedRange(int start, int end) {
if (selectMode != SelectMode.MULTI) {
throw new IllegalStateException("List view is not in multi-select mode.");
if (start < 0 || end >= listData.getLength()) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
Sequence<Span> addedRanges = rangeSelection.addRange(start, end);
int n = addedRanges.getLength();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
Span addedRange = addedRanges.get(i);
listViewSelectionListeners.selectedRangeAdded(this, addedRange.start, addedRange.end);
if (n > 0) {
listViewSelectionListeners.selectedRangesChanged(this, null);
return addedRanges;
* Adds a range of indexes to the selection.
* @param range The range to add.
* @return The ranges that were added to the selection.
public Sequence<Span> addSelectedRange(Span range) {
Utils.checkNull(range, "range");
return addSelectedRange(range.start, range.end);
* Removes a single index from the selection.
* @param index The index to remove.
* @return <tt>true</tt> if the index was removed from the selection;
* <tt>false</tt>, otherwise.
public boolean removeSelectedIndex(int index) {
Sequence<Span> removedRanges = removeSelectedRange(index, index);
return (removedRanges.getLength() > 0);
* Removes a range of indexes from the selection.
* @param start The start of the range to remove.
* @param end The end of the range to remove.
* @return The ranges that were removed from the selection.
* @throws IllegalStateException if we are not in multi-select mode.
public Sequence<Span> removeSelectedRange(int start, int end) {
if (selectMode != SelectMode.MULTI) {
throw new IllegalStateException("List view is not in multi-select mode.");
if (start < 0 || end >= listData.getLength()) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
Sequence<Span> removedRanges = rangeSelection.removeRange(start, end);
int n = removedRanges.getLength();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
Span removedRange = removedRanges.get(i);
listViewSelectionListeners.selectedRangeRemoved(this, removedRange.start,
if (n > 0) {
listViewSelectionListeners.selectedRangesChanged(this, null);
return removedRanges;
* Removes a range of indexes from the selection.
* @param range The range to remove.
* @return The ranges that were removed from the selection.
public Sequence<Span> removeSelectedRange(Span range) {
Utils.checkNull(range, "range");
return removeSelectedRange(range.start, range.end);
* Selects all items in the list.
public void selectAll() {
setSelectedRange(0, listData.getLength() - 1);
* Clears the selection.
public void clearSelection() {
if (rangeSelection.getLength() > 0) {
setSelectedRanges(new ArrayList<Span>(0));
* Returns the selection state of a given index.
* @param index The index whose selection state is to be tested.
* @return <tt>true</tt> if the index is selected; <tt>false</tt>, otherwise.
public boolean isItemSelected(int index) {
indexBoundsCheck("index", index, 0, listData.getLength() - 1);
return (rangeSelection.containsIndex(index));
public Object getSelectedItem() {
int index = getSelectedIndex();
Object item = null;
if (index >= 0) {
item = listData.get(index);
return item;
public void setSelectedItem(Object item) {
setSelectedIndex((item == null) ? -1 : ((List<Object>) listData).indexOf(item));
public Sequence<?> getSelectedItems() {
ArrayList<Object> items = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0, n = rangeSelection.getLength(); i < n; i++) {
Span range = rangeSelection.get(i);
for (int index = range.start; index <= range.end; index++) {
Object item = listData.get(index);
return items;
public void setSelectedItems(Sequence<Object> items) {
Utils.checkNull(items, "items");
ArrayList<Span> selectedRanges = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0, n = items.getLength(); i < n; i++) {
Object item = items.get(i);
Utils.checkNull(item, "item");
int index = ((List<Object>) listData).indexOf(item);
if (index == -1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("\"" + item + "\" is not a valid selection.");
selectedRanges.add(new Span(index));
* @return The current selection mode.
public SelectMode getSelectMode() {
return selectMode;
* Sets the selection mode. Clears the selection if the mode has changed
* (but does not fire a selection change event).
* @param selectMode The new selection mode.
public void setSelectMode(SelectMode selectMode) {
Utils.checkNull(selectMode, "selectMode");
SelectMode previousSelectMode = this.selectMode;
if (previousSelectMode != selectMode) {
// Clear any current selection
// Update the selection mode
this.selectMode = selectMode;
// Fire select mode change event
listViewListeners.selectModeChanged(this, previousSelectMode);
* @return Whether or not checkmarks on each item are enabled.
public boolean getCheckmarksEnabled() {
return checkmarksEnabled;
* Enables or disables checkmarks. Clears the check state if the check mode
* has changed (but does not fire any check state change events).
* @param checkmarksEnabled Whether or not to enable checkmarks for each item.
public void setCheckmarksEnabled(boolean checkmarksEnabled) {
if (this.checkmarksEnabled != checkmarksEnabled) {
// Clear any current check state
// Update the check mode
this.checkmarksEnabled = checkmarksEnabled;
// Fire select mode change event
* Returns an item's checked state.
* <p> For a tri-state checkmark, if the {@link #checkmarksMixedAsChecked} flag
* is set, this method returns <tt>true</tt> if the state is {@link Button.State#MIXED}.
* @param index The index of the item to test.
* @return Whether or not the given item is checked.
public boolean isItemChecked(int index) {
if (allowTriStateCheckmarks && checkmarksMixedAsChecked) {
if (ArrayList.binarySearch(mixedIndexes, Integer.valueOf(index)) >= 0) {
return true;
return (ArrayList.binarySearch(checkedIndexes, Integer.valueOf(index)) >= 0);
* Sets an item's checked state.
* @param index Index of the item to change.
* @param checked The new value of that item's checked state.
* @throws IllegalStateException if checkmarks are not enabled.
public void setItemChecked(int index, boolean checked) {
if (!checkmarksEnabled) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Checkmarks are not enabled.");
if (allowTriStateCheckmarks) {
setItemCheckmarkState(index, checked ? Button.State.SELECTED : Button.State.UNSELECTED);
} else {
int i = ArrayList.binarySearch(checkedIndexes, Integer.valueOf(index));
if ((i < 0 && checked) || (i >= 0 && !checked)) {
if (checked) {
checkedIndexes.insert(Integer.valueOf(index), -(i + 1));
} else {
checkedIndexes.remove(i, 1);
listViewItemStateListeners.itemCheckedChanged(this, index);
* Returns the indexes of currently checked items.
* <p> If the {@link #checkmarksMixedAsChecked} flag is set this method
* will return all the checked and <tt>MIXED</tt> state items.
* @return The complete list of currently checked items.
public ImmutableList<Integer> getCheckedIndexes() {
if (checkmarksMixedAsChecked) {
ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>(checkedIndexes);
return new ImmutableList<>(list);
return new ImmutableList<>(checkedIndexes);
* Clears the checked state of all checked items.
public void clearCheckmarks() {
List<Integer> checkedIndexesLocal = this.checkedIndexes;
List<Integer> mixedIndexesLocal = this.mixedIndexes;
this.checkedIndexes = new ArrayList<>();
this.mixedIndexes = new ArrayList<>();
for (Integer index : checkedIndexesLocal) {
listViewItemStateListeners.itemCheckedChanged(this, index.intValue());
if (checkmarksMixedAsChecked) {
for (Integer index : mixedIndexesLocal) {
listViewItemStateListeners.itemCheckedChanged(this, index.intValue());
} else {
for (Integer index : mixedIndexesLocal) {
listViewItemStateListeners.itemCheckedStateChanged(this, index.intValue());
* Tells whether or not an item's checkmark is disabled.
* @param index The index of the item whose disabled checkmark state is to
* be tested.
* @return <tt>true</tt> if the item's checkmark is disabled; <tt>false</tt>
* otherwise.
public boolean isCheckmarkDisabled(int index) {
boolean disabled = false;
if (disabledCheckmarkFilter != null) {
Object item = listData.get(index);
disabled = ((Filter<Object>) disabledCheckmarkFilter).include(item);
return disabled;
* Gets the state of all items' checkmarks (for the tri-state case).
* @return The complete list of all checkmark states.
public ImmutableList<Button.State> getCheckmarkStates() {
List<Button.State> states = new ArrayList<>();
if (listData != null) {
// For speed: initially set all to unselected, then do a simple
// iteration through the checked and mixed arrays, updating the
// appropriate entry in the list with the updated state
for (int index = 0; index < listData.getLength(); index++) {
for (Integer checked : checkedIndexes) {
int index = checked.intValue();
states.update(index, Button.State.SELECTED);
for (Integer mixed : mixedIndexes) {
int index = mixed.intValue();
states.update(index, Button.State.MIXED);
return new ImmutableList<>(states);
* Gets an item's checkmark state (for tri-state checkmarks).
* <p> Note: this method returns the real state regardless of the
* setting of the {@link #checkmarksMixedAsChecked} flag.
* @param index The index of the item in question.
* @return The checkmark state for that item.
public Button.State getItemCheckmarkState(int index) {
// Find out where the item is stored currently (if at all)
int checked = ArrayList.binarySearch(checkedIndexes, Integer.valueOf(index));
int mixed = allowTriStateCheckmarks ? ArrayList.binarySearch(mixedIndexes, Integer.valueOf(index)) : -1;
if (checked < 0 && mixed < 0) {
return Button.State.UNSELECTED;
if (checked >= 0) {
return Button.State.SELECTED;
return Button.State.MIXED;
* Sets an item's checkmark state (for tri-state checkmarks).
* @param index The index of the item to change.
* @param state The new checkmark state for the item.
public void setItemCheckmarkState(int index, Button.State state) {
if (!checkmarksEnabled) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Checkmarks are not enabled.");
if (!allowTriStateCheckmarks) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Tri-state checkmarks are not enabled.");
// Find out where the item is stored currently (if at all)
int checked = ArrayList.binarySearch(checkedIndexes, Integer.valueOf(index));
int mixed = ArrayList.binarySearch(mixedIndexes, Integer.valueOf(index));
// There are six possible transitions here:
// 1. Unchecked -> Mixed
// 2. Unchecked -> Checked
// 3. Mixed -> Unchecked
// 4. Mixed -> Checked
// 5. Checked -> Mixed
// 6. Checked -> Unchecked
Button.State currentState = Button.State.UNSELECTED;
if (checked >= 0) {
currentState = Button.State.SELECTED;
} else if (mixed >= 0) {
currentState = Button.State.MIXED;
if (state != currentState) {
boolean itemCheckedListener = false;
boolean itemStateListener = false;
// Remove it from its current place (if any)
if (checked >= 0) {
checkedIndexes.remove(checked, 1);
itemCheckedListener = true;
if (mixed >= 0) {
mixedIndexes.remove(mixed, 1);
itemStateListener = true;
// Now put it back in its new place (if necessary)
switch (state) {
case MIXED:
mixedIndexes.insert(Integer.valueOf(index), -(mixed + 1));
itemStateListener = true;
checkedIndexes.insert(Integer.valueOf(index), -(checked + 1));
itemCheckedListener = true;
// Now, notify any listeners necessary (one or two)
if (itemCheckedListener) {
listViewItemStateListeners.itemCheckedChanged(this, index);
if (itemStateListener) {
listViewItemStateListeners.itemCheckedStateChanged(this, index);
* Returns the disabled checkmark filter, which determines which checkboxes
* are interactive and which are not. Note that this filter only affects
* user interaction; items may still be checked programatically despite
* their inclusion in this filter. If this filter is set to <tt>null</tt>,
* all checkboxes will be interactive. <p> <b>Note:</b> this filter is only
* relavent if {@link #setCheckmarksEnabled(boolean) checkmarksEnabled} is
* set to true.
* @return The disabled checkmark filter, or <tt>null</tt> if no disabled
* checkmark filter is set
public Filter<?> getDisabledCheckmarkFilter() {
return disabledCheckmarkFilter;
* Sets the disabled checkmark filter, which determines which checkboxes are
* interactive and which are not. Note that this filter only affects user
* interaction; items may still be checked programatically despite their
* inclusion in this filter. If this filter is set to <tt>null</tt>, all
* checkboxes will be interactive. <p> <b>Note:</b> this filter is only
* relavent if {@link #setCheckmarksEnabled(boolean) checkmarksEnabled} is
* set to true. enabled.
* @param disabledCheckmarkFilter The disabled checkmark filter, or
* <tt>null</tt> for no disabled checkmark filter
public void setDisabledCheckmarkFilter(Filter<?> disabledCheckmarkFilter) {
Filter<?> previousDisabledCheckmarkFilter = this.disabledCheckmarkFilter;
if (previousDisabledCheckmarkFilter != disabledCheckmarkFilter) {
this.disabledCheckmarkFilter = disabledCheckmarkFilter;
listViewListeners.disabledCheckmarkFilterChanged(this, previousDisabledCheckmarkFilter);
* Get the flag saying whether tri-state checkmarks are allowed in this <tt>ListView</tt>.
* <p> Tri-state checkmarks show checked, unchecked and mixed states. For a list view with
* this property enabled, then there are additional methods to set the mixed state, to get
* the true state of all the items, and to decide if mixed state should be treated as checked
* or not for all the other "checked" methods.
* @return Whether or not tri-state checkmarks are enabled.
public boolean getAllowTriStateCheckmarks() {
return allowTriStateCheckmarks;
* Set the flag saying whether tri-state checkmarks are allowed in this <tt>ListView</tt>.
* <p> Tri-state checkmarks show checked, unchecked and mixed states. For a list view with
* this property enabled, then there are additional methods to set the mixed state, to get
* the true state of all the items, and to decide if mixed state should be treated as checked
* or not for all the other "checked" methods.
* <p> Clears the check state if the setting has changed (but does not fire any check
* state change events).
* @param allow Whether or not to allow tri-state checkmarks.
public void setAllowTriStateCheckmarks(boolean allow) {
if (allowTriStateCheckmarks != allow) {
// Clear any current check state
allowTriStateCheckmarks = allow;
* Get the flag saying whether the mixed state of tri-state checkmarks should be treated for
* all other purposes as "checked" or not. This setting will also affect what happens when
* we get mouse clicks on the checkmark. Set to <tt>false</tt> <code>UNSELECTED</code>
* will go to <code>MIXED</code>; while set to <tt>true</tt> <code>UNSELECTED</code> will
* go to <code>SELECTED</code>.
* @return Whether or not to treat the mixed state as "checked".
public boolean getCheckmarksMixedAsChecked() {
return checkmarksMixedAsChecked;
* Set the flag saying whether the mixed state of the tri-state checkmarks should be treated for
* all other purposes as "checked" or not.
* @param mixedAsChecked Whether or not to treat the mixed state as "checked".
public void setCheckmarksMixedAsChecked(boolean mixedAsChecked) {
if (checkmarksMixedAsChecked != mixedAsChecked) {
checkmarksMixedAsChecked = mixedAsChecked;
* Returns an item's disabled state.
* @param index The index of the item whose disabled state is to be tested.
* @return <tt>true</tt> if the item is disabled; <tt>false</tt>, otherwise.
public boolean isItemDisabled(int index) {
boolean disabled = false;
if (disabledItemFilter != null) {
Object item = listData.get(index);
disabled = ((Filter<Object>) disabledItemFilter).include(item);
return disabled;
* Returns the disabled item filter.
* @return The disabled item filter, or <tt>null</tt> if no disabled item
* filter is set.
public Filter<?> getDisabledItemFilter() {
return disabledItemFilter;
* Sets the disabled item filter.
* @param disabledItemFilter The disabled item filter, or <tt>null</tt> for
* no disabled item filter.
public void setDisabledItemFilter(Filter<?> disabledItemFilter) {
Filter<?> previousDisabledItemFilter = this.disabledItemFilter;
if (previousDisabledItemFilter != disabledItemFilter) {
this.disabledItemFilter = disabledItemFilter;
listViewListeners.disabledItemFilterChanged(this, previousDisabledItemFilter);
* Returns name of the key that is used in context binding.
* @return The key.
public String getListDataKey() {
return listDataKey;
* Set the name of the key that is used in context binding.
* @param listDataKey The key to set.
public void setListDataKey(String listDataKey) {
String previousListDataKey = this.listDataKey;
if (!Utils.stringsAreEqual(previousListDataKey, listDataKey)) {
this.listDataKey = listDataKey;
listViewBindingListeners.listDataKeyChanged(this, previousListDataKey);
public BindType getListDataBindType() {
return listDataBindType;
public void setListDataBindType(BindType listDataBindType) {
Utils.checkNull(listDataBindType, "listDataBindType");
BindType previousListDataBindType = this.listDataBindType;
if (previousListDataBindType != listDataBindType) {
this.listDataBindType = listDataBindType;
listViewBindingListeners.listDataBindTypeChanged(this, previousListDataBindType);
public ListDataBindMapping getListDataBindMapping() {
return listDataBindMapping;
public void setListDataBindMapping(ListDataBindMapping listDataBindMapping) {
ListDataBindMapping previousListDataBindMapping = this.listDataBindMapping;
if (previousListDataBindMapping != listDataBindMapping) {
this.listDataBindMapping = listDataBindMapping;
listViewBindingListeners.listDataBindMappingChanged(this, previousListDataBindMapping);
public String getSelectedItemKey() {
return selectedItemKey;
public void setSelectedItemKey(String selectedItemKey) {
String previousSelectedItemKey = this.selectedItemKey;
if (!Utils.stringsAreEqual(previousSelectedItemKey, selectedItemKey)) {
this.selectedItemKey = selectedItemKey;
listViewBindingListeners.selectedItemKeyChanged(this, previousSelectedItemKey);
public BindType getSelectedItemBindType() {
return selectedItemBindType;
public void setSelectedItemBindType(BindType selectedItemBindType) {
Utils.checkNull(selectedItemBindType, "selectedItemBindType");
BindType previousSelectedItemBindType = this.selectedItemBindType;
if (previousSelectedItemBindType != selectedItemBindType) {
this.selectedItemBindType = selectedItemBindType;
listViewBindingListeners.selectedItemBindTypeChanged(this, previousSelectedItemBindType);
public ItemBindMapping getSelectedItemBindMapping() {
return selectedItemBindMapping;
public void setSelectedItemBindMapping(ItemBindMapping selectedItemBindMapping) {
ItemBindMapping previousSelectedItemBindMapping = this.selectedItemBindMapping;
if (previousSelectedItemBindMapping != selectedItemBindMapping) {
this.selectedItemBindMapping = selectedItemBindMapping;
public String getSelectedItemsKey() {
return selectedItemsKey;
public void setSelectedItemsKey(String selectedItemsKey) {
String previousSelectedItemsKey = this.selectedItemsKey;
if (!Utils.stringsAreEqual(previousSelectedItemsKey, selectedItemsKey)) {
this.selectedItemsKey = selectedItemsKey;
listViewBindingListeners.selectedItemsKeyChanged(this, previousSelectedItemsKey);
public BindType getSelectedItemsBindType() {
return selectedItemsBindType;
public void setSelectedItemsBindType(BindType selectedItemsBindType) {
Utils.checkNull(selectedItemsBindType, "selectedItemsBindType");
BindType previousSelectedItemsBindType = this.selectedItemsBindType;
if (previousSelectedItemsBindType != selectedItemsBindType) {
this.selectedItemsBindType = selectedItemsBindType;
public ItemBindMapping getSelectedItemsBindMapping() {
return selectedItemsBindMapping;
public void setSelectedItemsBindMapping(ItemBindMapping selectedItemsBindMapping) {
ItemBindMapping previousSelectedItemsBindMapping = this.selectedItemsBindMapping;
if (previousSelectedItemsBindMapping != selectedItemsBindMapping) {
this.selectedItemsBindMapping = selectedItemsBindMapping;
public String getCheckedItemsKey() {
return checkedItemsKey;
public void setCheckedItemsKey(String checkedItemsKey) {
String previousCheckedItemsKey = this.checkedItemsKey;
if (!Utils.stringsAreEqual(previousCheckedItemsKey, checkedItemsKey)) {
this.checkedItemsKey = checkedItemsKey;
listViewBindingListeners.checkedItemsKeyChanged(this, previousCheckedItemsKey);
public BindType getCheckedItemsBindType() {
return checkedItemsBindType;
public void setCheckedItemsBindType(BindType checkedItemsBindType) {
Utils.checkNull(checkedItemsBindType, "checkedItemsBindType");
BindType previousCheckedItemsBindType = this.checkedItemsBindType;
if (previousCheckedItemsBindType != checkedItemsBindType) {
this.checkedItemsBindType = checkedItemsBindType;
listViewBindingListeners.checkedItemsBindTypeChanged(this, previousCheckedItemsBindType);
public ItemBindMapping getCheckedItemsBindMapping() {
return checkedItemsBindMapping;
public void setCheckedItemsBindMapping(ItemBindMapping checkedItemsBindMapping) {
ItemBindMapping previousCheckedItemsBindMapping = this.checkedItemsBindMapping;
if (previousCheckedItemsBindMapping != checkedItemsBindMapping) {
this.checkedItemsBindMapping = checkedItemsBindMapping;
public String getItemsStateKey() {
return itemsStateKey;
public void setItemsStateKey(String itemsStateKey) {
String previousItemsStateKey = this.itemsStateKey;
if (!Utils.stringsAreEqual(previousItemsStateKey, itemsStateKey)) {
this.itemsStateKey = itemsStateKey;
listViewBindingListeners.itemsStateKeyChanged(this, previousItemsStateKey);
public BindType getItemsStateBindType() {
return itemsStateBindType;
public void setItemsStateBindType(BindType itemsStateBindType) {
Utils.checkNull(itemsStateBindType, "itemsStateBindType");
BindType previousItemsStateBindType = this.itemsStateBindType;
if (previousItemsStateBindType != itemsStateBindType) {
this.itemsStateBindType = itemsStateBindType;
listViewBindingListeners.itemsStateBindTypeChanged(this, previousItemsStateBindType);
public ItemStateBindMapping getItemsStateBindMapping() {
return itemsStateBindMapping;
public void setItemsStateBindMapping(ItemStateBindMapping itemsStateBindMapping) {
ItemStateBindMapping previousItemsStateBindMapping = this.itemsStateBindMapping;
if (previousItemsStateBindMapping != itemsStateBindMapping) {
this.itemsStateBindMapping = itemsStateBindMapping;
public void load(Object context) {
// Bind to list data
if (listDataKey != null && listDataBindType != BindType.STORE
&& JSON.containsKey(context, listDataKey)) {
Object value = JSON.get(context, listDataKey);
List<?> listDataLocal;
if (listDataBindMapping == null) {
listDataLocal = (List<?>) value;
} else {
listDataLocal = listDataBindMapping.toListData(value);
switch (selectMode) {
case SINGLE: {
// Bind using selected item key
if (selectedItemKey != null && selectedItemBindType != BindType.STORE
&& JSON.containsKey(context, selectedItemKey)) {
Object item = JSON.get(context, selectedItemKey);
int index;
if (selectedItemBindMapping == null) {
index = ((List<Object>) listData).indexOf(item);
} else {
index = selectedItemBindMapping.indexOf(listData, item);
case MULTI: {
// Bind using selected items key
if (selectedItemsKey != null && selectedItemsBindType != BindType.STORE
&& JSON.containsKey(context, selectedItemsKey)) {
Sequence<Object> items = (Sequence<Object>) JSON.get(context, selectedItemsKey);
for (int i = 0, n = items.getLength(); i < n; i++) {
Object item = items.get(i);
int index;
if (selectedItemsBindMapping == null) {
index = ((List<Object>) listData).indexOf(item);
} else {
index = selectedItemsBindMapping.indexOf(listData, item);
if (index != -1) {
case NONE: {
default: {
if (checkmarksEnabled) {
if (allowTriStateCheckmarks) {
if (itemsStateKey != null && JSON.containsKey(context, itemsStateKey)
&& itemsStateBindType != BindType.STORE) {
Sequence<Object> items = (Sequence<Object>) JSON.get(context, itemsStateKey);
for (int i = 0, n = items.getLength(); i < n; i++) {
Object item = items.get(i);
int index;
if (itemsStateBindMapping == null) {
index = ((List<Object>) listData).indexOf(item);
} else {
index = itemsStateBindMapping.indexOf(listData, item);
if (index != -1) {
Button.State state = Button.State.UNSELECTED;
if (itemsStateBindMapping == null) {
state = Button.State.SELECTED;
} else {
state = itemsStateBindMapping.getState(item);
setItemCheckmarkState(index, state);
if (checkedItemsKey != null && JSON.containsKey(context, checkedItemsKey)
&& checkedItemsBindType != BindType.STORE) {
Sequence<Object> items = (Sequence<Object>) JSON.get(context, checkedItemsKey);
for (int i = 0, n = items.getLength(); i < n; i++) {
Object item = items.get(i);
int index;
if (checkedItemsBindMapping == null) {
index = ((List<Object>) listData).indexOf(item);
} else {
index = checkedItemsBindMapping.indexOf(listData, item);
if (index != -1) {
setItemChecked(index, true);
public void store(Object context) {
// Bind to list data
if (listDataKey != null && listDataBindType != BindType.LOAD) {
Object value;
if (listDataBindMapping == null) {
value = listData;
} else {
value = listDataBindMapping.valueOf(listData);
JSON.put(context, listDataKey, value);
switch (selectMode) {
case SINGLE: {
// Bind using selected item key
if (selectedItemKey != null && selectedItemBindType != BindType.LOAD) {
Object item;
int selectedIndexLocal = getSelectedIndex();
if (selectedItemBindMapping == null) {
if (selectedIndexLocal == -1) {
item = null;
} else {
item = listData.get(selectedIndexLocal);
} else {
item = selectedItemBindMapping.get(listData, selectedIndexLocal);
JSON.put(context, selectedItemKey, item);
case MULTI: {
// Bind using selected items key
if (selectedItemsKey != null && selectedItemsBindType != BindType.LOAD) {
ArrayList<Object> items = new ArrayList<>();
Sequence<Span> selectedRanges = getSelectedRanges();
for (int i = 0, n = selectedRanges.getLength(); i < n; i++) {
Span range = selectedRanges.get(i);
for (int index = range.start; index <= range.end; index++) {
Object item;
if (selectedItemsBindMapping == null) {
item = listData.get(index);
} else {
item = selectedItemsBindMapping.get(listData, index);
JSON.put(context, selectedItemsKey, items);
case NONE: {
default: {
if (checkmarksEnabled) {
if (allowTriStateCheckmarks) {
if (itemsStateKey != null && JSON.containsKey(context, itemsStateKey)
&& itemsStateBindType != BindType.LOAD) {
ArrayList<Object> items = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0, n = mixedIndexes.getLength(); i < n; i++) {
Integer index = mixedIndexes.get(i);
Object item;
if (itemsStateBindMapping == null) {
item = listData.get(index.intValue());
} else {
item = itemsStateBindMapping.get(listData, index.intValue());
if (itemsStateBindMapping == null) {
// TODO: ?? what to do here? we need to set the MIXED state for the item
} else {
itemsStateBindMapping.setState(item, Button.State.MIXED);
// TODO: what about the mixedAsChecked flag? Does it make a difference here or not?
for (int i = 0, n = checkedIndexes.getLength(); i < n; i++) {
Integer index = checkedIndexes.get(i);
Object item;
if (itemsStateBindMapping == null) {
item = listData.get(index.intValue());
} else {
item = itemsStateBindMapping.get(listData, index.intValue());
if (itemsStateBindMapping == null) {
// TODO: ?? what to do here? we need to set the SELECTED state for the item
} else {
itemsStateBindMapping.setState(item, Button.State.SELECTED);
JSON.put(context, itemsStateKey, items);
if (checkedItemsKey != null && JSON.containsKey(context, checkedItemsKey)
&& checkedItemsBindType != BindType.LOAD) {
ArrayList<Object> items = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0, n = checkedIndexes.getLength(); i < n; i++) {
Integer index = checkedIndexes.get(i);
Object item;
if (checkedItemsBindMapping == null) {
item = listData.get(index.intValue());
} else {
item = checkedItemsBindMapping.get(listData, index.intValue());
JSON.put(context, checkedItemsKey, items);
public void clear() {
if (listDataKey != null) {
setListData(new ArrayList<>());
if (selectedItemKey != null || selectedItemsKey != null) {
if (checkedItemsKey != null) {
* Returns the index of the item at a given location.
* @param y The y-coordinate of the item to identify.
* @return The item index, or <tt>-1</tt> if there is no item at the given
* y-coordinate.
public int getItemAt(int y) {
ListView.Skin listViewSkin = (ListView.Skin) getSkin();
return listViewSkin.getItemAt(y);
* Returns the bounding area of a given item.
* @param index The item index.
* @return The bounding area of the item.
public Bounds getItemBounds(int index) {
ListView.Skin listViewSkin = (ListView.Skin) getSkin();
return listViewSkin.getItemBounds(index);
* Returns the item indent.
* @return The horizontal space preceding items in the list.
public int getItemIndent() {
ListView.Skin listViewSkin = (ListView.Skin) getSkin();
return listViewSkin.getItemIndent();
* @return The list view listener list.
public ListenerList<ListViewListener> getListViewListeners() {
return listViewListeners;
* @return The list view item listener list.
public ListenerList<ListViewItemListener> getListViewItemListeners() {
return listViewItemListeners;
* @return The list view item state listener list.
public ListenerList<ListViewItemStateListener> getListViewItemStateListeners() {
return listViewItemStateListeners;
* @return The list view selection listener list.
public ListenerList<ListViewSelectionListener> getListViewSelectionListeners() {
return listViewSelectionListeners;
* @return The list view binding listener list.
public ListenerList<ListViewBindingListener> getListViewBindingListeners() {
return listViewBindingListeners;