blob: b8be961d0fead1752d41ab86a9909c73a541ae70 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
* Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.awt.BasicStroke;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.Shape;
import java.awt.Toolkit;
import java.awt.event.InputMethodEvent;
import java.awt.font.FontRenderContext;
import java.awt.font.TextLayout;
import java.awt.font.LineMetrics;
import java.awt.font.TextHitInfo;
import java.awt.geom.Area;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator;
import org.apache.pivot.collections.Dictionary;
import org.apache.pivot.collections.Sequence;
import org.apache.pivot.text.AttributedStringCharacterIterator;
import org.apache.pivot.text.CharSpan;
import org.apache.pivot.text.CompositeIterator;
import org.apache.pivot.util.CharUtils;
import org.apache.pivot.util.StringUtils;
import org.apache.pivot.util.Utils;
import org.apache.pivot.util.Vote;
import org.apache.pivot.wtk.ApplicationContext;
import org.apache.pivot.wtk.Bounds;
import org.apache.pivot.wtk.Component;
import org.apache.pivot.wtk.Cursor;
import org.apache.pivot.wtk.Dimensions;
import org.apache.pivot.wtk.FocusTraversalDirection;
import org.apache.pivot.wtk.GraphicsUtilities;
import org.apache.pivot.wtk.HorizontalAlignment;
import org.apache.pivot.wtk.Insets;
import org.apache.pivot.wtk.Keyboard;
import org.apache.pivot.wtk.Keyboard.KeyCode;
import org.apache.pivot.wtk.Keyboard.KeyLocation;
import org.apache.pivot.wtk.Keyboard.Modifier;
import org.apache.pivot.wtk.Mouse;
import org.apache.pivot.wtk.Orientation;
import org.apache.pivot.wtk.Platform;
import org.apache.pivot.wtk.SelectDirection;
import org.apache.pivot.wtk.TextInput;
import org.apache.pivot.wtk.TextInputContentListener;
import org.apache.pivot.wtk.TextInputListener;
import org.apache.pivot.wtk.TextInputMethodListener;
import org.apache.pivot.wtk.TextInputSelectionListener;
import org.apache.pivot.wtk.Theme;
import org.apache.pivot.wtk.Window;
import org.apache.pivot.wtk.validation.Validator;
* Text input skin.
public class TerraTextInputSkin extends ComponentSkin implements TextInput.Skin, TextInputListener,
TextInputContentListener, TextInputSelectionListener {
private Rectangle getCaretRectangle(final TextHitInfo textCaret) {
TextInput textInput = (TextInput) getComponent();
AttributedStringCharacterIterator composedText = textInput.getComposedText();
Bounds selectionStartBounds = getCharacterBounds(textInput.getSelectionStart());
return GraphicsUtilities.getCaretRectangle(textCaret, composedText, selectionStartBounds.x, + 1);
* Private class that handles interaction with the Input Method Editor,
* including requests and events.
private class TextInputMethodHandler implements TextInputMethodListener {
public AttributedCharacterIterator getCommittedText(final int beginIndex, final int endIndex,
final AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute[] attributes) {
TextInput textInput = (TextInput) getComponent();
return new AttributedStringCharacterIterator(textInput.getText(), beginIndex, endIndex, attributes);
public int getCommittedTextLength() {
TextInput textInput = (TextInput) getComponent();
return textInput.getCharacterCount();
public int getInsertPositionOffset() {
TextInput textInput = (TextInput) getComponent();
return textInput.getSelectionStart();
public TextHitInfo getLocationOffset(final int x, final int y) {
return null;
public AttributedCharacterIterator getSelectedText(final AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute[] attributes) {
TextInput textInput = (TextInput) getComponent();
return new AttributedStringCharacterIterator(textInput.getSelectedText(), attributes);
private Rectangle offsetToScreen(final Rectangle clientRectangle) {
TextInput textInput = (TextInput) getComponent();
return textInput.offsetToScreen(clientRectangle);
public Rectangle getTextLocation(final TextHitInfo offset) {
TextInput textInput = (TextInput) getComponent();
AttributedStringCharacterIterator composedText = textInput.getComposedText();
if (composedText == null) {
return offsetToScreen(caret);
} else {
// The offset should be into the composed text, not the whole text
Rectangle caretRect = getCaretRectangle(composedTextCaret != null ? composedTextCaret : offset);
return offsetToScreen(caretRect);
private String getCommittedText(final AttributedCharacterIterator fullTextIter, final int count) {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(count);
if (fullTextIter != null) {
char ch = fullTextIter.first();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
buf.setCharAt(i, ch);
ch =;
return buf.toString();
private AttributedStringCharacterIterator getComposedText(final AttributedCharacterIterator fullTextIter,
final int start) {
if (fullTextIter != null) {
if (start < fullTextIter.getEndIndex()) {
return new AttributedStringCharacterIterator(fullTextIter, start, fullTextIter.getEndIndex());
return null;
public void inputMethodTextChanged(final InputMethodEvent event) {
TextInput textInput = (TextInput) getComponent();
AttributedCharacterIterator iter = event.getText();
AttributedStringCharacterIterator composedIter = null;
if (iter != null) {
int endOfCommittedText = event.getCommittedCharacterCount();
if (deleteSelectionDuringTyping(textInput, endOfCommittedText)) {
textInput.insertText(getCommittedText(iter, endOfCommittedText), textInput.getSelectionStart());
composedIter = getComposedText(iter, endOfCommittedText);
if (composedIter != null) {
composedTextCaret = event.getCaret();
composedVisiblePosition = event.getVisiblePosition();
} else {
composedTextCaret = null;
composedVisiblePosition = null;
selectionChanged(textInput, textInput.getSelectionStart(), textInput.getSelectionLength());
showCaret(textInput.isFocused() && textInput.getSelectionLength() == 0);
public void caretPositionChanged(final InputMethodEvent event) {
TextInput textInput = (TextInput) getComponent();
// TODO: so far I have not seen this called, so ???
private TextLayout textLayout = null;
private int anchor = -1;
private SelectDirection selectDirection = null;
private Rectangle caret = new Rectangle();
private Rectangle selection = null;
private TextHitInfo composedTextCaret = null;
private TextHitInfo composedVisiblePosition = null;
private int scrollLeft = 0;
private boolean caretOn = true;
private FocusTraversalDirection scrollDirection = null;
private Runnable blinkCaretCallback = () -> {
caretOn = !caretOn;
if (caret != null) {
TextInput textInput = (TextInput) getComponent();
textInput.repaint(caret.x, caret.y, caret.width, caret.height);
private Runnable scrollSelectionCallback = () -> {
TextInput textInput = (TextInput) getComponent();
int selectionStart = textInput.getSelectionStart();
int selectionLength = textInput.getSelectionLength();
int selectionEnd = selectionStart + selectionLength - 1;
switch (scrollDirection) {
if (selectionEnd < textInput.getCharacterCount() - 1) {
textInput.setSelection(selectionStart, selectionEnd - selectionStart + 1);
if (selectionStart > 0) {
textInput.setSelection(selectionStart, selectionEnd - selectionStart + 1);
throw new RuntimeException();
private ApplicationContext.ScheduledCallback scheduledBlinkCaretCallback = null;
private ApplicationContext.ScheduledCallback scheduledScrollSelectionCallback = null;
private Font font;
private Color color;
private Color disabledColor;
private Color promptColor;
private Color backgroundColor;
private Color disabledBackgroundColor;
private Color invalidColor;
private Color invalidBackgroundColor;
private Color borderColor;
private Color disabledBorderColor;
private Color selectionColor;
private Color selectionBackgroundColor;
private Color inactiveSelectionColor;
private Color inactiveSelectionBackgroundColor;
private Color bevelColor;
private Color disabledBevelColor;
private Color invalidBevelColor;
private Insets padding;
private HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment;
private Dimensions averageCharacterSize;
private TextInputMethodHandler textInputMethodHandler = new TextInputMethodHandler();
private static final int SCROLL_RATE = 50;
private static final char BULLET = 0x2022;
public TerraTextInputSkin() {
Theme theme = currentTheme();
color = theme.getColor(1);
promptColor = theme.getColor(7);
disabledColor = theme.getColor(7);
backgroundColor = theme.getColor(11);
disabledBackgroundColor = theme.getColor(10);
invalidColor = theme.getColor(4);
invalidBackgroundColor = theme.getColor(22);
borderColor = theme.getColor(7);
disabledBorderColor = theme.getColor(7);
padding = new Insets(2);
horizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.LEFT;
selectionColor = theme.getColor(4);
selectionBackgroundColor = theme.getColor(14);
inactiveSelectionColor = theme.getColor(1);
inactiveSelectionBackgroundColor = theme.getColor(9);
bevelColor = TerraTheme.darken(backgroundColor);
disabledBevelColor = disabledBackgroundColor;
invalidBevelColor = TerraTheme.darken(invalidBackgroundColor);
public void install(final Component component) {
TextInput textInput = (TextInput) component;
public int getPreferredWidth(final int height) {
TextInput textInput = (TextInput) getComponent();
int textSize = textInput.getTextSize();
return averageCharacterSize.width * textSize + padding.getWidth() + 2;
public int getPreferredHeight(final int width) {
return averageCharacterSize.height + padding.getHeight() + 2;
public Dimensions getPreferredSize() {
return new Dimensions(getPreferredWidth(-1), getPreferredHeight(-1));
public int getBaseline(final int width, final int height) {
FontRenderContext fontRenderContext = Platform.getFontRenderContext();
LineMetrics lm = font.getLineMetrics("", fontRenderContext);
float ascent = lm.getAscent();
float textHeight = lm.getHeight();
int baseline = Math.round((height - textHeight) / 2 + ascent);
return baseline;
private AttributedCharacterIterator getCharIterator(final TextInput textInput, final int start, final int end) {
CharSequence characters;
int num = end - start;
if (textInput.isPassword()) {
characters = StringUtils.fromNChars(BULLET, num);
} else {
if (num == textInput.getCharacterCount()) {
characters = textInput.getCharacters();
} else {
characters = textInput.getCharacters(start, end);
return new AttributedStringCharacterIterator(characters, font);
* The text width is the just the "advance" value of the {@link TextLayout}
* (if any) or 0 if {@code null}.
* @param textLayout The existing text (if any).
* @return The "advance" value or 0 if there is no text.
private int getTextWidth(final TextLayout textLayout) {
if (textLayout != null) {
return (int) Math.ceil(textLayout.getAdvance());
return 0;
public void layout() {
TextInput textInput = (TextInput) getComponent();
textLayout = null;
int n = textInput.getCharacterCount();
AttributedStringCharacterIterator composedText = textInput.getComposedText();
if (n > 0 || composedText != null) {
AttributedCharacterIterator text = null;
if (n > 0) {
int insertPos = textInput.getSelectionStart();
if (composedText == null) {
text = getCharIterator(textInput, 0, n);
} else if (insertPos == n) {
// The composed text position is the end of the committed text
text = new CompositeIterator(getCharIterator(textInput, 0, n), composedText);
} else if (insertPos == 0) {
text = new CompositeIterator(composedText, getCharIterator(textInput, 0, n));
} else {
// The composed text is somewhere in the middle of the text
text = new CompositeIterator(
getCharIterator(textInput, 0, insertPos),
getCharIterator(textInput, insertPos, n));
} else {
text = composedText;
FontRenderContext fontRenderContext = Platform.getFontRenderContext();
textLayout = new TextLayout(text, fontRenderContext);
int textWidth = getTextWidth(textLayout);
int width = getWidth();
if (textWidth - scrollLeft + padding.left + 1 < width - padding.right - 1) {
// The right edge of the text is less than the right inset;
// align the text's right edge with the inset
scrollLeft = Math.max(textWidth + padding.getWidth() + 2 - width, 0);
} else {
// Scroll selection start to visible
int selectionStart = textInput.getSelectionStart();
if (textInput.isFocused()) {
if (composedVisiblePosition != null) {
scrollCharacterToVisible(selectionStart + composedVisiblePosition.getInsertionIndex());
} else {
if (selectionStart <= n) {
} else {
scrollLeft = 0;
showCaret(textInput.isFocused() && textInput.getSelectionLength() == 0);
private int getAlignmentDeltaX(final TextLayout textLayout) {
int alignmentDeltaX = 0;
TextInput textInput;
int txtWidth, availWidth;
switch (horizontalAlignment) {
case LEFT:
case CENTER:
textInput = (TextInput) getComponent();
txtWidth = getTextWidth(textLayout);
availWidth = textInput.getWidth() - (padding.getWidth() + 2);
alignmentDeltaX = (availWidth - txtWidth) / 2;
case RIGHT:
textInput = (TextInput) getComponent();
txtWidth = getTextWidth(textLayout);
availWidth = textInput.getWidth() - (padding.getWidth() + 2 + caret.width);
alignmentDeltaX = (availWidth - txtWidth);
return alignmentDeltaX;
public void paint(final Graphics2D graphics) {
TextInput textInput = (TextInput) getComponent();
int width = getWidth();
int height = getHeight();
Color backgroundColorLocal;
Color borderColorLocal;
Color bevelColorLocal;
if (textInput.isEnabled()) {
if (textInput.isTextValid()) {
backgroundColorLocal = this.backgroundColor;
bevelColorLocal = this.bevelColor;
} else {
backgroundColorLocal = invalidBackgroundColor;
bevelColorLocal = invalidBevelColor;
borderColorLocal = this.borderColor;
} else {
backgroundColorLocal = disabledBackgroundColor;
borderColorLocal = disabledBorderColor;
bevelColorLocal = disabledBevelColor;
graphics.setStroke(new BasicStroke());
// Paint the background
graphics.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
if (!themeIsFlat()) {
// Paint the bevel
GraphicsUtilities.drawLine(graphics, 0, 0, width, Orientation.HORIZONTAL);
// Paint the content
FontRenderContext fontRenderContext = Platform.getFontRenderContext();
LineMetrics lm = font.getLineMetrics("", fontRenderContext);
float ascent = lm.getAscent();
float textHeight = lm.getHeight();
String prompt = textInput.getPrompt();
Color caretColor;
TextLayout drawingTextLayout = textLayout;
if (textLayout == null && prompt != null && !prompt.isEmpty()) {
AttributedStringCharacterIterator promptText = new AttributedStringCharacterIterator(prompt);
drawingTextLayout = new TextLayout(promptText, fontRenderContext);
int alignmentDeltaX = getAlignmentDeltaX(drawingTextLayout);
int xpos = padding.left - scrollLeft + 1 + alignmentDeltaX;
if (textLayout == null && prompt != null && !prompt.isEmpty()) {
GraphicsUtilities.prepareForText(graphics, fontRenderContext, font, promptColor);
graphics.drawString(prompt, xpos, (height - textHeight) / 2 + ascent);
caretColor = color;
} else {
boolean textValid = textInput.isTextValid();
Color colorLocal;
if (textInput.isEnabled()) {
if (!textValid) {
colorLocal = invalidColor;
} else {
colorLocal = this.color;
} else {
colorLocal = disabledColor;
caretColor = colorLocal;
if (textLayout != null) {
float ypos = (height - textHeight) / 2 + ascent;
if (selection == null) {
// Paint the text
textLayout.draw(graphics, xpos, ypos);
} else {
// Paint the unselected text
Area unselectedArea = new Area();
unselectedArea.add(new Area(new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height)));
unselectedArea.subtract(new Area(selection));
Graphics2D textGraphics = (Graphics2D) graphics.create();
textLayout.draw(textGraphics, xpos, ypos);
// Paint the selection
Color selectionColorLocal;
Color selectionBackgroundColorLocal;
if (textInput.isFocused() && textInput.isEditable()) {
selectionColorLocal = this.selectionColor;
selectionBackgroundColorLocal = this.selectionBackgroundColor;
} else {
selectionColorLocal = inactiveSelectionColor;
selectionBackgroundColorLocal = inactiveSelectionBackgroundColor;
Graphics2D selectedTextGraphics = (Graphics2D) graphics.create();
textLayout.draw(selectedTextGraphics, xpos, ypos);
// Paint the caret
if (selection == null && caretOn && textInput.isFocused()) {
if (!themeIsFlat()) {
// Paint the border
GraphicsUtilities.drawRect(graphics, 0, 0, width, height);
* Calculate the text insertion point given the mouse X-position relative
* to the component's X-position.
* <p> Note: if the given X-position is on the right-hand side of a glyph
* then the insertion point will be after that character, while an X-position
* within the left half of a glyph will position the insert before that
* character.
* @param x The relative X-position.
* @return The offset into the text determined by the X-position.
public int getInsertionPoint(final int x) {
int offset = -1;
if (textLayout == null) {
offset = 0;
} else {
// Translate to glyph coordinates
float xt = x - (padding.left - scrollLeft + 1 + getAlignmentDeltaX(textLayout));
TextHitInfo hitInfo = textLayout.hitTestChar(xt, 0);
offset = hitInfo.getInsertionIndex();
return offset;
* Determine the bounding box of the character at the given index
* in the text in coordinates relative to the entire component (that is,
* adding in the insets and padding, etc.).
* @param index The 0-based index of the character to inquire about.
* @return The bounding box within the component where that character
* will be displayed, or {@code null} if there is no text.
public Bounds getCharacterBounds(final int index) {
Bounds characterBounds = null;
if (textLayout != null) {
int x, width;
if (index < textLayout.getCharacterCount()) {
Shape glyphShape = textLayout.getLogicalHighlightShape(index, index + 1);
Rectangle2D glyphBounds2D = glyphShape.getBounds2D();
x = (int) Math.floor(glyphBounds2D.getX());
width = (int) Math.ceil(glyphBounds2D.getWidth());
} else {
// This is the terminator character
x = getTextWidth(textLayout);
width = 0;
characterBounds = new Bounds(x + padding.left - scrollLeft + 1 + getAlignmentDeltaX(textLayout), + 1, width, getHeight() - (padding.getHeight() + 2));
return characterBounds;
private void setScrollLeft(final int scrollLeft) {
this.scrollLeft = scrollLeft;
private void scrollCharacterToVisible(final int offset) {
int width = getWidth();
Bounds characterBounds = getCharacterBounds(offset);
if (characterBounds != null) {
int glyphX = characterBounds.x - (padding.left + 1) + scrollLeft;
if (characterBounds.x < padding.left + 1) {
} else if (characterBounds.x + characterBounds.width > width - (padding.right + 1)) {
setScrollLeft(glyphX + (padding.getWidth() + 2) + characterBounds.width - width);
public final Font getFont() {
return font;
* Set the new font to use to render the text in this component.
* <p> Also calculate the {@link #averageCharacterSize} value based
* on this font, which will be the width of the "missing glyph code"
* and the maximum height of any character in the font.
* @param font The new font to use.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the <tt>font</tt> argument is <tt>null</tt>.
public final void setFont(final Font font) {
Utils.checkNull(font, "font");
this.font = font;
averageCharacterSize = GraphicsUtilities.getAverageCharacterSize(font);
public final void setFont(final String font) {
public final void setFont(final Dictionary<String, ?> font) {
public final Color getColor() {
return color;
public final void setColor(final Color color) {
Utils.checkNull(color, "color");
this.color = color;
public final void setColor(final String color) {
setColor(GraphicsUtilities.decodeColor(color, "color"));
public final void setColor(final int color) {
Theme theme = currentTheme();
public final Color getPromptColor() {
return promptColor;
public final void setPromptColor(final Color promptColor) {
Utils.checkNull(promptColor, "promptColor");
this.promptColor = promptColor;
public final void setPromptColor(final String promptColor) {
setPromptColor(GraphicsUtilities.decodeColor(promptColor, "promptColor"));
public final void setPromptColor(final int promptColor) {
Theme theme = currentTheme();
public final Color getDisabledColor() {
return disabledColor;
public final void setDisabledColor(final Color disabledColor) {
Utils.checkNull(disabledColor, "disabledColor");
this.disabledColor = disabledColor;
public final void setDisabledColor(final String disabledColor) {
setDisabledColor(GraphicsUtilities.decodeColor(disabledColor, "disabledColor"));
public final void setDisabledColor(final int disabledColor) {
Theme theme = currentTheme();
public final Color getBackgroundColor() {
return backgroundColor;
public final void setBackgroundColor(final Color backgroundColor) {
Utils.checkNull(backgroundColor, "backgroundColor");
this.backgroundColor = backgroundColor;
bevelColor = TerraTheme.darken(backgroundColor);
public final void setBackgroundColor(final String backgroundColor) {
setBackgroundColor(GraphicsUtilities.decodeColor(backgroundColor, "backgroundColor"));
public final void setBackgroundColor(final int color) {
Theme theme = currentTheme();
public final Color getInvalidColor() {
return invalidColor;
public final void setInvalidColor(final Color color) {
Utils.checkNull(color, "invalidColor");
this.invalidColor = color;
public final void setInvalidColor(final String color) {
setInvalidColor(GraphicsUtilities.decodeColor(color, "invalidColor"));
public final void setInvalidColor(final int color) {
Theme theme = currentTheme();
public final Color getInvalidBackgroundColor() {
return invalidBackgroundColor;
public final void setInvalidBackgroundColor(final Color color) {
Utils.checkNull(color, "invalidBackgroundColor");
this.invalidBackgroundColor = color;
invalidBevelColor = TerraTheme.darken(color);
public final void setInvalidBackgroundColor(final String color) {
setInvalidBackgroundColor(GraphicsUtilities.decodeColor(color, "invalidBackgroundColor"));
public final void setInvalidBackgroundColor(final int color) {
Theme theme = currentTheme();
public final Color getDisabledBackgroundColor() {
return disabledBackgroundColor;
public final void setDisabledBackgroundColor(final Color disabledBackgroundColor) {
Utils.checkNull(disabledBackgroundColor, "disabledBackgroundColor");
this.disabledBackgroundColor = disabledBackgroundColor;
disabledBevelColor = disabledBackgroundColor;
public final void setDisabledBackgroundColor(final String disabledBackgroundColor) {
GraphicsUtilities.decodeColor(disabledBackgroundColor, "disabledBackgroundColor"));
public final void setDisabledBackgroundColor(final int color) {
Theme theme = currentTheme();
public final Color getBorderColor() {
return borderColor;
public final void setBorderColor(final Color borderColor) {
Utils.checkNull(borderColor, "borderColor");
this.borderColor = borderColor;
public final void setBorderColor(final String borderColor) {
setBorderColor(GraphicsUtilities.decodeColor(borderColor, "borderColor"));
public final void setBorderColor(final int color) {
Theme theme = currentTheme();
public final Color getDisabledBorderColor() {
return disabledBorderColor;
public final void setDisabledBorderColor(final Color disabledBorderColor) {
Utils.checkNull(disabledBorderColor, "disabledBorderColor");
this.disabledBorderColor = disabledBorderColor;
public final void setDisabledBorderColor(final String disabledBorderColor) {
setDisabledBorderColor(GraphicsUtilities.decodeColor(disabledBorderColor, "disabledBorderColor"));
public final void setDisabledBorderColor(final int color) {
Theme theme = currentTheme();
public final Color getSelectionColor() {
return selectionColor;
public final void setSelectionColor(final Color selectionColor) {
Utils.checkNull(selectionColor, "selectionColor");
this.selectionColor = selectionColor;
public final void setSelectionColor(final String selectionColor) {
setSelectionColor(GraphicsUtilities.decodeColor(selectionColor, "selectionColor"));
public final void setSelectionColor(final int color) {
Theme theme = currentTheme();
public final Color getSelectionBackgroundColor() {
return selectionBackgroundColor;
public final void setSelectionBackgroundColor(final Color selectionBackgroundColor) {
Utils.checkNull(selectionBackgroundColor, "selectionBackgroundColor");
this.selectionBackgroundColor = selectionBackgroundColor;
public final void setSelectionBackgroundColor(final String selectionBackgroundColor) {
public final void setSelectionBackgroundColor(final int color) {
Theme theme = currentTheme();
public final Color getInactiveSelectionColor() {
return inactiveSelectionColor;
public final void setInactiveSelectionColor(final Color inactiveSelectionColor) {
Utils.checkNull(inactiveSelectionColor, "inactiveSelectionColor");
this.inactiveSelectionColor = inactiveSelectionColor;
public final void setInactiveSelectionColor(final String inactiveSelectionColor) {
setInactiveSelectionColor(GraphicsUtilities.decodeColor(inactiveSelectionColor, "inactiveSelectionColor"));
public final void setInactiveSelectionColor(final int color) {
Theme theme = currentTheme();
public final Color getInactiveSelectionBackgroundColor() {
return inactiveSelectionBackgroundColor;
public final void setInactiveSelectionBackgroundColor(final Color inactiveSelectionBackgroundColor) {
Utils.checkNull(inactiveSelectionBackgroundColor, "inactiveSelectionBackgroundColor");
this.inactiveSelectionBackgroundColor = inactiveSelectionBackgroundColor;
public final void setInactiveSelectionBackgroundColor(final String inactiveSelectionBackgroundColor) {
GraphicsUtilities.decodeColor(inactiveSelectionBackgroundColor, "inactiveSelectionBackgroundColor"));
public final void setInactiveSelectionBackgroundColor(final int color) {
Theme theme = currentTheme();
public final Insets getPadding() {
return padding;
public final void setPadding(final Insets padding) {
Utils.checkNull(padding, "padding");
this.padding = padding;
public final void setPadding(final Dictionary<String, ?> padding) {
setPadding(new Insets(padding));
public final void setPadding(final Sequence<?> padding) {
setPadding(new Insets(padding));
public final void setPadding(final int padding) {
setPadding(new Insets(padding));
public final void setPadding(final Number padding) {
setPadding(new Insets(padding));
public final void setPadding(final String padding) {
public final HorizontalAlignment getHorizontalAlignment() {
return horizontalAlignment;
public final void setHorizontalAlignment(final HorizontalAlignment alignment) {
Utils.checkNull(alignment, "horizontalAlignment");
this.horizontalAlignment = alignment;
public boolean mouseMove(final Component component, final int x, final int y) {
boolean consumed = super.mouseMove(component, x, y);
if (Mouse.getCapturer() == component) {
TextInput textInput = (TextInput) getComponent();
int width = getWidth();
if (x >= 0 && x < width) {
// Stop the scroll selection timer
if (scheduledScrollSelectionCallback != null) {
scheduledScrollSelectionCallback = null;
scrollDirection = null;
int offset = getInsertionPoint(x);
if (offset != -1) {
// Select the range
if (offset > anchor) {
textInput.setSelection(anchor, offset - anchor);
selectDirection = SelectDirection.RIGHT;
} else {
textInput.setSelection(offset, anchor - offset);
selectDirection = SelectDirection.LEFT;
} else {
if (scheduledScrollSelectionCallback == null) {
scrollDirection = (x < 0) ? FocusTraversalDirection.BACKWARD
: FocusTraversalDirection.FORWARD;
selectDirection = (x < 0) ? SelectDirection.LEFT : SelectDirection.RIGHT;
// Run the callback once now to scroll the selection immediately
scheduledScrollSelectionCallback = ApplicationContext.runAndScheduleRecurringCallback(
scrollSelectionCallback, SCROLL_RATE);
} else {
if (Mouse.isPressed(Mouse.Button.LEFT) && Mouse.getCapturer() == null && anchor != -1) {
// Capture the mouse so we can select text
selectDirection = null;
return consumed;
public boolean mouseDown(final Component component, final Mouse.Button button, final int x, final int y) {
boolean consumed = super.mouseDown(component, button, x, y);
if (button == Mouse.Button.LEFT) {
TextInput textInput = (TextInput) getComponent();
anchor = getInsertionPoint(x);
// TODO: this logic won't work in the presence of composed (but not yet committed) text...
if (anchor != -1) {
if (Keyboard.isPressed(Modifier.SHIFT)) {
// Select the range
int selectionStart = textInput.getSelectionStart();
if (anchor > selectionStart) {
textInput.setSelection(selectionStart, anchor - selectionStart);
} else {
textInput.setSelection(anchor, selectionStart - anchor);
} else {
// Move the caret to the insertion point
textInput.setSelection(anchor, 0);
selectDirection = null;
consumed = true;
// Set focus to the text input
return consumed;
public boolean mouseUp(final Component component, final Mouse.Button button, final int x, final int y) {
boolean consumed = super.mouseUp(component, button, x, y);
if (Mouse.getCapturer() == component) {
// Stop the scroll selection timer
if (scheduledScrollSelectionCallback != null) {
scheduledScrollSelectionCallback = null;
anchor = -1;
return consumed;
public boolean mouseClick(final Component component, final Mouse.Button button, final int x, final int y,
final int count) {
if (button == Mouse.Button.LEFT && count > 1) {
TextInput textInput = (TextInput) getComponent();
if (count == 2) {
CharSpan charSpan = CharUtils.selectWord(textInput.getCharacters(), getInsertionPoint(x));
if (charSpan != null) {
} else if (count == 3) {
selectDirection = null;
return super.mouseClick(component, button, x, y, count);
private boolean deleteSelectionDuringTyping(final TextInput textInput, final int count) {
int selectionLength = textInput.getSelectionLength();
if (textInput.getCharacterCount() - selectionLength + count > textInput.getMaximumLength()) {
} else {
textInput.removeText(textInput.getSelectionStart(), selectionLength);
return true;
return false;
public boolean keyTyped(final Component component, final char character) {
boolean consumed = super.keyTyped(component, character);
TextInput textInput = (TextInput) getComponent();
if (textInput.isEditable()) {
// Ignore characters in the control range and the ASCII delete
// character as well as meta key presses
if (character > 0x1F && character != 0x7F
&& !Keyboard.isPressed(Modifier.META)) {
if (deleteSelectionDuringTyping(textInput, 1)) {
// NOTE We explicitly call getSelectionStart() a second time
// here in case the remove event is vetoed
return consumed;
private boolean handleLeftRightKeys(final TextInput textInput, final int keyCode, final boolean isShiftPressed,
final int selStart, final int selLength) {
boolean consumed = false;
int start = selStart, length = selLength;
Modifier wordNavigationModifier = Platform.getWordNavigationModifier();
// Sometimes while selecting we need to make the opposite end visible
if (keyCode == KeyCode.LEFT) {
SelectDirection visiblePosition = SelectDirection.LEFT;
if (Keyboard.isPressed(wordNavigationModifier)) {
int wordStart = (selectDirection == SelectDirection.RIGHT) ? start + length : start;
// Find the start of the next word to the left
if (wordStart > 0) {
wordStart = CharUtils.findPriorWord(textInput.getCharacters(), wordStart);
if (isShiftPressed) {
if (wordStart >= start) {
// We've just reduced the previous right selection, so leave the anchor alone
length = wordStart - start;
wordStart = start;
visiblePosition = selectDirection;
} else {
if (selectDirection == SelectDirection.RIGHT) {
// We've "crossed over" the start, so reverse direction
length = start - wordStart;
} else {
// Just increase the selection in the same direction
length += start - wordStart;
selectDirection = SelectDirection.LEFT;
} else {
length = 0;
selectDirection = null;
start = wordStart;
} else if (isShiftPressed) {
// If the previous direction was LEFT, then increase the selection
// else decrease the selection back to the anchor.
if (selectDirection != null) {
switch (selectDirection) {
case LEFT:
if (start > 0) {
case RIGHT:
if (length == 0) {
if (start > 0) {
selectDirection = SelectDirection.LEFT;
} else {
if (--length == 0) {
if (start > 0) {
selectDirection = SelectDirection.LEFT;
} else {
visiblePosition = selectDirection;
} else {
// Add one to the selection
if (start > 0) {
selectDirection = SelectDirection.LEFT;
} else {
selectDirection = null;
// Move the caret back by one character
if (length == 0 && start > 0) {
// Clear the selection
length = 0;
if (start >= 0) {
textInput.setSelection(start, length);
switch (visiblePosition) {
case LEFT:
case RIGHT:
scrollCharacterToVisible(start + length);
consumed = true;
} else if (keyCode == KeyCode.RIGHT) {
SelectDirection visiblePosition = SelectDirection.RIGHT;
if (Keyboard.isPressed(wordNavigationModifier)) {
int wordStart = (selectDirection == SelectDirection.LEFT) ? start : start + length;
// Find the start of the next word to the right
if (wordStart < textInput.getCharacterCount()) {
wordStart = CharUtils.findNextWord(textInput.getCharacters(), wordStart);
if (isShiftPressed) {
if (wordStart <= start + length) {
// We've just reduced the previous left selection, so leave the anchor alone
length -= wordStart - start;
start = wordStart;
visiblePosition = selectDirection;
} else {
if (selectDirection == SelectDirection.LEFT) {
// We've "crossed over" the start, so reverse direction
start += length;
length = wordStart - start;
} else {
// Just increase the selection in the same direction
length = wordStart - start;
selectDirection = SelectDirection.RIGHT;
} else {
start = wordStart;
length = 0;
selectDirection = null;
} else if (isShiftPressed) {
// If the previous direction was RIGHT, then increase the selection
// else decrease the selection back to the anchor.
if (selectDirection != null) {
switch (selectDirection) {
case RIGHT:
case LEFT:
if (length == 0) {
selectDirection = SelectDirection.RIGHT;
} else {
if (--length == 0) {
selectDirection = SelectDirection.RIGHT;
} else {
visiblePosition = selectDirection;
} else {
// Add the next character to the selection
selectDirection = SelectDirection.RIGHT;
} else {
selectDirection = null;
// Move the caret forward by one character
if (length == 0) {
} else {
start += length;
// Clear the selection
length = 0;
if (start + length <= textInput.getCharacterCount()) {
textInput.setSelection(start, length);
switch (visiblePosition) {
case LEFT:
case RIGHT:
scrollCharacterToVisible(start + length);
consumed = true;
return consumed;
* {@link KeyCode#DELETE DELETE}
* Delete the character after the caret or the entire selection if there is one.<br>
* Delete the character before the caret or the entire selection if there is one.
* <p> {@link KeyCode#HOME HOME}
* Move the caret to the beginning of the text. <br>
* {@link KeyCode#LEFT LEFT} + {@link Modifier#META META}
* Move the caret to the beginning of the text.
* <p> {@link KeyCode#HOME HOME} + {@link Modifier#SHIFT SHIFT}
* Select from the caret to the beginning of the text.<br>
* {@link KeyCode#LEFT LEFT} + {@link Modifier#META META} + {@link Modifier#SHIFT SHIFT}
* Select from the caret to the beginning of the text.
* <p> {@link KeyCode#END END}
* Move the caret to the end of the text.<br>
* {@link KeyCode#RIGHT RIGHT} + {@link Modifier#META META}
* Move the caret to the end of the text.
* <p> {@link KeyCode#END END} + {@link Modifier#SHIFT SHIFT}
* Select from the caret to the end of the text.<br>
* {@link KeyCode#RIGHT RIGHT} + {@link Modifier#META META} + {@link Modifier#SHIFT SHIFT}
* Select from the caret to the end of the text.
* <p> {@link KeyCode#LEFT LEFT}
* Clear the selection and move the caret back by one character.<br>
* {@link KeyCode#LEFT LEFT} + {@link Modifier#SHIFT SHIFT}
* Add the previous character to the selection.<br>
* {@link KeyCode#LEFT LEFT} + {@link Modifier#CTRL CTRL}
* Clear the selection and move the caret to the beginning of the text.<br>
* {@link KeyCode#LEFT LEFT} + {@link Modifier#CTRL CTRL} + {@link Modifier#SHIFT SHIFT}
* Add all preceding text to the selection.
* <p> {@link KeyCode#RIGHT RIGHT}
* Clear the selection and move the caret forward by one character.<br>
* {@link KeyCode#RIGHT RIGHT} + {@link Modifier#SHIFT SHIFT}
* Add the next character to the selection.<br>
* {@link KeyCode#RIGHT RIGHT} + {@link Modifier#CTRL CTRL}
* Clear the selection and move the caret to the end of the text.<br>
* {@link KeyCode#RIGHT RIGHT} + {@link Modifier#CTRL CTRL} + {@link Modifier#SHIFT SHIFT}
* Add all subsequent text to the selection.
* <p> CommandModifier + {@link KeyCode#A A}
* Select all.<br>
* CommandModifier + {@link KeyCode#X X}
* Cut selection to clipboard (if not a password TextInput).<br>
* CommandModifier + {@link KeyCode#C C}
* Copy selection to clipboard (if not a password TextInput).<br>
* CommandModifier + {@link KeyCode#V V}
* Paste from clipboard.<br>
* CommandModifier + {@link KeyCode#Z Z}
* Undo.
* @see Platform#getCommandModifier()
public boolean keyPressed(final Component component, final int keyCode, final KeyLocation keyLocation) {
boolean consumed = false;
TextInput textInput = (TextInput) getComponent();
boolean isEditable = textInput.isEditable();
int start = textInput.getSelectionStart();
int length = textInput.getSelectionLength();
boolean isMetaPressed = Keyboard.isPressed(Modifier.META);
boolean isShiftPressed = Keyboard.isPressed(Modifier.SHIFT);
if (keyCode == KeyCode.DELETE && isEditable) {
if (start < textInput.getCharacterCount()) {
int count = Math.max(length, 1);
textInput.removeText(start, count);
consumed = true;
} else if (keyCode == KeyCode.BACKSPACE && isEditable) {
if (length == 0 && start > 0) {
textInput.removeText(start - 1, 1);
consumed = true;
} else {
textInput.removeText(start, length);
consumed = true;
} else if (keyCode == KeyCode.HOME || (keyCode == KeyCode.LEFT && isMetaPressed)) {
if (isShiftPressed) {
// Select from the beginning of the text to the current pivot position
if (selectDirection == SelectDirection.LEFT) {
textInput.setSelection(0, start + length);
} else {
textInput.setSelection(0, start);
selectDirection = SelectDirection.LEFT;
} else {
// Move the caret to the beginning of the text
textInput.setSelection(0, 0);
selectDirection = null;
consumed = true;
} else if (keyCode == KeyCode.END || (keyCode == KeyCode.RIGHT && isMetaPressed)) {
int n = textInput.getCharacterCount();
if (isShiftPressed) {
// Select from current pivot position to the end of the text
if (selectDirection == SelectDirection.LEFT) {
start += length;
textInput.setSelection(start, n - start);
selectDirection = SelectDirection.RIGHT;
} else {
// Move the caret to the end of the text
textInput.setSelection(n, 0);
selectDirection = null;
consumed = true;
} else if (keyCode == KeyCode.LEFT) {
consumed = handleLeftRightKeys(textInput, keyCode, isShiftPressed, start, length);
} else if (keyCode == KeyCode.RIGHT) {
consumed = handleLeftRightKeys(textInput, keyCode, isShiftPressed, start, length);
} else if (Keyboard.isPressed(Platform.getCommandModifier())) {
if (keyCode == KeyCode.A) {
textInput.setSelection(0, textInput.getCharacterCount());
consumed = true;
} else if (keyCode == KeyCode.X && isEditable) {
if (textInput.isPassword()) {
} else {
consumed = true;
} else if (keyCode == KeyCode.C) {
if (textInput.isPassword()) {
} else {
consumed = true;
} else if (keyCode == KeyCode.V && isEditable) {
consumed = true;
} else if (keyCode == KeyCode.Z && isEditable) {
if (!isShiftPressed) {
consumed = true;
} else if (keyCode == KeyCode.INSERT) {
if (isShiftPressed && isEditable) {
consumed = true;
} else {
consumed = super.keyPressed(component, keyCode, keyLocation);
return consumed;
// Component state events
public void enabledChanged(final Component component) {
public void focusedChanged(final Component component, final Component obverseComponent) {
super.focusedChanged(component, obverseComponent);
TextInput textInput = (TextInput) component;
Window window = textInput.getWindow();
if (component.isFocused()) {
// If focus was permanently transferred within this window, select all
if (obverseComponent == null || obverseComponent.getWindow() == window) {
if (Mouse.getCapturer() != component) {
if (textInput.getSelectionLength() == 0) {
int selectionStart = textInput.getSelectionStart();
if (selectionStart < textInput.getCharacterCount()) {
} else {
} else {
// If focus was permanently transferred within this window,
// clear the selection
if (obverseComponent == null || obverseComponent.getWindow() == window) {
// Text input events
public void textSizeChanged(final TextInput textInput, final int previousTextSize) {
public void maximumLengthChanged(final TextInput textInput, final int previousMaximumLength) {
// No-op
public void passwordChanged(final TextInput textInput) {
public void promptChanged(final TextInput textInput, final String previousPrompt) {
public void textValidatorChanged(final TextInput textInput, final Validator previousValidator) {
public void strictValidationChanged(final TextInput textInput) {
// No-op
public void textValidChanged(final TextInput textInput) {
// Text input character events
public Vote previewInsertText(final TextInput textInput, final CharSequence text, final int index) {
Vote vote = Vote.APPROVE;
if (textInput.isStrictValidation()) {
Validator validator = textInput.getValidator();
if (validator != null) {
StringBuilder textBuilder = new StringBuilder();
textBuilder.append(textInput.getText(0, index));
textBuilder.append(textInput.getText(index, textInput.getCharacterCount()));
if (!validator.isValid(textBuilder.toString())) {
vote = Vote.DENY;
return vote;
public void insertTextVetoed(final TextInput textInput, final Vote reason) {
// No-op
public void textInserted(final TextInput textInput, final int index, final int count) {
// No-op
public Vote previewRemoveText(final TextInput textInput, final int index, final int count) {
Vote vote = Vote.APPROVE;
if (textInput.isStrictValidation()) {
Validator validator = textInput.getValidator();
if (validator != null) {
StringBuilder textBuilder = new StringBuilder();
textBuilder.append(textInput.getText(0, index));
textBuilder.append(textInput.getText(index + count, textInput.getCharacterCount()));
if (!validator.isValid(textBuilder.toString())) {
vote = Vote.DENY;
return vote;
public void setSize(final int width, final int height) {
boolean invalidate = (horizontalAlignment != HorizontalAlignment.LEFT)
&& (width != this.getWidth());
super.setSize(width, height);
if (invalidate) {
public void removeTextVetoed(final TextInput textInput, final Vote reason) {
// No-op
public void textRemoved(final TextInput textInput, final int index, final int count) {
// No-op
public void textChanged(final TextInput textInput) {
public void editableChanged(final TextInput textInput) {
// Text input selection events
public void selectionChanged(final TextInput textInput, final int previousSelectionStart,
final int previousSelectionLength) {
// If the text input is valid, repaint the selection state; otherwise,
// the selection will be updated in layout()
if (textInput.isValid()) {
// Repaint any previous caret bounds
if (caret != null) {
textInput.repaint(caret.x, caret.y, caret.width, caret.height);
// Repaint any previous selection bounds
if (selection != null) {
Rectangle bounds = selection.getBounds();
textInput.repaint(bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height);
if (textInput.getSelectionLength() == 0) {
} else {
Rectangle bounds = selection.getBounds();
textInput.repaint(bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height);
private void updateSelection() {
TextInput textInput = (TextInput) getComponent();
int height = getHeight();
int selectionStart = textInput.getSelectionStart();
int selectionLength = textInput.getSelectionLength();
int n = textInput.getCharacterCount();
Bounds leadingSelectionBounds;
if (selectionStart < n) {
leadingSelectionBounds = getCharacterBounds(selectionStart);
} else {
// The insertion point is after the last character
int x = padding.left + 1 - scrollLeft + getAlignmentDeltaX(textLayout);
if (n > 0) {
x += getTextWidth(textLayout);
int y = + 1;
leadingSelectionBounds = new Bounds(x, y,
0, height - ( + padding.bottom + 2));
if (composedTextCaret != null) {
caret = getCaretRectangle(composedTextCaret);
} else {
caret = leadingSelectionBounds.toRectangle();
caret.width = 1;
if (selectionLength > 0) {
Bounds trailingSelectionBounds = getCharacterBounds(selectionStart + selectionLength - 1);
selection = new Rectangle(leadingSelectionBounds.x, leadingSelectionBounds.y,
trailingSelectionBounds.x + trailingSelectionBounds.width - leadingSelectionBounds.x,
trailingSelectionBounds.y + trailingSelectionBounds.height - leadingSelectionBounds.y);
} else {
selection = null;
public void showCaret(final boolean show) {
if (scheduledBlinkCaretCallback != null) {
if (show) {
caretOn = true;
// Run the callback once now to show the cursor immediately
scheduledBlinkCaretCallback = ApplicationContext.runAndScheduleRecurringCallback(
blinkCaretCallback, Platform.getCursorBlinkRate());
} else {
scheduledBlinkCaretCallback = null;
public TextInputMethodListener getTextInputMethodListener() {
TextInput textInput = (TextInput) getComponent();
return textInput.isEditable() ? textInputMethodHandler : null;