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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<document id="windows">
Though every tutorial example thus far has used windows, Pivot's actual window classes
have not yet been explicitly discussed. This is because, for many applications
(especially those that are browser-based), a single main application window is
sufficient. However, more complex applications often require multiple windows, allowing
a user to see and interact with a variety of information.
Though the root of the WTK component hierarchy is an instance of <tt>Display</tt>,
windows generally represent an application's primary entry point into the UI. Windows
are always direct descendants of the display. They represent a place on the screen
where the application can draw or place user interface elements.
The class diagram below shows the Pivot window class hierarchy (though it is not shown
in this diagram, Window actually extends Container, which extends Component, the root
of all WTK UI classes):
<p><img src="windows/windows.png"/></p>
<p class="caption">Window class hierarchy.</p>
<p>The following is a description of each window type:</p>
<b>Window</b> - Base window class; it is not abstract and is the most basic
means by which content may be placed on the screen. It simply provides an
undecorated region in which other components may be placed.
<b>Frame</b> - A window with a title bar and border for dragging and resizing.
<b>Dialog</b> - A frame that is generally used for collecting user input
(engaging in a "dialog" with the user); may optionally be "modal", blocking
input to its owner.
<b>Alert</b> - A dialog that is generally used to present brief notifications
to the user.
<b>Sheet</b> - A window that, like a dialog, is generally used for collecting
user input; however, unlike dialogs, sheets always have an owner, and are
always modal over the owner's client area.
<b>Prompt</b> - A sheet that is generally used to present brief notifications
to the user; the sheet equivalent of <tt>Alert</tt>.
<b>MenuPopup</b> - A popup window that is used to present a menu to the user.
It can be used stand-alone as a context menu, but is also used by other
components including <tt>MenuBar</tt> and <tt>MenuButton</tt>.
<b>SuggestionPopup</b> - A popup window that provides "auto-complete"
functionality for a text input.
<b>Palette</b> - A floating tool palette window.
<b>FileBrowserSheet</b> - A sheet that allows the user to browse the local file
<b>Tooltip</b> - A small, popup-like window that disappears as soon as the
user moves the mouse.
Most of the tutorial examples up to this point have used a single, maximized,
decorationless <tt>Window</tt> to host their example content, since this type of user
interface is well-suited to browser-based deployment as employed by this tutorial.
However, Pivot applications are not limited to this sort of interface. Just like a
native windowing toolkit, a Pivot application can open as many windows on the display
of as many different types as are required by the application.
The following sample application demonstrates many of these window types. It creates
three top-level frames, each of which contains buttons for launching several other
window types:
<application class="" width="720" height="600">
<p>The content of each frame is defined in "frame.bxml":</p>
<source type="xml" location="org/apache/pivot/tutorials/windows/frame.bxml">
<Frame bxml:id="frame" icon="@application_form.png"
preferredWidth="480" preferredHeight="360"
<bxml:include bxml:id="dialog" src="dialog.bxml"/>
<bxml:include bxml:id="sheet" src="sheet.bxml"/>
var palette = null;
<BoxPane orientation="vertical">
<PushButton buttonData="Show Alert">
function buttonPressed(button) {
Alert.alert("This is an Alert.", frame);
<PushButton buttonData="Show Prompt">
function buttonPressed(button) {
Prompt.prompt("This is a Prompt.", frame);
<PushButton buttonData="Show Dialog">
function buttonPressed(button) {, null);
<PushButton buttonData="Show Sheet">
function buttonPressed(button) {, null);
<PushButton buttonData="Show Palette">
function buttonPressed(button) {
if (palette == null) {
palette = application.load("palette.bxml");
palette.setLocation(frame.getX() + frame.getWidth() + 20, frame.getY() + 20);
<p class="caption">frame.bxml</p>
This file includes several additional BXML files that define the dialog, sheet, and
palette windows opened by the main frame:
<source type="xml" location="org/apache/pivot/tutorials/windows/dialog.bxml">
<Dialog bxml:id="dialog" title="Dialog" modal="true"
<TablePane preferredWidth="320" preferredHeight="210">
<TablePane.Column width="1*"/>
<TablePane.Row height="1*">
<Label text="This is a dialog."
preferredWidth="320" preferredHeight="210"
styles="{horizontalAlignment:'center', verticalAlignment:'center'}"/>
<TablePane.Row height="-1">
<BoxPane styles="{horizontalAlignment:'right'}">
<PushButton buttonData="Close"
<p class="caption">dialog.bxml</p>
<source type="xml" location="org/apache/pivot/tutorials/windows/sheet.bxml">
<Sheet bxml:id="sheet" title="Sheet"
<BoxPane styles="{verticalAlignment:'bottom'}">
<TablePane.Column width="1*"/>
<TablePane.Row height="1*">
<Label text="This is a sheet."
preferredWidth="320" preferredHeight="210"
styles="{horizontalAlignment:'center', verticalAlignment:'center'}"/>
<TablePane.Row height="-1">
<BoxPane styles="{horizontalAlignment:'right'}">
<PushButton buttonData="Close"
<p class="caption">sheet.bxml</p>
<source type="xml" location="org/apache/pivot/tutorials/windows/palette.bxml">
<Palette title="Palette" preferredWidth="60" preferredHeight="120"
<FlowPane styles="{padding:1}">
<PushButton buttonData="1" styles="{toolbar:true, minimumAspectRatio:1, maximumAspectRatio:1}"/>
<PushButton buttonData="2" styles="{toolbar:true, minimumAspectRatio:1, maximumAspectRatio:1}"/>
<PushButton buttonData="3" styles="{toolbar:true, minimumAspectRatio:1, maximumAspectRatio:1}"/>
<PushButton buttonData="4" styles="{toolbar:true, minimumAspectRatio:1, maximumAspectRatio:1}"/>
<PushButton buttonData="5" styles="{toolbar:true, minimumAspectRatio:1, maximumAspectRatio:1}"/>
<PushButton buttonData="6" styles="{toolbar:true, minimumAspectRatio:1, maximumAspectRatio:1}"/>
<p class="caption">palette.bxml</p>
The application code simply instantiates three <tt>Frame</tt> objects and sets the
component read from the BXML as the frames' contents:
<source type="java" location="org/apache/pivot/tutorials/windows/">
import org.apache.pivot.beans.BXMLSerializer;
import org.apache.pivot.collections.Map;
import org.apache.pivot.serialization.SerializationException;
import org.apache.pivot.wtk.Application;
import org.apache.pivot.wtk.DesktopApplicationContext;
import org.apache.pivot.wtk.Display;
import org.apache.pivot.wtk.Frame;
import org.apache.pivot.wtk.Window;
public class Windows implements Application {
private Display display = null;
public void startup(Display display, Map<String, String> properties) throws Exception {
this.display = display;
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
BXMLSerializer bxmlSerializer = new BXMLSerializer();
bxmlSerializer.getNamespace().put("application", this);
Frame frame;
try {
frame = (Frame)bxmlSerializer.readObject(Windows.class, "frame.bxml");
} catch (SerializationException exception) {
throw new RuntimeException(exception);
} catch (IOException exception) {
throw new RuntimeException(exception);
frame.setTitle("Frame " + (i + 1));
frame.setLocation(x, y);
x += 20;
y += 20;;
public boolean shutdown(boolean optional) {
for (int i = display.getLength() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
Window window = (Window)display.get(i);
return false;
public void suspend() {
public void resume() {
public Window load(String fileName)
throws SerializationException, IOException {
BXMLSerializer bxmlSerializer = new BXMLSerializer();
return (Window)bxmlSerializer.readObject(Windows.class, fileName);
public static void main(String[] args) {
DesktopApplicationContext.main(Windows.class, args);