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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<document id="menu-bars">
<title>Menu Bars</title>
Menu bars are generally used to provide convenient access to major application
features. They act as a repository for top-level hierarchical menus, keeping the menus
out of sight until they are needed.
Like all other components, menu bars can actually be placed anywhere in an
application's user interface. However, they are most often located at the top of an
application's main window. Pivot provides framework-level support for simplifying the
task of defining a menu bar positioned in this way. The <tt>Frame</tt> class defines
a "menuBar" property that is handled specially by the application using the
<tt>configureMenuBar()</tt> and <tt>cleanupMenuBar()</tt> methods of the
<tt>MenuHandler</tt> interface. These methods are called by the framework as the focus
changes within a window, to allow the application to customize the contents of the menu
bar based on the currently focused component.
Note that for a keystroke to be processed (for example assigned to a Menu Item),
a component must have the focus to receive the key event and propagate it up the component hierarchy.
So, make sure that the window's content contains a focusable component, like a TextInput or PushButton.
The example application below shows a menu bar containing two common top-level menu
items: "File" and "Edit" (note that the applet is signed since it makes use of the
<tt>FileBrowserSheet</tt> component, which requires access to the local file system):
<application class="org.apache.pivot.wtk.ScriptApplication"
width="640" height="480">
<libraries signed="true">
Each sub-menu item is associated with an <tt>Action</tt> that is executed when the
item is selected. For example, the action attached to the "File > Open" menu item
simulates opening a document by showing a file browser sheet and adding a new tab to
the application's tab pane. Each component in the "document" has a menu handler
attached to it that configures the menu contents as appropriate for the current
selection. When a text input component has the focus, the "Paste" menu item is enabled.
If text is selected in the text input, the "Cut" and "Copy" menu items are also
The BXML source for this example is shown below. It creates the initial menu structure
as well as the tab pane that will host the simulated documents. It also defines a set
of "action mappings" in the root frame's "actionMappings" sequence. Action mappings
associate keystrokes with actions; when a keystroke matching an action in the sequence
is processed by the window, the action is invoked. Action mappings are often called
"keyboard shortcuts".
Note that the actions in this example are associated with the "CMD" key. This is a
Pivot-specific, platform-independent modifier. It maps to the Control key (CTRL)
on Windows and Linux and the Command key (META) on Mac OS X:
<source type="xml" location="org/apache/pivot/tutorials/menus/menu_bars.bxml">
<menus:MenuBars title="Menu Bars" maximized="true"
styles="{padding:{top:0, left:4, bottom:4, right:4}, showWindowControls:false}"
<FileBrowserSheet bxml:id="fileBrowserSheet"/>
<Window.ActionMapping action="fileNew" keyStroke="CMD-N"/>
<Window.ActionMapping action="fileOpen" keyStroke="CMD-O"/>
<MenuBar.Item buttonData="File">
<Menu.Item action="fileNew">
<content:MenuItemData text="New" keyboardShortcut="CMD-N"/>
<Menu.Item action="fileOpen">
<content:MenuItemData text="Open" keyboardShortcut="CMD-O"/>
<MenuBar.Item buttonData="Edit">
<Menu.Item action="cut">
<content:MenuItemData text="Cut" keyboardShortcut="CMD-X"/>
<Menu.Item action="copy">
<content:MenuItemData text="Copy" keyboardShortcut="CMD-C"/>
<Menu.Item action="paste">
<content:MenuItemData text="Paste" keyboardShortcut="CMD-V"/>
<Border styles="{backgroundColor:null, padding:2}">
<TabPane bxml:id="tabPane"/>
The Java source for the example is shown below. In the constructor, the application's
actions are created and added to the global action dictionary. Note that, since the
BXML file refers to the actions by ID, it is essential that the actions be available
before the BXML is read.
<source type="java" location="org/apache/pivot/tutorials/menus/">
package org.apache.pivot.tutorials.menus;
import org.apache.pivot.beans.BXML;
import org.apache.pivot.beans.BXMLSerializer;
import org.apache.pivot.beans.Bindable;
import org.apache.pivot.collections.Map;
import org.apache.pivot.serialization.SerializationException;
import org.apache.pivot.util.Resources;
import org.apache.pivot.wtk.Action;
import org.apache.pivot.wtk.Border;
import org.apache.pivot.wtk.Component;
import org.apache.pivot.wtk.FileBrowserSheet;
import org.apache.pivot.wtk.Frame;
import org.apache.pivot.wtk.MenuBar;
import org.apache.pivot.wtk.MenuHandler;
import org.apache.pivot.wtk.TabPane;
import org.apache.pivot.wtk.TextInput;
import org.apache.pivot.wtk.TextInputSelectionListener;
import org.apache.pivot.wtk.TextInputContentListener;
public class MenuBars extends Frame implements Bindable {
@BXML private FileBrowserSheet fileBrowserSheet;
@BXML private TabPane tabPane = null;
private MenuHandler menuHandler = new MenuHandler.Adapter() {
TextInputContentListener textInputTextListener = new TextInputContentListener.Adapter() {
public void textChanged(TextInput textInput) {
TextInputSelectionListener textInputSelectionListener = new TextInputSelectionListener() {
public void selectionChanged(TextInput textInput, int previousSelectionStart,
int previousSelectionLength) {
public void configureMenuBar(Component component, MenuBar menuBar) {
if (component instanceof TextInput) {
TextInput textInput = (TextInput)component;
} else {
public void cleanupMenuBar(Component component, MenuBar menuBar) {
if (component instanceof TextInput) {
TextInput textInput = (TextInput)component;
private void updateActionState(TextInput textInput) {
Action.getNamedActions().get("cut").setEnabled(textInput.getSelectionLength() > 0);
Action.getNamedActions().get("copy").setEnabled(textInput.getSelectionLength() > 0);
public MenuBars() {
Action.getNamedActions().put("fileNew", new Action() {
public void perform(Component source) {
BXMLSerializer bxmlSerializer = new BXMLSerializer();
bxmlSerializer.getNamespace().put("menuHandler", menuHandler);
Component tab;
try {
tab = new Border((Component)bxmlSerializer.readObject(MenuBars.class, "document.bxml"));
} catch (IOException exception) {
throw new RuntimeException(exception);
} catch (SerializationException exception) {
throw new RuntimeException(exception);
TabPane.setTabData(tab, "Document " + tabPane.getTabs().getLength());
tabPane.setSelectedIndex(tabPane.getTabs().getLength() - 1);
Action.getNamedActions().put("fileOpen", new Action() {
public void perform(Component source) {;
Action.getNamedActions().put("cut", new Action(false) {
public void perform(Component source) {
TextInput textInput = (TextInput)MenuBars.this.getFocusDescendant();
Action.getNamedActions().put("copy", new Action(false) {
public void perform(Component source) {
TextInput textInput = (TextInput)MenuBars.this.getFocusDescendant();
Action.getNamedActions().put("paste", new Action(false) {
public void perform(Component source) {
TextInput textInput = (TextInput)MenuBars.this.getFocusDescendant();
public void initialize(Map<String, Object> namespace, URL location, Resources resources) {
The class also defines an anonymous inner implementation of the <tt>MenuHandler</tt>
interface that is used to configure the menu bar based on the focused component. In
<tt>configureMenuBar()</tt>, the actions associated with the "cut", "copy", and "paste"
operations are enabled and disabled as appropriate. Listeners are also added to the
focused component (if it is a <tt>TextInput</tt>) to ensure that the action's state
accurately reflects the current selection. The listeners are removed in
<tt>cleanupMenuBar()</tt>, if necessary.
Note that menu bar configuration via <tt>MenuHandler</tt> isn't limited to enabling or
disabling actions - new menu items can be dynamically created, menu item selection
state can be changed, etc. However, unlike context menus, the framework does not
automatically clean up any changes made to the menu bar. It is up to the application
to ensure that the menu bar remains in a consistent state using the
<tt>configureMenuBar()</tt> and <tt>cleanupMenuBar()</tt> methods.