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.. warning:: The documentation is not up-to-date and has moved to `Apache Pinot Docs <>`_.
.. _segment-fetcher:
Segment Fetchers
When pinot segment files are created in external systems (hadoop/spark/etc), there are several ways to push those data to pinot Controller and Server:
#. push segment to shared NFS and let pinot pull segment files from the location of that NFS.
#. push segment to a Web server and let pinot pull segment files from the Web server with http/https link.
#. push segment to HDFS and let pinot pull segment files from HDFS with hdfs location uri.
#. push segment to other system and implement your own segment fetcher to pull data from those systems.
The first two options should be supported out of the box with pinot package. As long your remote jobs send Pinot controller with the corresponding URI to the files it will pick up the file and allocate it to proper Pinot Servers and brokers. To enable Pinot support for HDFS, you will need to provide Pinot Hadoop configuration and proper Hadoop dependencies.
HDFS segment fetcher configs
In your Pinot controller/server configuration, you will need to provide the following configs:
.. code-block:: none
pinot.controller.segment.fetcher.hdfs.hadoop.conf.path=`<file path to hadoop conf folder>
.. code-block:: none
pinot.server.segment.fetcher.hdfs.hadoop.conf.path=`<file path to hadoop conf folder>
This path should point the local folder containing ``core-site.xml`` and ``hdfs-site.xml`` files from your Hadoop installation
.. code-block:: none
pinot.controller.segment.fetcher.hdfs.hadoop.kerberos.principle=`<your kerberos principal>
pinot.controller.segment.fetcher.hdfs.hadoop.kerberos.keytab=`<your kerberos keytab>
.. code-block:: none
pinot.server.segment.fetcher.hdfs.hadoop.kerberos.principle=`<your kerberos principal>
pinot.server.segment.fetcher.hdfs.hadoop.kerberos.keytab=`<your kerberos keytab>
These two configs should be the corresponding Kerberos configuration if your Hadoop installation is secured with Kerberos. Please check Hadoop Kerberos guide on how to generate Kerberos security identification.
You will also need to provide proper Hadoop dependencies jars from your Hadoop installation to your Pinot startup scripts.
Push HDFS segment to Pinot Controller
To push HDFS segment files to Pinot controller, you just need to ensure you have proper Hadoop configuration as we mentioned in the previous part. Then your remote segment creation/push job can send the HDFS path of your newly created segment files to the Pinot Controller and let it download the files.
For example, the following curl requests to Controller will notify it to download segment files to the proper table:
.. code-block:: none
curl -X POST -H "UPLOAD_TYPE:URI" -H "DOWNLOAD_URI:hdfs://nameservice1/hadoop/path/to/segment/file.gz" -H "content-type:application/json" -d '' localhost:9000/v2/segments
Note that we have two versions of the segment endpoint. V1 is deprecated and in most cases, should not be used. In this endpoint, the segment is not moved. It is
assumed that where the segment is currently stored in HDFS is where it will be served from.
.. code-block:: none
curl -X POST -H "UPLOAD_TYPE:URI" -H "DOWNLOAD_URI:hdfs://nameservice1/hadoop/path/to/segment/file.gz" -H "content-type:application/json" -d '' localhost:9000/segments
In Pinot, users can also store encrypted segments in the deep storage of their choice. This is accomplished by the following.
We have an option for users to implement their own crypter class based on the PinotCrypter interface.
The simple class name of the crypter is declared inside the header during segment upload.
After you implement your own crypter, you will be able to upload segments with the below command.
.. code-block:: none
curl -X POST -F "UPLOAD_TYPE:URI" -H "DOWNLOAD_URI:hdfs://nameservice1/hadoop/path/to/segment/file.gz" -H "content-type:application/json" -d '' localhost:9000/segments --header "CRYPTER: ${CRYPTER_SIMPLE_CLASS_NAME}"
On the server and controller side, you will need to configure several properties for your particular crypter class. All
crypter classes are extended from the PinotCrypter interface - feel free to implement your own as well.
.. code-block:: none
Implement your own segment fetcher for other systems
You can also implement your own segment fetchers for other file systems and load into Pinot system with an external jar. All you need to do is to implement a class that extends the interface of `SegmentFetcher <>`_ and provides config to Pinot Controller and Server as follows:
.. code-block:: none
pinot.controller.segment.fetcher.`<protocol>`.class =`<class path to your implementation>
.. code-block:: none
pinot.server.segment.fetcher.`<protocol>`.class =`<class path to your implementation>
You can also provide other configs to your fetcher under config-root ``pinot.server.segment.fetcher.<protocol>``