blob: 8e3d2c50347d665b8b52f7ad3ae9ca4bb69e370a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.pinot.core.operator.transform.function;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.doubles.DoubleArrayList;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.floats.FloatArrayList;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntArrayList;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.LongArrayList;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.EnumUtils;
import org.apache.pinot.core.operator.blocks.ProjectionBlock;
import org.apache.pinot.core.operator.transform.TransformResultMetadata;
import org.apache.pinot.core.plan.DocIdSetPlanNode;
import org.apache.pinot.segment.local.function.GroovyFunctionEvaluator;
import org.apache.pinot.segment.spi.datasource.DataSource;
import org.apache.pinot.spi.utils.JsonUtils;
* The GroovyTransformFunction executes groovy expressions
* 1st argument - json string containing returnType and isSingleValue e.g. '{"returnType":"LONG",
* "isSingleValue":false}'
* 2nd argument - groovy script (string) using arg0, arg1, arg2... as arguments e.g. 'arg0 + " " + arg1', 'arg0 +
* arg1.toList().max() + arg2' etc
* rest of the arguments - identifiers/functions to the groovy script
* Sample queries:
* SELECT GROOVY('{"returnType":"LONG", "isSingleValue":false}', 'arg0.findIndexValues{it==1}', products) FROM myTable
* SELECT GROOVY('{"returnType":"INT", "isSingleValue":true}', 'arg0 * arg1 * 10', arraylength(units), columnB ) FROM
* bob
public class GroovyTransformFunction extends BaseTransformFunction {
public static final String FUNCTION_NAME = "groovy";
private static final String RETURN_TYPE_KEY = "returnType";
private static final String IS_SINGLE_VALUE_KEY = "isSingleValue";
private static final String ARGUMENT_PREFIX = "arg";
private static final String GROOVY_TEMPLATE_WITH_ARGS = "Groovy({%s}, %s)";
private static final String GROOVY_TEMPLATE_WITHOUT_ARGS = "Groovy({%s})";
private static final String GROOVY_ARG_DELIMITER = ",";
private int[] _intResultSV;
private long[] _longResultSV;
private double[] _doubleResultSV;
private float[] _floatResultSV;
private BigDecimal[] _bigDecimalResultSV;
private String[] _stringResultSV;
private int[][] _intResultMV;
private long[][] _longResultMV;
private double[][] _doubleResultMV;
private float[][] _floatResultMV;
private String[][] _stringResultMV;
private TransformResultMetadata _resultMetadata;
private GroovyFunctionEvaluator _groovyFunctionEvaluator;
private int _numGroovyArgs;
private TransformFunction[] _groovyArguments;
private boolean[] _isSourceSingleValue;
private DataType[] _sourceStoredTypes;
private BiFunction<TransformFunction, ProjectionBlock, Object>[] _transformToValuesFunctions;
private BiFunction<Object, Integer, Object>[] _fetchElementFunctions;
private Object[] _sourceArrays;
private Object[] _bindingValues;
public String getName() {
public void init(List<TransformFunction> arguments, Map<String, DataSource> dataSourceMap) {
int numArgs = arguments.size();
if (numArgs < 2) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("GROOVY transform function requires at least 2 arguments");
// 1st argument is a json string
TransformFunction returnValueMetadata = arguments.get(0);
Preconditions.checkState(returnValueMetadata instanceof LiteralTransformFunction,
"First argument of GROOVY transform function must be a literal, representing a json string");
String returnValueMetadataStr = ((LiteralTransformFunction) returnValueMetadata).getLiteral();
try {
JsonNode returnValueMetadataJson = JsonUtils.stringToJsonNode(returnValueMetadataStr);
"The json string in the first argument of GROOVY transform function must have non-null 'returnType'");
"The json string in the first argument of GROOVY transform function must have non-null 'isSingleValue'");
String returnTypeStr = returnValueMetadataJson.get(RETURN_TYPE_KEY).asText();
Preconditions.checkState(EnumUtils.isValidEnum(DataType.class, returnTypeStr),
"The 'returnType' in the json string which is the first argument of GROOVY transform function must be a "
+ "valid FieldSpec.DataType enum value");
_resultMetadata = new TransformResultMetadata(DataType.valueOf(returnTypeStr),
returnValueMetadataJson.get(IS_SINGLE_VALUE_KEY).asBoolean(true), false);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Caught exception when converting json string '" + returnValueMetadataStr + "' to JsonNode", e);
// 2nd argument is groovy expression string
TransformFunction groovyTransformFunction = arguments.get(1);
Preconditions.checkState(groovyTransformFunction instanceof LiteralTransformFunction,
"Second argument of GROOVY transform function must be a literal string, representing the groovy expression");
// 3rd argument onwards, all are arguments to the groovy function
_numGroovyArgs = numArgs - 2;
if (_numGroovyArgs > 0) {
_groovyArguments = new TransformFunction[_numGroovyArgs];
_isSourceSingleValue = new boolean[_numGroovyArgs];
_sourceStoredTypes = new DataType[_numGroovyArgs];
int idx = 0;
for (int i = 2; i < numArgs; i++) {
TransformFunction argument = arguments.get(i);
Preconditions.checkState(!(argument instanceof LiteralTransformFunction),
"Third argument onwards, all arguments must be a column or other transform function");
_groovyArguments[idx] = argument;
TransformResultMetadata resultMetadata = argument.getResultMetadata();
_isSourceSingleValue[idx] = resultMetadata.isSingleValue();
_sourceStoredTypes[idx++] = resultMetadata.getDataType().getStoredType();
// construct arguments string for GroovyFunctionEvaluator
String argumentsStr = IntStream.range(0, _numGroovyArgs).mapToObj(i -> ARGUMENT_PREFIX + i)
_groovyFunctionEvaluator = new GroovyFunctionEvaluator(String
.format(GROOVY_TEMPLATE_WITH_ARGS, ((LiteralTransformFunction) groovyTransformFunction).getLiteral(),
_transformToValuesFunctions = new BiFunction[_numGroovyArgs];
_fetchElementFunctions = new BiFunction[_numGroovyArgs];
} else {
_groovyFunctionEvaluator = new GroovyFunctionEvaluator(String
.format(GROOVY_TEMPLATE_WITHOUT_ARGS, ((LiteralTransformFunction) groovyTransformFunction).getLiteral()));
_sourceArrays = new Object[_numGroovyArgs];
_bindingValues = new Object[_numGroovyArgs];
public TransformResultMetadata getResultMetadata() {
return _resultMetadata;
private void initFunctions() {
for (int i = 0; i < _numGroovyArgs; i++) {
BiFunction<Object, Integer, Object> getElementFunction;
BiFunction<TransformFunction, ProjectionBlock, Object> transformToValuesFunction;
if (_isSourceSingleValue[i]) {
switch (_sourceStoredTypes[i]) {
case INT:
transformToValuesFunction = TransformFunction::transformToIntValuesSV;
getElementFunction = (sourceArray, position) -> ((int[]) sourceArray)[position];
case LONG:
transformToValuesFunction = TransformFunction::transformToLongValuesSV;
getElementFunction = (sourceArray, position) -> ((long[]) sourceArray)[position];
case FLOAT:
transformToValuesFunction = TransformFunction::transformToFloatValuesSV;
getElementFunction = (sourceArray, position) -> ((float[]) sourceArray)[position];
case DOUBLE:
transformToValuesFunction = TransformFunction::transformToDoubleValuesSV;
getElementFunction = (sourceArray, position) -> ((double[]) sourceArray)[position];
transformToValuesFunction = TransformFunction::transformToBigDecimalValuesSV;
getElementFunction = (sourceArray, position) -> ((BigDecimal[]) sourceArray)[position];
case STRING:
transformToValuesFunction = TransformFunction::transformToStringValuesSV;
getElementFunction = (sourceArray, position) -> ((String[]) sourceArray)[position];
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Unsupported data type '" + _sourceStoredTypes[i] + "' for GROOVY transform function");
} else {
switch (_sourceStoredTypes[i]) {
case INT:
transformToValuesFunction = TransformFunction::transformToIntValuesMV;
getElementFunction = (sourceArray, position) -> ((int[][]) sourceArray)[position];
case LONG:
transformToValuesFunction = TransformFunction::transformToLongValuesMV;
getElementFunction = (sourceArray, position) -> ((long[][]) sourceArray)[position];
case FLOAT:
transformToValuesFunction = TransformFunction::transformToFloatValuesMV;
getElementFunction = (sourceArray, position) -> ((float[][]) sourceArray)[position];
case DOUBLE:
transformToValuesFunction = TransformFunction::transformToDoubleValuesMV;
getElementFunction = (sourceArray, position) -> ((double[][]) sourceArray)[position];
case STRING:
transformToValuesFunction = TransformFunction::transformToStringValuesMV;
getElementFunction = (sourceArray, position) -> ((String[][]) sourceArray)[position];
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Unsupported data type '" + _sourceStoredTypes[i] + "' for GROOVY transform function");
_transformToValuesFunctions[i] = transformToValuesFunction;
_fetchElementFunctions[i] = getElementFunction;
public int[] transformToIntValuesSV(ProjectionBlock projectionBlock) {
if (_intResultSV == null) {
_intResultSV = new int[DocIdSetPlanNode.MAX_DOC_PER_CALL];
for (int i = 0; i < _numGroovyArgs; i++) {
_sourceArrays[i] = _transformToValuesFunctions[i].apply(_groovyArguments[i], projectionBlock);
int length = projectionBlock.getNumDocs();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < _numGroovyArgs; j++) {
_bindingValues[j] = _fetchElementFunctions[j].apply(_sourceArrays[j], i);
_intResultSV[i] = (int) _groovyFunctionEvaluator.evaluate(_bindingValues);
return _intResultSV;
public int[][] transformToIntValuesMV(ProjectionBlock projectionBlock) {
if (_intResultMV == null) {
_intResultMV = new int[DocIdSetPlanNode.MAX_DOC_PER_CALL][];
for (int i = 0; i < _numGroovyArgs; i++) {
_sourceArrays[i] = _transformToValuesFunctions[i].apply(_groovyArguments[i], projectionBlock);
int length = projectionBlock.getNumDocs();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < _numGroovyArgs; j++) {
_bindingValues[j] = _fetchElementFunctions[j].apply(_sourceArrays[j], i);
Object result = _groovyFunctionEvaluator.evaluate(_bindingValues);
if (result instanceof List) {
_intResultMV[i] = new IntArrayList((List<Integer>) result).toIntArray();
} else if (result instanceof int[]) {
_intResultMV[i] = (int[]) result;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected result type '" + result.getClass() + "' for GROOVY function");
return _intResultMV;
public double[] transformToDoubleValuesSV(ProjectionBlock projectionBlock) {
if (_doubleResultSV == null) {
_doubleResultSV = new double[DocIdSetPlanNode.MAX_DOC_PER_CALL];
for (int i = 0; i < _numGroovyArgs; i++) {
_sourceArrays[i] = _transformToValuesFunctions[i].apply(_groovyArguments[i], projectionBlock);
int length = projectionBlock.getNumDocs();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < _numGroovyArgs; j++) {
_bindingValues[j] = _fetchElementFunctions[j].apply(_sourceArrays[j], i);
_doubleResultSV[i] = (double) _groovyFunctionEvaluator.evaluate(_bindingValues);
return _doubleResultSV;
public double[][] transformToDoubleValuesMV(ProjectionBlock projectionBlock) {
if (_doubleResultMV == null) {
_doubleResultMV = new double[DocIdSetPlanNode.MAX_DOC_PER_CALL][];
for (int i = 0; i < _numGroovyArgs; i++) {
_sourceArrays[i] = _transformToValuesFunctions[i].apply(_groovyArguments[i], projectionBlock);
int length = projectionBlock.getNumDocs();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < _numGroovyArgs; j++) {
_bindingValues[j] = _fetchElementFunctions[j].apply(_sourceArrays[j], i);
Object result = _groovyFunctionEvaluator.evaluate(_bindingValues);
if (result instanceof List) {
_doubleResultMV[i] = new DoubleArrayList((List<Double>) result).toDoubleArray();
} else if (result instanceof double[]) {
_doubleResultMV[i] = (double[]) result;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected result type '" + result.getClass() + "' for GROOVY function");
return _doubleResultMV;
public long[] transformToLongValuesSV(ProjectionBlock projectionBlock) {
if (_longResultSV == null) {
_longResultSV = new long[DocIdSetPlanNode.MAX_DOC_PER_CALL];
for (int i = 0; i < _numGroovyArgs; i++) {
_sourceArrays[i] = _transformToValuesFunctions[i].apply(_groovyArguments[i], projectionBlock);
int length = projectionBlock.getNumDocs();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < _numGroovyArgs; j++) {
_bindingValues[j] = _fetchElementFunctions[j].apply(_sourceArrays[j], i);
_longResultSV[i] = (long) _groovyFunctionEvaluator.evaluate(_bindingValues);
return _longResultSV;
public long[][] transformToLongValuesMV(ProjectionBlock projectionBlock) {
if (_longResultMV == null) {
_longResultMV = new long[DocIdSetPlanNode.MAX_DOC_PER_CALL][];
for (int i = 0; i < _numGroovyArgs; i++) {
_sourceArrays[i] = _transformToValuesFunctions[i].apply(_groovyArguments[i], projectionBlock);
int length = projectionBlock.getNumDocs();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < _numGroovyArgs; j++) {
_bindingValues[j] = _fetchElementFunctions[j].apply(_sourceArrays[j], i);
Object result = _groovyFunctionEvaluator.evaluate(_bindingValues);
if (result instanceof List) {
_longResultMV[i] = new LongArrayList((List<Long>) result).toLongArray();
} else if (result instanceof long[]) {
_longResultMV[i] = (long[]) result;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected result type '" + result.getClass() + "' for GROOVY function");
return _longResultMV;
public float[] transformToFloatValuesSV(ProjectionBlock projectionBlock) {
if (_floatResultSV == null) {
_floatResultSV = new float[DocIdSetPlanNode.MAX_DOC_PER_CALL];
for (int i = 0; i < _numGroovyArgs; i++) {
_sourceArrays[i] = _transformToValuesFunctions[i].apply(_groovyArguments[i], projectionBlock);
int length = projectionBlock.getNumDocs();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < _numGroovyArgs; j++) {
_bindingValues[j] = _fetchElementFunctions[j].apply(_sourceArrays[j], i);
_floatResultSV[i] = (float) _groovyFunctionEvaluator.evaluate(_bindingValues);
return _floatResultSV;
public float[][] transformToFloatValuesMV(ProjectionBlock projectionBlock) {
if (_floatResultMV == null) {
_floatResultMV = new float[DocIdSetPlanNode.MAX_DOC_PER_CALL][];
for (int i = 0; i < _numGroovyArgs; i++) {
_sourceArrays[i] = _transformToValuesFunctions[i].apply(_groovyArguments[i], projectionBlock);
int length = projectionBlock.getNumDocs();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < _numGroovyArgs; j++) {
_bindingValues[j] = _fetchElementFunctions[j].apply(_sourceArrays[j], i);
Object result = _groovyFunctionEvaluator.evaluate(_bindingValues);
if (result instanceof List) {
_floatResultMV[i] = new FloatArrayList((List<Float>) result).toFloatArray();
} else if (result instanceof float[]) {
_floatResultMV[i] = (float[]) result;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected result type '" + result.getClass() + "' for GROOVY function");
return _floatResultMV;
public BigDecimal[] transformToBigDecimalValuesSV(ProjectionBlock projectionBlock) {
if (_bigDecimalResultSV == null) {
_bigDecimalResultSV = new BigDecimal[DocIdSetPlanNode.MAX_DOC_PER_CALL];
for (int i = 0; i < _numGroovyArgs; i++) {
_sourceArrays[i] = _transformToValuesFunctions[i].apply(_groovyArguments[i], projectionBlock);
int length = projectionBlock.getNumDocs();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < _numGroovyArgs; j++) {
_bindingValues[j] = _fetchElementFunctions[j].apply(_sourceArrays[j], i);
_bigDecimalResultSV[i] = (BigDecimal) _groovyFunctionEvaluator.evaluate(_bindingValues);
return _bigDecimalResultSV;
public String[] transformToStringValuesSV(ProjectionBlock projectionBlock) {
if (_stringResultSV == null) {
_stringResultSV = new String[DocIdSetPlanNode.MAX_DOC_PER_CALL];
for (int i = 0; i < _numGroovyArgs; i++) {
_sourceArrays[i] = _transformToValuesFunctions[i].apply(_groovyArguments[i], projectionBlock);
int length = projectionBlock.getNumDocs();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < _numGroovyArgs; j++) {
_bindingValues[j] = _fetchElementFunctions[j].apply(_sourceArrays[j], i);
_stringResultSV[i] = (String) _groovyFunctionEvaluator.evaluate(_bindingValues);
return _stringResultSV;
public String[][] transformToStringValuesMV(ProjectionBlock projectionBlock) {
if (_stringResultMV == null) {
_stringResultMV = new String[DocIdSetPlanNode.MAX_DOC_PER_CALL][];
for (int i = 0; i < _numGroovyArgs; i++) {
_sourceArrays[i] = _transformToValuesFunctions[i].apply(_groovyArguments[i], projectionBlock);
int length = projectionBlock.getNumDocs();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < _numGroovyArgs; j++) {
_bindingValues[j] = _fetchElementFunctions[j].apply(_sourceArrays[j], i);
Object result = _groovyFunctionEvaluator.evaluate(_bindingValues);
if (result instanceof List) {
_stringResultMV[i] = ((List<String>) result).toArray(new String[0]);
} else if (result instanceof String[]) {
_stringResultMV[i] = (String[]) result;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected result type '" + result.getClass() + "' for GROOVY function");
return _stringResultMV;