blob: 57bf20f50ef983580358b5ac9537f941ca1a4b6d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
package org.apache.pinot.core.operator.combine;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
import org.apache.pinot.common.exception.QueryException;
import org.apache.pinot.common.response.ProcessingException;
import org.apache.pinot.common.utils.DataSchema;
import org.apache.pinot.core.common.Operator;
import org.apache.pinot.core.operator.AcquireReleaseColumnsSegmentOperator;
import org.apache.pinot.core.operator.blocks.results.BaseResultsBlock;
import org.apache.pinot.core.operator.blocks.results.ExceptionResultsBlock;
import org.apache.pinot.core.operator.blocks.results.GroupByResultsBlock;
import org.apache.pinot.core.query.aggregation.function.AggregationFunction;
import org.apache.pinot.core.query.aggregation.groupby.AggregationGroupByResult;
import org.apache.pinot.core.query.aggregation.groupby.GroupKeyGenerator;
import org.apache.pinot.core.query.request.context.QueryContext;
import org.apache.pinot.core.util.GroupByUtils;
import org.apache.pinot.spi.exception.EarlyTerminationException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Combine operator for group-by queries.
* TODO: Use CombineOperatorUtils.getNumThreadsForQuery() to get the parallelism of the query instead of using
* all threads
public class GroupByCombineOperator extends BaseCombineOperator<GroupByResultsBlock> {
public static final int MAX_TRIM_THRESHOLD = 1_000_000_000;
public static final int MAX_GROUP_BY_KEYS_MERGED_PER_INTERRUPTION_CHECK = 10_000;
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GroupByCombineOperator.class);
private static final String EXPLAIN_NAME = "COMBINE_GROUP_BY";
private final int _trimSize;
private final int _trimThreshold;
private final int _numAggregationFunctions;
private final int _numGroupByExpressions;
private final int _numColumns;
private final ConcurrentLinkedQueue<ProcessingException> _mergedProcessingExceptions = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>();
// We use a CountDownLatch to track if all Futures are finished by the query timeout, and cancel the unfinished
// _futures (try to interrupt the execution if it already started).
private final CountDownLatch _operatorLatch;
private volatile IndexedTable _indexedTable;
private volatile boolean _numGroupsLimitReached;
public GroupByCombineOperator(List<Operator> operators, QueryContext queryContext, ExecutorService executorService) {
super(operators, overrideMaxExecutionThreads(queryContext, operators.size()), executorService);
int minTrimSize = queryContext.getMinServerGroupTrimSize();
if (minTrimSize > 0) {
int limit = queryContext.getLimit();
if ((!queryContext.isServerReturnFinalResult() && queryContext.getOrderByExpressions() != null)
|| queryContext.getHavingFilter() != null) {
_trimSize = GroupByUtils.getTableCapacity(limit, minTrimSize);
} else {
// TODO: Keeping only 'LIMIT' groups can cause inaccurate result because the groups are randomly selected
// without ordering. Consider ordering on group-by columns if no ordering is specified.
_trimSize = limit;
_trimThreshold = queryContext.getGroupTrimThreshold();
} else {
// Server trim is disabled
_trimSize = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
_trimThreshold = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
AggregationFunction[] aggregationFunctions = _queryContext.getAggregationFunctions();
assert aggregationFunctions != null;
_numAggregationFunctions = aggregationFunctions.length;
assert _queryContext.getGroupByExpressions() != null;
_numGroupByExpressions = _queryContext.getGroupByExpressions().size();
_numColumns = _numGroupByExpressions + _numAggregationFunctions;
_operatorLatch = new CountDownLatch(_numTasks);
* For group-by queries, when maxExecutionThreads is not explicitly configured, create one task per operator.
private static QueryContext overrideMaxExecutionThreads(QueryContext queryContext, int numOperators) {
int maxExecutionThreads = queryContext.getMaxExecutionThreads();
if (maxExecutionThreads <= 0) {
return queryContext;
public String toExplainString() {
* Executes query on one segment in a worker thread and merges the results into the indexed table.
protected void processSegments() {
int operatorId;
while ((operatorId = _nextOperatorId.getAndIncrement()) < _numOperators) {
Operator operator = _operators.get(operatorId);
try {
if (operator instanceof AcquireReleaseColumnsSegmentOperator) {
((AcquireReleaseColumnsSegmentOperator) operator).acquire();
GroupByResultsBlock resultsBlock = (GroupByResultsBlock) operator.nextBlock();
if (_indexedTable == null) {
synchronized (this) {
if (_indexedTable == null) {
DataSchema dataSchema = resultsBlock.getDataSchema();
// NOTE: Use trimSize as resultSize on server size.
if (_trimThreshold >= MAX_TRIM_THRESHOLD) {
// special case of trim threshold where it is set to max value.
// there won't be any trimming during upsert in this case.
// thus we can avoid the overhead of read-lock and write-lock
// in the upsert method.
_indexedTable = new UnboundedConcurrentIndexedTable(dataSchema, _queryContext, _trimSize);
} else {
_indexedTable =
new ConcurrentIndexedTable(dataSchema, _queryContext, _trimSize, _trimSize, _trimThreshold);
// Merge processing exceptions.
List<ProcessingException> processingExceptionsToMerge = resultsBlock.getProcessingExceptions();
if (processingExceptionsToMerge != null) {
// Set groups limit reached flag.
if (resultsBlock.isNumGroupsLimitReached()) {
_numGroupsLimitReached = true;
// Merge aggregation group-by result.
// Iterate over the group-by keys, for each key, update the group-by result in the indexedTable
Collection<IntermediateRecord> intermediateRecords = resultsBlock.getIntermediateRecords();
// Count the number of merged keys
int mergedKeys = 0;
// For now, only GroupBy OrderBy query has pre-constructed intermediate records
if (intermediateRecords == null) {
// Merge aggregation group-by result.
AggregationGroupByResult aggregationGroupByResult = resultsBlock.getAggregationGroupByResult();
if (aggregationGroupByResult != null) {
// Iterate over the group-by keys, for each key, update the group-by result in the indexedTable
Iterator<GroupKeyGenerator.GroupKey> dicGroupKeyIterator = aggregationGroupByResult.getGroupKeyIterator();
while (dicGroupKeyIterator.hasNext()) {
GroupKeyGenerator.GroupKey groupKey =;
Object[] keys = groupKey._keys;
Object[] values = Arrays.copyOf(keys, _numColumns);
int groupId = groupKey._groupId;
for (int i = 0; i < _numAggregationFunctions; i++) {
values[_numGroupByExpressions + i] = aggregationGroupByResult.getResultForGroupId(i, groupId);
_indexedTable.upsert(new Key(keys), new Record(values));
} else {
for (IntermediateRecord intermediateResult : intermediateRecords) {
//TODO: change upsert api so that it accepts intermediateRecord directly
_indexedTable.upsert(intermediateResult._key, intermediateResult._record);
} finally {
if (operator instanceof AcquireReleaseColumnsSegmentOperator) {
((AcquireReleaseColumnsSegmentOperator) operator).release();
// Check for thread interruption, every time after merging 10_000 keys
private void checkMergePhaseInterruption(int mergedKeys) {
if (mergedKeys % MAX_GROUP_BY_KEYS_MERGED_PER_INTERRUPTION_CHECK == 0 && Thread.interrupted()) {
throw new EarlyTerminationException();
protected void onException(Exception e) {
_mergedProcessingExceptions.add(QueryException.getException(QueryException.QUERY_EXECUTION_ERROR, e));
protected void onFinish() {
* {@inheritDoc}
* <p>Combines intermediate selection result blocks from underlying operators and returns a merged one.
* <ul>
* <li>
* Merges multiple intermediate selection result blocks as a merged one.
* </li>
* <li>
* Set all exceptions encountered during execution into the merged result block
* </li>
* </ul>
protected BaseResultsBlock mergeResults()
throws Exception {
long timeoutMs = _queryContext.getEndTimeMs() - System.currentTimeMillis();
boolean opCompleted = _operatorLatch.await(timeoutMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
if (!opCompleted) {
// If this happens, the broker side should already timed out, just log the error and return
String errorMessage =
String.format("Timed out while combining group-by order-by results after %dms, queryContext = %s", timeoutMs,
return new ExceptionResultsBlock(new TimeoutException(errorMessage));
IndexedTable indexedTable = _indexedTable;
if (!_queryContext.isServerReturnFinalResult()) {
} else {
indexedTable.finish(true, true);
GroupByResultsBlock mergedBlock = new GroupByResultsBlock(indexedTable);
// Set the processing exceptions.
if (!_mergedProcessingExceptions.isEmpty()) {
mergedBlock.setProcessingExceptions(new ArrayList<>(_mergedProcessingExceptions));
return mergedBlock;
protected void mergeResultsBlocks(GroupByResultsBlock mergedBlock, GroupByResultsBlock blockToMerge) {