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package org.apache.pinot.query;
import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;
public class QueryTestSet {
@DataProvider(name = "testSql")
public Object[][] provideTestSql() {
return new Object[][]{
// Order BY LIMIT
new Object[]{"SELECT * FROM b ORDER BY col1, col2 DESC LIMIT 3"},
new Object[]{"SELECT * FROM a ORDER BY col1, ts LIMIT 10"},
new Object[]{"SELECT * FROM a ORDER BY col1 LIMIT 20"},
// No match filter
new Object[]{"SELECT * FROM b WHERE col3 < 0.5"},
// Hybrid table
new Object[]{"SELECT * FROM d"},
// Specifically table A has 15 rows (10 on server1 and 5 on server2) and table B has 5 rows (all on server1),
// thus the final JOIN result will be 15 x 1 = 15.
// Next join with table C which has (5 on server1 and 10 on server2), since data is identical. each of the row
// of the A JOIN B will have identical value of col3 as table C.col3 has. Since the values are cycling between
// (1, 42, 1, 42, 1). we will have 9 1s, and 6 42s, total result count will be 9 * 9 + 6 * 6 = 117
new Object[]{"SELECT * FROM a JOIN b ON a.col1 = b.col1 JOIN c ON a.col3 = c.col3"},
// Reverse the order of join condition and join table order.
new Object[]{"SELECT * FROM a JOIN b ON b.col1 = a.col1 JOIN c ON c.col3 = a.col3"},
// Specifically table A has 15 rows (10 on server1 and 5 on server2) and table B has 5 rows (all on server1),
// thus the final JOIN result will be 15 x 1 = 15.
new Object[]{"SELECT * FROM a JOIN b on a.col1 = b.col1"},
// Query with function in JOIN keys, table A and B are both (1, 42, 1, 42, 1), with table A cycling 3 times.
// Because:
// - MOD(a.col3, 2) will have 6 (42)s equal to 0 and 9 (1)s equals to 1
// - MOD(b.col3, 3) will have 2 (42)s equal to 0 and 3 (1)s equals to 1;
// final results are 6 * 2 + 9 * 3 = 39 rows
new Object[]{"SELECT a.col1, a.col3, b.col3 FROM a JOIN b ON MOD(a.col3, 2) = MOD(b.col3, 3)"},
// Specifically table A has 15 rows (10 on server1 and 5 on server2) and table B has 5 rows (all on server1),
// thus the final JOIN result will be 15 x 1 = 15.
new Object[]{"SELECT * FROM a JOIN b on a.col1 = b.col1 AND a.col2 = b.col2"},
// Reverse the order of join condition and join table order.
new Object[]{"SELECT * FROM a JOIN b on b.col1 = a.col1 AND b.col2 = a.col2"},
new Object[]{"SELECT * FROM a LEFT JOIN b on a.col1 = b.col2"},
new Object[]{"SELECT a.col1, SUM(CASE WHEN b.col3 IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE b.col3 END) "
+ " FROM a LEFT JOIN b on a.col1 = b.col2 GROUP BY a.col1"},
// Specifically table A has 15 rows (10 on server1 and 5 on server2) and table B has 5 rows (all on server1),
// but only 1 out of 5 rows from table A will be selected out; and all in table B will be selected.
// thus the final JOIN result will be 1 x 3 x 1 = 3.
new Object[]{"SELECT a.col1, a.ts, b.col2, b.col3 FROM a JOIN b ON a.col1 = b.col2 "
+ " WHERE a.col3 >= 0 AND a.col2 = 'alice' AND b.col3 >= 0"},
// Join query with IN and Not-IN clause. Table A's side of join will return 9 rows and Table B's side will
// return 2 rows. Join will be only on col1=bar and since A will return 3 rows with that value and B will return
// 1 row, the final output will have 3 rows.
new Object[]{"SELECT a.col1, b.col2 FROM a JOIN b ON a.col1 = b.col1 "
+ " WHERE a.col1 IN ('foo', 'bar', 'alice') AND b.col2 NOT IN ('foo', 'alice')"},
// Same query as above but written using OR/AND instead of IN.
new Object[]{"SELECT a.col1, b.col2 FROM a JOIN b ON a.col1 = b.col1 "
+ " WHERE (a.col1 = 'foo' OR a.col1 = 'bar' OR a.col1 = 'alice') AND b.col2 != 'foo'"
+ " AND b.col2 != 'alice'"},
// Same as above but with single argument IN clauses. Left side of the join returns 3 rows, and the right side
// returns 5 rows. Only key where join succeeds is col1=foo, and since table B has only 1 row with that value,
// the number of rows should be 3.
new Object[]{"SELECT a.col1, b.col2 FROM a JOIN b ON a.col1 = b.col1 "
+ " WHERE a.col1 IN ('foo') AND b.col2 NOT IN ('')"},
// Range conditions with continuous and non-continuous range.
new Object[]{"SELECT a.col1, b.col2 FROM a JOIN b ON a.col1 = b.col1 "
+ " WHERE a.col3 IN (1, 2, 3) OR (a.col3 > 10 AND a.col3 < 50)"},
new Object[]{"SELECT col1, SUM(col3) FROM a WHERE a.col3 BETWEEN 23 AND 36 "
+ " GROUP BY col1 HAVING SUM(col3) > 10.0 AND MIN(col3) <> 123 AND MAX(col3) BETWEEN 10 AND 20"},
new Object[]{"SELECT col1, SUM(col3) FROM a WHERE (col3 > 0 AND col3 < 45) AND (col3 > 15 AND col3 < 50) "
+ " GROUP BY col1 HAVING (SUM(col3) > 10 AND SUM(col3) < 20) AND (SUM(col3) > 30 AND SUM(col3) < 40)"},
// Projection pushdown
new Object[]{"SELECT a.col1, a.col3 + a.col3 FROM a WHERE a.col3 >= 0 AND a.col2 = 'alice'"},
// Inequality JOIN & partial filter pushdown
new Object[]{"SELECT * FROM a JOIN b ON a.col1 = b.col2 WHERE a.col3 >= 0 AND a.col3 > b.col3"},
new Object[]{"SELECT * FROM a, b WHERE a.col1 > b.col2 AND a.col3 > b.col3"},
// Aggregation with group by
new Object[]{"SELECT a.col1, SUM(a.col3) FROM a WHERE a.col3 >= 0 GROUP BY a.col1"},
// Aggregation with multiple group key
new Object[]{"SELECT a.col2, a.col1, SUM(a.col3) FROM a WHERE a.col3 >= 0 GROUP BY a.col1, a.col2"},
// Aggregation without GROUP BY
new Object[]{"SELECT SUM(col3) FROM a WHERE a.col3 >= 0 AND a.col2 = 'alice'"},
// Aggregation with GROUP BY on a count star reference
new Object[]{"SELECT a.col1, COUNT(*) FROM a WHERE a.col3 >= 0 GROUP BY a.col1"},
// project in intermediate stage
// Specifically table A has 15 rows (10 on server1 and 5 on server2) and table B has 5 rows (all on server1),
// col1 on both are "foo", "bar", "alice", "bob", "charlie"
// col2 on both are "foo", "bar", "alice", "foo", "bar",
// filtered at : ^ ^
// thus the final JOIN result will have 6 rows: 3 "foo" <-> "foo"; and 3 "bob" <-> "bob"
new Object[]{"SELECT a.col1, a.col2, a.ts, b.col1, b.col3 FROM a JOIN b ON a.col1 = b.col2 "
+ " WHERE a.col3 >= 0 AND a.col2 = 'foo' AND b.col3 >= 0"},
// Making transform after JOIN, number of rows should be the same as JOIN result.
new Object[]{"SELECT a.col1, a.ts, a.col3 - b.col3 FROM a JOIN b ON a.col1 = b.col2 "
+ " WHERE a.col3 >= 0 AND b.col3 >= 0"},
// Making transform after GROUP-BY, number of rows should be the same as GROUP-BY result.
new Object[]{"SELECT a.col1, a.col2, SUM(a.col3) - MIN(a.col3) FROM a"
+ " WHERE a.col3 >= 0 GROUP BY a.col1, a.col2"},
// GROUP BY after JOIN
// - optimizable transport for GROUP BY key after JOIN, using SINGLETON exchange
// only 3 GROUP BY key exist because b.col2 cycles between "foo", "bar", "alice".
new Object[]{"SELECT a.col1, SUM(b.col3), COUNT(*), SUM(2) FROM a JOIN b ON a.col1 = b.col2 "
+ " WHERE a.col3 >= 0 GROUP BY a.col1"},
// - non-optimizable transport for GROUP BY key after JOIN, using HASH exchange
// only 2 GROUP BY key exist for b.col3.
new Object[]{"SELECT b.col3, SUM(a.col3) FROM a JOIN b"
+ " on a.col1 = b.col1 AND a.col2 = b.col2 GROUP BY b.col3"},
// Sub-query
new Object[]{"SELECT b.col1, b.col3, i.maxVal FROM b JOIN "
+ " (SELECT a.col2 AS joinKey, MAX(a.col3) AS maxVal FROM a GROUP BY a.col2) AS i "
+ " ON b.col1 = i.joinKey"},
// Sub-query with IN clause to SEMI JOIN.
new Object[]{"SELECT b.col1, b.col2, SUM(b.col3) * 100 / COUNT(b.col3) FROM b WHERE b.col1 IN "
+ " (SELECT a.col2 FROM a WHERE a.col2 != 'foo') GROUP BY b.col1, b.col2"},
new Object[]{"SELECT SUM(b.col3) FROM b WHERE b.col3 > (SELECT AVG(a.col3) FROM a WHERE a.col2 != 'bar')"},
// Aggregate query with HAVING clause, "foo" and "bar" occurred 6/2 times each and "alice" occurred 3/1 times
// numbers are cycle in (1, 42, 1, 42, 1), and (foo, bar, alice, foo, bar)
// - COUNT(*) < 5 matches "alice" (3 times)
// - COUNT(*) > 5 matches "foo" and "bar" (6 times); so both will be selected out SUM(a.col3) = (1 + 42) * 3
// - last condition doesn't match anything.
// total to 3 rows.
new Object[]{"SELECT a.col2, COUNT(*), MAX(a.col3), MIN(a.col3), SUM(a.col3) FROM a GROUP BY a.col2 "
+ "HAVING COUNT(*) < 5 OR (COUNT(*) > 5 AND SUM(a.col3) >= 10)"
+ "OR (MIN(a.col3) != 20 AND SUM(a.col3) = 100)"},
new Object[]{"SELECT COUNT(*) AS Count, MAX(a.col3) AS \"max\" FROM a GROUP BY a.col2 "
+ "HAVING Count > 1 AND \"max\" < 50"},
// Order-by
new Object[]{"SELECT a.col1, a.col3, b.col3 FROM a JOIN b ON a.col1 = b.col1 ORDER BY a.col3, b.col3 DESC"},
new Object[]{"SELECT MAX(a.col3) FROM a GROUP BY a.col2 ORDER BY MAX(a.col3) - MIN(a.col3)"},
// Test CAST
// - implicit CAST
new Object[]{"SELECT a.col1, a.col2, AVG(a.col3) FROM a GROUP BY a.col1, a.col2"},
new Object[]{"SELECT a.col1 FROM a WHERE a.col3 >= 0.5 AND a.col3 < 0.7 OR a.col3 = 42.0"},
new Object[]{"SELECT a.col1, SUM(a.col3) FROM a GROUP BY a.col1 "
+ " HAVING MIN(a.col3) > 0.5 AND MIN(a.col3) <> 0.7 OR MIN(a.col3) > 30"},
// - explicit CAST
new Object[]{"SELECT a.col1, CAST(SUM(a.col3) AS BIGINT) FROM a GROUP BY a.col1"},
// - distinct value done via GROUP BY with empty expr aggregation list.
new Object[]{"SELECT a.col2, a.col3 FROM a JOIN b ON a.col1 = b.col1 "
+ " WHERE b.col3 > 0 GROUP BY a.col2, a.col3"},
// Test optimized constant literal.
new Object[]{"SELECT col1 FROM a WHERE col3 > 0 AND col3 < -5"},
new Object[]{"SELECT COALESCE(SUM(col3), 0) FROM a WHERE col1 = 'foo' AND col1 = 'bar'"},
new Object[]{"SELECT col1, COUNT(col3) FROM a GROUP BY col1 HAVING SUM(col3) > 40 AND SUM(col3) < 30"},