Update slack invite link (#137)

2 files changed
tree: f7656d31eae8f32b9f1af0059a2892c8c60070b6
  1. .github/
  2. .husky/
  3. .vscode/
  4. .yarn/
  5. app/
  6. components/
  7. css/
  8. data/
  9. layouts/
  10. public/
  11. scripts/
  12. .env.example
  13. .eslintignore
  14. .eslintrc.js
  15. .gitattributes
  16. .gitignore
  17. .hintrc
  18. .nvmrc
  19. .yarnrc.yml
  20. components.json
  21. contentlayer.config.ts
  23. jsconfig.json
  25. next-env.d.ts
  26. next.config.js
  27. package.json
  28. postcss.config.js
  29. prettier.config.js
  30. PROPOSALS.md
  31. README.md
  32. RELEASE.md
  33. tailwind.config.ts
  34. tsconfig.json
  35. yarn.lock

Apache Pinot Website


This is the private repository for the Apache Pinot blog and documentation website. It contains all the source code and materials required for the development and deployment of the site. The website serves as a central platform for the Apache Pinot community to access the blog posts, tutorials, and comprehensive documentation.

Apache Pinot is an open-source, distributed OLAP datastore designed to deliver real-time analytics with low latency and high throughput. The goal of this website is to provide an informative, responsive, and engaging user experience to all community members.

Getting Started


Before proceeding, make sure you have the following prerequisites installed:

  • Node.js v20
  • Yarn package manager
  • A preferred IDE (e.g., VSCode, WebStorm)

The project utilizes the following technologies:

  • Next.js v14 (with app router): A React framework designed for production environments.
  • TypeScript: A statically typed superset of JavaScript for writing clear and defined code.
  • TailwindCSS: A utility-first CSS framework that enables rapid UI development.
  • ContentLayer: A content management toolkit that simplifies content handling in modern web applications.
  • shadcn UI Components: A suite of pre-built, customizable UI components.
  • Custom Components: Specialised components developed to cater to the unique needs of the Apache Pinot website.


The codebase provides a .nvmrc file. Therefore, if you have nvm installed, simply run nvm use in your terminal in order to use the preferred Node version.


Clone the repository and install dependencies to set up your local development environment:

    git clone https://github.com/startreedata/pinot-docs-site-prototype
    cd pinot-docs-site
    yarn install

Running the Application

To start the development server:

    yarn dev

Visit http://localhost:3000 in your browser to view the website. The development server features hot-reloading to reflect changes instantly.

Building for Production

Generate a production build using:

    yarn build

Then, launch the production server with:

    yarn serve


Execute the test suite with:

    yarn test

Please ensure all tests pass before merging any changes to maintain the integrity of the application.

Code Quality with ESLint and Prettier

To maintain high code quality and consistent styling, we use ESLint for static code analysis and Prettier for formatting. Run the following commands to check and fix linting and formatting issues:

    yarn lint
    yarn check
    yarn format


Additionally, Husky is used to apply pre-commit and pre-push hooks to run linting and formatting checks, ensuring that issues are caught early on.

When you clone the repository and run yarn install, Husky will automatically set up the Git hooks defined in our configuration.

Husky Hooks

Our current Husky setup includes the following hooks:

  • pre-commit: Runs ESLint and Prettier to check and format staged files.
  • pre-push: Executes the test suite to ensure all tests pass before allowing a push to the repository.

If you encounter any issues with your commit due to these hooks, please address the reported issues before proceeding. If the hooks alter your files, you will need to add the changes to your commit:

    git add .
    git commit -m "Your commit message"

Running the commands above will re-run the hooks, and if no issues are detected, your commit will be successful.

For more information on Husky and how to customize its behavior, see the Husky documentation https://typicode.github.io/husky/.


The website is deployed using Vercel, which offers direct integration with Next.js projects. For deployment instructions, refer to Vercel's official documentation https://vercel.com/docs.

Writing Blog Post

Please find our guide about writing blog posts in CONTRIBUTION.md in this project.

Releaseing New Apache Pinot

Please find our guide about releasing a new version of Apache Pinot in RELEASE.md in this project.


Should you require any support, please get in touch with DevRel Team.