How to Release a New Version of Apache Pinot

This guide will walk you through the process of releasing a new version of Apache Pinot.

1. Create the Release Note

Create a new .mdx file for the release. The file should be named with the version it goes by, for example: 1.1.0.mdx.

2. Frontmatter Configuration

Each release note requires specific metadata in the frontmatter. Here's the structure you should follow:

    version: '1.1.0' # Version of your release
    date: '3/25/2024' # Date of the release
    href: '' # Example
        download: '' # Example
        sha512: '' # Example
        asc: '' # Example
        download: '' # Example
        sha512: '' # Example
        asc: '' # Example
    releaseNotes: 'This release includes new multi-stage query engine features, enhancements, and bug fixes.' # Release Note Example

Submitting Your Release

  1. Create a New Branch: Create a new branch for your blog post.

  2. Commit Your Changes: Add your .mdx file in data/download folder to the branch. Commit the changes with a clear commit message.

  3. Raise a Pull Request (PR): Submit a PR to the Apache Pinot repository from your branch. Ensure your PR title and description are clear and concise.

  4. PR Review: Wait for the maintainers to review your PR. They might request changes or edits. Be responsive to feedback.

  5. Approval and Merge: Once your PR is approved, it will be merged, and your RELEASE will be published on the Apache Pinot website, under the Download page.

Suggesting Improvements

If you have suggestions for improving the blog contribution process or the guide itself, please feel free to raise an issue or submit a PR with your proposed changes.