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<title>PigUnit - Pig script testing simplified.</title>
<p>PigUnit is a simple xUnit framework that enables you to easily test your Pig scripts.
PigUnit you can perform unit testing, regression testing, and rapid prototyping.
No cluster
set up is required if you run Pig in local mode.
<title>PigUnit Example</title>
<p>We want to compute a top N of the most common queries.
The Pig script is basic and very
similar to the Query Phrase Popularity in the Pig tutorial.
expects in input a file of
queries and a parameter n
(n is 2 in our case in order to do a top 2).
<p>Setting up a test for this script is simple as the argument and the input data are
specified by just two arrays of text. It is the same for the expected output of the
that will be compared to the actual result of the execution of the Pig script.
Many examples are available in the
>PigUnit tests</a>
<title>Java test</title>
public void testTop2Queries() {
String[] args = {
PigTest test = new PigTest("top_queries.pig", args);
String[] input = {
String[] output = {
test.assertOutput("data", input, "queries_limit", output);
data =
LOAD 'input'
queries_group =
GROUP data
BY query;
queries_count =
FOREACH queries_group
group AS query,
COUNT(data) AS total;
queries_ordered =
ORDER queries_count
BY total DESC, query;
queries_limit =
LIMIT queries_ordered $n;
STORE queries_limit INTO 'output';
<p>Then the test can be executed by JUnit (or any other Java testing framework). It
<p>It takes about 25s to run and should pass.
In case of error (for example change the
parameter n to n=3),
the diff of output is displayed:
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: null expected:&lt;...ahoo,3)
(facebook,2)[]&gt; but was:&lt;...ahoo,3)
at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
at org.apache.pig.pigunit.PigTest.assertEquals(
<title>Running in Local Mode</title>
Pig runs in local mode by default.
Local mode is fast and enables you to use your local file
system as the HDFS cluster.
Local mode does not require a real cluster but a new local one is
created each time.
<title>Running in Mapreduce Mode</title>
<p>Pig also runs in mapreduce mode.
This mode requires you to use a Hadoop cluster.
The cluster
you select must be specified in the CLASSPATH
(similar to the HADOOP_CONF_DIR variable).
<p>Notice that PigUnit comes with a standalone MiniCluster that
can be started
externally with:
java -cp .../pig.jar:.../pigunit.jar org.apache.pig.pigunit.MiniClusterRunner
<p>This is useful when doing some prototyping in order to have a test cluster
<title>Building PigUnit</title>
<p>To compile PigUnit (pigunit.jar), run this command from the Pig trunk:</p>
$pig_trunk ant pigunit-jar
<title>Troubleshooting Tips</title>
<p>Common problems you may encounter are discussed below.</p>
<title>Classpath in Mapreduce mode</title>
<p>When using PigUnit in mapreduce mode, be sure to include the $HADOOP_CONF_DIR of the
cluster in your CLASSPATH.</p>
MiniCluster generates one in build/classes.
org.apache.pig.backend.executionengine.ExecException: ERROR 4010: Cannot find hadoop configurations in classpath (neither hadoop-site.xml nor core-site.xml was found in the classpath).If you plan to use local mode, please put -x local option in command line
<title>UDF jars Not Found</title>
<p>This error means that you are missing some jars in your test environment.</p>
WARN util.JarManager: Couldn't find the jar for org.apache.pig.piggybank.evaluation.string.LOWER, skip it
<title>Storing data</title>
<p>Pig currently drops all STORE and DUMP commands. You can tell PigUnit to keep the
commands and execute the script:</p>
test = new PigTest(PIG_SCRIPT, args);
<title>Cache archive</title>
<p>For cache archive to work, your test environment needs to have the cache archive options
specified by Java properties or in an additional XML configuration in its CLASSPATH.</p>
<p>If you use a local cluster, you need to set the required environment variables before
starting it:</p>
<source>export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/path/to/lib</source>
<title>Future Enhancements</title>
<p>Improvement and other components based on PigUnit that could be built later.</p>
<p>For example, we could build a PigTestCase and PigTestSuite on top of PigTest to:</p>
<li>Add the notion of workspaces for each test.</li>
<li>Remove the boiler plate code appearing when there is more than one test methods.</li>
<li>Add a standalone utility that reads test configurations and generates a test report.