blob: 99423b33ad97173c4a3c541f0c458211b08561c6 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package LocalDeployer;
use IPC::Run qw(run);
use TestDeployer;
use strict;
use English;
our @ISA = "TestDeployer";
# Class: LocalDeployer
# Deploy the Pig harness to a cluster and database that already exists.
# Sub: new
# Constructor
# Paramaters:
# None
# Returns:
# None.
sub new
my $proto = shift;
my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
my $self = {};
bless($self, $class);
return $self;
# Sub: checkPrerequisites
# Check any prerequisites before a deployment is begun. For example if a
# particular deployment required the use of a database system it could
# check here that the db was installed and accessible.
# Paramaters:
# globalHash - hash from config file, including deployment config
# log - log file handle
# Returns:
# None
sub checkPrerequisites
# Sub: deploy
# Deploy any required packages
# This is a no-op in this case because we're assuming both the cluster and the
# database already exist
# Paramaters:
# globalHash - hash from config file, including deployment config
# log - log file handle
# Returns:
# None
sub deploy
# Sub: start
# Start any software modules that are needed.
# This is a no-op in this case because we're assuming both the cluster and the
# database already exist
# Paramaters:
# globalHash - hash from config file, including deployment config
# log - log file handle
# Returns:
# None
sub start
# Sub: generateData
# Generate any data needed for this test run.
# Paramaters:
# globalHash - hash from config file, including deployment config
# log - log file handle
# Returns:
# None
sub generateData
my ($self, $cfg, $log) = @_;
my @tables = (
'name' => "studenttab10k",
'filetype' => "studenttab",
'rows' => 10000,
'outfile' => "singlefile/studenttab10k",
}, {
'name' => "studenttab20m",
'filetype' => "studenttab",
'rows' => 20000000,
'outfile' => "singlefile/studenttab20m",
}, {
'name' => "votertab10k",
'filetype' => "votertab",
'rows' => 10000,
'outfile' => "singlefile/votertab10k",
}, {
'name' => "studentcolon10k",
'filetype' => "studentcolon",
'rows' => 10000,
'outfile' => "singlefile/studentcolon10k",
}, {
'name' => "textdoc",
'filetype' => "textdoc",
'rows' => 10000,
'outfile' => "singlefile/textdoc",
}, {
'name' => "reg1459894",
'filetype' => "reg1459894",
'rows' => 1000,
'outfile' => "singlefile/reg1459894",
}, {
'name' => "studenttabdir10k",
'filetype' => "studenttab",
'rows' => 10000,
'outfile' => "dir/studenttab10k",
}, {
'name' => "studenttabsomegood",
'filetype' => "studenttab",
'rows' => 1000,
'outfile' => "glob/star/somegood/studenttab",
}, {
'name' => "studenttabmoregood",
'filetype' => "studenttab",
'rows' => 1001,
'outfile' => "glob/star/moregood/studenttab",
}, {
'name' => "studenttabbad",
'filetype' => "studenttab",
'rows' => 1002,
'outfile' => "glob/star/bad/studenttab",
}, {
'name' => "fileexists",
'filetype' => "studenttab",
'rows' => 1,
'outfile' => "singlefile/fileexists",
}, {
'name' => "nameMap",
'filetype' => "studenttab",
'rows' => 1,
'hdfs' => "nameMap/part-00000",
'name' => "unicode100",
'filetype' => "unicode",
'rows' => 100,
'outfile' => "singlefile/unicode100",
}, {
'name' => "studentctrla10k",
'filetype' => "studentctrla",
'rows' => 10000,
'outfile' => "singlefile/studentctrla10k",
}, {
'name' => "studentcomplextab10k",
'filetype' => "studentcomplextab",
'rows' => 10000,
'outfile' => "singlefile/studentcomplextab10k",
}, {
'name' => "studentnulltab10k",
'filetype' => "studentnulltab",
'rows' => 10000,
'outfile' => "singlefile/studentnulltab10k",
}, {
'name' => "voternulltab10k",
'filetype' => "voternulltab",
'rows' => 10000,
'outfile' => "singlefile/voternulltab10k",
}, {
'name' => "allscalar10k",
'filetype' => "allscalar",
'rows' => 10000,
'outfile' => "singlefile/allscalar10k",
}, {
'name' => "numbers.txt",
'filetype' => "numbers",
'rows' => 5000,
'outfile' => "types/numbers.txt",
}, {
'name' => "biggish",
'filetype' => "biggish",
'rows' => 1000000,
'outfile' => "singlefile/biggish",
}, {
'name' => "prerank",
'filetype' => "ranking",
'rows' => 30,
'outfile' => "singlefile/prerank",
# Create the target directories
for my $dir ("singlefile", "dir", "types", "glob/star/somegood",
"glob/star/moregood", "glob/star/bad") {
my @cmd = ("mkdir", "-p", "$cfg->{'inpathbase'}/$dir");
$self->runCmd($log, \@cmd);
foreach my $table (@tables) {
print "Generating data for $table->{'name'}\n";
# Generate the data
my @cmd = ($cfg->{'gentool'}, $table->{'filetype'}, $table->{'rows'},
$self->runCmd($log, \@cmd);
# Move the data to its desitination
my @cmd = ('mv', $table->{'name'},
$cfg->{'inpathbase'} . "/" . $table->{'outfile'});
$self->runCmd($log, \@cmd);
# Sub: confirmDeployment
# Run checks to confirm that the deployment was successful. When this is
# done the testing environment should be ready to run.
# Paramaters:
# globalHash - hash from config file, including deployment config
# log - log file handle
# Returns:
# Nothing
# This method should die with an appropriate error message if there is
# an issue.
sub confirmDeployment
# Sub: deleteData
# Remove any data created that will not be removed by undeploying.
# Paramaters:
# globalHash - hash from config file, including deployment config
# log - log file handle
# Returns:
# None
sub deleteData
# Sub: stop
# Stop any servers or systems that are no longer needed once testing is
# completed.
# Paramaters:
# globalHash - hash from config file, including deployment config
# log - log file handle
# Returns:
# None
sub stop
# Sub: undeploy
# Remove any packages that were installed as part of the deployment.
# Paramaters:
# globalHash - hash from config file, including deployment config
# log - log file handle
# Returns:
# None
sub undeploy
# Sub: confirmUndeployment
# Run checks to confirm that the undeployment was successful. When this is
# done anything that must be turned off or removed should be turned off or
# removed.
# Paramaters:
# globalHash - hash from config file, including deployment config
# log - log file handle
# Returns:
# Nothing
# This method should die with an appropriate error message if there is
# an issue.
sub confirmUndeployment
sub runCmd($$$)
my ($self, $log, $cmd) = @_;
print $log "Going to run " . join(" ", @$cmd) . "\n";
run($cmd, \undef, $log, $log) or
die "Failed running " . join(" ", @$cmd) . "\n";