blob: 6cb39464bd641914cbfd3cff5236eebac385cc51 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package org.apache.pig.test;
import static org.apache.pig.builtin.mock.Storage.resetData;
import static org.apache.pig.builtin.mock.Storage.tuple;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.pig.ExecType;
import org.apache.pig.PigException;
import org.apache.pig.PigServer;
import org.apache.pig.backend.executionengine.ExecException;
import org.apache.pig.builtin.mock.Storage.Data;
import org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.schema.Schema;
import org.apache.pig.impl.util.LogUtils;
import org.apache.pig.impl.util.Utils;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.Operator;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LOJoin;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LogicalPlan;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LOJoin.JOINTYPE;
import org.apache.pig.parser.ParserException;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.JUnit4;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
* Test cases to test join statement
public class TestJoin extends TestCase {
static MiniCluster cluster;
private PigServer pigServer;
TupleFactory mTf = TupleFactory.getInstance();
BagFactory mBf = BagFactory.getInstance();
ExecType[] execTypes = new ExecType[] {ExecType.LOCAL, ExecType.MAPREDUCE};
public void setUp() throws Exception{
FileLocalizer.setR(new Random());
public static void oneTimeTearDown() throws Exception {
private void setUp(ExecType execType) throws ExecException {
// cause a reinitialization of FileLocalizer's
// internal state
if(execType == ExecType.MAPREDUCE) {
cluster = MiniCluster.buildCluster();
pigServer = new PigServer(ExecType.MAPREDUCE, cluster.getProperties());
} else if(execType == ExecType.LOCAL) {
pigServer = new PigServer(ExecType.LOCAL);
private String createInputFile(ExecType execType, String fileNameHint, String[] data) throws IOException {
String fileName = "";
if(execType == ExecType.MAPREDUCE) {
Util.createInputFile(cluster, fileNameHint, data);
fileName = fileNameHint;
} else if (execType == ExecType.LOCAL) {
File f = Util.createInputFile("test", fileNameHint, data);
fileName = Util.generateURI(Util.encodeEscape(f.getAbsolutePath()), pigServer.getPigContext());
return fileName;
private void deleteInputFile(ExecType execType, String fileName) throws IOException {
if(execType == ExecType.MAPREDUCE) {
Util.deleteFile(cluster, fileName);
} else if(execType == ExecType.LOCAL){
fileName = fileName.replace("file://", "");
new File(fileName).delete();
public void testJoinWithMissingFieldsInTuples() throws IOException{
String[] input1 = {
"ff ff ff",
"ff ff ff",
String[] input2 = {
String firstInput = createInputFile(ExecType.MAPREDUCE, "a.txt", input1);
String secondInput = createInputFile(ExecType.MAPREDUCE, "b.txt", input2);
String script = "a = load 'a.txt' using PigStorage(' ');" +
"b = load 'b.txt' using PigStorage('\u0001');" +
"c = join a by $0, b by $0;";
Util.registerMultiLineQuery(pigServer, script);
Iterator<Tuple> it = pigServer.openIterator("c");
deleteInputFile(ExecType.MAPREDUCE, firstInput);
deleteInputFile(ExecType.MAPREDUCE, secondInput);
public void testJoinUnkownSchema() throws Exception {
// If any of the input schema is unknown, the resulting schema should be unknown as well
for (ExecType execType : execTypes) {
String script = "a = load 'a.txt';" +
"b = load 'b.txt'; " +
"c = join a by $0, b by $0;";
Util.registerMultiLineQuery(pigServer, script);
Schema schema = pigServer.dumpSchema("c");
assertTrue(schema == null);
public void testDefaultJoin() throws IOException, ParserException {
for (ExecType execType : execTypes) {
String[] input1 = {
String[] input2 = {
String firstInput = createInputFile(execType, "a.txt", input1);
String secondInput = createInputFile(execType, "b.txt", input2);
Tuple expectedResult = (Tuple)Util.getPigConstant("('hello',1,'hello','world')");
// with schema
String script = "a = load '"+ Util.encodeEscape(firstInput) +"' as (n:chararray, a:int); " +
"b = load '"+ Util.encodeEscape(secondInput) +"' as (n:chararray, m:chararray); " +
"c = join a by $0, b by $0;";
Util.registerMultiLineQuery(pigServer, script);
Iterator<Tuple> it = pigServer.openIterator("c");
assertEquals(true, it.hasNext());
assertEquals(false, it.hasNext());
// without schema
script = "a = load '"+ Util.encodeEscape(firstInput) + "'; " +
"b = load '" + Util.encodeEscape(secondInput) + "'; " +
"c = join a by $0, b by $0;";
Util.registerMultiLineQuery(pigServer, script);
it = pigServer.openIterator("c");
assertEquals(true, it.hasNext());
assertEquals(false, it.hasNext());
deleteInputFile(execType, firstInput);
deleteInputFile(execType, secondInput);
public void testJoinSchema() throws Exception {
for (ExecType execType : execTypes) {
String[] input1 = {
String[] input2 = {
String firstInput = createInputFile(execType, "a.txt", input1);
String secondInput = createInputFile(execType, "b.txt", input2);
Tuple expectedResult = (Tuple)Util.getPigConstant("(1,2,1,'hello',1,2,1,'hello')");
// with schema
String script = "a = load '"+ Util.encodeEscape(firstInput) +"' as (i:int, j:int); " +
"b = load '"+ Util.encodeEscape(secondInput) +"' as (k:int, l:chararray); " +
"c = join a by $0, b by $0;" +
"d = foreach c generate i,j,k,l,a::i as ai,a::j as aj,b::k as bk,b::l as bl;";
Util.registerMultiLineQuery(pigServer, script);
Iterator<Tuple> it = pigServer.openIterator("d");
assertEquals(true, it.hasNext());
assertEquals(false, it.hasNext());
// schema with duplicates
script = "a = load '"+ Util.encodeEscape(firstInput) +"' as (i:int, j:int); " +
"b = load '"+ Util.encodeEscape(secondInput) +"' as (i:int, l:chararray); " +
"c = join a by $0, b by $0;" +
"d = foreach c generate i,j,l,a::i as ai,a::j as aj,b::i as bi,b::l as bl;";
boolean exceptionThrown = false;
Util.registerMultiLineQuery(pigServer, script);
}catch (Exception e) {
PigException pe = LogUtils.getPigException(e);
assertEquals(1025, pe.getErrorCode());
exceptionThrown = true;
assertEquals(true, exceptionThrown);
// schema with duplicates with resolution
script = "a = load '"+ Util.encodeEscape(firstInput) +"' as (i:int, j:int); " +
"b = load '"+ Util.encodeEscape(secondInput) +"' as (i:int, l:chararray); " +
"c = join a by $0, b by $0;" +
"d = foreach c generate a::i as ai1,j,b::i as bi1,l,a::i as ai2,a::j as aj2,b::i as bi3,b::l as bl3;";
Util.registerMultiLineQuery(pigServer, script);
it = pigServer.openIterator("d");
assertEquals(true, it.hasNext());
assertEquals(false, it.hasNext());
deleteInputFile(execType, firstInput);
deleteInputFile(execType, secondInput);
public void testJoinSchema2() throws Exception {
// test join where one load does not have schema
ExecType execType = ExecType.LOCAL;
setUp(execType );
String[] input1 = {
String[] input2 = {
String firstInput = createInputFile(execType, "a.txt", input1);
String secondInput = createInputFile(execType, "b.txt", input2);
Tuple expectedResultCharArray =
Tuple expectedResult = TupleFactory.getInstance().newTuple();
for(Object field : expectedResultCharArray.getAll()){
expectedResult.append(new DataByteArray(field.toString()));
// with schema
String script = "a = load '"+ Util.encodeEscape(firstInput) +"' ; " +
//re-using alias a for new operator below, doing this intentionally
// because such use case has been seen
"a = foreach a generate $0 as i, $1 as j ;" +
"b = load '"+ Util.encodeEscape(secondInput) +"' as (k, l); " +
"c = join a by $0, b by $0;" +
"d = foreach c generate i,j,k,l,a::i as ai,a::j as aj,b::k as bk,b::l as bl;";
Util.registerMultiLineQuery(pigServer, script);
Iterator<Tuple> it = pigServer.openIterator("d");
assertEquals(true, it.hasNext());
Tuple res =;
assertEquals(expectedResult, res);
assertEquals(false, it.hasNext());
deleteInputFile(execType, firstInput);
deleteInputFile(execType, secondInput);
public void testLeftOuterJoin() throws Exception {
for (ExecType execType : execTypes) {
String[] input1 = {
String[] input2 = {
String firstInput = createInputFile(execType, "a.txt", input1);
String secondInput = createInputFile(execType, "b.txt", input2);
List<Tuple> expectedResults = Util.getTuplesFromConstantTupleStrings(
new String[] {
// with and without optional outer
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
//with schema
String script = "a = load '"+ Util.encodeEscape(firstInput) +"' as (n:chararray, a:int); " +
"b = load '"+ Util.encodeEscape(secondInput) +"' as (n:chararray, m:chararray); ";
if(i == 0) {
script += "c = join a by $0 left outer, b by $0;" ;
} else {
script += "c = join a by $0 left, b by $0;" ;
script += "d = order c by $1;";
// ensure we parse correctly
Util.buildLp(pigServer, script);
// run query and test results only once
if(i == 0) {
Util.registerMultiLineQuery(pigServer, script);
Iterator<Tuple> it = pigServer.openIterator("d");
int counter= 0;
while(it.hasNext()) {
assertEquals(expectedResults.size(), counter);
// without schema
script = "a = load '"+ Util.encodeEscape(firstInput) +"'; " +
"b = load '"+ Util.encodeEscape(secondInput) +"'; ";
if(i == 0) {
script += "c = join a by $0 left outer, b by $0;" ;
} else {
script += "c = join a by $0 left, b by $0;" ;
try {
Util.registerMultiLineQuery(pigServer, script);
} catch (Exception e) {
PigException pe = LogUtils.getPigException(e);
assertEquals(1105, pe.getErrorCode());
deleteInputFile(execType, firstInput);
deleteInputFile(execType, secondInput);
public void testRightOuterJoin() throws Exception {
for (ExecType execType : execTypes) {
String[] input1 = {
String[] input2 = {
String firstInput = createInputFile(execType, "a.txt", input1);
String secondInput = createInputFile(execType, "b.txt", input2);
List<Tuple> expectedResults = Util.getTuplesFromConstantTupleStrings(
new String[] {
// with and without optional outer
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
// with schema
String script = "a = load '"+ Util.encodeEscape(firstInput) +"' as (n:chararray, a:int); " +
"b = load '"+ Util.encodeEscape(secondInput) +"' as (n:chararray, m:chararray); ";
if(i == 0) {
script += "c = join a by $0 right outer, b by $0;" ;
} else {
script += "c = join a by $0 right, b by $0;" ;
script += "d = order c by $3;";
// ensure we parse correctly
Util.buildLp(pigServer, script);
// run query and test results only once
if(i == 0) {
Util.registerMultiLineQuery(pigServer, script);
Iterator<Tuple> it = pigServer.openIterator("d");
int counter= 0;
while(it.hasNext()) {
assertEquals(expectedResults.size(), counter);
// without schema
script = "a = load '"+ Util.encodeEscape(firstInput) +"'; " +
"b = load '"+ Util.encodeEscape(secondInput) +"'; " ;
if(i == 0) {
script += "c = join a by $0 right outer, b by $0;" ;
} else {
script += "c = join a by $0 right, b by $0;" ;
try {
Util.registerMultiLineQuery(pigServer, script);
} catch (Exception e) {
PigException pe = LogUtils.getPigException(e);
assertEquals(1105, pe.getErrorCode());
deleteInputFile(execType, firstInput);
deleteInputFile(execType, secondInput);
public void testFullOuterJoin() throws Exception {
for (ExecType execType : execTypes) {
String[] input1 = {
String[] input2 = {
String firstInput = createInputFile(execType, "a.txt", input1);
String secondInput = createInputFile(execType, "b.txt", input2);
List<Tuple> expectedResults = Util.getTuplesFromConstantTupleStrings(
new String[] {
"(null,null,null,'evening')" ,
"(null,null,'good','morning')" ,
"('hello',1,'hello','world')" ,
"('bye',2,null,null)" ,
// with and without optional outer
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
// with schema
String script = "a = load '"+ Util.encodeEscape(firstInput) +"' as (n:chararray, a:int); " +
"b = load '"+ Util.encodeEscape(secondInput) +"' as (n:chararray, m:chararray); ";
if(i == 0) {
script += "c = join a by $0 full outer, b by $0;" ;
} else {
script += "c = join a by $0 full, b by $0;" ;
script += "d = order c by $1, $3;";
// ensure we parse correctly
Util.buildLp(pigServer, script);
// run query and test results only once
if(i == 0) {
Util.registerMultiLineQuery(pigServer, script);
Iterator<Tuple> it = pigServer.openIterator("d");
int counter= 0;
while(it.hasNext()) {
assertEquals(expectedResults.size(), counter);
// without schema
script = "a = load '"+ Util.encodeEscape(firstInput) +"'; " +
"b = load '"+ Util.encodeEscape(secondInput) +"'; " ;
if(i == 0) {
script += "c = join a by $0 full outer, b by $0;" ;
} else {
script += "c = join a by $0 full, b by $0;" ;
try {
Util.registerMultiLineQuery(pigServer, script);
} catch (Exception e) {
PigException pe = LogUtils.getPigException(e);
assertEquals(1105, pe.getErrorCode());
deleteInputFile(execType, firstInput);
deleteInputFile(execType, secondInput);
public void testMultiOuterJoinFailure() throws ExecException {
String[] types = new String[] { "left", "right", "full" };
String query = "a = load 'a.txt' as (n:chararray, a:int);\n" +
"b = load 'b.txt' as (n:chararray, m:chararray);\n"+
"c = load 'c.txt' as (n:chararray, m:chararray);\n";
for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
boolean errCaught = false;
try {
String q = query +
"d = join a by $0 " + types[i] + " outer, b by $0, c by $0;" +
"store d into 'output';";
Util.buildLp(pigServer, q);
} catch(Exception e) {
errCaught = true;
assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("mismatched input ',' expecting SEMI_COLON"));
assertEquals(true, errCaught);
public void testNonRegularOuterJoinFailure() throws ExecException {
String query = "a = load 'a.txt' as (n:chararray, a:int); "+
"b = load 'b.txt' as (n:chararray, m:chararray); ";
String[] types = new String[] { "left", "right", "full" };
String[] joinTypes = new String[] { "replicated", "repl"};
for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
for(int j = 0; j < joinTypes.length; j++) {
boolean errCaught = false;
try {
String q = query + "d = join a by $0 " +
types[i] + " outer, b by $0 using '" + joinTypes[j] +"';" +
"store d into 'output';";
Util.buildLp(pigServer, q);
} catch(Exception e) {
errCaught = true;
// This after adding support of LeftOuter Join to replicated Join
assertEquals(true, e.getMessage().contains("does not support (right|full) outer joins"));
assertEquals( i == 0 ? false : true, errCaught);
public void testJoinTupleFieldKey() throws Exception{
for (ExecType execType : execTypes) {
String[] input1 = {
String[] input2 = {
String firstInput = createInputFile(execType, "a.txt", input1);
String secondInput = createInputFile(execType, "b.txt", input2);
String script = "a = load '"+ Util.encodeEscape(firstInput) +"' as (a:tuple(a1:int, a2:chararray));" +
"b = load '"+ Util.encodeEscape(secondInput) +"' as (b:tuple(b1:int, b2:chararray));" +
"c = join a by a.a1, b by b.b1;";
Util.registerMultiLineQuery(pigServer, script);
Iterator<Tuple> it = pigServer.openIterator("c");
Tuple t =;
t =;
deleteInputFile(execType, firstInput);
deleteInputFile(execType, secondInput);
public void testJoinNullTupleFieldKey() throws Exception{
for (ExecType execType : execTypes) {
String[] input1 = {
String[] input2 = {
String firstInput = createInputFile(execType, "a.txt", input1);
String secondInput = createInputFile(execType, "b.txt", input2);
String script = "a = load '"+ Util.encodeEscape(firstInput) +"' as (a1:int, a2:chararray);" +
"b = load '"+ Util.encodeEscape(secondInput) +"' as (b1:int, b2:chararray);" +
"c = join a by (a1, a2), b by (b1, b2);";
Util.registerMultiLineQuery(pigServer, script);
Iterator<Tuple> it = pigServer.openIterator("c");
Tuple t =;
deleteInputFile(execType, firstInput);
deleteInputFile(execType, secondInput);
public void testLiteralsForJoinAlgoSpecification1() throws Exception {
String query = "a = load 'A'; " +
"b = load 'B'; " +
"c = Join a by $0, b by $0 using 'merge';" +
"store c into 'output';";
LogicalPlan lp = Util.buildLp(pigServer, query);
Operator store = lp.getSinks().get(0);
LOJoin join = (LOJoin)lp.getPredecessors( store ).get(0);
assertEquals(JOINTYPE.MERGE, join.getJoinType());
public void testLiteralsForJoinAlgoSpecification2() throws Exception {
String query = "a = load 'A'; " +
"b = load 'B'; " +
"c = Join a by $0, b by $0 using 'hash'; "+
"store c into 'output';";
LogicalPlan lp = Util.buildLp(pigServer, query);
Operator store = lp.getSinks().get(0);
LOJoin join = (LOJoin) lp.getPredecessors( store ).get(0);
assertEquals(JOINTYPE.HASH, join.getJoinType());
public void testLiteralsForJoinAlgoSpecification5() throws Exception {
String query = "a = load 'A'; " +
"b = load 'B'; " +
"c = Join a by $0, b by $0 using 'default'; "+
"store c into 'output';";
LogicalPlan lp = Util.buildLp(pigServer, query);
Operator store = lp.getSinks().get(0);
LOJoin join = (LOJoin) lp.getPredecessors( store ).get(0);
assertEquals(JOINTYPE.HASH, join.getJoinType());
public void testLiteralsForJoinAlgoSpecification3() throws Exception {
String query = "a = load 'A'; " +
"b = load 'B'; " +
"c = Join a by $0, b by $0 using 'repl'; "+
"store c into 'output';";
LogicalPlan lp = Util.buildLp(pigServer, query);
Operator store = lp.getSinks().get(0);
LOJoin join = (LOJoin) lp.getPredecessors( store ).get(0);
assertEquals(JOINTYPE.REPLICATED, join.getJoinType());
public void testLiteralsForJoinAlgoSpecification4() throws Exception {
String query = "a = load 'A'; " +
"b = load 'B'; " +
"c = Join a by $0, b by $0 using 'replicated'; "+
"store c into 'output';";
LogicalPlan lp = Util.buildLp(pigServer, query);
Operator store = lp.getSinks().get(0);
LOJoin join = (LOJoin) lp.getPredecessors( store ).get(0);
assertEquals(JOINTYPE.REPLICATED, join.getJoinType());
// See:
public void testIndirectSelfJoinRealias() throws Exception {
Data data = resetData(pigServer);
Set<Tuple> tuples = Sets.newHashSet(tuple("a"), tuple("b"), tuple("c"));
data.set("foo", Utils.getSchemaFromString("field1:chararray"), tuples);
pigServer.registerQuery("A = load 'foo' using mock.Storage();");
pigServer.registerQuery("B = foreach A generate *;");
pigServer.registerQuery("C = join A by field1, B by field1;");
assertEquals(Utils.getSchemaFromString("A::field1:chararray, B::field1:chararray"), pigServer.dumpSchema("C"));
pigServer.registerQuery("D = foreach C generate B::field1, A::field1 as field2;");
assertEquals(Utils.getSchemaFromString("B::field1:chararray, field2:chararray"), pigServer.dumpSchema("D"));
pigServer.registerQuery("E = foreach D generate field1, field2;");
assertEquals(Utils.getSchemaFromString("B::field1:chararray, field2:chararray"), pigServer.dumpSchema("E"));
pigServer.registerQuery("F = foreach E generate field2;");
Iterator<Tuple> it = pigServer.openIterator("F");
while (it.hasNext()) {