blob: 070f0567022e2ad7c1c53c6b8a2523faffe5c289 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.pig.pen;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.pig.impl.PigContext;
import org.apache.pig.impl.eval.ConstSpec;
import org.apache.pig.impl.eval.EvalSpec;
import org.apache.pig.impl.eval.FilterSpec;
import org.apache.pig.impl.eval.GenerateSpec;
import org.apache.pig.impl.eval.ProjectSpec;
import org.apache.pig.impl.eval.StarSpec;
import org.apache.pig.impl.eval.cond.AndCond;
import org.apache.pig.impl.eval.cond.CompCond;
import org.apache.pig.impl.eval.cond.Cond;
import org.apache.pig.impl.eval.cond.FalseCond;
import org.apache.pig.impl.eval.cond.FuncCond;
import org.apache.pig.impl.eval.cond.NotCond;
import org.apache.pig.impl.eval.cond.OrCond;
import org.apache.pig.impl.eval.cond.RegexpCond;
import org.apache.pig.impl.eval.cond.TrueCond;
import org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.LOCogroup;
import org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.LOEval;
import org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.LOLoad;
import org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.LOSort;
import org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.LOSplit;
import org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.LOStore;
import org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.LOUnion;
import org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.LogicalOperator;
import org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.OperatorKey;
import org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.schema.TupleSchema;
import org.apache.pig.impl.util.IdentityHashSet;
public class AugmentData {
static Map<LOLoad, DataBag> AugmentBaseData(LogicalOperator op, Map<LOLoad, DataBag> baseData, IdentityHashSet<Tuple> syntheticTuples, Map<LogicalOperator, DataBag> derivedData, PigContext pigContext) throws IOException {
Map<LOLoad, DataBag> newBaseData = new HashMap<LOLoad, DataBag>();
//AugmentBaseData(op, baseData, newBaseData, derivedData, new DataBag(), pigContext);
AugmentBaseData(op, baseData, newBaseData, derivedData, BagFactory.getInstance().newDefaultBag(), pigContext);
// merge base data and mark synthetic tuples
for (LOLoad load : baseData.keySet()) {
DataBag oldData = baseData.get(load);
DataBag newData = newBaseData.get(load);
if (newData == null) {
//newData = new DataBag();
newData = BagFactory.getInstance().newDefaultBag();
newBaseData.put(load, newData);
int newDataBoundary = newData.cardinality();
for(Iterator<Tuple> it = newData.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
// append oldData to newData
// mark synthetic tuples (this has to be done after, because once you open an iterator you are not allowed to add new tuples)
int i = 0;
for (Iterator<Tuple> it = newData.iterator(); it.hasNext() && i < newDataBoundary; ) {
return newBaseData;
// contract: each operator (1) tries to generate supplemental data that illustrates its semantics, and
// (2) ensures that its output is non-empty
// (if the operator is guaranteed to produce an output tuple if it is given at least one input tuple,
// it doesn't have to do anything special for #2 because the input operator is guaranteed to produce at least one output)
static void AugmentBaseData(LogicalOperator op, Map<LOLoad, DataBag> baseData, Map<LOLoad, DataBag> newBaseData, Map<LogicalOperator, DataBag> derivedData, DataBag outputConstraints, PigContext pigContext) throws IOException {
if (op instanceof LOLoad) AugmentBaseData((LOLoad) op, baseData, newBaseData, derivedData, outputConstraints, pigContext);
//else if (op instanceof LORead) AugmentBaseData((LORead) op, baseData, newBaseData, derivedData, outputConstraints, pigContext);
else if (op instanceof LOStore) AugmentBaseData((LOStore) op, baseData, newBaseData, derivedData, outputConstraints, pigContext);
else if (op instanceof LOCogroup) AugmentBaseData((LOCogroup) op, baseData, newBaseData, derivedData, outputConstraints, pigContext);
else if (op instanceof LOEval) AugmentBaseData((LOEval) op, baseData, newBaseData, derivedData, outputConstraints, pigContext);
else if (op instanceof LOSort) AugmentBaseData((LOSort) op, baseData, newBaseData, derivedData, outputConstraints, pigContext);
else if (op instanceof LOSplit) AugmentBaseData((LOSplit) op, baseData, newBaseData, derivedData, outputConstraints, pigContext);
else if (op instanceof LOUnion) AugmentBaseData((LOUnion) op, baseData, newBaseData, derivedData, outputConstraints, pigContext);
else throw new RuntimeException("Unrecognized logical operator.");
static void AugmentBaseData(LOLoad op, Map<LOLoad, DataBag> baseData, Map<LOLoad, DataBag> newBaseData, Map<LogicalOperator, DataBag> derivedData, DataBag outputConstraints, PigContext pigContext) throws IOException {
DataBag inputData = baseData.get(op);
//DataBag newInputData = new DataBag();
/*DataBag newInputData = BagFactory.getInstance().newDefaultBag();
newBaseData.put(op, newInputData);*/
DataBag newInputData = newBaseData.get(op);
if(newInputData == null) {
newInputData = BagFactory.getInstance().newDefaultBag();
newBaseData.put(op, newInputData);
TupleSchema schema = op.outputSchema();
// first of all, we are required to guarantee that there is at least one output tuple
if (outputConstraints.cardinality() == 0 && inputData.cardinality() == 0) {
outputConstraints.add(new Tuple(schema.numFields())); // add an output constraint for one tuple
// create example tuple to steal values from when we encounter "don't care" fields (i.e. null fields)
Tuple exampleTuple;
if (inputData.cardinality() > 0) {
// select first tuple from input data
exampleTuple = inputData.iterator().next();
} else {
// input data is empty, so make up a tuple
Tuple exampleT = new Tuple(schema.numFields());
exampleTuple = new ExampleTuple();
for (int i = 0; i < exampleTuple.arity(); i++) exampleTuple.setField(i, "0");
// run through output constraints; for each one synthesize a tuple and add it to the base data
// (while synthesizing individual fields, try to match fields that exist in the real data)
for (Iterator<Tuple> it = outputConstraints.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
Tuple outputConstraint =;
// sanity check:
if (outputConstraint.arity() != schema.numFields()) throw new RuntimeException("Internal error: incorrect number of fields in constraint tuple.");
Tuple inputT = new Tuple(outputConstraint.arity());
ExampleTuple inputTuple = new ExampleTuple();
for (int i = 0; i < inputTuple.arity(); i++) {
Datum d = outputConstraint.getField(i);
if (d == null) d = exampleTuple.getField(i);
inputTuple.setField(i, d);
if(inputTuple.equals(exampleTuple)) {
//System.out.println("Real tuple being copied!!");
} else {
/*static void AugmentBaseData(LORead op, Map<LOLoad, DataBag> baseData, Map<LOLoad, DataBag> newBaseData, Map<LogicalOperator, DataBag> derivedData, DataBag outputConstraints, PigContext pigContext) throws IOException {
LogicalOperator subPlan = ((LORead) op).getReadFrom().lp.getRoot();
AugmentBaseData(subPlan, baseData, newBaseData, derivedData, outputConstraints, pigContext);
static void AugmentBaseData(LOStore op, Map<LOLoad, DataBag> baseData, Map<LOLoad, DataBag> newBaseData, Map<LogicalOperator, DataBag> derivedData, DataBag outputConstraints, PigContext pigContext) throws IOException {
//LogicalOperator subPlan = op.getInputs().get(0);
LogicalOperator subPlan = op.getOpTable().get(op.getInputs().get(0));
AugmentBaseData(subPlan, baseData, newBaseData, derivedData, outputConstraints, pigContext);
static void AugmentBaseData(LOCogroup op, Map<LOLoad, DataBag> baseData, Map<LOLoad, DataBag> newBaseData, Map<LogicalOperator, DataBag> derivedData, DataBag outputConstraints, PigContext pigContext) throws IOException {
// ensure that every group is "big enough" to illustrate grouping/cogrouping semantics
//List<LogicalOperator> inputs = op.getInputs();
List<OperatorKey> inputs = op.getInputs();
int numInputs = inputs.size();
int minGroupSize = (numInputs > 1)? 1 : 2;
List<DataBag> inputConstraints = new ArrayList<DataBag>();
for (int i = 0; i < numInputs; i++) inputConstraints.add(BagFactory.getInstance().newDefaultBag());
// figure out some basic parameters of the grouping expression
boolean ableToHandle = true;
//List<ProjectSpec> groupSpecs = new ArrayList<ProjectSpec>(numInputs);
List<List<Integer>> groupSpecs = new ArrayList<List<Integer>>(numInputs);
int numGroupCols = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < numInputs; i++) {
ableToHandle = false;
GroupFunc func = op.getSpecs().get(i).groupFunc;
if (!func.getClass().getName().equals(GFNoop.class.getName())) {
ableToHandle = false;
// EvalSpec args = op.getSpecs().get(i).getArgs();
/*EvalSpec args = ((GenerateSpec)(op.getSpecs().get(i))).getSpecs().get(0);
if (!(args instanceof ProjectSpec)) {
ableToHandle = false;
int numGroupColsThisInput = ((ProjectSpec) args).numCols();
if (numGroupCols == -1) {
numGroupCols = numGroupColsThisInput;
} else {
if (numGroupColsThisInput != numGroupCols) {
ableToHandle = false;
groupSpecs.add((ProjectSpec) args);*/
List<Integer> cols = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for(Iterator<EvalSpec> it = ((GenerateSpec)(op.getSpecs().get(i))).getSpecs().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
EvalSpec arg =;
if(arg instanceof ProjectSpec) {
int numGroupColsThisInput = ((ProjectSpec) arg).numCols();
if (numGroupCols == -1) {
numGroupCols = numGroupColsThisInput;
} else {
if (numGroupColsThisInput != numGroupCols) {
ableToHandle = false;
// List<Integer> cols = ((ProjectSpec)arg).getCols();
// groupSpecs.add(cols);
// cols = ((ProjectSpec)arg).getCols();
// groupSpecs.get(i).addAll(((ProjectSpec)arg).getCols());
} else if(arg instanceof StarSpec) {
} else {
ableToHandle = false;
if(ableToHandle) {
} else {
//if(!ableToHandle) break;
if (ableToHandle) {
// first, go through output constraints and create new groups
for (Iterator<Tuple> it = outputConstraints.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
Tuple outputConstraint =;
Datum groupLabel = outputConstraint.getField(0);
for (int input = 0; input < numInputs; input++) {
//int numInputFields = inputs.get(input).outputSchema().numFields();
int numInputFields = op.getOpTable().get(inputs.get(input)).outputSchema().numFields();
// List<Integer> groupCols = groupSpecs.get(input).getCols();
List<Integer> groupCols = groupSpecs.get(input);
for (int i = 0; i < minGroupSize; i++) {
Tuple inputConstraint = GenerateGroupByInput(groupLabel, groupCols, numInputFields);
if (inputConstraint != null) inputConstraints.get(input).add(inputConstraint);
// then, go through all organic data groups and add input constraints to make each group big enough
DataBag outputData = derivedData.get(op);
for (Iterator<Tuple> it = outputData.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
Tuple groupTup =;
Datum groupLabel = groupTup.getField(0);
for (int input = 0; input < numInputs; input++) {
int numInputFields = op.getOpTable().get(inputs.get(input)).outputSchema().numFields();
// List<Integer> groupCols = groupSpecs.get(input).getCols();
List<Integer> groupCols = groupSpecs.get(input);
int numTupsToAdd = minGroupSize - groupTup.getBagField(input+1).cardinality();
for (int i = 0; i < numTupsToAdd; i++) {
Tuple inputConstraint = GenerateGroupByInput(groupLabel, groupCols, numInputFields);
if (inputConstraint != null) inputConstraints.get(input).add(inputConstraint);
// recurse
for (int i = 0; i < numInputs; i++) {
AugmentBaseData(op.getOpTable().get(inputs.get(i)), baseData, newBaseData, derivedData, inputConstraints.get(i), pigContext);
static void AugmentBaseData(LOEval op, Map<LOLoad, DataBag> baseData, Map<LOLoad, DataBag> newBaseData, Map<LogicalOperator, DataBag> derivedData, DataBag outputConstraints, PigContext pigContext) throws IOException {
LogicalOperator inputOp = op.getOpTable().get(op.getInputs().get(0));
TupleSchema inputSchema = inputOp.outputSchema();
DataBag inputConstraints = BagFactory.getInstance().newDefaultBag();
DataBag outputData = derivedData.get(op);
DataBag inputData = derivedData.get(inputOp);
EvalSpec spec = op.getSpec();
if (spec instanceof ProjectSpec) {
ProjectSpec pSpec = (ProjectSpec) spec;
List<Integer> cols = pSpec.getCols();
if (outputConstraints.cardinality() > 0) { // there's one or more output constraints; propagate them backwards through the projection
for (Iterator<Tuple> it = outputConstraints.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
Tuple outputConstraint =;
Tuple inputConst = BackPropConstraint(outputConstraint, cols, inputSchema);
ExampleTuple inputConstraint = new ExampleTuple();
if (inputConstraint != null) inputConstraints.add(inputConstraint);
// note: if there are no output constraints, we don't have to do anything because the input operator
// will ensure that we get at least one input tuple, which in turns ensures that we output at least one tuple
} else if (spec instanceof FilterSpec) {
FilterSpec fSpec = (FilterSpec) spec;
Cond filterCond = fSpec.cond;
// if necessary, insert one or more positive examples (i.e. tuples that pass the filter)
if (outputConstraints.cardinality() > 0) { // there's one or more output constraints; generate corresponding input constraints
for (Iterator<Tuple> it = outputConstraints.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
Tuple outputConstraint =;
Tuple inputConst = GenerateMatchingTuple(outputConstraint, filterCond);
ExampleTuple inputConstraint = new ExampleTuple();
if (inputConstraint != null) inputConstraints.add(inputConstraint);
} else if (outputData.cardinality() == 0) { // no output constraints, but output is empty; generate one input that will pass the filter
Tuple inputConst = GenerateMatchingTuple(inputSchema, filterCond);
ExampleTuple inputConstraint = new ExampleTuple();
if (inputConstraint != null) inputConstraints.add(inputConstraint);
// if necessary, insert a negative example (i.e. a tuple that does not pass the filter)
if (outputData.cardinality() == inputData.cardinality()) { // all tuples pass the filter; generate one input that will not pass the filter
ExampleTuple inputConstraint = new ExampleTuple();
Tuple inputConst = GenerateMatchingTuple(inputSchema, new NotCond(filterCond));
if (inputConst != null) {
} else {
// d'oh! we got a complicated EvalSpec; since it's unlikely that we can invert it,
// just give up and don't add any input constraints
// recurse
AugmentBaseData(inputOp, baseData, newBaseData, derivedData, inputConstraints, pigContext);
static void AugmentBaseData(LOSort op, Map<LOLoad, DataBag> baseData, Map<LOLoad, DataBag> newBaseData, Map<LogicalOperator, DataBag> derivedData, DataBag outputConstraints, PigContext pigContext) throws IOException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("ExGen does not currently support Sort/Distinct.");
static void AugmentBaseData(LOSplit op, Map<LOLoad, DataBag> baseData, Map<LOLoad, DataBag> newBaseData, Map<LogicalOperator, DataBag> derivedData, DataBag outputConstraints, PigContext pigContext) throws IOException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("ExGen does not currently support Split.");
static void AugmentBaseData(LOUnion op, Map<LOLoad, DataBag> baseData, Map<LOLoad, DataBag> newBaseData, Map<LogicalOperator, DataBag> derivedData, DataBag outputConstraints, PigContext pigContext) throws IOException {
// round-robin constraint tuples among inputs, to make it likely that we end up with a good final solution
//List<LogicalOperator> inputs = op.getInputs();
List<OperatorKey> inputs = op.getInputs();
int numInputs = inputs.size();
List<DataBag> inputConstraints = new ArrayList<DataBag>();
for (int i = 0; i < numInputs; i++) inputConstraints.add(BagFactory.getInstance().newDefaultBag());
int currentInput = 0;
for (Iterator<Tuple> it = outputConstraints.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
Tuple outputConst =;
ExampleTuple outputConstraint = new ExampleTuple();
currentInput = (currentInput + 1) % numInputs;
// note: if there are no output constraints, don't have to do anything because inputs will ensure that
// we get at least one tuple, so we're guaranteed to produce at least one tuple
// recurse
for (int i = 0; i < numInputs; i++) {
AugmentBaseData(op.getOpTable().get(inputs.get(i)), baseData, newBaseData, derivedData, inputConstraints.get(i), pigContext);
static Tuple GenerateGroupByInput(Datum groupLabel, List<Integer> groupCols, int numInputFields) throws IOException {
Tuple inputConst = new Tuple(numInputFields);
Tuple inputConstraint = new ExampleTuple();
if (groupLabel != null) {
if (groupCols.size() == 1) { // group by one column, so group label is a data atom
inputConstraint.setField(groupCols.get(0), groupLabel);
} else { // group by multiple columns, so group label is a tuple
if (!(groupLabel instanceof Tuple)) throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected group label type.");
Tuple groupLabelTuple = (Tuple) groupLabel;
for (int outCol = 0; outCol < groupCols.size(); outCol++) {
int inCol = groupCols.get(outCol);
Datum outVal = groupLabelTuple.getField(outCol);
inputConstraint.setField(inCol, outVal);
return inputConstraint;
static Tuple BackPropConstraint(Tuple outputConstraint, List<Integer> cols, TupleSchema inputSchema) throws IOException {
Tuple inputConst = new Tuple(inputSchema.numFields());
Tuple inputConstraint = new ExampleTuple();
for (int outCol = 0; outCol < outputConstraint.arity(); outCol++) {
int inCol = cols.get(outCol);
Datum outVal = outputConstraint.getField(outCol);
Datum inVal = inputConstraint.getField(inCol);
if (inVal == null) {
inputConstraint.setField(inCol, outVal);
} else {
if (outVal != null) {
// unable to back-propagate, due to conflicting column constraints, so give up
return null;
return inputConstraint;
// generate a constraint tuple that conforms to the schema and passes the predicate
// (or null if unable to find such a tuple)
static Tuple GenerateMatchingTuple(TupleSchema schema, Cond predicate) throws IOException {
return GenerateMatchingTuple(new Tuple(schema.numFields()), predicate);
// generate a constraint tuple that conforms to the constraint and passes the predicate
// (or null if unable to find such a tuple)
// for now, constraint tuples are tuples whose fields are a blend of actual data values and nulls,
// where a null stands for "don't care"
// in the future, may want to replace "don't care" with a more rich constraint language; this would
// help, e.g. in the case of two filters in a row (you want the downstream filter to tell the upstream filter
// what predicate it wants satisfied in a given field)
static Tuple GenerateMatchingTuple(Tuple constraint, Cond predicate) throws IOException {
// first make a copy of the constraint tuple, since we will be modifying it
Tuple t = new Tuple(constraint.arity());
for (int i = 0; i < t.arity(); i++) t.setField(i, constraint.getField(i));
// run best-effort attempt at filling in tuple's "don't care" values (i.e. nulls) in order to satisfy predicate
GenerateMatchingTupleHelper(t, predicate, false);
// test whether the outcome does indeed satisfy the predicate
boolean tupleWorks = false;
try {
tupleWorks = predicate.eval(t);
} catch (Exception e) { // since our tuple may contain nulls, the predicate evaluation might encounter one and barf
tupleWorks = false;
if (tupleWorks) return t;
else return null; // our attempt at finding a tuple that satisfies the predicate failed
static void GenerateMatchingTupleHelper(Tuple t, Cond pred, boolean invert) throws IOException {
if (pred instanceof AndCond) GenerateMatchingTupleHelper(t, (AndCond) pred, invert);
else if (pred instanceof CompCond) GenerateMatchingTupleHelper(t, (CompCond) pred, invert);
else if (pred instanceof FalseCond) GenerateMatchingTupleHelper(t, (FalseCond) pred, invert);
else if (pred instanceof FuncCond) GenerateMatchingTupleHelper(t, (FuncCond) pred, invert);
else if (pred instanceof NotCond) GenerateMatchingTupleHelper(t, (NotCond) pred, invert);
else if (pred instanceof OrCond) GenerateMatchingTupleHelper(t, (OrCond) pred, invert);
else if (pred instanceof RegexpCond) GenerateMatchingTupleHelper(t, (RegexpCond) pred, invert);
else if (pred instanceof TrueCond) GenerateMatchingTupleHelper(t, (TrueCond) pred, invert);
else throw new RuntimeException("Unrecognized Cond type.");
static void GenerateMatchingTupleHelper(Tuple t, NotCond pred, boolean invert) throws IOException {
GenerateMatchingTupleHelper(t, pred.cond, !invert);
static void GenerateMatchingTupleHelper(Tuple t, AndCond pred, boolean invert) throws IOException {
for (Cond c : pred.cList) {
GenerateMatchingTupleHelper(t, c, invert);
static void GenerateMatchingTupleHelper(Tuple t, OrCond pred, boolean invert) throws IOException {
for (Cond c : pred.cList) {
GenerateMatchingTupleHelper(t, c, invert);
static void GenerateMatchingTupleHelper(Tuple t, CompCond pred, boolean invert) throws IOException {
// decide if the eval functions on the two sides of the predicate are simple enough for us to deal with
boolean leftIsConst = false, rightIsConst = false;
Datum leftConst = null, rightConst = null;
int leftCol = -1, rightCol = -1;
if (pred.left instanceof ConstSpec) {
leftIsConst = true;
leftConst = ((ConstSpec) pred.left).atom;
} else {
if (!(pred.left instanceof ProjectSpec && ((ProjectSpec) pred.left).numCols() == 1)) return; // too hard, give up
leftCol = ((ProjectSpec) pred.left).getCol(0);
Datum d = t.getField(leftCol);
if (d != null) {
leftIsConst = true;
leftConst = d;
if (pred.right instanceof ConstSpec) {
rightIsConst = true;
rightConst = ((ConstSpec) pred.right).atom;
} else {
if (!(pred.right instanceof ProjectSpec && ((ProjectSpec) pred.right).numCols() == 1)) return; // too hard, give up
rightCol = ((ProjectSpec) pred.right).getCol(0);
Datum d = t.getField(rightCol);
if (d != null) {
rightIsConst = true;
rightConst = d;
if (leftIsConst && rightIsConst) return; // if both sides are constants, nothing we can do to affect the outcome
// figure out which operator we're dealing with (and invert if requested)
String op = (invert)? InvertCompOp(pred.op) : pred.op;
// simplify possibilities for ops
boolean isStringOp = false;
if (op.equals("eq")) {
isStringOp = true;
op = "==";
} else if (op.equals("neq")) {
isStringOp = true;
op = "!=";
} else if (op.equals("lt") | op.equals("lte")) {
isStringOp = true;
op = "<";
} else if (op.equals("gt") | op.equals("gte")) {
isStringOp = true;
op = ">";
if (op.equals("<=")) op = "<";
if (op.equals(">=")) op = ">";
// finally, ready to convert some nulls to constants, to try to get the predicate to be true
if (op.equals("==")) {
if (leftIsConst) {
t.setField(rightCol, leftConst);
} else if (rightIsConst) {
t.setField(leftCol, rightConst);
} else {
t.setField(leftCol, "0");
t.setField(rightCol, "0");
} else if (op.equals("!=")) {
if (leftIsConst) {
t.setField(rightCol, GetUnequalValue(leftConst, isStringOp));
} else if (rightIsConst) {
t.setField(leftCol, GetUnequalValue(rightConst, isStringOp));
} else {
t.setField(leftCol, "0");
t.setField(rightCol, "1");
} else if (op.equals("<")) {
if (leftIsConst) {
t.setField(rightCol, GetLargerValue(leftConst, isStringOp));
} else if (rightIsConst) {
t.setField(leftCol, GetSmallerValue(rightConst, isStringOp));
} else {
t.setField(leftCol, "0");
t.setField(rightCol, "1");
} else if (op.equals(">")) {
if (leftIsConst) {
t.setField(rightCol, GetSmallerValue(leftConst, isStringOp));
} else if (rightIsConst) {
t.setField(leftCol, GetLargerValue(rightConst, isStringOp));
} else {
t.setField(leftCol, "1");
t.setField(rightCol, "0");
static void GenerateMatchingTupleHelper(Tuple t, TrueCond pred, boolean invert) throws IOException {
// do nothing here (either we're stuck or we're not - no way to influence chance of success)
static void GenerateMatchingTupleHelper(Tuple t, FalseCond pred, boolean invert) throws IOException {
// do nothing here (either we're stuck or we're not - no way to influence chance of success)
static void GenerateMatchingTupleHelper(Tuple t, FuncCond pred, boolean invert) throws IOException {
// do nothing here (don't know how to invert functions)
static void GenerateMatchingTupleHelper(Tuple t, RegexpCond pred, boolean invert) throws IOException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("ExGen does not yet support regular expressions.");
// TODO: in principle, shouldn't be that difficult to generate a string that conforms to a given regexp
// (or one that does *not* confirm, if invert=true)
static String InvertCompOp(String op) {
char op1 = op.charAt(0);
char op2 = op.length() >= 2 ? op.charAt(1) : '0';
char op3 = op.length() == 3 ? op.charAt(2) : '0';
switch (op1) {
// numeric ops first
case '=':
if (op2 == '=') {
return "!=";
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Internal error: Invalid filter operator: " + op);
case '<':
if (op2 == '=') {
return ">=";
} else {
return ">";
case '>':
if (op2 == '=') {
return "<=";
} else {
return "<";
case '!':
if (op2 == '=') {
return "==";
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Internal error: Invalid filter operator: " + op);
// now string ops
case 'e':
if (op2 == 'q') {
return "neq";
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Internal error: Invalid filter operator: " + op);
case 'l':
if (op2 == 't' && op3 == 'e') {
return "gte";
} else {
return "gt";
case 'g':
if (op2 == 't' && op3 == 'e') {
return "lte";
} else {
return "lt";
case 'n':
if (op2 == 'e' && op3 == 'q') {
return "eq";
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Internal error: Invalid filter operator: " + op);
throw new RuntimeException("Internal error: Invalid filter operator: " + op);
static Datum GetUnequalValue(Datum v, boolean stringOp) {
if (!(v instanceof DataAtom)) return null;
DataAtom zero = new DataAtom("0");
if (v.equals(zero)) return new DataAtom("1");
else return zero;
static Datum GetSmallerValue(Datum v, boolean stringOp) {
if (!(v instanceof DataAtom)) return null;
if (stringOp) {
String val = ((DataAtom) v).strval();
if (val.length() > 0) return new DataAtom(val.substring(0, val.length()-1));
else return null; // don't know how to make a string smaller than the empty string
} else {
double val = ((DataAtom) v).numval();
return new DataAtom(val-1);
static Datum GetLargerValue(Datum v, boolean stringOp) {
if (!(v instanceof DataAtom)) return null;
if (stringOp) {
String val = ((DataAtom) v).strval();
return new DataAtom(val + "0");
} else {
double val = ((DataAtom) v).numval();
return new DataAtom(val+1);