| <!-- |
| Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more |
| contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with |
| this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. |
| The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 |
| (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with |
| the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| |
| http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| |
| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| limitations under the License. |
| --> |
| |
| <project name="TestHarnessPigTests" default="test"> |
| |
| <property name="pig.dir" value="${basedir}/../../.."/> |
| <property name="pig.base.dir" value="${basedir}/../../.."/> |
| <property name="ivy.dir" location="${pig.base.dir}/ivy" /> |
| <loadproperties srcfile="${ivy.dir}/libraries.properties"/> |
| |
| <property name="piggybank.jar" |
| value="${pig.base.dir}/contrib/piggybank/java/piggybank.jar"/> |
| <property name="hive.lib.dir" |
| value="${pig.base.dir}/build/ivy/lib/Pig"/> |
| |
| <property name="hadoopversion" value="2" /> |
| <property name="hive.hadoop.shims.version" value="0.23" /> |
| |
| <property name="mvnrepo" value="http://repo2.maven.org/maven2"/> |
| |
| <!-- Separate property name for udfs' build.xml --> |
| <property name="udf.dir" value="${basedir}/udfs"/> |
| <property name="udf.java.dir" value="${udf.dir}/java"/> |
| <property name="udf.jar" value="${udf.java.dir}/testudf.jar"/> |
| <property name="python.udf.dir" value="${udf.dir}/python"/> |
| <property name="js.udf.dir" value="${udf.dir}/js" /> |
| <property name="ruby.udf.dir" value="${udf.dir}/ruby" /> |
| <property name="groovy.udf.dir" value="${udf.dir}/groovy" /> |
| <property name="cpython.udf.dir" value="${udf.dir}/cpython" /> |
| <property name="params.dir" value="${basedir}/paramfiles"/> |
| <property name="e2e.lib.dir" value="${basedir}/lib"/> |
| <property name="streaming.dir" value="${basedir}/streaming"/> |
| <property name="macro.dir" value="${basedir}/macros"/> |
| |
| <property name="tar.name" value="${basedir}/pigtests.tar"/> |
| <property name="tar.dir" value="${basedir}/tar"/> |
| <property name="test.src" value="${basedir}/tests"/> |
| <property name="driver.src" value="${basedir}/drivers"/> |
| <property name="deployer.src" value="${basedir}/deployers"/> |
| <property name="conf.src" value="${basedir}/conf"/> |
| <property name="resource.src" value="${basedir}/resource"/> |
| <property name="tool.src" value="${basedir}/tools"/> |
| |
| <property name="harness.dir" value="${basedir}/../harness"/> |
| <property name="harness.tar" value="${harness.dir}/harness.tar"/> |
| <property name="harness.PH_LOCAL" value="."/> |
| <property name="harness.PH_OUT" value="."/> |
| <property name="harness.PERL5LIB" value="./libexec"/> |
| <property name="harness.user.home" value="/user/pig" /> |
| |
| <property name="test.location" value="${basedir}/testdist"/> |
| <property name="benchmark.location" value="${test.location}/benchmarks"/> |
| |
| |
| <condition property="harness.old.pig" value=""> |
| <not> |
| <isset property="harness.old.pig"/> |
| </not> |
| </condition> |
| |
| <condition property="HADOOP_PREFIX" value=""> |
| <not> |
| <isset property="HADOOP_PREFIX"/> |
| </not> |
| </condition> |
| |
| <condition property="HADOOP_COMMON_HOME" value=""> |
| <not> |
| <isset property="HADOOP_COMMON_HOME"/> |
| </not> |
| </condition> |
| |
| <condition property="HADOOP_HDFS_HOME" value=""> |
| <not> |
| <isset property="HADOOP_HDFS_HOME"/> |
| </not> |
| </condition> |
| |
| <condition property="HADOOP_MAPRED_HOME" value=""> |
| <not> |
| <isset property="HADOOP_MAPRED_HOME"/> |
| </not> |
| </condition> |
| |
| <condition property="YARN_CONF_DIR" value=""> |
| <not> |
| <isset property="YARN_CONF_DIR"/> |
| </not> |
| </condition> |
| |
| <condition property="YARN_HOME" value=""> |
| <not> |
| <isset property="YARN_HOME"/> |
| </not> |
| </condition> |
| |
| <condition property="OLD_HADOOP_HOME" value=""> |
| <not> |
| <isset property="OLD_HADOOP_HOME"/> |
| </not> |
| </condition> |
| |
| <condition property="PH_OLD_CLUSTER_CONF" value=""> |
| <not> |
| <isset property="PH_OLD_CLUSTER_CONF"/> |
| </not> |
| </condition> |
| |
| <condition property="hcat.bin" value="hcat"> |
| <not> |
| <isset property="hcat.bin"/> |
| </not> |
| </condition> |
| |
| <condition property="PH_BENCHMARK_CACHE_PATH" value=""> |
| <not> |
| <isset property="PH_BENCHMARK_CACHE_PATH"/> |
| </not> |
| </condition> |
| |
| <pathconvert property="tests.suites.all" pathsep=" "> |
| <path path="${test.location}/tests/cmdline.conf"/> |
| <path path="${test.location}/tests/multiquery.conf"/> |
| <path path="${test.location}/tests/negative.conf"/> |
| <path path="${test.location}/tests/nightly.conf"/> |
| <path path="${test.location}/tests/join.conf"/> |
| <path path="${test.location}/tests/streaming.conf"/> |
| <path path="${test.location}/tests/streaming_local.conf"/> |
| <path path="${test.location}/tests/turing_jython.conf"/> |
| <path path="${test.location}/tests/bigdata.conf"/> |
| <path path="${test.location}/tests/grunt.conf"/> |
| <path path="${test.location}/tests/macro.conf"/> |
| <path path="${test.location}/tests/orc.conf"/> |
| <path path="${test.location}/tests/hcat.conf"/> |
| <path path="${test.location}/tests/utf8.conf"/> |
| </pathconvert> |
| |
| <condition property="tests.suites" value="${tests.suites.all}"> |
| <not> |
| <isset property="tests.suites"/> |
| </not> |
| </condition> |
| |
| <target name="udfs"> |
| <ant dir="${udf.java.dir}"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- Build an archive to use in the tests --> |
| <target name="tar" description="Create tar file with pig modules" depends="download-datafu"> |
| <mkdir dir="${tar.dir}"/> |
| <mkdir dir="${tar.dir}/tests"/> |
| <mkdir dir="${tar.dir}/drivers"/> |
| <mkdir dir="${tar.dir}/deployers"/> |
| <mkdir dir="${tar.dir}/conf"/> |
| <mkdir dir="${tar.dir}/libexec"/> |
| <mkdir dir="${tar.dir}/libexec/PigTest"/> |
| <mkdir dir="${tar.dir}/libexec/PigTest/test"/> |
| <mkdir dir="${tar.dir}/libexec/PigTest/generate"/> |
| <mkdir dir="${tar.dir}/libexec/python"/> |
| <mkdir dir="${tar.dir}/libexec/js"/> |
| <mkdir dir="${tar.dir}/libexec/ruby"/> |
| <mkdir dir="${tar.dir}/libexec/groovy"/> |
| <mkdir dir="${tar.dir}/libexec/cpython"/> |
| <mkdir dir="${tar.dir}/lib"/> |
| <mkdir dir="${tar.dir}/lib/java"/> |
| <mkdir dir="${tar.dir}/paramfiles"/> |
| |
| <copy todir="${tar.dir}/tests"> |
| <fileset dir="${test.src}"> |
| </fileset> |
| </copy> |
| |
| <copy todir="${tar.dir}"> |
| <fileset dir="${driver.src}"> |
| <exclude name="TestDriverScript.pm"/> |
| </fileset> |
| <fileset dir="${deployer.src}"/> |
| </copy> |
| |
| |
| <copy todir="${tar.dir}/conf"> |
| <fileset dir="${conf.src}"/> |
| </copy> |
| |
| <copy todir="${tar.dir}/resource"> |
| <fileset dir="${resource.src}"/> |
| </copy> |
| |
| <copy todir="${tar.dir}/libexec/PigTest"> |
| <fileset dir="${tool.src}/test"/> |
| <fileset dir="${tool.src}/generate"/> |
| </copy> |
| |
| <copy todir="${tar.dir}/lib"> |
| <fileset dir="${e2e.lib.dir}"/> |
| </copy> |
| |
| <copy todir="${tar.dir}/lib/java"> |
| <fileset file="${udf.jar}"/> |
| </copy> |
| |
| <copy todir="${tar.dir}/libexec"> |
| <fileset dir="${streaming.dir}"/> |
| <fileset dir="${macro.dir}"/> |
| </copy> |
| |
| <copy todir="${tar.dir}/libexec/python"> |
| <fileset dir="${python.udf.dir}"/> |
| </copy> |
| |
| <copy todir="${tar.dir}/libexec/js"> |
| <fileset dir="${js.udf.dir}"/> |
| </copy> |
| |
| <copy todir="${tar.dir}/libexec/ruby"> |
| <fileset dir="${ruby.udf.dir}"/> |
| </copy> |
| |
| <copy todir="${tar.dir}/libexec/groovy"> |
| <fileset dir="${groovy.udf.dir}"/> |
| </copy> |
| |
| <copy todir="${tar.dir}/libexec/cpython"> |
| <fileset dir="${cpython.udf.dir}"/> |
| </copy> |
| |
| <copy todir="${tar.dir}/paramfiles"> |
| <fileset file="${params.dir}/params_3"/> |
| </copy> |
| |
| <tar destfile="${tar.name}" basedir="${tar.dir}"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- Get the tarball for the harness --> |
| <target name="build-harness"> |
| <ant dir="${harness.dir}" inheritAll="false"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- Check that the necessary properties are setup --> |
| <target name="property-check"> |
| <fail message="Please set the property harness.cluster.conf to the conf directory of your hadoop installation,harness.hadoop.home to HADOOP_HOME for your Hadoop installation and harness.cluster.bin to the binary executable of your hadoop installation."> |
| <condition> |
| <not> |
| <and> |
| <isset property="harness.cluster.conf"/> |
| <isset property="harness.hadoop.home"/> |
| <isset property="harness.cluster.bin"/> |
| </and> |
| </not> |
| </condition> |
| </fail> |
| </target> |
| |
| <!-- Prep the test area --> |
| <target name="init-test" depends="build-harness"> |
| <mkdir dir="${test.location}"/> |
| <mkdir dir="${benchmark.location}"/> |
| |
| <untar src="${tar.name}" dest="${test.location}"/> |
| <untar src="${harness.tar}" dest="${test.location}"/> |
| |
| <chmod perm="ugo+x" type="file"> |
| <fileset dir="${test.location}/libexec" /> |
| <fileset file="${test.location}/test_harness.pl"/> |
| </chmod> |
| |
| </target> |
| |
| |
| <!-- By default this runs in mapred mode on a cluster. To run it in local |
| mode set -Dharness.exec.mode=local --> |
| |
| <target name="test-base" depends="property-check, udfs, tar, init-test"> |
| <!-- If they have not specified tests to run then null it out --> |
| <property name="tests.to.run" value=""/> |
| <!-- fork (parallelization) factors for e2e tests execution. |
| Defaults are 1, which means *no* parellelization: --> |
| <property name="fork.factor.group" value="1"/> |
| <property name="fork.factor.conf.file" value="1"/> |
| <property name="hadoop.mapred.local.dir" value="/tmp/hadoop/mapred/local"/> |
| <property name="e2e.debug" value="false"/> |
| <property name="harness.use.python" value="false"/> |
| |
| <exec executable="perl" dir="${test.location}" failonerror="true"> |
| <env key="HARNESS_ROOT" value="."/> |
| <env key="HADOOP_VERSION" value="${hadoopversion}"/> |
| <env key="PH_LOCAL" value="${harness.PH_LOCAL}"/> |
| <env key="PH_OUT" value="${harness.PH_OUT}"/> |
| <env key="PH_ROOT" value="."/> |
| <env key="PH_PIG" value="${pig.dir}"/> |
| <env key="PH_OLDPIG" value="${harness.old.pig}"/> |
| <env key="HADOOP_CONF_DIR" value="${harness.cluster.conf}"/> |
| <env key="PIG_USE_PYTHON" value="${harness.use.python}"/> |
| <env key="PH_CLUSTER_BIN" value="${harness.cluster.bin}"/> |
| <env key="PH_PIGGYBANK_JAR" value="${piggybank.jar}"/> |
| <env key="PH_HIVE_LIB_DIR" value="${hive.lib.dir}"/> |
| <env key="PH_HIVE_VERSION" value="${hive.version}"/> |
| <env key="PH_HIVE_SHIMS_VERSION" value="${hive.hadoop.shims.version}"/> |
| <env key="PH_HDFS_BASE" value="${harness.user.home}" /> |
| <env key="HARNESS_CONF" value="${harness.conf.file}"/> |
| <env key="HADOOP_HOME" value="${harness.hadoop.home}"/> |
| <env key="HADOOP_PREFIX" value="${HADOOP_PREFIX}"/> |
| <env key="HADOOP_COMMON_HOME" value="${HADOOP_COMMON_HOME}"/> |
| <env key="HADOOP_HDFS_HOME" value="${HADOOP_HDFS_HOME}"/> |
| <env key="HADOOP_MAPRED_HOME" value="${HADOOP_MAPRED_HOME}"/> |
| <env key="YARN_CONF_DIR" value="${YARN_CONF_DIR}"/> |
| <env key="YARN_HOME" value="${YARN_HOME}"/> |
| <env key="OLD_HADOOP_HOME" value="${OLD_HADOOP_HOME}"/> |
| <env key="PH_OLD_CLUSTER_CONF" value="${PH_OLD_CLUSTER_CONF}"/> |
| <env key="HCAT_BIN" value="${hcat.bin}"/> |
| <env key="PERL5LIB" value="${harness.PERL5LIB}"/> |
| <env key="FORK_FACTOR_GROUP" value="${fork.factor.group}"/> |
| <env key="FORK_FACTOR_FILE" value="${fork.factor.conf.file}"/> |
| <env key="HADOOP_MAPRED_LOCAL_DIR" value="${hadoop.mapred.local.dir}"/> |
| <env key="E2E_DEBUG" value="${e2e.debug}"/> |
| <env key="SORT_BENCHMARKS" value="${sort.benchmarks}"/> |
| |
| <arg value="./test_harness.pl"/> |
| <arg line="${tests.to.run} ${tests.suites}"/> |
| </exec> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="test"> |
| <antcall target="test-base"> |
| <param name="harness.conf.file" value="${basedir}/conf/default.conf"/> |
| </antcall> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="test-local"> |
| <antcall target="test-base"> |
| <param name="harness.conf.file" value="${basedir}/conf/local.conf"/> |
| </antcall> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="test-tez"> |
| <antcall target="test-base"> |
| <param name="harness.conf.file" value="${basedir}/conf/tez.conf"/> |
| </antcall> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="test-spark"> |
| <antcall target="test-base"> |
| <param name="harness.conf.file" value="${basedir}/conf/spark.conf"/> |
| </antcall> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="deploy-base" depends="property-check, tar, init-test"> |
| <exec executable="perl" dir="${test.location}" failonerror="true"> |
| <env key="HARNESS_ROOT" value="."/> |
| <env key="PH_LOCAL" value="${harness.PH_LOCAL}"/> |
| <env key="PH_OUT" value="${harness.PH_OUT}"/> |
| <env key="PH_ROOT" value="."/> |
| <env key="PH_PIG" value="${pig.dir}"/> |
| <env key="PH_OLDPIG" value="${harness.old.pig}"/> |
| <env key="HADOOP_CONF_DIR" value="${harness.cluster.conf}"/> |
| <env key="PH_CLUSTER_BIN" value="${harness.cluster.bin}"/> |
| <env key="HARNESS_CONF" value="${harness.conf.file}"/> |
| <env key="HADOOP_HOME" value="${harness.hadoop.home}"/> |
| <env key="PH_HDFS_BASE" value="${harness.user.home}" /> |
| |
| <arg value="./test_harness.pl"/> |
| <arg value="-deploycfg"/> |
| <arg value="${deploy.conf}"/> |
| <arg value="${deploy.opt}"/> |
| <!-- Give a bogus test so it just does the deployment --> |
| <arg value="-t"/> |
| <arg value="NoSuchTest"/> |
| <arg value="${test.location}/tests/nightly.conf"/> |
| </exec> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="deploy"> |
| <antcall target="deploy-base"> |
| <param name="deploy.opt" value="-deploy"/> |
| <param name="deploy.conf" |
| value="${test.location}/conf/existing_deployer.conf"/> |
| <param name="harness.conf.file" value="${basedir}/conf/default.conf"/> |
| </antcall> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="undeploy"> |
| <antcall target="deploy-base"> |
| <param name="deploy.opt" value="-undeploy"/> |
| <param name="deploy.conf" |
| value="${test.location}/conf/existing_deployer.conf"/> |
| <param name="harness.conf.file" value="${basedir}/conf/default.conf"/> |
| </antcall> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="deploy-local"> |
| <antcall target="deploy-base"> |
| <param name="deploy.opt" value="-deploy"/> |
| <param name="deploy.conf" |
| value="${test.location}/conf/local_deployer.conf"/> |
| <param name="harness.conf.file" value="${basedir}/conf/local.conf"/> |
| </antcall> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="undeploy-local"> |
| <antcall target="deploy-base"> |
| <param name="deploy.opt" value="-undeploy"/> |
| <param name="deploy.conf" |
| value="${test.location}/conf/local_deployer.conf"/> |
| <param name="harness.conf.file" value="${basedir}/conf/local.conf"/> |
| </antcall> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="deploy-test" depends="deploy, test"/> |
| |
| <target name="deploy-test-undeploy" depends="deploy, test, undeploy"/> |
| |
| <target name="clean"> |
| <delete dir="${test.location}"/> |
| <delete file="${tar.name}"/> |
| <delete dir="${tar.dir}"/> |
| <ant dir="${udf.java.dir}" target="clean"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| <target name="download-datafu" description="To download datafu" unless="offline"> |
| <mkdir dir="lib/java"/> |
| <get src="${mvnrepo}/com/linkedin/datafu/datafu/1.2.0/datafu-1.2.0.jar" |
| dest="lib/java/datafu.jar"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| </project> |
| |
| |