blob: c55ba3145495a53d69db2dd56434dcc9b3bf8ed5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.spark.converter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.spark.SparkPigContext;
import org.apache.pig.impl.builtin.PartitionSkewedKeys;
import org.apache.pig.impl.util.Pair;
import org.apache.spark.Partitioner;
import org.apache.spark.broadcast.Broadcast;
import scala.Tuple2;
import scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1;
import org.apache.pig.backend.executionengine.ExecException;
import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.PhysicalOperator;
import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.Result;
import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.plans.PhysicalPlan;
import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators.POLocalRearrange;
import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators.POSkewedJoin;
import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.spark.SparkUtil;
import org.apache.pig.impl.plan.NodeIdGenerator;
import org.apache.pig.impl.plan.OperatorKey;
import org.apache.pig.impl.plan.PlanException;
import org.apache.pig.impl.util.MultiMap;
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD;
public class SkewedJoinConverter implements
RDDConverter<Tuple, Tuple, POSkewedJoin>, Serializable {
private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SkewedJoinConverter.class);
private POLocalRearrange[] LRs;
private POSkewedJoin poSkewedJoin;
private String skewedJoinPartitionFile;
public void setSkewedJoinPartitionFile(String partitionFile) {
skewedJoinPartitionFile = partitionFile;
public RDD<Tuple> convert(List<RDD<Tuple>> predecessors,
POSkewedJoin poSkewedJoin) throws IOException {
SparkUtil.assertPredecessorSize(predecessors, poSkewedJoin, 2);
LRs = new POLocalRearrange[2];
this.poSkewedJoin = poSkewedJoin;
// extract the two RDDs
RDD<Tuple> rdd1 = predecessors.get(0);
RDD<Tuple> rdd2 = predecessors.get(1);
Broadcast<List<Tuple>> keyDist = SparkPigContext.get().getBroadcastedVars().get(skewedJoinPartitionFile);
// if no keyDist, we need defaultParallelism
Integer defaultParallelism = SparkPigContext.get().getParallelism(predecessors, poSkewedJoin);
// with partition id
SkewPartitionIndexKeyFunction skewFun = new SkewPartitionIndexKeyFunction(this, keyDist, defaultParallelism);
RDD<Tuple2<PartitionIndexedKey, Tuple>> skewIdxKeyRDD =,
SparkUtil.<PartitionIndexedKey, Tuple>getTuple2Manifest());
// Tuple2 RDD to Pair RDD
JavaPairRDD<PartitionIndexedKey, Tuple> skewIndexedJavaPairRDD = new JavaPairRDD<PartitionIndexedKey, Tuple>(
skewIdxKeyRDD, SparkUtil.getManifest(PartitionIndexedKey.class),
// with partition id
StreamPartitionIndexKeyFunction streamFun = new StreamPartitionIndexKeyFunction(this, keyDist, defaultParallelism);
JavaRDD<Tuple2<PartitionIndexedKey, Tuple>> streamIdxKeyJavaRDD = rdd2.toJavaRDD().flatMap(streamFun);
// Tuple2 RDD to Pair RDD
JavaPairRDD<PartitionIndexedKey, Tuple> streamIndexedJavaPairRDD = new JavaPairRDD<PartitionIndexedKey, Tuple>(
streamIdxKeyJavaRDD.rdd(), SparkUtil.getManifest(PartitionIndexedKey.class),
JavaRDD<Tuple> result = doJoin(skewIndexedJavaPairRDD,
buildPartitioner(keyDist, defaultParallelism),
// return type is RDD<Tuple>, so take it from JavaRDD<Tuple>
return result.rdd();
private void createJoinPlans(MultiMap<PhysicalOperator, PhysicalPlan> inpPlans) throws PlanException {
int i = -1;
for (PhysicalOperator inpPhyOp : inpPlans.keySet()) {
POLocalRearrange lr = new POLocalRearrange(genKey());
try {
} catch (ExecException e) {
throw new PlanException(e.getMessage(), e.getErrorCode(), e.getErrorSource(), e);
lr.setKeyType(DataType.TUPLE);//keyTypes.get(i).size() > 1 ? DataType.TUPLE : keyTypes.get(i).get(0));
LRs[i] = lr;
private OperatorKey genKey() {
return new OperatorKey(poSkewedJoin.getOperatorKey().scope, NodeIdGenerator.getGenerator().getNextNodeId(poSkewedJoin.getOperatorKey().scope));
* @param <L> be generic because it can be Optional<Tuple> or Tuple
* @param <R> be generic because it can be Optional<Tuple> or Tuple
private static class ToValueFunction<L, R> implements
FlatMapFunction<Iterator<Tuple2<PartitionIndexedKey, Tuple2<L, R>>>, Tuple>, Serializable {
private boolean[] innerFlags;
private int[] schemaSize;
private final Broadcast<List<Tuple>> keyDist;
transient private boolean initialized = false;
transient protected Map<Tuple, Pair<Integer, Integer>> reducerMap;
public ToValueFunction(boolean[] innerFlags, int[] schemaSize, Broadcast<List<Tuple>> keyDist) {
this.innerFlags = innerFlags;
this.schemaSize = schemaSize;
this.keyDist = keyDist;
private class Tuple2TransformIterable implements Iterable<Tuple> {
Iterator<Tuple2<PartitionIndexedKey, Tuple2<L, R>>> in;
Iterator<Tuple2<PartitionIndexedKey, Tuple2<L, R>>> input) {
in = input;
public Iterator<Tuple> iterator() {
return new IteratorTransform<Tuple2<PartitionIndexedKey, Tuple2<L, R>>, Tuple>(
in) {
protected Tuple transform(
Tuple2<PartitionIndexedKey, Tuple2<L, R>> next) {
try {
L left = next._2._1;
R right = next._2._2;
TupleFactory tf = TupleFactory.getInstance();
Tuple result = tf.newTuple();
Tuple leftTuple = tf.newTuple();
if (!innerFlags[0]) {
// left should be Optional<Tuple>
Optional<Tuple> leftOption = (Optional<Tuple>) left;
if (!leftOption.isPresent()) {
// Add an empty left record for RIGHT OUTER JOIN.
// Notice: if it is a skewed, only join the first reduce key
if (isFirstReduceKey(next._1)) {
for (int i = 0; i < schemaSize[0]; i++) {
} else {
} else {
leftTuple = leftOption.get();
} else {
leftTuple = (Tuple) left;
for (int i = 0; i < leftTuple.size(); i++) {
Tuple rightTuple = tf.newTuple();
if (!innerFlags[1]) {
// right should be Optional<Tuple>
Optional<Tuple> rightOption = (Optional<Tuple>) right;
if (!rightOption.isPresent()) {
for (int i = 0; i < schemaSize[1]; i++) {
} else {
rightTuple = rightOption.get();
} else {
rightTuple = (Tuple) right;
for (int i = 0; i < rightTuple.size(); i++) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("MJC: Result = " + result.toDelimitedString(" "));
return result;
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
public Iterable<Tuple> call(
Iterator<Tuple2<PartitionIndexedKey, Tuple2<L, R>>> input) {
return new Tuple2TransformIterable(input);
private boolean isFirstReduceKey(PartitionIndexedKey pKey) {
// non-skewed key
if (pKey.getPartitionId() == -1) {
return true;
if (!initialized) {
Integer[] reducers = new Integer[1];
reducerMap = loadKeyDistribution(keyDist, reducers);
initialized = true;
Pair<Integer, Integer> indexes = reducerMap.get(pKey.getKey());
if (indexes != null && pKey.getPartitionId() != indexes.first) {
// return false only when the key is skewed
// and it is not the first reduce key.
return false;
return true;
* Utility function.
* 1. Get parallelism
* 2. build a key distribution map from the broadcasted key distribution file
* @param keyDist
* @param totalReducers
* @return
private static Map<Tuple, Pair<Integer, Integer>> loadKeyDistribution(Broadcast<List<Tuple>> keyDist,
Integer[] totalReducers) {
Map<Tuple, Pair<Integer, Integer>> reducerMap = new HashMap<>();
totalReducers[0] = -1; // set a default value
if (keyDist == null || keyDist.value() == null || keyDist.value().size() == 0) {
// this could happen if sampling is empty
log.warn("Empty dist file: ");
return reducerMap;
try {
final TupleFactory tf = TupleFactory.getInstance();
Tuple t = keyDist.value().get(0);
Map<String, Object> distMap = (Map<String, Object>) t.get(0);
DataBag partitionList = (DataBag) distMap.get(PartitionSkewedKeys.PARTITION_LIST);
totalReducers[0] = Integer.valueOf("" + distMap.get(PartitionSkewedKeys.TOTAL_REDUCERS));
Iterator<Tuple> it = partitionList.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Tuple idxTuple =;
Integer maxIndex = (Integer) idxTuple.get(idxTuple.size() - 1);
Integer minIndex = (Integer) idxTuple.get(idxTuple.size() - 2);
// Used to replace the maxIndex with the number of reducers
if (maxIndex < minIndex) {
maxIndex = totalReducers[0] + maxIndex;
// remove the last 2 fields of the tuple, i.e: minIndex and maxIndex and store
// it in the reducer map
Tuple keyTuple = tf.newTuple();
for (int i = 0; i < idxTuple.size() - 2; i++) {
// number of reducers
Integer cnt = maxIndex - minIndex;
reducerMap.put(keyTuple, new Pair(minIndex, cnt));
} catch (ExecException e) {
return reducerMap;
private static class PartitionIndexedKey extends IndexedKey {
// for user defined partitioner
int partitionId;
public PartitionIndexedKey(byte index, Object key) {
super(index, key);
partitionId = -1;
public PartitionIndexedKey(byte index, Object key, int pid) {
super(index, key);
partitionId = pid;
public int getPartitionId() {
return partitionId;
private void setPartitionId(int pid) {
partitionId = pid;
public String toString() {
return "PartitionIndexedKey{" +
"index=" + getIndex() +
", partitionId=" + getPartitionId() +
", key=" + getKey() +
* append a Partition id to the records from skewed table.
* so that the SkewedJoinPartitioner can send skewed records to different reducer
* <p>
* see:
private static class SkewPartitionIndexKeyFunction extends
AbstractFunction1<Tuple, Tuple2<PartitionIndexedKey, Tuple>> implements
Serializable {
private final SkewedJoinConverter poSkewedJoin;
private final Broadcast<List<Tuple>> keyDist;
private final Integer defaultParallelism;
transient private boolean initialized = false;
transient protected Map<Tuple, Pair<Integer, Integer>> reducerMap;
transient private Integer parallelism = -1;
transient private Map<Tuple, Integer> currentIndexMap;
public SkewPartitionIndexKeyFunction(SkewedJoinConverter poSkewedJoin,
Broadcast<List<Tuple>> keyDist,
Integer defaultParallelism) {
this.poSkewedJoin = poSkewedJoin;
this.keyDist = keyDist;
this.defaultParallelism = defaultParallelism;
public Tuple2<PartitionIndexedKey, Tuple> apply(Tuple tuple) {
// attach tuple to LocalRearrange
try {
Result lrOut = poSkewedJoin.LRs[0].getNextTuple();
// If tuple is (AA, 5) and key index is $1, then it lrOut is 0 5
// (AA), so get(1) returns key
Byte index = (Byte) ((Tuple) lrOut.result).get(0);
Object key = ((Tuple) lrOut.result).get(1);
Tuple keyTuple = (Tuple) key;
int partitionId = getPartitionId(keyTuple);
PartitionIndexedKey pIndexKey = new PartitionIndexedKey(index, keyTuple, partitionId);
// make a (key, value) pair
Tuple2<PartitionIndexedKey, Tuple> tuple_KeyValue = new Tuple2<PartitionIndexedKey, Tuple>(
return tuple_KeyValue;
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
private Integer getPartitionId(Tuple keyTuple) {
if (!initialized) {
Integer[] reducers = new Integer[1];
reducerMap = loadKeyDistribution(keyDist, reducers);
parallelism = reducers[0];
if (parallelism <= 0) {
parallelism = defaultParallelism;
currentIndexMap = Maps.newHashMap();
initialized = true;
// for partition table, compute the index based on the sampler output
Pair<Integer, Integer> indexes;
Integer curIndex = -1;
indexes = reducerMap.get(keyTuple);
// if the reducerMap does not contain the key return -1 so that the
// partitioner will do the default hash based partitioning
if (indexes == null) {
return -1;
if (currentIndexMap.containsKey(keyTuple)) {
curIndex = currentIndexMap.get(keyTuple);
if (curIndex >= (indexes.first + indexes.second) || curIndex == -1) {
curIndex = indexes.first;
} else {
// set it in the map
currentIndexMap.put(keyTuple, curIndex);
return (curIndex % parallelism);
* POPartitionRearrange is not used in spark mode now,
* Here, use flatMap and CopyStreamWithPidFunction to copy the
* stream records to the multiple reducers
* <p>
* see:
private static class StreamPartitionIndexKeyFunction implements FlatMapFunction<Tuple, Tuple2<PartitionIndexedKey, Tuple>> {
private SkewedJoinConverter poSkewedJoin;
private final Broadcast<List<Tuple>> keyDist;
private final Integer defaultParallelism;
private transient boolean initialized = false;
protected transient Map<Tuple, Pair<Integer, Integer>> reducerMap;
private transient Integer parallelism;
public StreamPartitionIndexKeyFunction(SkewedJoinConverter poSkewedJoin,
Broadcast<List<Tuple>> keyDist,
Integer defaultParallelism) {
this.poSkewedJoin = poSkewedJoin;
this.keyDist = keyDist;
this.defaultParallelism = defaultParallelism;
public Iterable<Tuple2<PartitionIndexedKey, Tuple>> call(Tuple tuple) throws Exception {
if (!initialized) {
Integer[] reducers = new Integer[1];
reducerMap = loadKeyDistribution(keyDist, reducers);
parallelism = reducers[0];
if (parallelism <= 0) {
parallelism = defaultParallelism;
initialized = true;
// streamed table
Result lrOut = poSkewedJoin.LRs[1].getNextTuple();
Byte index = (Byte) ((Tuple) lrOut.result).get(0);
Tuple key = (Tuple) ((Tuple) lrOut.result).get(1);
ArrayList<Tuple2<PartitionIndexedKey, Tuple>> l = new ArrayList();
Pair<Integer, Integer> indexes = reducerMap.get(key);
// For non skewed keys, we set the partition index to be -1
// so that the partitioner will do the default hash based partitioning
if (indexes == null) {
indexes = new Pair<>(-1, 0);
for (Integer reducerIdx = indexes.first, cnt = 0; cnt <= indexes.second; reducerIdx++, cnt++) {
if (reducerIdx >= parallelism) {
reducerIdx = 0;
// set the partition index
int partitionId = reducerIdx.intValue();
PartitionIndexedKey pIndexKey = new PartitionIndexedKey(index, key, partitionId);
l.add(new Tuple2(pIndexKey, tuple));
return l;
* user defined spark partitioner for skewed join
private static class SkewedJoinPartitioner extends Partitioner {
private int numPartitions;
public SkewedJoinPartitioner(int parallelism) {
numPartitions = parallelism;
public int numPartitions() {
return numPartitions;
public int getPartition(Object IdxKey) {
if (IdxKey instanceof PartitionIndexedKey) {
int partitionId = ((PartitionIndexedKey) IdxKey).getPartitionId();
if (partitionId >= 0) {
return partitionId;
//else: by default using hashcode
Tuple key = (Tuple) ((PartitionIndexedKey) IdxKey).getKey();
int code = key.hashCode() % numPartitions;
if (code >= 0) {
return code;
} else {
return code + numPartitions;
* use parallelism from keyDist or the default parallelism to
* create user defined partitioner
* @param keyDist
* @param defaultParallelism
* @return
private SkewedJoinPartitioner buildPartitioner(Broadcast<List<Tuple>> keyDist, Integer defaultParallelism) {
Integer parallelism = -1;
Integer[] reducers = new Integer[1];
loadKeyDistribution(keyDist, reducers);
parallelism = reducers[0];
if (parallelism <= 0) {
parallelism = defaultParallelism;
return new SkewedJoinPartitioner(parallelism);
* do all kinds of Join (inner, left outer, right outer, full outer)
* @param skewIndexedJavaPairRDD
* @param streamIndexedJavaPairRDD
* @param partitioner
* @return
private JavaRDD<Tuple> doJoin(
JavaPairRDD<PartitionIndexedKey, Tuple> skewIndexedJavaPairRDD,
JavaPairRDD<PartitionIndexedKey, Tuple> streamIndexedJavaPairRDD,
SkewedJoinPartitioner partitioner,
Broadcast<List<Tuple>> keyDist) {
boolean[] innerFlags = poSkewedJoin.getInnerFlags();
int[] schemaSize = {0, 0};
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
if (poSkewedJoin.getSchema(i) != null) {
schemaSize[i] = poSkewedJoin.getSchema(i).size();
ToValueFunction toValueFun = new ToValueFunction(innerFlags, schemaSize, keyDist);
if (innerFlags[0] && innerFlags[1]) {
// inner join
JavaPairRDD<PartitionIndexedKey, Tuple2<Tuple, Tuple>> resultKeyValue = skewIndexedJavaPairRDD.
join(streamIndexedJavaPairRDD, partitioner);
return resultKeyValue.mapPartitions(toValueFun);
} else if (innerFlags[0] && !innerFlags[1]) {
// left outer join
JavaPairRDD<PartitionIndexedKey, Tuple2<Tuple, Optional<Tuple>>> resultKeyValue = skewIndexedJavaPairRDD.
leftOuterJoin(streamIndexedJavaPairRDD, partitioner);
return resultKeyValue.mapPartitions(toValueFun);
} else if (!innerFlags[0] && innerFlags[1]) {
// right outer join
JavaPairRDD<PartitionIndexedKey, Tuple2<Optional<Tuple>, Tuple>> resultKeyValue = skewIndexedJavaPairRDD.
rightOuterJoin(streamIndexedJavaPairRDD, partitioner);
return resultKeyValue.mapPartitions(toValueFun);
} else {
// full outer join
JavaPairRDD<PartitionIndexedKey, Tuple2<Optional<Tuple>, Optional<Tuple>>> resultKeyValue = skewIndexedJavaPairRDD.
fullOuterJoin(streamIndexedJavaPairRDD, partitioner);
return resultKeyValue.mapPartitions(toValueFun);