blob: fd7ea74c06a1d1c7716dca760ab7523804d9637e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.visitor;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.pig.PigException;
import org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.FrontendException;
import org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.validators.TypeCheckerException;
import org.apache.pig.impl.plan.CompilationMessageCollector;
import org.apache.pig.impl.plan.VisitorException;
import org.apache.pig.impl.plan.CompilationMessageCollector.MessageType;
import org.apache.pig.impl.util.MultiMap;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.DependencyOrderWalker;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.Operator;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.OperatorPlan;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.CastExpression;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.LogicalExpression;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.LogicalExpressionPlan;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.ProjectExpression;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LOCogroup;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LOCross;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LODistinct;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LOFilter;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LOForEach;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LOGenerate;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LOInnerLoad;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LOJoin;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LOLimit;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LOLoad;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LORank;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LOSort;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LOSplit;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LOSplitOutput;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LOStore;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LOUnion;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LogicalPlan;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LogicalRelationalNodesVisitor;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LogicalRelationalOperator;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LogicalSchema;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LogicalSchema.LogicalFieldSchema;
All the getType() of these operators always return BAG.
We just have to :-
1) Check types of inputs, expression plans
2) Compute output schema with type information
(At the moment, the parser does only return GetSchema with correct aliases)
3) Insert casting if necessary
public class TypeCheckingRelVisitor extends LogicalRelationalNodesVisitor {
private CompilationMessageCollector msgCollector;
public TypeCheckingRelVisitor(OperatorPlan plan, CompilationMessageCollector msgCollector)
throws FrontendException {
super(plan, new DependencyOrderWalker(plan));
this.msgCollector = msgCollector;
public void visit(LOLoad load){
// do nothing
public void visit(LOStore store)
throws FrontendException {
* The schema of filter output will be the same as filter input
* @throws FrontendException
public void visit(LOFilter filter) throws FrontendException {
LogicalExpressionPlan comparisonPlan = filter.getFilterPlan() ;
// Check that the inner plan has only 1 output port
if (comparisonPlan.getSources().size() > 1) {
int errCode = 1057;
String msg = "Filter's cond plan can only have one output" ;
msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
throwTypeCheckerException(filter, msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, null) ;
// visit the filter expression
visitExpressionPlan(comparisonPlan, filter);
//check filter expression type
byte innerCondType = ((LogicalExpression)comparisonPlan.getSources().get(0)).getType();
if (innerCondType != DataType.BOOLEAN) {
int errCode = 1058;
String msg = "Filter's condition must evaluate to boolean. Found: " +
msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
throwTypeCheckerException(filter, msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, null) ;
try {
// re-compute the schema
filter.getSchema() ;
catch (FrontendException fe) {
int errCode = 1059;
String msg = "Problem while reconciling output schema of Filter" ;
msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error);
throwTypeCheckerException(filter, msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, fe) ;
private void throwTypeCheckerException(Operator op, String msg,
int errCode, byte input, FrontendException fe) throws TypeCheckerException {
if( fe == null ) {
throw new TypeCheckerException(op, msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT);
throw new TypeCheckerException(op, msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, fe);
public void visit(LOGenerate gen) throws FrontendException {
for(int i=0; i < gen.getOutputPlans().size(); i++) {
LogicalExpressionPlan expPlan = gen.getOutputPlans().get(i);
// Check that the inner plan has only 1 output port
if (expPlan.getSources().size() > 1) {
int errCode = 1057;
String msg = "LOGenerate expression plan can only have one output" ;
msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
throwTypeCheckerException( gen, msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, null) ;
// visit the filter expression
visitExpressionPlan( expPlan, gen );
public void visit(LOInnerLoad innerLoad) throws FrontendException{
public void visit(LOForEach forEach) throws FrontendException {
try {
// visit inner plan
new TypeCheckingRelVisitor( forEach.getInnerPlan(), msgCollector ).visit();
// re-compute the schema
forEach.getSchema() ;
} catch (FrontendException fe) {
int errCode = 1059;
String msg = "Problem while reconciling output schema of ForEach" ;
msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error);
throwTypeCheckerException(forEach, msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, fe) ;
private void visitExpressionPlan(LogicalExpressionPlan explPlan,
LogicalRelationalOperator relOp)
throws FrontendException {
TypeCheckingExpVisitor expTypeCheck =
new TypeCheckingExpVisitor(explPlan, msgCollector, relOp);
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LogicalRelationalNodesVisitor#visit(org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LOUnion)
* The output schema of LOUnion is the merge of all input schemas.
* Operands on left side always take precedance on aliases.
* We allow type promotion here
public void visit(LOUnion u) throws FrontendException {
// Have to make a copy, because as we insert operators, this list will
// change under us.
List<Operator> inputs = new ArrayList<Operator>(u.getInputs());
// There is no point to union only one operand
// it should be a problem in the parser
if (inputs.size() < 2) {
throw new AssertionError("Union with Count(Operand) < 2") ;
LogicalSchema schema = null ;
try {
// Compute the schema
schema = u.getSchema() ;
catch (FrontendException fee) {
int errCode = 1055;
String msg = "Problem while reading schemas from inputs of Union" ;
msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
throwTypeCheckerException(u, msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, fee) ;
// Do cast insertion only if we are typed
// and if its not union-onschema. In case of union-onschema the
// foreach with cast is added in UnionOnSchemaSetter
if (schema != null && !u.isOnSchema()) {
// Insert casting to inputs if necessary
for (int i=0; i< inputs.size() ;i++) {
LOForEach insertedOp
= insertCastForEachInBetweenIfNecessary((LogicalRelationalOperator)inputs.get(i), u) ;
// We may have to compute the schema of the input again
// because we have just inserted
if (insertedOp != null) {
try {
catch (FrontendException fee) {
int errCode = 1056;
String msg = "Problem while casting inputs of Union" ;
msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
throwTypeCheckerException(u, msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, fee) ;
* For casting insertion for relational operators
* only if it's necessary
* Currently this only does "shallow" casting
* @param fromOp
* @param toOp
* @return the inserted operator. null is no insertion
* @throws FrontendException
private LOForEach insertCastForEachInBetweenIfNecessary(
LogicalRelationalOperator fromOp,
LogicalRelationalOperator toOp)
throws FrontendException {
// Make sure that they are adjacent and the direction
// is from "fromOp" to "toOp"
List<Operator> preList = plan.getPredecessors(toOp) ;
boolean found = false ;
for(Operator tmpOp: preList) {
// compare by reference
if (tmpOp == fromOp) {
found = true ;
break ;
if (!found) {
int errCode = 1077;
String msg = "Two operators that require a cast in between are not adjacent.";
throwTypeCheckerException(fromOp, msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, null);
// retrieve input schema to be casted
// this will be used later
LogicalSchema fromSchema = null ;
LogicalSchema toSchema = null ;
try {
fromSchema = fromOp.getSchema() ;
toSchema = toOp.getSchema();
catch(FrontendException fe) {
int errCode = 1055;
String msg = "Problem while reading schema from input of "
+ fromOp.getClass().getSimpleName();
throwTypeCheckerException(fromOp, msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, fe);
// make sure the supplied targetSchema has the same number of members
// as number of output fields from "fromOp"
if (fromSchema.size() != toSchema.size()) {
int errCode = 1078;
String msg = "Schema size mismatch for casting. Input schema size: "
+ fromSchema.size() + ". Target schema size: " + toSchema.size();
throwTypeCheckerException(toOp, msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, null);
// Plans inside Generate. Fields that do not need casting will only
// have Project. Fields that need casting will have Project + Cast
ArrayList<LogicalExpressionPlan> generatePlans = new ArrayList<LogicalExpressionPlan>() ;
LogicalPlan innerPlan = new LogicalPlan();
// create LOGenerate for foreach
LOGenerate loGen = new LOGenerate(innerPlan, generatePlans,
new boolean[toSchema.size()]);
// Create ForEach to be inserted
LOForEach foreach = new LOForEach(plan);
int castNeededCounter = 0 ;
for(int i=0;i < fromSchema.size(); i++) {
LOInnerLoad innerLoad = new LOInnerLoad(innerPlan, foreach, i);
innerPlan.connect(innerLoad, loGen);
LogicalExpressionPlan genPlan = new LogicalExpressionPlan() ;
ProjectExpression project = new ProjectExpression(genPlan, i, 0, loGen);
// add casting if necessary by comparing target types
// to the input schema
LogicalFieldSchema fs = null ;
fs = fromSchema.getField(i) ;
// This only does "shallow checking"
LogicalFieldSchema outFieldSchema ;
outFieldSchema = toSchema.getField(i) ;
if (outFieldSchema.type != fs.type) {
castNeededCounter++ ;
CastExpression castexp = new CastExpression(genPlan, project, outFieldSchema);
generatePlans.add(genPlan) ;
// if we really need casting
if (castNeededCounter > 0) {
// Flatten List
// This is just cast insertion so we don't have any flatten
ArrayList<Boolean> flattenList = new ArrayList<Boolean>() ;
for(int i=0;i < toSchema.size(); i++) {
flattenList.add(Boolean.valueOf(false)) ;
// Manipulate the plan structure
plan.insertBetween(fromOp, foreach, toOp);
return foreach;
else {
return null ;
public void visit(LOSplitOutput op) throws FrontendException {
OperatorPlan lp = op.getPlan();
// LOSplitOutput can only have 1 input
List<Operator> list = lp.getPredecessors(op) ;
if (list.size() != 1) {
int errCode = 2008;
String msg = "LOSplitOutput cannot have more than one input. Found: " + list.size() + " input(s).";
throwTypeCheckerException(op, msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, null) ;
LogicalExpressionPlan condPlan = op.getFilterPlan() ;
// Check that the inner plan has only 1 output port
if (condPlan.getSources().size() != 1) {
int errCode = 1057;
String msg = "Split's inner plan can only have one output (leaf)" ;
msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
throwTypeCheckerException(op, msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, null) ;
visitExpressionPlan(condPlan, op);
byte innerCondType = ((LogicalExpression)condPlan.getSources().get(0)).getType() ;
if (innerCondType != DataType.BOOLEAN) {
int errCode = 1058;
String msg = "Split's condition must evaluate to boolean. Found: " + DataType.findTypeName(innerCondType) ;
msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
throwTypeCheckerException(op, msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, null) ;
try {
// Compute the schema
op.getSchema() ;
catch (FrontendException fe) {
int errCode = 1055;
String msg = "Problem while reading"
+ " schemas from inputs of SplitOutput" ;
msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
throwTypeCheckerException(op, msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, fe) ;
* LODistinct, output schema should be the same as input
* @param op
* @throws VisitorException
public void visit(LODistinct op) throws VisitorException {
try {
// Compute the schema
op.getSchema() ;
catch (FrontendException fe) {
int errCode = 1055;
String msg = "Problem while reading"
+ " schemas from inputs of Distinct" ;
msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
throwTypeCheckerException(op, msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, fe) ;
public void visit(LOLimit limit) throws FrontendException {
LogicalExpressionPlan expressionPlan = limit.getLimitPlan();
if (expressionPlan != null) {
// Check that the inner plan has only 1 output port
if (expressionPlan.getSources().size() > 1) {
int errCode = 1057;
String msg = "Limit's expression plan can only have one output";
msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error);
throwTypeCheckerException(limit, msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, null);
// visit the limit expression
visitExpressionPlan(expressionPlan, limit);
// check limit expression type
byte innerCondType = ((LogicalExpression) expressionPlan.getSources().get(0))
// cast to long if it is a bytearray
if (innerCondType == DataType.BYTEARRAY)
insertAtomicCastForInnerPlan(expressionPlan, limit, DataType.LONG);
// else it must be an int or a long
else if (innerCondType != DataType.LONG && innerCondType != DataType.INTEGER) {
int errCode = 1058;
String msg = "Limit's expression must evaluate to Long or Integer. Found: "
+ DataType.findTypeName(innerCondType);
msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error);
throwTypeCheckerException(limit, msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, null);
try {
// Compute the schema
} catch (FrontendException fe) {
int errCode = 1055;
String msg = "Problem while reading schemas from inputs of Limit";
msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
throwTypeCheckerException(limit, msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, fe);
* Return concatenated of all fields from all input operators
* If one of the inputs have no schema then we cannot construct
* the output schema.
* @param cs
* @throws VisitorException
public void visit(LOCross cs) throws VisitorException {
try {
// Compute the schema
cs.getSchema() ;
catch (FrontendException fe) {
int errCode = 1055;
String msg = "Problem while reading"
+ " schemas from inputs of Cross" ;
msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
throwTypeCheckerException(cs, msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, fe) ;
* The schema of sort output will be the same as sort input.
* @throws FrontendException
public void visit(LOSort sort) throws FrontendException {
// Type checking internal plans.
for(int i=0;i < sort.getSortColPlans().size(); i++) {
LogicalExpressionPlan sortColPlan = sort.getSortColPlans().get(i) ;
// Check that the inner plan has only 1 output port
if (sortColPlan.getSources().size() != 1) {
int errCode = 1057;
String msg = "Sort's inner plan can only have one output (leaf)" ;
msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
throwTypeCheckerException(sort, msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, null) ;
visitExpressionPlan(sortColPlan, sort);
try {
// Compute the schema
sort.getSchema() ;
catch (FrontendException fee) {
int errCode = 1059;
String msg = "Problem while reconciling output schema of Sort" ;
msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error);
throwTypeCheckerException(sort, msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, fee) ;
* The schema of rank output will be the same as input, plus a rank field.
* @throws FrontendException
public void visit(LORank rank) throws FrontendException {
// Type checking internal plans.
List<LogicalExpressionPlan> rankColPlans = rank.getRankColPlans();
for(int i=0;i < rankColPlans.size(); i++) {
LogicalExpressionPlan rankColPlan = rankColPlans.get(i) ;
// Check that the inner plan has only 1 output port
if (rankColPlan.getSources().size() != 1) {
int errCode = 1057;
String msg = "Rank's inner plan can only have one output (leaf)" ;
msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
throwTypeCheckerException(rank, msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, null) ;
visitExpressionPlan(rankColPlan, rank);
try {
// Compute the schema
rank.getSchema() ;
catch (FrontendException fee) {
int errCode = 1059;
String msg = "Problem while reconciling output schema of Rank" ;
msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error);
throwTypeCheckerException(rank, msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, fee) ;
* The schema of split output will be the same as split input
public void visit(LOSplit split) throws VisitorException {
OperatorPlan lp = split.getPlan();
List<Operator> inputList = lp.getPredecessors(split);
if (inputList.size() != 1) {
int errCode = 2008;
String msg = "LOSplit cannot have more than one input. Found: " + inputList.size() + " input(s).";
throwTypeCheckerException(split, msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, null) ;
try {
// Compute the schema
catch (FrontendException fe) {
int errCode = 1059;
String msg = "Problem while reconciling output schema of Split" ;
msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error);
throwTypeCheckerException(split, msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, fe) ;
* LOJoin visitor
* @throws FrontendException
public void visit(LOJoin join) throws FrontendException {
try {
} catch (FrontendException fe) {
int errCode = 1060;
String msg = "Cannot resolve Join output schema" ;
msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
throwTypeCheckerException(join, msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, fe) ;
MultiMap<Integer, LogicalExpressionPlan> joinColPlans
= join.getExpressionPlans() ;
List<Operator> inputs = join.getInputs((LogicalPlan) plan) ;
// Type checking internal plans.
for(int i=0;i < inputs.size(); i++) {
ArrayList<LogicalExpressionPlan> innerPlans
= new ArrayList<LogicalExpressionPlan>(joinColPlans.get(i)) ;
for(int j=0; j < innerPlans.size(); j++) {
LogicalExpressionPlan innerPlan = innerPlans.get(j) ;
// Check that the inner plan has only 1 output port
if (innerPlan.getSources().size() != 1) {
int errCode = 1057;
String msg = "Join's inner plans can only"
+ " have one output (leaf)" ;
msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
throwTypeCheckerException(join, msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, null) ;
visitExpressionPlan(innerPlan, join);
try {
if (!isJoinOnMultiCols(join)) {
// merge all the inner plan outputs so we know what type
// our group column should be
byte groupType = getAtomicJoinColType(join);
// go through all inputs again to add cast if necessary
for(int i=0;i < inputs.size(); i++) {
Collection<LogicalExpressionPlan> exprPlans = join.getJoinPlan(i);
//there should be one and only expression plan - that gets
// checked in getAtomicJoinColType()
LogicalExpressionPlan exprPlan = exprPlans.iterator().next();
// Checking innerPlan size already done above
byte innerType =
if (innerType != groupType) {
insertAtomicCastForInnerPlan(exprPlan, join, groupType);
else {
//schema of the group-by key
LogicalSchema groupBySchema = getSchemaFromInnerPlans(join.getExpressionPlans(), join) ;
// go through all inputs again to add cast if necessary
for(int i=0;i < inputs.size(); i++) {
List<LogicalExpressionPlan> innerPlans =
new ArrayList<LogicalExpressionPlan>(join.getJoinPlan(i)) ;
for(int j=0;j < innerPlans.size(); j++) {
LogicalExpressionPlan innerPlan = innerPlans.get(j) ;
LogicalExpression outputExp = ((LogicalExpression)innerPlan.getSources().get(0));
byte innerType = outputExp.getType() ;
byte expectedType = groupBySchema.getField(j).type ;
if (!DataType.isAtomic(innerType) && (DataType.TUPLE != innerType)) {
int errCode = 1057;
String msg = "Join's inner plans can only"
+ "have one output (leaf)" ;
msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
throwTypeCheckerException(join, msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, null) ;
if (innerType != expectedType) {
innerPlan,join, expectedType
) ;
catch (FrontendException fe) {
int errCode = 1060;
String msg = "Cannot resolve Join output schema" ;
msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
throwTypeCheckerException(join, msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, fe) ;
try {
catch (FrontendException fe) {
int errCode = 1060;
String msg = "Cannot resolve Join output schema" ;
msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
throwTypeCheckerException(join, msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, fe) ;
* @param join
* @return true if there is more than one join column for an input
private boolean isJoinOnMultiCols(LOJoin join) {
MultiMap<Integer, LogicalExpressionPlan> exprPlans = join.getExpressionPlans();
if(exprPlans == null || exprPlans.size() == 0){
throw new AssertionError("LOJoin.isJoinOnMultiCols() can only be called "
+ " after it has an join expression plans ") ;
return exprPlans.get(0).size() > 1;
* This can be used to get the merged type of output join col
* only when the join col is of atomic type
* @return The type of the join col
* @throws FrontendException
private byte getAtomicJoinColType(LOJoin join) throws FrontendException {
if (isJoinOnMultiCols(join)) {
int errCode = 1010;
String msg = "getAtomicJoinColType is used only when"
+ " dealing with atomic group col";
throw new FrontendException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, false, null) ;
byte groupType = DataType.BYTEARRAY ;
// merge all the inner plan outputs so we know what type
// our group column should be
for(int i=0;i < plan.getPredecessors(join).size() ; i++) {
List<LogicalExpressionPlan> innerPlans =
new ArrayList<LogicalExpressionPlan>(join.getJoinPlan(i)) ;
if (innerPlans.size() != 1) {
int errCode = 1012;
String msg = "Each COGroup input has to have "
+ "the same number of inner plans";
throw new FrontendException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, false, null) ;
byte innerType = ((LogicalExpression)innerPlans.get(0).getSources().get(0)).getType() ;
byte newGroupType = DataType.mergeType(groupType, innerType) ;
if (newGroupType == -1)
int errCode = 1107;
String msg = "Cannot merge join keys, incompatible types. Outer: " + DataType.findTypeName(groupType) + "; inner: " + DataType.findTypeName(innerType);
throw new FrontendException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT) ;
} else {
groupType = newGroupType;
return groupType ;
* This can be used to get the merged type of output join col
* only when the join/cogroup col is of atomic type
* @return The type of the join col
* @throws FrontendException
private byte getAtomicColType(MultiMap<Integer, LogicalExpressionPlan> allExprPlans) throws FrontendException {
if (isMultiExprPlanPerInput(allExprPlans)) {
int errCode = 1010;
String msg = "getAtomicJoinColType is used only when"
+ " dealing with atomic group col";
throw new FrontendException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, false, null) ;
byte groupType = DataType.BYTEARRAY ;
// merge all the inner plan outputs so we know what type
// our group column should be
for(int i=0;i < allExprPlans.size() ; i++) {
List<LogicalExpressionPlan> innerPlans =
new ArrayList<LogicalExpressionPlan>(allExprPlans.get(i)) ;
if (innerPlans.size() != 1) {
int errCode = 1012;
String msg = "Each COGroup input has to have "
+ "the same number of inner plans";
throw new FrontendException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, false, null) ;
byte innerType = ((LogicalExpression)innerPlans.get(0).getSources().get(0)).getType() ;
byte newGroupType = DataType.mergeType(groupType, innerType) ;
if (newGroupType == -1)
int errCode = 1107;
String msg = "Cannot merge join keys, incompatible types. Outer: " + DataType.findTypeName(groupType) + "; inner: " + DataType.findTypeName(innerType);
throw new FrontendException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT) ;
} else {
groupType = newGroupType;
return groupType ;
private boolean isMultiExprPlanPerInput(
MultiMap<Integer, LogicalExpressionPlan> exprPlans) {
if(exprPlans == null || exprPlans.size() == 0){
throw new AssertionError("LOJoin.isJoinOnMultiCols() can only be called "
+ " after it has an join expression plans ") ;
return exprPlans.get(0).size() > 1;
* Cast the single output operator of innerPlan to toType
* @param innerPlan
* @param relOp - join or cogroup
* @param toType
* @throws FrontendException
private void insertAtomicCastForInnerPlan(LogicalExpressionPlan innerPlan,
LogicalRelationalOperator relOp, byte toType) throws FrontendException {
if (!DataType.isUsableType(toType)) {
int errCode = 1051;
String msg = "Cannot cast to "
+ DataType.findTypeName(toType);
throwTypeCheckerException(relOp, msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, null);
List<Operator> outputs = innerPlan.getSources();
if (outputs.size() > 1) {
int errCode = 2060;
String msg = "Expected one output. Found " + outputs.size() + " outputs.";
throwTypeCheckerException(relOp, msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, null);
LogicalExpression currentOutput = (LogicalExpression) outputs.get(0);
relOp, currentOutput.getType(),
toType, msgCollector
LogicalFieldSchema newFS = new LogicalFieldSchema(
currentOutput.getFieldSchema().alias, null, toType
//add cast
new CastExpression(innerPlan, currentOutput, newFS);
//visit modified inner plan
visitExpressionPlan(innerPlan, relOp);
* Create combined group-by/join column schema based on join/cogroup
* expression plans for all inputs.
* This implementation is based on the assumption that all the
* inputs have the same join col tuple arity.
* @param exprPlans
* @return
* @throws FrontendException
private LogicalSchema getSchemaFromInnerPlans(
MultiMap<Integer, LogicalExpressionPlan> exprPlans,
LogicalRelationalOperator op
throws FrontendException {
// this fsList represents all the columns in group tuple
List<LogicalFieldSchema> fsList = new ArrayList<LogicalFieldSchema>() ;
int outputSchemaSize = exprPlans.get(0).size();
// by default, they are all bytearray
// for type checking, we don't care about aliases
for(int i=0; i<outputSchemaSize; i++) {
fsList.add(new LogicalFieldSchema(null, null, DataType.BYTEARRAY));
// merge all the inner plan outputs so we know what type
// our group column should be
for(int i=0;i < exprPlans.size(); i++) {
List<LogicalExpressionPlan> innerPlans =
new ArrayList<LogicalExpressionPlan>(exprPlans.get(i)) ;
for(int j=0;j < innerPlans.size(); j++) {
LogicalExpression eOp = (LogicalExpression)innerPlans.get(j).getSources().get(0);
byte innerType = eOp.getType();
if(eOp instanceof ProjectExpression) {
if(((ProjectExpression)eOp).isProjectStar()) {
//there is a project star and there is more than one
// expression plan
int errCode = 1013;
String msg = "Grouping attributes can either be star (*) " +
"or a list of expressions, but not both.";
msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
throw new FrontendException(
msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, false, null
//merge the type
LogicalFieldSchema groupFs = fsList.get(j);
groupFs.type = DataType.mergeType(groupFs.type, innerType) ;
if(groupFs.type == DataType.ERROR){
String colType = "join";
if(op instanceof LOCogroup){
colType = "group";
String msg =
colType + " column no. " +
(j+1) + " in relation no. " + (i+1) + " of " + colType +
" statement has datatype " + DataType.findTypeName(innerType) +
" which is incompatible with type of corresponding column" +
" in earlier relation(s) in the statement";
msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
TypeCheckerException ex =
new TypeCheckerException(op, msg, 1130, PigException.INPUT);
throw ex;
//create schema from field schemas
LogicalSchema tupleSchema = new LogicalSchema();
for(LogicalFieldSchema fs : fsList){
return tupleSchema;
* COGroup
* All group by cols from all inputs have to be of the
* same type
* @throws FrontendException
public void visit(LOCogroup cg) throws FrontendException {
try {
} catch (FrontendException fe) {
int errCode = 1060;
String msg = "Cannot resolve COGroup output schema" ;
msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
throwTypeCheckerException(cg, msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, fe) ;
MultiMap<Integer, LogicalExpressionPlan> groupByPlans =
List<Operator> inputs = cg.getInputs((LogicalPlan)plan);
// Type checking internal plans.
for(int i=0;i < inputs.size(); i++) {
List<LogicalExpressionPlan> innerPlans =
new ArrayList<LogicalExpressionPlan>(cg.getExpressionPlans().get(i)) ;
for(int j=0; j < innerPlans.size(); j++) {
LogicalExpressionPlan innerPlan = innerPlans.get(j) ;
// Check that the inner plan has only 1 output port
if (innerPlan.getSources().size() != 1) {
int errCode = 1057;
String msg = "COGroup's inner plans can only"
+ "have one output (leaf)" ;
msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
throwTypeCheckerException(cg, msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, null) ;
visitExpressionPlan(innerPlan, cg);
try {
if (!isCoGroupOnMultiCols(cg)) {
// merge all the inner plan outputs so we know what type
// our group column should be
byte groupType = getAtomicColType(cg.getExpressionPlans());
// go through all inputs again to add cast if necessary
for(int i=0;i < inputs.size(); i++) {
List<LogicalExpressionPlan> innerPlans =
new ArrayList<LogicalExpressionPlan>(cg.getExpressionPlans().get(i)) ;
// Checking innerPlan size already done above
byte innerType = ((LogicalExpression)innerPlans.get(0).getSources().get(0)).getType() ;
if (innerType != groupType) {
innerPlans.get(0),cg, groupType
) ;
else {
LogicalSchema groupBySchema = getSchemaFromInnerPlans(cg.getExpressionPlans(), cg);
// go through all inputs again to add cast if necessary
for(int i=0;i < inputs.size(); i++) {
List<LogicalExpressionPlan> innerPlans =
new ArrayList<LogicalExpressionPlan>(groupByPlans.get(i)) ;
for(int j=0;j < innerPlans.size(); j++) {
LogicalExpressionPlan innerPlan = innerPlans.get(j) ;
byte innerType = ((LogicalExpression)innerPlan.getSources().get(0)).getType() ;
byte expectedType = DataType.BYTEARRAY ;
if (!DataType.isAtomic(innerType) && (DataType.TUPLE != innerType)) {
int errCode = 1061;
String msg = "Sorry, group by complex types"
+ " will be supported soon" ;
msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
throwTypeCheckerException(cg, msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, null) ;
expectedType = groupBySchema.getField(j).type ;
if (innerType != expectedType) {
innerPlan, cg, expectedType
catch (FrontendException fe) {
int errCode = 1060;
String msg = "Cannot resolve COGroup output schema" ;
msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
throwTypeCheckerException(cg, msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, fe) ;
try {
catch (FrontendException fe) {
int errCode = 1060;
String msg = "Cannot resolve COGroup output schema" ;
msgCollector.collect(msg, MessageType.Error) ;
throwTypeCheckerException(cg, msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT, fe) ;
* @param coGroup
* @return true if there is more than one join column for an input
private boolean isCoGroupOnMultiCols(LOCogroup coGroup) {
MultiMap<Integer, LogicalExpressionPlan> exprPlans = coGroup.getExpressionPlans();
if(exprPlans == null || exprPlans.size() == 0){
throw new AssertionError("LOCoGroup.isJoinOnMultiCols() can only becalled "
+ " after it has an join expression plans ") ;
return exprPlans.get(0).size() > 1;