blob: 8deb136cfe93e05db519350959410e06d6180e1b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.FrontendException;
import org.apache.pig.impl.util.MultiMap;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.Operator;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.OperatorPlan;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.PlanVisitor;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.LogicalExpression;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.LogicalExpressionPlan;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LogicalSchema.LogicalFieldSchema;
public class LOCogroup extends LogicalRelationalOperator {
// List of booleans specifying if any of the cogroups is inner
private boolean[] mIsInner;
// List of expressionPlans according to input
private MultiMap<Integer,LogicalExpressionPlan> mExpressionPlans;
* Enum for the type of group
public static enum GROUPTYPE {
REGULAR, // Regular (co)group
COLLECTED, // Collected group
MERGE // Map-side CoGroup on sorted data
private GROUPTYPE mGroupType;
private LogicalFieldSchema groupKeyUidOnlySchema;
* This is a map storing Uids which have been generated for an input
* This map is required to make the uids persistant between calls of
* resetSchema and getSchema
private Map<Integer,Long> generatedInputUids = new HashMap<Integer,Long>();
final static String GROUP_COL_NAME = "group";
* static constant to refer to the option of selecting a group type
public final static Integer OPTION_GROUPTYPE = 1;
* Constructor for use in defining rule patterns
* @param plan
public LOCogroup(LogicalPlan plan) {
super("LOCogroup", plan);
public LOCogroup(OperatorPlan plan, MultiMap<Integer,LogicalExpressionPlan>
expressionPlans, boolean[] isInner ) {
this( plan, expressionPlans, GROUPTYPE.REGULAR, isInner );
public LOCogroup(OperatorPlan plan, MultiMap<Integer,LogicalExpressionPlan>
expressionPlans, GROUPTYPE groupType, boolean[] isInner) {
super("LOCogroup", plan);
this.mExpressionPlans = expressionPlans;
if( isInner != null ) {
mIsInner = Arrays.copyOf(isInner, isInner.length);
this.mGroupType = groupType;
* Given an expression plan this function returns a LogicalFieldSchema
* that can be generated using this expression plan
* @param exprPlan ExpressionPlan which generates this field
* @return
private LogicalFieldSchema getPlanSchema( LogicalExpressionPlan exprPlan ) throws FrontendException {
LogicalExpression sourceExp = (LogicalExpression) exprPlan.getSources().get(0);
LogicalFieldSchema planSchema = null;
if (sourceExp.getFieldSchema()!=null)
planSchema = sourceExp.getFieldSchema().deepCopy();
return planSchema;
public LogicalSchema getSchema() throws FrontendException {
// if schema is calculated before, just return
if (schema != null) {
return schema;
List<Operator> inputs = null;
inputs = plan.getPredecessors(this);
if (inputs == null) {
throw new FrontendException(this, "Cannot get predecessor for " + this, 2233);
List<LogicalFieldSchema> fieldSchemaList = new ArrayList<LogicalFieldSchema>();
// See if we have more than one expression plans, if so the
// schema of the group column will be a tuple
boolean hasMultipleKeys = false;
for( Integer key : mExpressionPlans.keySet() ) {
if( mExpressionPlans.get(key).size() > 1 ) {
hasMultipleKeys = true;
LogicalFieldSchema groupKeySchema = null;
// Generate the groupField Schema
if( hasMultipleKeys ) {
LogicalSchema keySchema = new LogicalSchema();
// We sort here to maintain the correct order of inputs
for( Integer key : mExpressionPlans.keySet()) {
Collection<LogicalExpressionPlan> plans =
for( LogicalExpressionPlan plan : plans ) {
LogicalFieldSchema fieldSchema = getPlanSchema(plan);
// if any plan schema is null, that means we can't calculate
// further schemas so we bail out
if( fieldSchema == null ) {
schema = null;
return schema;
fieldSchema = new LogicalFieldSchema(fieldSchema);
// We only need fields from one input and not all
groupKeySchema = new LogicalFieldSchema(GROUP_COL_NAME, keySchema, DataType.TUPLE);
} else {
// We sort here to maintain the correct order of inputs
for( Integer key : mExpressionPlans.keySet() ) {
Collection<LogicalExpressionPlan> plans = mExpressionPlans.get(key);
for( LogicalExpressionPlan plan : plans ) {
groupKeySchema = getPlanSchema(plan);
// if any plan schema is null, that means we cannot figure out
// the arity of keys, just give an empty tuple
if( groupKeySchema == null ) {
groupKeySchema = new LogicalSchema.LogicalFieldSchema("group", null, DataType.TUPLE);
groupKeySchema = new LogicalSchema.LogicalFieldSchema(groupKeySchema);
// Change the uid of this field
groupKeySchema.alias = GROUP_COL_NAME;
if(mExpressionPlans.size() > 1){
//reset the uid, because the group column is associated with more
// than one input
if (groupKeySchema==null) {
throw new FrontendException(this, "Cannot get group key schema for " + this, 2234);
groupKeyUidOnlySchema = groupKeySchema.mergeUid(groupKeyUidOnlySchema);
fieldSchemaList.add( groupKeySchema );
// Generate the Bag Schema
int counter = 0;
for (Operator op : inputs) {
LogicalSchema inputSchema = ((LogicalRelationalOperator)op).getSchema();
// Check if we already have calculated Uid for this bag for given
// input operator
long bagUid;
if (generatedInputUids.get(counter)!=null)
bagUid = generatedInputUids.get(counter);
else {
bagUid = LogicalExpression.getNextUid();
generatedInputUids.put( counter, bagUid );
LogicalFieldSchema newTupleFieldSchema = new LogicalFieldSchema(
null, inputSchema, DataType.TUPLE, LogicalExpression.getNextUid());
LogicalSchema bagSchema = new LogicalSchema();
LogicalFieldSchema newBagFieldSchema = new LogicalFieldSchema(
((LogicalRelationalOperator)op).getAlias(), bagSchema,
DataType.BAG, bagUid);
fieldSchemaList.add( newBagFieldSchema );
counter ++;
schema = new LogicalSchema();
for(LogicalFieldSchema fieldSchema: fieldSchemaList) {
return schema;
public void accept(PlanVisitor v) throws FrontendException {
if (!(v instanceof LogicalRelationalNodesVisitor)) {
throw new FrontendException("Expected LogicalPlanVisitor", 2223);
public boolean isEqual(Operator other) throws FrontendException {
if (other != null && other instanceof LOCogroup) {
LOCogroup oc = (LOCogroup)other;
if( mGroupType == oc.mGroupType &&
mIsInner.length == oc.mIsInner.length
&& mExpressionPlans.size() == oc.mExpressionPlans.size() ) {
for( int i = 0; i < mIsInner.length; i++ ) {
if( mIsInner[i] != oc.mIsInner[i] ) {
return false;
for( Integer key : mExpressionPlans.keySet() ) {
if( ! oc.mExpressionPlans.containsKey(key) ) {
return false;
Collection<LogicalExpressionPlan> exp1 =
Collection<LogicalExpressionPlan> exp2 =
if(! ( exp1 instanceof ArrayList<?>
|| exp2 instanceof ArrayList<?> ) ) {
throw new FrontendException( "Expected an ArrayList " +
"of Expression Plans", 2235 );
ArrayList<LogicalExpressionPlan> expList1 =
(ArrayList<LogicalExpressionPlan>) exp1;
ArrayList<LogicalExpressionPlan> expList2 =
(ArrayList<LogicalExpressionPlan>) exp2;
for (int i = 0; i < expList1.size(); i++) {
if (!expList1.get(i).isEqual(expList2.get(i))) {
return false;
return checkEquality((LogicalRelationalOperator) other);
return false;
public GROUPTYPE getGroupType() {
return mGroupType;
public void resetGroupType() {
* Returns an Unmodifiable Map of Input Number to Uid
* @return Unmodifiable Map<Integer,Long>
public Map<Integer,Long> getGeneratedInputUids() {
return Collections.unmodifiableMap( generatedInputUids );
public MultiMap<Integer,LogicalExpressionPlan> getExpressionPlans() {
return mExpressionPlans;
public void setExpressionPlans(MultiMap<Integer,LogicalExpressionPlan> plans) {
this.mExpressionPlans = plans;
public void setGroupType(GROUPTYPE gt) {
mGroupType = gt;
public void setInnerFlags(boolean[] flags) {
if( flags != null ) {
mIsInner = Arrays.copyOf( flags, flags.length );
public boolean[] getInner() {
return mIsInner;
public void resetUid() {
groupKeyUidOnlySchema = null;
generatedInputUids = new HashMap<Integer,Long>();
public List<Operator> getInputs(LogicalPlan plan) {
return plan.getPredecessors(this);