blob: 7e8c1ec32da184d054357dc8233c8626c470f3f9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.pig.newplan;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.pig.Expression;
import org.apache.pig.PigException;
import org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.FrontendException;
import org.apache.pig.impl.util.Pair;
import org.apache.pig.Expression.OpType;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.AddExpression;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.AndExpression;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.BinCondExpression;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.BinaryExpression;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.CastExpression;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.ConstantExpression;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.DivideExpression;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.EqualExpression;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.GreaterThanEqualExpression;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.GreaterThanExpression;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.IsNullExpression;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.LessThanEqualExpression;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.LessThanExpression;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.LogicalExpression;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.ModExpression;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.MultiplyExpression;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.NotEqualExpression;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.NotExpression;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.OrExpression;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.ProjectExpression;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.RegexExpression;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.SubtractExpression;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.UserFuncExpression;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.DepthFirstWalker;
* This Visitor works on the filter condition of a LOFilter which immediately
* follows a LOLoad that interacts with a metadata system (currently OWL) to
* read table data. The visitor looks for conditions on partition columns in the
* filter condition and extracts those conditions out of the filter condition.
* The condition on partition cols will be used to prune partitions of the table.
public class PColFilterExtractor extends PlanVisitor {
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(PColFilterExtractor.class);
* partition columns associated with the table
* present in the load on which the filter whose
* inner plan is being visited is applied
private List<String> partitionCols;
* will contain the partition column filter conditions
* accumulated during the visit - the final condition will an expression
* built from these sub expressions connected with AND
private ArrayList<Expression> pColConditions = new ArrayList<Expression>();
* flag used during visit to indicate if a partition key
* was seen
private boolean sawKey;
private boolean sawNonKeyCol;
private enum Side { LEFT, RIGHT, NONE };
private Side replaceSide = Side.NONE;
private boolean filterRemovable = false;
private boolean canPushDown = true;
public void visit() throws FrontendException {
// we will visit the leaf and it will recursively walk the plan
LogicalExpression leaf = (LogicalExpression)plan.getSources().get( 0 );
// if the leaf is a unary operator it should be a FilterFunc in
// which case we don't try to extract partition filter conditions
if(leaf instanceof BinaryExpression) {
BinaryExpression binExpr = (BinaryExpression)leaf;
visit( binExpr );
replaceChild( binExpr );
// if the entire expression is to be removed, then the above
// replaceChild will not set sawKey to false (sawKey is set to
// false only in replaceChild()
if(sawKey == true) {
//there are only conditions on partition columns in the filter
//extract it
pColConditions.add( getExpression( leaf ) );
filterRemovable = true;
* @param plan logical plan corresponding the filter's comparison condition
* @param partitionCols list of partition columns of the table which is
* being loaded in the LOAD statement which is input to the filter
public PColFilterExtractor(OperatorPlan plan,
List<String> partitionCols) {
// though we configure a DepthFirstWalker to be the walker, we will not
// use it - we will visit the leaf and it will recursively walk the
// plan
super( plan, new DepthFirstWalker( plan ) );
this.partitionCols = new ArrayList<String>(partitionCols);
protected void visit(ProjectExpression project) throws FrontendException {
String fieldName = project.getFieldSchema().alias;
if(partitionCols.contains(fieldName)) {
sawKey = true;
// The condition on partition column will be used to prune the
// scan and removed from the filter condition. Hence the condition
// on the partition column will not be re applied when data is read,
// so the following cases should throw error until that changes.
List<Class<?>> opsToCheckFor = new ArrayList<Class<?>>();
if(checkSuccessors(project, opsToCheckFor)) {
LOG.warn("No partition filter push down: " +
"You have an partition column ("
+ fieldName + ") inside a regexp operator in the " +
"filter condition.");
canPushDown = false;
opsToCheckFor.set(0, UserFuncExpression.class);
if(checkSuccessors(project, opsToCheckFor)) {
LOG.warn("No partition filter push down: " +
"You have an partition column ("
+ fieldName + ") inside a function in the " +
"filter condition.");
canPushDown = false;
opsToCheckFor.set(0, CastExpression.class);
if(checkSuccessors(project, opsToCheckFor)) {
LOG.warn("No partition filter push down: " +
"You have an partition column ("
+ fieldName + ") inside a cast in the " +
"filter condition.");
canPushDown = false;
opsToCheckFor.set(0, IsNullExpression.class);
if(checkSuccessors(project, opsToCheckFor)) {
LOG.warn("No partition filter push down: " +
"You have an partition column ("
+ fieldName + ") inside a null check operator in the " +
"filter condition.");
canPushDown = false;
opsToCheckFor.set(0, BinCondExpression.class);
if(checkSuccessors(project, opsToCheckFor)) {
LOG.warn("No partition filter push down: " +
"You have an partition column ("
+ fieldName + ") inside a bincond operator in the " +
"filter condition.");
canPushDown = false;
opsToCheckFor.set(0, AndExpression.class);
if(checkSuccessors(project, opsToCheckFor)) {
LOG.warn("No partition filter push down: " +
"You have an partition column (" + fieldName +
" ) in a construction like: " +
"(pcond and ...) or (pcond and ...) " +
"where pcond is a condition on a partition column.");
canPushDown = false;
} else {
sawNonKeyCol = true;
private void visit(BinaryExpression binOp) throws FrontendException {
boolean lhsSawKey = false;
boolean rhsSawKey = false;
boolean lhsSawNonKeyCol = false;
boolean rhsSawNonKeyCol = false;
sawKey = false;
sawNonKeyCol = false;
visit( binOp.getLhs() );
lhsSawKey = sawKey;
lhsSawNonKeyCol = sawNonKeyCol;
sawKey = false;
sawNonKeyCol = false;
visit( binOp.getRhs() );
rhsSawKey = sawKey;
rhsSawNonKeyCol = sawNonKeyCol;
// only in the case of an AND, we potentially split the AND to
// remove conditions on partition columns out of the AND. For this
// we set replaceSide accordingly so that when we reach a predecessor
// we can trim the appropriate side. If both sides of the AND have
// conditions on partition columns, we will remove the AND completely -
// in this case, we will not set replaceSide, but sawKey will be
// true so that as we go to higher predecessor ANDs we can trim later.
if(binOp instanceof AndExpression) {
if(lhsSawKey && rhsSawNonKeyCol){
replaceSide = Side.LEFT;
}else if(rhsSawKey && lhsSawNonKeyCol){
replaceSide = Side.RIGHT;
} else if(lhsSawKey && rhsSawNonKeyCol || rhsSawKey && lhsSawNonKeyCol){
LOG.warn("No partition filter push down: " +
"Use of partition column/condition with" +
" non partition column/condition in filter expression is not " +
canPushDown = false;
sawKey = lhsSawKey || rhsSawKey;
sawNonKeyCol = lhsSawNonKeyCol || rhsSawNonKeyCol;
* @return the condition on partition columns extracted from filter
public Expression getPColCondition(){
if(!canPushDown || pColConditions.size() == 0)
return null;
Expression cond = pColConditions.get(0);
for(int i=1; i<pColConditions.size(); i++){
//if there is more than one condition expression
// connect them using "AND"s
cond = new Expression.BinaryExpression(cond, pColConditions.get(i),
return cond;
* @return the filterRemovable
public boolean isFilterRemovable() {
return canPushDown && filterRemovable;
//////// helper methods /////////////////////////
* check for the presence of a certain operator type in the Successors
* @param opToStartFrom
* @param opsToCheckFor operators to be checked for at each level of
* Successors - the ordering in the list is the order in which the ops
* will be checked.
* @return true if opsToCheckFor are found
* @throws IOException
private boolean checkSuccessors(Operator opToStartFrom,
List<Class<?>> opsToCheckFor) throws FrontendException {
boolean done = checkSuccessorsHelper(opToStartFrom, opsToCheckFor);
if(!done && !opsToCheckFor.isEmpty()) {
// continue checking if there is more to check
while(!done) {
opToStartFrom = plan.getPredecessors(opToStartFrom).get(0);
done = checkSuccessorsHelper(opToStartFrom, opsToCheckFor);
return opsToCheckFor.isEmpty();
private boolean checkSuccessorsHelper(Operator opToStartFrom,
List<Class<?>> opsToCheckFor) throws FrontendException {
List<Operator> successors = plan.getPredecessors(
if(successors == null || successors.size() == 0) {
return true; // further checking cannot be done
if(successors.size() == 1) {
Operator suc = successors.get(0);
opsToCheckFor.get(0).getCanonicalName())) {
// trim the list of operators to check
if(opsToCheckFor.isEmpty()) {
return true; //no further checks required
} else {
return false; // more checking can be done
private void replaceChild(LogicalExpression childExpr) throws FrontendException {
if(replaceSide == Side.NONE) {
// the child is trimmed when the appropriate
// flag is set to indicate that it needs to be trimmed.
// eg if replaceSide == Side.LEFT
// binexpop
// / \ \
// child (this is the childExpr argument send in)
// / \
// Lt Rt
// gets converted to
// binexpop
// /
// Rt
if( !( childExpr instanceof BinaryExpression ) ) {
// child's lhs operand
LogicalExpression leftChild =
// child's rhs operand
LogicalExpression rightChild =
plan.disconnect( childExpr, leftChild );
plan.disconnect( childExpr, rightChild );
if(replaceSide == Side.LEFT) {
// remove left child and replace childExpr with its right child
remove( leftChild );
replace(childExpr, rightChild);
} else if(replaceSide == Side.RIGHT){
// remove right child and replace childExpr with its left child
replace(childExpr, leftChild);
}else {
replaceSide = Side.NONE;
sawKey = false;
private void replace(Operator oldOp, Operator newOp) throws FrontendException {
List<Operator> grandParents = plan.getPredecessors( oldOp );
if( grandParents == null || grandParents.size() == 0 ) {
plan.remove( oldOp );
Operator grandParent = plan.getPredecessors( oldOp ).get( 0 );
Pair<Integer, Integer> pair = plan.disconnect( grandParent, oldOp );
plan.add( newOp );
plan.connect( grandParent, pair.first, newOp, pair.second );
plan.remove( oldOp );
* @param op
* @throws IOException
* @throws IOException
* @throws IOException
private void remove(LogicalExpression op) throws FrontendException {
pColConditions.add( getExpression( op ) );
removeTree( op );
* Assume that the given operator is already disconnected from its predecessors.
* @param op
* @throws FrontendException
private void removeTree(Operator op) throws FrontendException {
List<Operator> succs = plan.getSuccessors( op );
if( succs == null ) {
plan.remove( op );
Operator[] children = new Operator[succs.size()];
for( int i = 0; i < succs.size(); i++ ) {
children[i] = succs.get(i);
for( Operator succ : children ) {
plan.disconnect( op, succ );
removeTree( succ );
plan.remove( op );
public Expression getExpression(LogicalExpression op) throws FrontendException
if(op instanceof ConstantExpression) {
ConstantExpression constExpr =(ConstantExpression)op ;
return new Expression.Const( constExpr.getValue() );
} else if (op instanceof ProjectExpression) {
ProjectExpression projExpr = (ProjectExpression)op;
String fieldName = projExpr.getFieldSchema().alias;
return new Expression.Column(fieldName);
} else {
if( !( op instanceof BinaryExpression ) ) {
return null;
BinaryExpression binOp = (BinaryExpression)op;
if(binOp instanceof AddExpression) {
return getExpression( binOp, OpType.OP_PLUS );
} else if(binOp instanceof SubtractExpression) {
return getExpression(binOp, OpType.OP_MINUS);
} else if(binOp instanceof MultiplyExpression) {
return getExpression(binOp, OpType.OP_TIMES);
} else if(binOp instanceof DivideExpression) {
return getExpression(binOp, OpType.OP_DIV);
} else if(binOp instanceof ModExpression) {
return getExpression(binOp, OpType.OP_MOD);
} else if(binOp instanceof AndExpression) {
return getExpression(binOp, OpType.OP_AND);
} else if(binOp instanceof OrExpression) {
return getExpression(binOp, OpType.OP_OR);
} else if(binOp instanceof EqualExpression) {
return getExpression(binOp, OpType.OP_EQ);
} else if(binOp instanceof NotEqualExpression) {
return getExpression(binOp, OpType.OP_NE);
} else if(binOp instanceof GreaterThanExpression) {
return getExpression(binOp, OpType.OP_GT);
} else if(binOp instanceof GreaterThanEqualExpression) {
return getExpression(binOp, OpType.OP_GE);
} else if(binOp instanceof LessThanExpression) {
return getExpression(binOp, OpType.OP_LT);
} else if(binOp instanceof LessThanEqualExpression) {
return getExpression(binOp, OpType.OP_LE);
} else {
return null;
private Expression getExpression(BinaryExpression binOp, OpType
opType) throws FrontendException {
return new Expression.BinaryExpression(getExpression(binOp.getLhs())
,getExpression(binOp.getRhs()), opType);
private void logInternalErrorAndSetFlag() throws FrontendException {
LOG.warn("No partition filter push down: "
+ "Internal error while processing any partition filter "
+ "conditions in the filter after the load");
canPushDown = false;
// this might get called from some visit() - in that case, delegate to
// the other visit()s which we have defined here
private void visit(LogicalExpression op) throws FrontendException {
if(op instanceof ProjectExpression) {
} else if (op instanceof BinaryExpression) {
} else if (op instanceof CastExpression) {
} else if (op instanceof BinCondExpression) {
} else if (op instanceof UserFuncExpression) {
} else if (op instanceof IsNullExpression) {
} else if( op instanceof NotExpression ) {
visit( (NotExpression)op );
} else if( op instanceof RegexExpression ) {
visit( (RegexExpression)op );
// some specific operators which are of interest to catch some
// unsupported scenarios
private void visit(CastExpression cast) throws FrontendException {
private void visit(NotExpression not) throws FrontendException {
private void visit(RegexExpression regexp) throws FrontendException {
private void visit(BinCondExpression binCond) throws FrontendException {
private void visit(UserFuncExpression udf) throws FrontendException {
for (LogicalExpression op : udf.getArguments()) {
private void visit(IsNullExpression isNull) throws FrontendException {
public boolean canPushDown() {
return canPushDown;