blob: 502cd914057c942c8b9c86521001389d441332f7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.pig.piggybank.evaluation;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import org.apache.pig.Accumulator;
import org.apache.pig.Algebraic;
import org.apache.pig.EvalFunc;
import org.apache.pig.PigException;
import org.apache.pig.backend.executionengine.ExecException;
import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.PigProgressable;
import org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.schema.Schema;
* This class is similar to MaxTupleBy1stField except that it allows you to
* specify with field to use (instead of just using 1st field) and to specify
* ascending or descending. The first parameter in the constructor specifies
* which field to use and the second parameter to the constructor specifies
* which extremal to retrieve. Strings prefixed by "min", "least", "desc",
* "small" and "-", irrespective of capitalization and leading white spacing,
* specifies the computation of the minimum and all other strings means maximum;
* <h2>Example1: Invoking the UDF</h2> e.g. Using this udf: <br />
* <code>
* define myMin ExtremalTupleByNthField( '4', 'min' );
* T = group G ALL;
* R = foreach T generate myMin(G);
* </code> is equivalent to:<br />
* <code>
* T = order G by $3 asc;
* R = limit G 1;
* </code>
* Note above 4 indicates the field with index 3 in the tuple. The 4th field can
* be any comparable type, so you can use float, int, string, or even tuples.
* By default constructor, this UDF behaves as MaxTupleBy1stField in that it
* chooses the max tuple by the comparable in the first field.
* <h2>Example 2: Default behavior</h2> This class also has a one parameter
* constructor that specifies the index and takes the max tuple from the bag.
* <code>
* define myMax ExtremalTupleByNthField( '3' );
* T = group G ALL;
* R = foreach T generate myMax(G);
* </code> is equivalent to:<br />
* <code>
* T = order G by $2 desc;
* R = limit G 1;
* </code>
* <h2>Example 3: Choosing a Large Bag or Tuple</h2> Another possible use case
* is the choosing of larger or smaller bags/tuples. In pig, bags and tuples are
* comparable and the comparison is based on size.
* <code>
* define biggestBag ExtremalTupleByNthField('1', max);
* R = group TABLE by (key1, key2);
* G = cogroup L by key1, R by group.key1;
* V = foreach G generate L, biggestBag(R);
* </code>
* This results in each L(eft) bag associated with only the largest bag from the
* R(ight) table. If all bags in R are of equal size, the comparator continues
* on to perform element-wise comparison. In case of a complete tie in the
* comparison, which result is returned is nondeterministic. But because this
* class is able to compare any comparable we are able to specify a secondary
* key.
* <h2>Example 4: Secondary Sort Key</h2>
* <code>
* define biggestBag ExtremalTupleByNthField('1', max);
* G = cogroup L by key1, M by key1, R by key1;
* V = foreach G generate FLATTEN(L),
* biggestBag(R.($0, $1, $2, $5)) as best_result_by_0,
* biggestBag(R.($3, $1, $2, $5)) as best_result_by_3,
* biggestBag(M.($0, $2)) as best_misc_data;
* </code>
* this will generate two sets of results and misc data based on two separate
* criterion. Since all tuples in the bags have the same size (4, 4, 2
* respectively), the tuple comparator continues on and compares the members of
* tuples until it finds one. best_result_by_0 and best_result_by3 are ordered
* by 1st and 4th member of the tuples. Within each group, ties are broken by
* second and third field.
* Finally, note that the udf implements both Algebraic and Accumulator, so it
* is relatively efficient because it's a one-pass algorithm.
public class ExtremalTupleByNthField extends EvalFunc<Tuple> implements
Algebraic, Accumulator<Tuple> {
* Indicates once for how many items progress heart beat should be sent.
* This number has been increased from 10 to reduce verbosity.
private static final int PROGRESS_FREQUENCY = 10000;
int fieldIndex;
int sign;
* Constructors
* @throws ExecException
// defaults to max by first field
public ExtremalTupleByNthField() throws ExecException {
this("1", "max");
// defaults to max
public ExtremalTupleByNthField(String fieldIndexString)
throws ExecException {
this(fieldIndexString, "max");
public ExtremalTupleByNthField(String fieldIndexString, String order)
throws ExecException {
this.fieldIndex = parseFieldIndex(fieldIndexString);
this.sign = parseOrdering(order);
* The EvalFunc interface
public Tuple exec(Tuple input) throws IOException {
return extreme(fieldIndex, sign, input, reporter);
public Type getReturnType() {
return Tuple.class;
public Schema outputSchema(Schema input) {
return input;
* Algebraic interface
public String getInitial() {
return HelperClass.class.getName();
public String getIntermed() {
return HelperClass.class.getName();
public String getFinal() {
return HelperClass.class.getName();
* The Accumulator interface
Tuple intermediate = null;
DataBag tempDb = BagFactory.getInstance().newDefaultBag();
Tuple parameterToExtreme = TupleFactory.getInstance().newTuple(tempDb);
public void accumulate(Tuple b) throws IOException {
try {
if (b != null) {
if (intermediate == null) {
// intermediate = b;
// make a shallow copy in case the Tuple was reused.
intermediate = TupleFactory.getInstance()
for (int i = 0; i < b.size(); ++i) {
intermediate.set(i, b.get(i));
} else {
intermediate = extreme(fieldIndex, sign,
parameterToExtreme, reporter);
}// new result is null, don't consider it
} catch (ExecException ee) {
throw ee;
} catch (Exception e) {
int errCode = -1;
String msg = "Error while computing ExtremalTupleByNthField in "
+ this.getClass().getSimpleName();
throw new ExecException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e);
public void cleanup() {
intermediate = null;
public Tuple getValue() {
return intermediate; // could be null correctly
* Utility classes and methods
public static final class HelperClass extends EvalFunc<Tuple> {
int fieldIndex, sign;
public HelperClass() throws ExecException {
this("1", "max");
public HelperClass(String fieldIndexString) throws ExecException {
this(fieldIndexString, "max");
public HelperClass(String fieldIndexString, String order)
throws ExecException {
this.fieldIndex = parseFieldIndex(fieldIndexString);
this.sign = parseOrdering(order);
public Tuple exec(Tuple input) throws IOException {
return extreme(fieldIndex, sign, input, reporter);
protected final static Tuple extreme(int pind, int psign, Tuple input,
PigProgressable reporter) throws ExecException {
if (input == null || input.size() == 0 || input.get(0) == null) {
return null;
DataBag values = (DataBag) input.get(0);
// if we were handed an empty bag, return NULL
// this is in compliance with SQL standard
if (values.size() == 0)
return null;
java.lang.Comparable curMax = null;
Tuple curMaxTuple = null;
int n = 0;
for (Tuple t : values) {
if (reporter != null && ++n % PROGRESS_FREQUENCY == 0)
if (t == null) {
// just in case.
try {
Object o = t.get(pind);
if (o == null) {
// if the comparison field is null it will never be
// returned, we won't even compare.
java.lang.Comparable d = (java.lang.Comparable) o;
if (curMax == null) {
curMax = d;
curMaxTuple = t;
} else {
* <pre>
* c > 0 iff ((sign==1 && d>curMax) || (sign==-1 && d<curMax))
* </pre>
* In both case we want to replace curMax/curMaxTuple by the
* new values
int c = psign * d.compareTo(curMax);
if (c > 0) {
curMax = d;
curMaxTuple = t;
} catch (ExecException ee) {
throw ee;
} catch (Exception e) {
int errCode = -1;
String msg = "Error while computing ExtremalTupleByNthField in ExtremalTupleByNthField,";
throw new ExecException(msg, errCode, PigException.ERROR, e);
return curMaxTuple;
protected static int parseFieldIndex(String inputFieldIndex)
throws ExecException {
// using a decrement to make sure that the subtraction happens correctly
int fieldIndex = Integer.valueOf(inputFieldIndex);
// to make fieldIndex 1-based instead of 0-based
if (fieldIndex < 0) {
throw new ExecException("field index cannot be less than 1:"
+ inputFieldIndex, -1, PigException.ERROR, null);
return fieldIndex;
protected static int parseOrdering(String order) {
int sign = 1;
order = order.toLowerCase().trim();
if (order != null
&& (order.startsWith("min") || order.startsWith("desc")
|| order.startsWith("-") || order.startsWith("small") || order
.startsWith("least"))) {
sign = -1;
} else {
// either default to 1 by not specifying order(null) or it indicated
// "min" which is the string "min" the string "desc" or any string
// starting with a minus sign.
sign = 1;
return sign;