blob: d16c172f46f1f26e959bda2ce7e306b8d6c78ef5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package TestDriverScript;
# Test driver for pig nightly tests.
my $ROOT=undef;
if (defined $ENV{'PIG_HARNESS_ROOT'} ){
} else {
die "FATAL ERROR: $0 - You must set PIG_HARNESS_ROOT to the root directory of the pig_harness";
#Set library paths
unshift( @INC, "$ROOT/libexec" );
unshift( @INC, ".");
use TestDriverPig;
use IPC::Run; # don't do qw(run), it screws up TestDriver which also has a run method
use File::Path;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
use Util;
use strict;
use English;
our @ISA = "TestDriverPig";
# Sub: new
# TestDriverPigCmdline Constructor.
# Paramaters:
# None
# Returns:
# None
sub new
# Call our parent
my ($proto) = @_;
my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new;
$self->{'ignore'} = "true";
bless($self, $class);
return $self;
# Sub: runTest
# Runs the test and returns the results.
# -Write the pig script to a file.
# -Run the command
# -Copy result file out of hadoop
# -Sort and postprocess the result if necessary
# Parameters:
# $testCmd -
# $log -
# Returns:
# hash reference containg the test result
sub runTest
my ($self, $testCmd, $log) = @_;
my $subName = (caller(0))[3];
my %result;
if( $testCmd->{'pig'} ){
return runPig( $self, $testCmd, $log );
} elsif( $testCmd->{'pigsql'} ){
return runPigSql( $self, $testCmd, $log );
} elsif( $testCmd->{'script'} ){
return runScript( $self, $testCmd, $log );
return %result;
sub runPig
my ($self, $testCmd, $log) = @_;
my $subName = (caller(0))[3];
my %result;
return 1 if ( $testCmd->{'ignore'}=~ "true" );
# Write the pig script to a file.
my $pigfile = $testCmd->{'localpath'} . $testCmd->{'group'} . "_" . $testCmd->{'num'} . ".pig";
my $outdir = $testCmd->{'outlpath'} . $testCmd->{'group'} . "_" . $testCmd->{'num'} . ".out";
my $outfile = "$outdir/pig.out";
my $pigcmd = $testCmd->{'pig'};
$pigcmd =~ s/:INPATH:/$testCmd->{'inpathbase'}/g;
$pigcmd =~ s/:OUTPATH:/$outfile/g;
$pigcmd =~ s/:FUNCPATH:/$testCmd->{'funcjarPath'}/g;
$pigcmd =~ s/:PIGGYBANKPATH:/$testCmd->{'piggybankjarPath'}/g;
$pigcmd =~ s/:RUNID:/$testCmd->{'UID'}/g;
$pigcmd =~ s/:USRHOMEPATH:/$testCmd->{'userhomePath'}/g;
$pigcmd =~ s/:SCRIPTHOMEPATH:/$testCmd->{'scriptPath'}/g;
$pigcmd =~ s/:DBUSER:/$testCmd->{'dbuser'}/g;
$pigcmd =~ s/:DBNAME:/$testCmd->{'dbdb'}/g;
$pigcmd =~ s/:LOCALINPATH:/$testCmd->{'localinpathbase'}/g;
$pigcmd =~ s/:LOCALOUTPATH:/$testCmd->{'localoutpathbase'}/g;
$pigcmd =~ s/:BMPATH:/$testCmd->{'benchmarkPath'}/g;
$pigcmd =~ s/:TMP:/$testCmd->{'tmpPath'}/g;
$pigcmd =~ s/:FILER:/$testCmd->{'filerPath'}/g;
$pigcmd =~ s/:LATESTOUTPUTPATH:/$self->{'latestoutputpath'}/g;
#my $pigcmd = replaceParameters( $testCmd->{'pig'}, $outfile, $testCmd, $log );
open(FH, ">$pigfile") or die "Unable to open file $pigfile to write pig script, $ERRNO\n";
print FH $pigcmd . "\n";
# Run the command
my @cmd = Util::getBasePigCmd($testCmd);
# Add option -l giving location for secondary logs
my $localdir = $testCmd->{'localpath'} . $testCmd->{'group'} . "_" . $testCmd->{'num'} . ".out";
mkdir $localdir;
my $locallog = $testCmd->{'localpath'} . $testCmd->{'group'} . "_" . $testCmd->{'num'} . ".log";
push(@cmd, "-l");
push(@cmd, $locallog);
# Add pig parameters if they're provided
if (defined($testCmd->{'pig_params'})) {
push(@cmd, @{$testCmd->{'pig_params'}});
push(@cmd, $pigfile);
print $log "Going to run pig command: @cmd\n";
print $log "Pig script contains: $pigcmd\n";
IPC::Run::run(\@cmd, \undef, \$result{'stdout'}, \$result{'stderr'});
# print `@cmd`;
$result{'rc'} = $? >> 8;
return \%result;
sub runPigSql
my ($self, $testCmd, $log) = @_;
my $subName = (caller(0))[3];
my %result;
return 1 if ( $testCmd->{'ignore'}=~ "true" );
# Write the pig script to a file.
my $pigfile = $testCmd->{'localpath'} . $testCmd->{'group'} . "_" . $testCmd->{'num'} . ".pig";
my $outdir = $testCmd->{'outlpath'} . $testCmd->{'group'} . "_" . $testCmd->{'num'} . ".out";
my $outfile = "$outdir/pig.out";
my $pigcmd = $testCmd->{'pigsql'};
$pigcmd =~ s/:INPATH:/$testCmd->{'inpathbase'}/g;
$pigcmd =~ s/:OUTPATH:/$outfile/g;
$pigcmd =~ s/:FUNCPATH:/$testCmd->{'funcjarPath'}/g;
$pigcmd =~ s/:PIGGYBANKPATH:/$testCmd->{'piggybankjarPath'}/g;
$pigcmd =~ s/:RUNID:/$testCmd->{'UID'}/g;
$pigcmd =~ s/:USRHOMEPATH:/$testCmd->{'userhomePath'}/g;
$pigcmd =~ s/:SCRIPTHOMEPATH:/$testCmd->{'scriptPath'}/g;
$pigcmd =~ s/:DBUSER:/$testCmd->{'dbuser'}/g;
$pigcmd =~ s/:DBNAME:/$testCmd->{'dbdb'}/g;
$pigcmd =~ s/:LOCALINPATH:/$testCmd->{'localinpathbase'}/g;
$pigcmd =~ s/:LOCALOUTPATH:/$testCmd->{'localoutpathbase'}/g;
$pigcmd =~ s/:BMPATH:/$testCmd->{'benchmarkPath'}/g;
$pigcmd =~ s/:TMP:/$testCmd->{'tmpPath'}/g;
$pigcmd =~ s/:FILER:/$testCmd->{'filerPath'}/g;
$pigcmd =~ s/:LATESTOUTPUTPATH:/$self->{'latestoutputpath'}/g;
#my $pigcmd = replaceParameters( $testCmd->{'pig'}, $outfile, $testCmd, $log );
open(FH, ">$pigfile") or die "Unable to open file $pigfile to write pig script, $ERRNO\n";
print FH $pigcmd . "\n";
# Run the command
my $outfile = $testCmd->{'outpath'} . $testCmd->{'group'} . "_" . $testCmd->{'num'} . ".out";
# Pig _SQL_ command
my @cmd = Util::getBasePigSqlCmd($testCmd);
# Add option -l giving location for secondary logs
my $localdir = $testCmd->{'localpath'} . $testCmd->{'group'} . "_" . $testCmd->{'num'} . ".out";
mkdir $localdir;
my $locallog = $testCmd->{'localpath'} . $testCmd->{'group'} . "_" . $testCmd->{'num'} . ".log";
push(@cmd, "-l");
push(@cmd, $locallog);
# Add pig parameters if they're provided
if (defined($testCmd->{'pig_params'})) {
push(@cmd, @{$testCmd->{'pig_params'}});
push(@cmd, $pigfile);
print $log "Going to run pig sql command: @cmd\n";
print $log "Pig Sql script contains: $pigcmd\n";
IPC::Run::run(\@cmd, \undef, \$result{'stdout'}, \$result{'stderr'});
$result{'rc'} = $? >> 8;
return \%result;
# Sub: runScript
# Runs the Script and returns the results.
# -Write the script to a file.
# -Run the command
# Parameters:
# $testCmd -
# $log -
# Returns:
# hash reference containg the test result
sub runScript
my ($self, $testCmd, $log) = @_;
my $subName = (caller(0))[3];
my %result;
return 1 if ( $testCmd->{'ignore'}=~ "true" );
# Write the pig script to a file.
my $script = $testCmd->{'localpath'} . $testCmd->{'group'} . "_" . $testCmd->{'num'} . ".sh";
my $outdir = $testCmd->{'localpath'} . $testCmd->{'group'} . "_" . $testCmd->{'num'} . ".out";
print $log "Attempting to create $outdir\n";
mkpath( [ $outdir ] , 1, 0755) if ( ! -e outdir );
if ( ! -e $outdir ){
print $log "$0.$subName FATAL could not mkdir $outdir\n";
die "$0.$subName FATAL could not mkdir $outdir\n";
my $outfile = "$outdir/script.out";
my $cmd = $testCmd->{'script'};
$cmd =~ s/:INPATH:/$testCmd->{'inpathbase'}/g;
$cmd =~ s/:OUTPATH:/$outfile/g;
$cmd =~ s/:FUNCPATH:/$testCmd->{'funcjarPath'}/g;
$cmd =~ s/:PIGGYBANKPATH:/$testCmd->{'piggybankjarPath'}/g;
$cmd =~ s/:RUNID:/$testCmd->{'UID'}/g;
$cmd =~ s/:USRHOMEPATH:/$testCmd->{'userhomePath'}/g;
$cmd =~ s/:SCRIPTHOMEPATH:/$testCmd->{'scriptPath'}/g;
$cmd =~ s/:DBUSER:/$testCmd->{'dbuser'}/g;
$cmd =~ s/:DBNAME:/$testCmd->{'dbdb'}/g;
$cmd =~ s/:LOCALINPATH:/$testCmd->{'localinpathbase'}/g;
$cmd =~ s/:LOCALOUTPATH:/$testCmd->{'localoutpathbase'}/g;
$cmd =~ s/:BMPATH:/$testCmd->{'benchmarkPath'}/g;
$cmd =~ s/:TMP:/$testCmd->{'tmpPath'}/g;
$cmd =~ s/:FILER:/$testCmd->{'filerPath'}/g;
# my $cmd = replaceParameters( $testCmd->{'script'}, $outfile, $testCmd, $log );
open(FH, ">$script") or die "Unable to open file $script to write pig script, $ERRNO\n";
print FH $cmd . "\n";
#my @cmds = split (/$/, $cmd);
#push(@cmds, $cmd);
print $log "$0:$subName RESULT ARE IN FILE ($outfile)\n";
print $log "$0:$subName SCRIPT CONTAINS ($script): \n$cmd\n";
my @result=`chmod +x $script`;
my $command= "$script >> $outfile 2>&1";
print $log "Going to run command: ($command)\n";
$result{'rc'} = $?;
print $log @result;
# IPC::Run::run(\@cmds, \undef, \$result{'stdout'}, \$result{'stderr'});
#IPC::Run::run(\@cmds, \undef, \$result{'stdout'}, \$result{'stderr'});
#$result{'rc'} = $? >> 8;
return \%result;
sub replaceParameters(){
my ($self, $cmd, $outfile, $testCmd, $log) = @_;
$cmd =~ s/:INPATH:/$testCmd->{'inpathbase'}/g;
$cmd =~ s/:OUTPATH:/$outfile/g;
$cmd =~ s/:FUNCPATH:/$testCmd->{'funcjarPath'}/g;
$cmd =~ s/:PIGGYBANKPATH:/$testCmd->{'piggybankjarPath'}/g;
$cmd =~ s/:RUNID:/$testCmd->{'UID'}/g;
$cmd =~ s/:USRHOMEPATH:/$testCmd->{'userhomePath'}/g;
$cmd =~ s/:SCRIPTHOMEPATH:/$testCmd->{'scriptPath'}/g;
$cmd =~ s/:DBUSER:/$testCmd->{'dbuser'}/g;
$cmd =~ s/:DBNAME:/$testCmd->{'dbdb'}/g;
$cmd =~ s/:LOCALINPATH:/$testCmd->{'localinpathbase'}/g;
$cmd =~ s/:LOCALOUTPATH:/$testCmd->{'localoutpathbase'}/g;
$cmd =~ s/:BMPATH:/$testCmd->{'benchmarkPath'}/g;
$cmd =~ s/:TMP:/$testCmd->{'tmpPath'}/g;
$cmd =~ s/:LATESTOUTPUTPATH:/$self->{'latestoutputpath'}/g;
return $cmd;
# Sub: generateBenchmark
# Generate databse benchmark.
# Parameters:
# $testCmd -
# $log -
# Returns:
# hash reference containg the test result
sub generateBenchmark
my ($self, $testCmd, $log) = @_;
my %result;
foreach my $key ('expected_out', 'expected_out_regex', 'expected_err', 'expected_err_regex', 'rc') {
if (defined $testCmd->{$key}) {
$result{$key} = $testCmd->{$key};
return \%result;
# Sub: compare
# Compare the test reuslts to the benchmark results
# Parameters:
# None.
# Returns:
# the result of the test run. 1 if the test passes.
sub compare
my ($self, $testResult, $benchmarkResult, $log) = @_;
my $subName = (caller(0))[3];
#return 1 if ( $testCmd->{'ignore'}=~ "true" );
return 1;
sub compareSAV
my ($self, $testResult, $benchmarkResult, $log) = @_;
my $subName = (caller(0))[3];
# If you are using a regex to compare stdout or stderr
# and if the pattern that you are trying to match spans two line
# explicitly use '\n' (without the single quotes) in the regex
if (defined $benchmarkResult->{'rc'} &&
($testResult->{'rc'} != $benchmarkResult->{'rc'})) {
print $log "Test and benchmark return code differ:\n";
print $log "Test rc = " . $testResult->{'rc'} . "\n";
print $log "Expected rc = " . $benchmarkResult->{'rc'} . "\n";
return 0;
# Check if we are looking for an exact match
if (defined $benchmarkResult->{'expected_out'}) {
print $log "$0::$subName INFO Checking test result <$testResult->{'stdout'}> " .
"as exact match against expected <$benchmarkResult->{'expected_out'}>\n";
return $testResult->{'stdout'} eq
} elsif (defined $benchmarkResult->{'expected_out_regex'}) {
print $log "$0::$subName INFO Checking test result for regular expression " .
"<$benchmarkResult->{'expected_out_regex'}> in " .
return $testResult->{'stdout'} =~
} elsif (defined $benchmarkResult->{'expected_err'}) {
print $log "$0::$subName INFO Checking test result <$testResult->{'stderr'}> " .
"as exact match against expected <$benchmarkResult->{'expected_err'}>\n";
return $testResult->{'stderr'} eq
} elsif (defined $benchmarkResult->{'expected_err_regex'}) {
print $log "$0::$subName INFO Checking test result for regular expression " .
"<$benchmarkResult->{'expected_err_regex'}> in " .
return $testResult->{'stderr'} =~
} else {
return 1;