blob: 0130ba6a91487aae597c7d00c31249650e1ebdf8 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Package: test_harness
# This is the top level bootstraping script for the test harness,
# test_harness -help | -c <cluster> | -h <dir> | (-testjar <jar> -testconfigpath <path>) [-r <retention_days>] [-latest yes] [-x local] [-cleanuponly] [-secretDebugCmd] [-t <testcase>] <configfile>
# test_harness [OPTIONS] conffile [... confile]
# -conf <harness config file> - set name of global harness config file
# -l <log file name> - set log file name
# -t <test group name> - set test group testcases
# -d <description name> - set description for MySQL database
# -r <regexp> - set regular expression for test group testcases
# -db <0 or 1> - disable using MySQL database if set to 0
# -st <group name> - start test from provided group name
# Dependencies:
# The main program relies on three configuration/properties files
# -
# -
# - test_harness/test_harness.conf
# It will look for the properties file under: $ROOT/conf
# Returns:
# 0 if no failures and no errors,
# the sum of failures and errors otherwise
# 1. Add -regex option.
use strict;
use File::Path;
use File::Basename;
use Getopt::Long;
use Cwd;
# Var: $ROOT
# The root directory for the harness.
# The main pogram relies on the top level directory $ROOT to be set
# to the root directory of the harness, it sets it as follows:
our $ROOT = (defined($ENV{'HARNESS_ROOT'}) ? $ENV{'HARNESS_ROOT'} :
die "FATAL ERROR: $0 - You must set HARNESS_ROOT to the root directory of the harness");
unshift( @INC, "$ROOT/libexec" );
unshift( @INC, ".");
require TestDriver;
require TestDriverFactory;
require TestDeployer;
require TestDeployerFactory;
require Insert2Mysql;
require Properties;
require Log; # why aren't we using log4perl?
# Var: $dblog
# The database log. This is set in config file.
our $dblog;
# Sub: usage
# Print usage statement
# Returns:
# usage string
sub usage
"Usage: $0 [OPTIONS] conffile [... confile]
-l <log file name> - set log file name
-t <test group name> - set test group testcases
-d <description name> - set description for MySQL database
-r <regexp> - set regular expression for test group testcases
-db <0 or 1> - disable using MySQL database if set to 0
-st <group name> - start test from provided group name
-deploycfg <deploy cfg file> -deploy - Deploy the test setup before testing
<deploy cfg file> is the configuration file for deployment
-deploycfg <deploy cfg file> -undeploy - Undeploy the test setup after testing
<deploy cfg file> is the configuration file for deployment
# Sub: readCfg
# Read the configuration file. The config file is in Perl format so we'll
# just eval it. If anything goes wrong we'll complain and quit.
# Var: cfgFile
# Full path name of config file
# Returns:
# returns reference to hash built from cfg file.
sub readCfg($)
my $cfgFile = shift;
open CFG, "< $cfgFile" or die "FATAL ERROR $0 at ".__LINE__.": Can't open $cfgFile, $!\n";
my $cfgContents;
$cfgContents .= $_ while (<CFG>);
close CFG;
my $cfg = undef;
#my $cfg = eval("$cfgContents");
if ($@) {
chomp $@;
die "FATAL ERROR $0 at ".__LINE__." : Error reading config file <$cfgFile>, <$@>\n";
if (not defined $cfg) {
die "FATAL ERROR $0 at ".__LINE__." : Configuration file <$cfgFile> should have defined \$cfg\n";
# Add the name of the file
$cfg->{'file'} = $cfgFile;
return $cfg;
# Sub: readResource
# Read the resource file, The resource file is in Perl format so we'll
# just eval it. If anything goes wrong we'll complain and quit.
# Var: resourceFile
# Full path name of resourceFile
# Returns:
# returns reference to hash built from resource file.
sub readResource($)
my $resourceFile = shift;
open RES, "< $resourceFile" or die "FATAL ERROR $0 at ".__LINE__.": Can't open $resourceFile, $!\n";
my $resContents;
$resContents .= $_ while (<RES>);
close RES;
my $resources = undef;
if ($@) {
chomp $@;
die "FATAL ERROR $0 at ".__LINE__." : Error reading resource file <$resourceFile>, <$@>\n";
if (not defined $resources) {
die "FATAL ERROR $0 at ".__LINE__." : Resource file <$resourceFile> should have defined \$resources\n";
# Add the name of the file
$resources->{'file'} = $resourceFile;
return $resources;
# Sub:
# Var: %testStatuses
# A hash containing the resutls from each test : pass, fail, error
# Returns: int
# returns 0 if no failures and no errors,
# the sum of failures and errors otherwise
sub exitStatus
my ($testStatuses) = @_;
my $subName = (caller(0))[3];
my $passedStr = 'passed';
my $failedStr = 'failed';
my $abortedStr = 'aborted';
my $dependStr = 'failed_dependency';
my $skippedStr = 'skipped';
my ($pass, $fail, $abort, $depend, $skipped) = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
foreach (keys(%$testStatuses)) {
($testStatuses->{$_} eq $passedStr) && $pass++;
($testStatuses->{$_} eq $failedStr) && $fail++;
($testStatuses->{$_} eq $abortedStr) && $abort++;
($testStatuses->{$_} eq $dependStr) && $depend++;
($testStatuses->{$_} eq $skippedStr) && $skipped++;
return ($fail + $abort);
# Sub: main
# Gets the corresponding test driver and runs the tests.
# - Reads the global config file.
# - Reads ARGV as described in "usage"
# - Attaches to the database and gets a test run id.
# - Loads the configuration file.
# - Gets the test driver that will be used to parse test file.
# - Runs the tests by invoking the run command from the test driver.
# - Prints the final results.
# Var: $logfile
# The test run log name.
# If no logfile is specified , then it is configured as follows :
# The file name for the test result log. The location of the log directory
# is obtained from the configuration value . The filename
# is stored as $globalCfg{localoutpathbase}/test_harness_log_{time}
# Var: $testrun_desc
# A description of the test run to be recorded in the logs.
# Var: @testgroups
# A list of all the test groups. This is passed in as a command line option.
# Var: @testMatches
# A list of test patterns specified by the "-t option" . If none was passed then all tests match.
# Var: $globalCfg
# All values to be shared globally. The $harnessCfg values are stored in the globalConfig
# Var: $harnessCfg
# The configuration file. It assumes it is located at
# $ROOT/conf/test_harness/test_harness.conf.
# Var: $log
# The test log.
# Var: $dbh
# Instance of Insert2Mysal, this object provides database access subroutines.
# Var: %testStatuses
# A hash containing the resutls from each test : pass, fail, error
my $logfile = "";
my $testrun_desc = 'none';
my @testgroups;
my @testMatches;
my $startat = undef;
my $deploycfg = undef;
my $deploy = undef;
my $undeploy = undef;
my $help=0;
die usage() if (@ARGV == 0);
# Arguments on the command line can override values in the conf file
# so first read in the conf file, then process the arguments.
# But conf file can be specified on command line, so
# get that from ARGV before processing other arguments.
# Find the harness config file
# 1) Use command line option -conf if given
# 2) else use env var PIG_HARNESS_CONF if set
# 3) else use default.conf if found
# 4) else fail
my $harnessCfg = "";
for (my $i = 0; $i < @ARGV; $i++) {
if ($ARGV[$i] eq "-conf") {
$harnessCfg = $ARGV[$i + 1];
splice(@ARGV, $i, 2);
if ($harnessCfg eq "") {
if (defined($ENV{'HARNESS_CONF'})) {
$harnessCfg = $ENV{'HARNESS_CONF'};
} else {
$harnessCfg = "$ROOT/conf/default.conf";
# Read the global config file
my $globalCfg = "";
if ( -e "$harnessCfg" ) {
$globalCfg = readCfg("$harnessCfg");
$globalCfg->{'harnessCfg'} = $harnessCfg;
TestDriver::dbg("Hadoop mapred local dir defined to be [" . $globalCfg->{'hadoop.mapred.local.dir'} . "]\n");
} else {
die "FATAL ERROR: $0 at ".__LINE__." - Configuration file <$harnessCfg> does NOT exist\n";
my $harnessRes = "";
if (defined($ENV{'HARNESS_RESOURCE'})) {
$harnessRes = $ENV{'HARNESS_RESOURCE'};
} elsif($^O =~ /mswin/i) {
$harnessRes = "$ROOT/resource/windows.res";
} else {
$harnessRes = "$ROOT/resource/default.res";
my $resources = readResource("$harnessRes");
# *pig* -help | -c <cluster> | -h <dir> | (-testjar <jar> -testconfigpath <path>) [-r <retention_days>] [-latest yes] [-x local] [-cleanuponly] [-secretDebugCmd] [-t <testcase>] <configfile>
while ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-/) {
#print $log "DEBUG $0 : ARGV(0)= ".$ARGV[0]."\n";
if ($ARGV[0] =~ /^--?l(og)?$/) {
$logfile = shift;
if ($ARGV[0] =~ /^--?t(estgroup)?$/) {
push @testgroups, shift;
#print $log "DEBUG $0 : TESTGROUP ".$ARGV[0]."\n";
if ($ARGV[0] =~ /^--?d(escription)?$/) {
$testrun_desc = shift;
if ($ARGV[0] =~ /^--?r(egexp)?$/) {
push @testMatches, shift;
if ($ARGV[0] =~ /^--?db(log)?$/) {
$dblog = shift;
if ($ARGV[0] =~ /^--?st(artat)?$/) {
$startat = shift;
if ($ARGV[0] =~ /^--?deploycfg$/) {
$deploycfg = shift;
if ($ARGV[0] =~ /^--?deploy$/) {
$deploy = 1;
if ($ARGV[0] =~ /^--?undeploy$/) {
$undeploy = 1;
# Not an argument for us, so just push it into the hash. These arguments
# will override values in the config file.
my $key = shift;
$key =~ s/^--?//;
$globalCfg->{$key} = shift;
mkpath( [ $globalCfg->{'localoutpathbase'} ] , 1, 0777) if ( ! -e $globalCfg->{'localoutpathbase'} );
$globalCfg->{'UID'}= time;
$logfile = $globalCfg->{'localoutpathbase'} . "/test_harnesss_" . $globalCfg->{'UID'} if $logfile eq "";
$globalCfg->{'logfile'} = $logfile;
my $log;
open $log, "> $logfile" or die "FATAL ERROR $0 at ".__LINE__." : Can't open $logfile, $!\n";
print "================================================================================================\n";
print "LOGGING RESULTS TO " . Cwd::realpath($logfile) . "\n";
print "================================================================================================\n";
# If they have requested deployment, do it now
if ($deploy) {
if (!$deploycfg) {
die "You must define a deployment configuration file using -deploycfg "
. "<cfg file> if you want to deploy your test resources.\n";
# Read the deployment cfg file
print $log "INFO: $0 at ".__LINE__." : Loading configuration file $deploycfg\n";
my $cfg = readCfg($deploycfg);
# Copy the global config into our cfg
foreach(keys(%$globalCfg)) {
next if $_ eq 'file';
$cfg->{$_} = $globalCfg->{$_};
# Instantiate the TestDeployer
my $deployer = TestDeployerFactory::getTestDeployer($cfg);
die "FATAL: $0: Deployer does not exist\n" if ( !$deployer );
eval {
$deployer->checkPrerequisites($cfg, $log);
if ($@) {
chomp $@;
die "Check of prerequites failed: <$@>\n";
eval {
$deployer->deploy($cfg, $log);
if ($@) {
chomp $@;
die "Deployment of test resources failed: <$@>\n";
eval {
$deployer->start($cfg, $log);
if ($@) {
chomp $@;
die "Failed to start test resources: <$@>\n";
eval {
$deployer->generateData($cfg, $log);
if ($@) {
chomp $@;
die "Failed to generate data for testing: <$@>\n";
eval {
$deployer->confirmDeployment($cfg, $log);
if ($@) {
chomp $@;
die "Failed to confirm that test resources were properly deployed: <$@>\n";
print $log "INFO: $0 at " . __LINE__ .
" : Successfully deployed test resources $deploycfg\n";
# If they said -undeploy test up front that they have a deploycfg file and that we
# can read it so we lower the risk of running all the tests and then failing to
# undeploy.
if ($undeploy) {
if (!$deploycfg) {
die "You must define a deployment configuration file using -deploycfg "
. "<cfg file> if you want to undeploy your test resources.\n";
# Read the deployment cfg file
print $log "INFO: $0 at ".__LINE__." : Loading configuration file $deploycfg\n";
my $cfg = readCfg($deploycfg);
# Instantiate the TestDeployer
my $deployer = TestDeployerFactory::getTestDeployer($cfg);
die "FATAL: $0: Deployer does not exist\n" if ( !$deployer );
print $log "Beginning test run at " . time . "\n";
my $dbh = undef;
if($dblog) {
# Attach to the database
$dbh = new Insert2Mysql($globalCfg->{'dbServer'}, $globalCfg->{'dbDatabase'});
$globalCfg->{'trid'} = $dbh->startTestRun($testrun_desc);
$dbh->logTestRun($globalCfg->{'trid'}, $logfile);
# print "Testrun id in database is $globalCfg->{'trid'}\n";
print $log "Testrun id $globalCfg->{'trid'}\n";
my %testStatuses;
my $forkFactor = int($ENV{'FORK_FACTOR_FILE'});
# NB: check if the group fork factor >1 and $startat is defined: such combination is not supported
# because in such case several groups are started semultaneously (in parallel):
my $groupForkFactor = int($ENV{'FORK_FACTOR_GROUP'});
if (($groupForkFactor > 1) && (defined $startat)) {
die "ERROR: '--startat' (or '-st') option is not supported when the group fork (parallel) factor > 1 (env. variable FORK_FACTOR_GROUP).\n";
if ($forkFactor > 1 || $groupForkFactor > 1) {
print "Configuration file fork factor: $forkFactor\n";
print "Group fork factor: $groupForkFactor\n";
my $pm;
if ($forkFactor > 1) {
print $log "Configuration file fork factor: $forkFactor\n";
$pm = new Parallel::ForkManager($forkFactor);
# this is a method that will run in the main process on each job subprocess completion:
$pm -> run_on_finish (
sub {
my ($pid, $exit_code, $identification, $exit_signal, $core_dump, $data_structure_reference) = @_;
if (defined($data_structure_reference)) {
TestDriver::dbg("Subprocess [$identification] finished, pid=$pid, sent back: $data_structure_reference.\n");
TestDriver::putAll(\%testStatuses, $data_structure_reference);
} else {
print "ERROR: Subprocess [$identification] did not send back anything. Exit code = $exit_code\n";
my $subLogAgain = "$logfile-$identification";
foreach my $arg (@ARGV) {
my $cfg = readCfg($arg);
my $subLog;
my $subLogName;
# basename of the .conf file (like "cmdline.conf")
# which is unique identifier for this loop body:
my $jobId = basename($arg);
$cfg->{'job-id'} = $jobId;
if ($forkFactor > 1) {
#$jobId = basename($arg); # basename of the .conf file (like "cmdline.conf")
$subLogName = "$logfile-$jobId";
open $subLog, ">$subLogName" or die "FATAL ERROR $0 at ".__LINE__." : Can't open $subLogName, $!\n";
# PARALLEL SECTION START: ===============================================================================
$pm->start($jobId) and next;
TestDriver::dbg("Started configuration file job \"$jobId\"\n");
} else {
$subLog = $log;
$subLogName = $logfile;
print $subLog "INFO: $0 at ".__LINE__." : Loading configuration file $arg\n";
# Copy contents of global config file into hash.
foreach(keys(%$globalCfg)) {
next if $_ eq 'file';
$cfg->{$_} = $globalCfg->{$_}; # foreach(keys(%$globalCfg));
print $subLog "\nINFO $0: $_=".$cfg->{$_};
print $subLog "\n";
my $driver = TestDriverFactory::getTestDriver($cfg);
die "FATAL: $0: Driver does not exist\n" if ( !$driver );
# eval this in a separate block to catch possible error and exit status:
$driver->run(\@testgroups, \@testMatches, $cfg, $subLog, $dbh, \%testStatuses, $arg, $startat, $subLogName, $resources);
my $runStatus = $@;
my $runExitCode = $?; # exit code of the code block above.
if ($runStatus) {
print "ERROR: driver->run() returned the following error message [$runStatus].";
if ($forkFactor > 1) {
TestDriver::dbg("finishing config job [$jobId].\n");
$subLog -> close();
# NB: use run() exit code as the subprocess exit code:
# NB: send the "testStatuses" hash object reference (which is local to this subprocess) to the parent process:
$pm -> finish($runExitCode, \%testStatuses);
# PARALLEL SECTION END. ===============================================================================
if ($forkFactor > 1) {
TestDriver::dbg("Waiting for the subprocesses...\n");
TestDriver::dbg("All subprocesses finished.\n");
# NB: in case of parallel execution we must reopen the $log descriptor
# because we appended to that file in pm#run_on_finish() sub:
open $log, ">>$logfile";
$dbh->endTestRun($globalCfg->{'trid'}) if ($dblog);
# cleanup temporary Hadoop directories
if( ($groupForkFactor>1 || $forkFactor>1)
&& defined($globalCfg->{'hadoop.mapred.local.dir'})
&& $globalCfg->{'exectype'} eq "local") {
TestDriver::dbg("Deleting temporary hadoop directories for local exec mode: [" . $globalCfg->{'hadoop.mapred.local.dir'} . "].\n");
rmtree( $globalCfg->{'hadoop.mapred.local.dir'} );
# don't remove the space after "Final results", it matters.
if ($forkFactor > 1) {
TestDriver::printResults(\%testStatuses, $log, "Final results ", "", "");
} else {
TestDriver::printResults(\%testStatuses, $log, "Final results ");
my $finishStr = "Finished test run at " . time . "\n";
print $log $finishStr;
# If they have requested undeployment, do it now
if ($undeploy) {
# Read the deployment cfg file
print $log "INFO: $0 at ".__LINE__." : Loading configuration file $deploycfg\n";
my $cfg = readCfg($deploycfg);
# Instantiate the TestDeployer
my $deployer = TestDeployerFactory::getTestDeployer($cfg);
die "FATAL: $0: Deployer does not exist\n" if ( !$deployer );
eval {
$deployer->deleteData($cfg, $log);
if ($@) {
chomp $@;
warn "Failed to delete data as part of undeploy: <$@>\n";
eval {
$deployer->stop($cfg, $log);
if ($@) {
chomp $@;
warn "Failed to stop test resources: <$@>\n";
eval {
$deployer->undeploy($cfg, $log);
if ($@) {
chomp $@;
warn "Failed to undeploy test resources: <$@>\n";
eval {
$deployer->confirmUndeployment($cfg, $log);
if ($@) {
chomp $@;
die "Failed to confirm that test resources were properly undeployed: <$@>\n";
print $log "INFO: $0 at " . __LINE__ .
" : Successfully undeployed test resources $deploycfg\n";
close $log;
exit exitStatus(\%testStatuses);