blob: 71b95ae04a1c682d89a32e34d185017f3ad475a9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Grammar file for Pig tree parser (for schema alias validation).
tree grammar LogicalPlanGenerator;
options {
scope GScope {
LogicalRelationalOperator currentOp; // Current relational operator that's being built.
@header {
package org.apache.pig.parser;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.pig.impl.PigContext;
import org.apache.pig.impl.builtin.GFAny;
import org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.FrontendException;
import org.apache.pig.impl.streaming.StreamingCommand;
import org.apache.pig.impl.streaming.StreamingCommand.HandleSpec;
import org.apache.pig.impl.util.MultiMap;
import org.apache.pig.impl.util.NumValCarrier;
import org.apache.pig.impl.plan.PlanValidationException;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.Operator;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.AddExpression;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.AndExpression;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.BinCondExpression;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.CastExpression;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.ConstantExpression;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.DereferenceExpression;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.DivideExpression;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.EqualExpression;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.GreaterThanEqualExpression;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.GreaterThanExpression;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.IsNullExpression;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.LessThanEqualExpression;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.LessThanExpression;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.LogicalExpression;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.LogicalExpressionPlan;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.MapLookupExpression;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.ModExpression;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.MultiplyExpression;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.NegativeExpression;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.NotEqualExpression;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.NotExpression;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.OrExpression;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.ProjectExpression;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.RegexExpression;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.ScalarExpression;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.SubtractExpression;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.UserFuncExpression;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LOCogroup;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LOCube;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LOFilter;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LOForEach;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LOGenerate;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LOLimit;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LOJoin;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LOSort;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LORank;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LOSplitOutput;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LogicalPlan;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LogicalRelationalOperator;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LogicalSchema;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LogicalSchema.LogicalFieldSchema;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LOCogroup.GROUPTYPE;
import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LOJoin.JOINTYPE;
import org.apache.pig.FuncSpec;
import org.apache.pig.builtin.PigStreaming;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
@members {
private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog( LogicalPlanGenerator.class );
private LogicalPlanBuilder builder = null;
private boolean inForeachPlan = false;
private boolean inNestedCommand = false;
public LogicalPlan getLogicalPlan() {
return builder.getPlan();
public Map<String, Operator> getOperators() {
return builder.getOperators();
public String getLastRel() {
return builder.getLastRel();
protected Object recoverFromMismatchedToken(IntStream input, int ttype, BitSet follow)
throws RecognitionException {
throw new MismatchedTokenException( ttype, input );
public Object recoverFromMismatchedSet(IntStream input, RecognitionException e, BitSet follow)
throws RecognitionException {
throw e;
public LogicalPlanGenerator(TreeNodeStream input, LogicalPlanBuilder builder) {
this(input, new RecognizerSharedState());
this.builder = builder;
public LogicalPlanGenerator(TreeNodeStream input, PigContext pigContext, String scope,
Map<String, String> fileNameMap) {
this( input );
builder = new LogicalPlanBuilder( pigContext, scope, fileNameMap, input );
} // End of @members
@rulecatch {
catch(RecognitionException re) {
throw re;
query : ^( QUERY statement* )
scope {
// Parsing context
String alias; // The alias of the current operator, either given or generated by the parser.
Integer parallel; // Parallelism
String inputAlias; // The alias of the input operator
int inputIndex;
@init {
$statement::inputIndex = 0;
: general_statement
| split_statement
| realias_statement
| assert_statement
| register_statement
split_statement : split_clause
realias_statement : realias_clause
assert_statement : assert_clause
// registers are handled by QueryParserDriver and are not actually part of the logical plan
// so we just ignore them here
: ^( STATEMENT ( alias { $statement::alias = $; } )? oa = op_clause parallel_clause? )
Operator op = builder.lookupOperator( $oa.alias );
builder.setParallel( (LogicalRelationalOperator)op, $statement::parallel );
Operator op = builder.lookupOperator( $IDENTIFIER.text );
if (op==null) {
throw new UndefinedAliasException(input,
new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$IDENTIFIER ), $IDENTIFIER.text);
builder.putOperator( $, (LogicalRelationalOperator)op );
$statement::parallel = Integer.parseInt( $INTEGER.text );
alias returns[String name]: IDENTIFIER { $name = $IDENTIFIER.text; }
op_clause returns[String alias] :
| load_clause { $alias = $load_clause.alias; }
| group_clause { $alias = $group_clause.alias; }
| store_clause { $alias = $store_clause.alias; }
| filter_clause { $alias = $filter_clause.alias; }
| distinct_clause { $alias = $distinct_clause.alias; }
| limit_clause { $alias = $limit_clause.alias; }
| sample_clause { $alias = $sample_clause.alias; }
| order_clause { $alias = $order_clause.alias; }
| rank_clause { $alias = $rank_clause.alias; }
| cross_clause { $alias = $cross_clause.alias; }
| join_clause { $alias = $join_clause.alias; }
| union_clause { $alias = $union_clause.alias; }
| stream_clause { $alias = $stream_clause.alias; }
| mr_clause { $alias = $mr_clause.alias; }
| foreach_clause { $alias = $foreach_clause.alias; }
| cube_clause { $alias = $cube_clause.alias; }
| assert_clause { $alias = $assert_clause.alias; }
: ^( DEFINE alias cmd[$] )
builder.defineCommand( $, $cmd.command );
| ^( DEFINE alias func_clause[FunctionType.UNKNOWNFUNC] )
builder.defineFunction( $, $func_clause.funcSpec );
cmd[String alias] returns[StreamingCommand command]
@init {
List<String> shipPaths = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> cachePaths = new ArrayList<String>();
SourceLocation loc = new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$cmd.start );
: ^( EXECCOMMAND ( ship_clause[shipPaths] | cache_clause[cachePaths] | input_clause | output_clause | error_clause )* )
$command = builder.buildCommand( loc, builder.unquote( $EXECCOMMAND.text ), shipPaths,
cachePaths, $input_clause.inputHandleSpecs, $output_clause.outputHandleSpecs,
$error_clause.dir, $error_clause.limit );
ship_clause[List<String> paths]
: ^( SHIP path_list[$paths]? )
path_list[List<String> paths]
: ( QUOTEDSTRING { $paths.add( builder.unquote( $QUOTEDSTRING.text ) ); } )+
cache_clause[List<String> paths]
: ^( CACHE path_list[$paths] )
input_clause returns[List<HandleSpec> inputHandleSpecs]
@init {
$inputHandleSpecs = new ArrayList<HandleSpec>();
: ^( INPUT ( stream_cmd[true] { $inputHandleSpecs.add( $stream_cmd.handleSpec ); } )+ )
stream_cmd[boolean in] returns[HandleSpec handleSpec]
@init {
String handleName = null;
FuncSpec fs = null;
String deserializer = PigStreaming.class.getName() + "()";
byte ft = $in ? FunctionType.PIGTOSTREAMFUNC : FunctionType.STREAMTOPIGFUNC;
@after {
if( fs != null )
deserializer = fs.toString();
$handleSpec = new HandleSpec( handleName, deserializer );
: ^( STDIN { handleName = "stdin"; }
( func_clause[ft] { fs = $func_clause.funcSpec; } )? )
| ^( STDOUT { handleName = "stdout"; }
( func_clause[ft] { fs = $func_clause.funcSpec; } )? )
| ^( QUOTEDSTRING { handleName = builder.unquote( $QUOTEDSTRING.text ); }
( func_clause[ft] { fs = $func_clause.funcSpec; } )? )
output_clause returns[List<HandleSpec> outputHandleSpecs]
@init {
$outputHandleSpecs = new ArrayList<HandleSpec>();
: ^( OUTPUT ( stream_cmd[false] { $outputHandleSpecs.add( $stream_cmd.handleSpec ); } )+ )
error_clause returns[String dir, Integer limit]
@init {
$limit = StreamingCommand.MAX_TASKS;
$dir = builder.unquote( $QUOTEDSTRING.text );
$limit = Integer.parseInt( $INTEGER.text );
load_clause returns[String alias]
: ^( LOAD filename func_clause[FunctionType.LOADFUNC]? as_clause? )
SourceLocation loc = new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$load_clause.start );
$alias = builder.buildLoadOp( loc, $statement::alias,
$filename.filename, $func_clause.funcSpec, $as_clause.logicalSchema );
filename returns[String filename]
: QUOTEDSTRING { $filename = builder.unquote( $QUOTEDSTRING.text ); }
as_clause returns[LogicalSchema logicalSchema]
: ^( AS field_def_list )
$logicalSchema = $field_def_list.schema;
field_def[NumValCarrier nvc] returns[LogicalFieldSchema fieldSchema]
@init {
byte datatype = DataType.NULL;
if ($nvc==null) {
$nvc=new NumValCarrier();
: ^( FIELD_DEF IDENTIFIER ( type { datatype = $type.datatype;} )? )
$fieldSchema = new LogicalFieldSchema( $IDENTIFIER.text, $type.logicalSchema, datatype );
| ^( FIELD_DEF_WITHOUT_IDENTIFIER ( type { datatype = $type.datatype; } ) )
$fieldSchema = new LogicalFieldSchema ( $nvc.makeNameFromDataType(datatype) , $type.logicalSchema, datatype );
field_def_list returns[LogicalSchema schema]
@init {
$schema = new LogicalSchema();
NumValCarrier nvc = new NumValCarrier();
: ( field_def[nvc] { $schema.addField( $field_def.fieldSchema ); } )+
type returns[Byte datatype, LogicalSchema logicalSchema]
: simple_type
$datatype = $simple_type.datatype;
| tuple_type
$datatype = DataType.TUPLE;
$logicalSchema = $tuple_type.logicalSchema;
| bag_type
$datatype = DataType.BAG;
$logicalSchema = $bag_type.logicalSchema;
| map_type
$datatype = DataType.MAP;
$logicalSchema = $map_type.logicalSchema;
simple_type returns[byte datatype]
: BOOLEAN { $datatype = DataType.BOOLEAN; }
| INT { $datatype = DataType.INTEGER; }
| LONG { $datatype = DataType.LONG; }
| FLOAT { $datatype = DataType.FLOAT; }
| DOUBLE { $datatype = DataType.DOUBLE; }
| BIGINTEGER { $datatype = DataType.BIGINTEGER; }
| BIGDECIMAL { $datatype = DataType.BIGDECIMAL; }
| DATETIME { $datatype = DataType.DATETIME; }
| CHARARRAY { $datatype = DataType.CHARARRAY; }
| BYTEARRAY { $datatype = DataType.BYTEARRAY; }
tuple_type returns[LogicalSchema logicalSchema]
( field_def_list
$logicalSchema = $field_def_list.schema;
bag_type returns[LogicalSchema logicalSchema]
: ^( BAG_TYPE IDENTIFIER? tuple_type? )
LogicalSchema s = new LogicalSchema();
s.addField(new LogicalFieldSchema($IDENTIFIER.text, $tuple_type.logicalSchema, DataType.TUPLE));
$logicalSchema = s;
map_type returns[LogicalSchema logicalSchema]
LogicalSchema s = null;
if( $type.datatype != null ) {
s = new LogicalSchema();
s.addField( new LogicalFieldSchema( $IDENTIFIER.text, $type.logicalSchema, $type.datatype ) );
$logicalSchema = s;
func_clause[byte ft] returns[FuncSpec funcSpec]
@init {
SourceLocation loc = new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$func_clause.start );
: ^( FUNC_REF func_name )
$funcSpec = builder.lookupFunction( $func_name.funcName );
if( $funcSpec == null )
$funcSpec = builder.buildFuncSpec( loc, $func_name.funcName, new ArrayList<String>(), $ft );
| ^( FUNC func_name func_args? )
$funcSpec = builder.lookupFunction( $func_name.funcName );
if( $funcSpec == null ) {
List<String> argList = new ArrayList<String>();
if( $func_args.args != null )
argList = $func_args.args;
$funcSpec = builder.buildFuncSpec( loc, $func_name.funcName, argList, $ft );
func_name returns[String funcName]
@init { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); }
: p1 = eid { buf.append( $ ); }
( ( PERIOD { buf.append( $PERIOD.text ); } | DOLLAR { buf.append( $DOLLAR.text ); } )
p2 = eid { buf.append( $ ); } )*
$funcName = buf.toString();
func_args returns[List<String> args]
@init { $args = new ArrayList<String>(); }
: ( QUOTEDSTRING { $args.add( builder.unquote( $QUOTEDSTRING.text ) ); }
| MULTILINE_QUOTEDSTRING { $args.add( builder.unquote( $MULTILINE_QUOTEDSTRING.text ) ); }
// Sets the current operator as CUBE and creates LogicalExpressionPlans based on the user input.
// Ex: x = CUBE inp BY CUBE(a,b), ROLLUP(c,d);
// For the above example this grammar creates LogicalExpressionPlan with ProjectExpression for a,b and c,d dimensions.
// It also outputs the order of operations i.e in this case CUBE operation followed by ROLLUP operation
// These inputs are passed to buildCubeOp methods which then builds the logical plan for CUBE operator.
// If user specifies STAR or RANGE expression for dimensions then it will be expanded inside buildCubeOp.
cube_clause returns[String alias]
scope {
LOCube cubeOp;
MultiMap<Integer, LogicalExpressionPlan> cubePlans;
List<String> operations;
int inputIndex;
scope GScope;
@init {
$cube_clause::cubeOp = builder.createCubeOp();
$GScope::currentOp = $cube_clause::cubeOp;
$cube_clause::cubePlans = new MultiMap<Integer, LogicalExpressionPlan>();
$cube_clause::operations = new ArrayList<String>();
: ^( CUBE cube_item )
SourceLocation loc = new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$cube_clause.start );
$alias = builder.buildCubeOp( loc, $cube_clause::cubeOp, $statement::alias,
$statement::inputAlias, $cube_clause::operations, $cube_clause::cubePlans );
: rel ( cube_by_clause
$cube_clause::cubePlans = $cube_by_clause.plans;
$cube_clause::operations = $cube_by_clause.operations;
} )
cube_by_clause returns[List<String> operations, MultiMap<Integer, LogicalExpressionPlan> plans]
@init {
$operations = new ArrayList<String>();
$plans = new MultiMap<Integer, LogicalExpressionPlan>();
: ^( BY cube_or_rollup { $operations = $cube_or_rollup.operations; $plans = $cube_or_rollup.plans; })
cube_or_rollup returns[List<String> operations, MultiMap<Integer, LogicalExpressionPlan> plans]
@init {
$operations = new ArrayList<String>();
$plans = new MultiMap<Integer, LogicalExpressionPlan>();
: ( cube_rollup_list
$plans.put( $cube_clause::inputIndex, $cube_rollup_list.plans);
} )+
cube_rollup_list returns[String operation, List<LogicalExpressionPlan> plans]
@init {
$plans = new ArrayList<LogicalExpressionPlan>();
: ^( ( CUBE { $operation = "CUBE"; } | ROLLUP { $operation = "ROLLUP"; } ) cube_by_expr_list { $plans = $cube_by_expr_list.plans; } )
cube_by_expr_list returns[List<LogicalExpressionPlan> plans]
@init {
$plans = new ArrayList<LogicalExpressionPlan>();
: ( cube_by_expr { $plans.add( $cube_by_expr.plan ); } )+
cube_by_expr returns[LogicalExpressionPlan plan]
@init {
$plan = new LogicalExpressionPlan();
: col_range[$plan]
| expr[$plan]
builder.buildProjectExpr( new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$STAR ), $plan, $GScope::currentOp, 0, null, -1 );
group_clause returns[String alias]
scope {
MultiMap<Integer, LogicalExpressionPlan> groupPlans;
int inputIndex;
List<String> inputAliases;
List<Boolean> innerFlags;
scope GScope;
@init {
$GScope::currentOp = builder.createGroupOp();
$group_clause::groupPlans = new MultiMap<Integer, LogicalExpressionPlan>();
$group_clause::inputAliases = new ArrayList<String>();
$group_clause::innerFlags = new ArrayList<Boolean>();
SourceLocation loc = new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$group_clause.start );
int oldStatementIndex = $statement::inputIndex;
@after { $statement::inputIndex = oldStatementIndex; }
: ^( GROUP group_item+ ( group_type { groupType = $group_type.type; ((LOCogroup)$GScope::currentOp).pinOption(LOCogroup.OPTION_GROUPTYPE); } )? partition_clause? )
$alias = builder.buildGroupOp( loc, (LOCogroup)$GScope::currentOp, $statement::alias,
$group_clause::inputAliases, $group_clause::groupPlans, groupType, $group_clause::innerFlags,
$partition_clause.partitioner );
| ^( COGROUP group_item+ ( group_type { groupType = $group_type.type;((LOCogroup)$GScope::currentOp).pinOption(LOCogroup.OPTION_GROUPTYPE); } )? partition_clause? )
$alias = builder.buildGroupOp( loc, (LOCogroup)$GScope::currentOp, $statement::alias,
$group_clause::inputAliases, $group_clause::groupPlans, groupType, $group_clause::innerFlags,
$partition_clause.partitioner );
group_type returns[GROUPTYPE type]
$type =builder.parseGroupType( $QUOTEDSTRING.text, new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$QUOTEDSTRING ) );
@init { boolean inner = false; }
: rel ( join_group_by_clause
$group_clause::groupPlans.put( $group_clause::inputIndex, $join_group_by_clause.plans );
LogicalExpressionPlan plan = new LogicalExpressionPlan();
ConstantExpression ce = new ConstantExpression( plan, "all");
ce.setLocation( new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$ALL ) );
List<LogicalExpressionPlan> plans = new ArrayList<LogicalExpressionPlan>( 1 );
plans.add( plan );
$group_clause::groupPlans.put( $group_clause::inputIndex, plans );
LogicalExpressionPlan plan = new LogicalExpressionPlan();
UserFuncExpression udf = new UserFuncExpression( plan, new FuncSpec( GFAny.class.getName() ) );
udf.setLocation( new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$ANY ) );
List<LogicalExpressionPlan> plans = new ArrayList<LogicalExpressionPlan>( 1 );
plans.add( plan );
$group_clause::groupPlans.put( $group_clause::inputIndex, plans );
) ( INNER { inner = true; } | OUTER )?
$group_clause::inputAliases.add( $statement::inputAlias );
$group_clause::innerFlags.add( inner );
: alias
$statement::inputAlias = $;
| previous_rel
$statement::inputAlias = $;
| inline_op
previous_rel returns[String name] : ARROBA { $name = builder.getLastRel(new SourceLocation((PigParserNode)$ARROBA)); }
@init {
String al = $statement::alias;
$statement::alias = null;
@after {
$statement::alias = al;
: op_clause parallel_clause?
Operator op = builder.lookupOperator( $op_clause.alias );
builder.setParallel( (LogicalRelationalOperator)op, $statement::parallel );
$statement::inputAlias = $op_clause.alias;
flatten_generated_item returns[LogicalExpressionPlan plan, boolean flattenFlag, LogicalSchema schema]
@init {
$plan = new LogicalExpressionPlan();
: ( flatten_clause[$plan] { $flattenFlag = true; }
| col_range[$plan]
| expr[$plan]
builder.buildProjectExpr( new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$STAR ), $plan, $GScope::currentOp,
$statement::inputIndex, null, -1 );
( field_def_list { $schema = $field_def_list.schema; } )?
flatten_clause[LogicalExpressionPlan plan]
: ^( FLATTEN expr[$plan] )
store_clause returns[String alias]
: ^( STORE rel filename func_clause[FunctionType.STOREFUNC]? )
SourceLocation loc = new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$STORE );
$alias= builder.buildStoreOp( loc, $statement::alias,
$statement::inputAlias, $filename.filename, $func_clause.funcSpec );
assert_clause returns[String alias]
scope GScope;
@init {
$GScope::currentOp = builder.createFilterOp();
LogicalExpressionPlan exprPlan = new LogicalExpressionPlan();
: ^( ASSERT rel cond[exprPlan] comment? )
SourceLocation loc = new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$ASSERT );
$alias= builder.buildAssertOp(loc, (LOFilter)$GScope::currentOp, $statement::alias,
$statement::inputAlias, $cond.expr, $comment.comment, exprPlan);
comment returns[String comment]
: QUOTEDSTRING { $comment = builder.unquote( $QUOTEDSTRING.text ); }
filter_clause returns[String alias]
scope GScope;
@init {
LogicalExpressionPlan exprPlan = new LogicalExpressionPlan();
$GScope::currentOp = builder.createFilterOp();
: ^( FILTER rel cond[exprPlan] )
$alias = builder.buildFilterOp( new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$FILTER ),
(LOFilter)$GScope::currentOp, $statement::alias,
$statement::inputAlias, exprPlan );
cond[LogicalExpressionPlan exprPlan] returns[LogicalExpression expr]
: ^( OR left = cond[exprPlan] right = cond[exprPlan] )
$expr = new OrExpression( $exprPlan, $left.expr, $right.expr );
$expr.setLocation( new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$OR ) );
| ^( AND left = cond[exprPlan] right = cond[exprPlan] )
$expr = new AndExpression( $exprPlan, $left.expr, $right.expr );
$expr.setLocation( new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$AND ) );
| ^( NOT c = cond[exprPlan] )
$expr = new NotExpression( $exprPlan, $c.expr );
$expr.setLocation( new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$NOT ) );
| ^( NULL expr[$exprPlan] NOT? )
$expr = new IsNullExpression( $exprPlan, $expr.expr );
$expr.setLocation( new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$NULL ) );
if( $NOT != null ) {
$expr = new NotExpression( $exprPlan, $expr );
$expr.setLocation( new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$NOT ) );
| ^( rel_op_eq e1 = expr[$exprPlan] e2 = expr[$exprPlan] )
$expr = new EqualExpression( $exprPlan, $e1.expr, $e2.expr );
$expr.setLocation( new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$rel_op_eq.start ) );
| ^( rel_op_ne e1 = expr[$exprPlan] e2 = expr[$exprPlan] )
$expr = new NotEqualExpression( $exprPlan, $e1.expr, $e2.expr );
$expr.setLocation( new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$rel_op_ne.start ) );
| ^( rel_op_lt e1 = expr[$exprPlan] e2 = expr[$exprPlan] )
$expr = new LessThanExpression( $exprPlan, $e1.expr, $e2.expr );
$expr.setLocation( new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$rel_op_lt.start ) );
| ^( rel_op_lte e1 = expr[$exprPlan] e2 = expr[$exprPlan] )
$expr = new LessThanEqualExpression( $exprPlan, $e1.expr, $e2.expr );
$expr.setLocation( new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$rel_op_lte.start ) );
| ^( rel_op_gt e1 = expr[$exprPlan] e2 = expr[$exprPlan] )
$expr = new GreaterThanExpression( $exprPlan, $e1.expr, $e2.expr );
$expr.setLocation( new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$rel_op_gt.start ) );
| ^( rel_op_gte e1 = expr[$exprPlan] e2 = expr[$exprPlan] )
$expr = new GreaterThanEqualExpression( $exprPlan, $e1.expr, $e2.expr );
$expr.setLocation( new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$rel_op_gte.start ) );
| ^( STR_OP_MATCHES e1 = expr[$exprPlan] e2 = expr[$exprPlan] )
$expr = new RegexExpression( $exprPlan, $e1.expr, $e2.expr );
$expr.setLocation( new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$STR_OP_MATCHES ) );
| in_eval[$exprPlan]
$expr = $in_eval.expr;
| func_eval[$exprPlan]
$expr = $func_eval.expr;
| ^( BOOL_COND e1 = expr[$exprPlan] )
$expr = $e1.expr;
$expr.setLocation( new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$BOOL_COND ) );
in_eval[LogicalExpressionPlan plan] returns[LogicalExpression expr]
@init {
List<LogicalExpression> lhsExprs = new ArrayList<LogicalExpression>();
List<LogicalExpression> rhsExprs = new ArrayList<LogicalExpression>();
: ^( IN ( ^( IN_LHS lhs = expr[$plan] ) { lhsExprs.add($lhs.expr); }
^( IN_RHS rhs = expr[$plan] ) { rhsExprs.add($rhs.expr); } )+ )
// Convert IN tree to nested or expressions. Please also see
// QueryParser.g for how IN tree is constructed from IN expression.
EqualExpression firstBoolExpr = new EqualExpression(plan, lhsExprs.get(0), rhsExprs.get(0));
if (lhsExprs.size() == 1) {
$expr = firstBoolExpr;
} else {
OrExpression currOrExpr = null;
OrExpression prevOrExpr = null;
for (int i = 1; i < lhsExprs.size(); i++) {
EqualExpression boolExpr = new EqualExpression(plan, lhsExprs.get(i), rhsExprs.get(i));
currOrExpr = new OrExpression( $plan, prevOrExpr == null ? firstBoolExpr : prevOrExpr, boolExpr );
prevOrExpr = currOrExpr;
$expr = currOrExpr;
$expr.setLocation( new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$in_eval.start ) );
func_eval[LogicalExpressionPlan plan] returns[LogicalExpression expr]
@init {
List<LogicalExpression> args = new ArrayList<LogicalExpression>();
: ^( FUNC_EVAL func_name ( real_arg[$plan] { args.add( $real_arg.expr ); } )* )
SourceLocation loc = new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$func_name.start );
$expr = builder.buildUDF( loc, $plan, $func_name.funcName, args );
| ^( INVOKER_FUNC_EVAL package_name=IDENTIFIER function_name=IDENTIFIER is_static=IDENTIFIER ( real_arg[$plan] { args.add( $real_arg.expr ); } )* )
SourceLocation loc = new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$function_name );
$expr = builder.buildInvokerUDF( loc, $plan, $package_name.text, $function_name.text, Boolean.parseBoolean($is_static.text), args );
real_arg [LogicalExpressionPlan plan] returns[LogicalExpression expr]
: e = expr[$plan] { $expr = $e.expr; }
$expr = builder.buildProjectExpr( new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$STAR ), $plan, $GScope::currentOp,
$statement::inputIndex, null, -1 );
| cr = col_range[$plan] { $expr = $cr.expr;}
expr[LogicalExpressionPlan plan] returns[LogicalExpression expr]
: ^( PLUS left = expr[$plan] right = expr[$plan] )
$expr = new AddExpression( $plan, $left.expr, $right.expr );
$expr.setLocation( new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$PLUS ) );
| ^( MINUS left = expr[$plan] right = expr[$plan] )
$expr = new SubtractExpression( $plan, $left.expr, $right.expr );
$expr.setLocation( new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$MINUS ) );
| ^( STAR left = expr[$plan] right = expr[$plan] )
$expr = new MultiplyExpression( $plan, $left.expr, $right.expr );
$expr.setLocation( new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$STAR ) );
| ^( DIV left = expr[$plan] right = expr[$plan] )
$expr = new DivideExpression( $plan, $left.expr, $right.expr );
$expr.setLocation( new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$DIV ) );
| ^( PERCENT left = expr[$plan] right = expr[$plan] )
$expr = new ModExpression( $plan, $left.expr, $right.expr );
$expr.setLocation( new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$PERCENT ) );
| const_expr[$plan]
$expr = $const_expr.expr;
| var_expr[$plan]
$expr = $var_expr.expr;
| ^( NEG e = expr[$plan] )
$expr = new NegativeExpression( $plan, $e.expr );
$expr.setLocation( new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$e.start ) );
| ^( CAST_EXPR type_cast e = expr[$plan] ) // cast expr
$expr = new CastExpression( $plan, $e.expr, $type_cast.fieldSchema );
$expr.setLocation( new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$type_cast.start ) );
| ^( EXPR_IN_PAREN e = expr[$plan] ) // unary expr
$expr = $e.expr;
type_cast returns[LogicalFieldSchema fieldSchema]
: simple_type
$fieldSchema = new LogicalFieldSchema( null, null, $simple_type.datatype );
| map_type
$fieldSchema = new LogicalFieldSchema( null, $map_type.logicalSchema, DataType.MAP );
| tuple_type_cast
$fieldSchema = new LogicalFieldSchema( null, $tuple_type_cast.logicalSchema, DataType.TUPLE );
| bag_type_cast
$fieldSchema = new LogicalFieldSchema( null, $bag_type_cast.logicalSchema, DataType.BAG );
tuple_type_cast returns[LogicalSchema logicalSchema]
@init {
$logicalSchema = new LogicalSchema();
: ^( TUPLE_TYPE_CAST ( type_cast { $logicalSchema.addField( $type_cast.fieldSchema ); } )* )
bag_type_cast returns[LogicalSchema logicalSchema]
@init {
$logicalSchema = new LogicalSchema();
: ^( BAG_TYPE_CAST tuple_type_cast? )
$logicalSchema.addField( new LogicalFieldSchema( null, $tuple_type_cast.logicalSchema, DataType.TUPLE ) );
var_expr[LogicalExpressionPlan plan] returns[LogicalExpression expr]
@init {
List<Object> columns = null;
SourceLocation loc = new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$var_expr.start );
: projectable_expr[$plan] { $expr = $projectable_expr.expr; }
( dot_proj
columns = $dot_proj.cols;
boolean processScalar = false;
if( $expr instanceof ScalarExpression ) {
List<Operator> succs = plan.getSuccessors( $expr );
if( succs == null || succs.size() == 0 ) {
// We haven't process this scalar projection yet. Set the flag so as to process it next.
// This will handle a projection such as A.u.x, where we need to build ScalarExpression
// for A.u, while for x, we need to treat it as a normal dereference (on the output of
// the ScalarExpression.
processScalar = true;
if( processScalar ) {
// This is a scalar projection.
ScalarExpression scalarExpr = (ScalarExpression)$expr;
if( $dot_proj.cols.size() > 1 ) {
throw new InvalidScalarProjectionException( input, loc, scalarExpr );
Object val = $dot_proj.cols.get( 0 );
int pos = -1;
LogicalRelationalOperator relOp = (LogicalRelationalOperator)scalarExpr.getImplicitReferencedOperator();
LogicalSchema schema = null;
try {
schema = relOp.getSchema();
} catch(FrontendException e) {
throw new PlanGenerationFailureException( input, loc, e );
if( val instanceof Integer ) {
pos = (Integer)val;
if( schema != null && pos >= schema.size() ) {
throw new InvalidScalarProjectionException( input, loc, scalarExpr );
} else {
String colAlias = (String)val;
pos = schema.getFieldPosition( colAlias );
if( schema == null || pos == -1 ) {
throw new InvalidScalarProjectionException( input, loc, scalarExpr );
ConstantExpression constExpr = new ConstantExpression( $plan, pos);
plan.connect( $expr, constExpr );
constExpr = new ConstantExpression( $plan, "filename"); // place holder for file name.
plan.connect( $expr, constExpr );
} else {
DereferenceExpression e = new DereferenceExpression( $plan );
e.setRawColumns( $dot_proj.cols );
e.setLocation( new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$dot_proj.start ) );
$plan.connect( e, $expr );
$expr = e;
| pound_proj
MapLookupExpression e = new MapLookupExpression( $plan, $pound_proj.key );
e.setLocation( new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$pound_proj.start ) );
$plan.connect( e, $expr );
$expr = e;
if( ( $expr instanceof ScalarExpression ) && columns == null ) {
throw new InvalidScalarProjectionException( input, loc, (ScalarExpression)$expr, " : A column needs to be projected from a relation for it to be used as a scalar" );
projectable_expr[LogicalExpressionPlan plan] returns[LogicalExpression expr]
: func_eval[$plan]
$expr = $func_eval.expr;
| col_ref[$plan]
$expr = $col_ref.expr;
| bin_expr[$plan]
$expr = $bin_expr.expr;
| case_expr[$plan]
$expr = $case_expr.expr;
| case_cond[$plan]
$expr = $case_cond.expr;
dot_proj returns[List<Object> cols]
@init {
$cols = new ArrayList<Object>();
: ^( PERIOD ( col_alias_or_index { $cols.add( $col_alias_or_index.col ); } )+ )
col_alias_or_index returns[Object col]
: col_alias { $col = $col_alias.col; } | col_index { $col = $col_index.col; }
col_alias returns[Object col]
: GROUP { $col = $GROUP.text; }
| CUBE { $col = $CUBE.text; }
| IDENTIFIER { $col = $IDENTIFIER.text; }
col_index returns[Integer col]
: DOLLARVAR { $col = builder.undollar( $DOLLARVAR.text ); }
col_range[LogicalExpressionPlan plan] returns[LogicalExpression expr]
: ^(COL_RANGE (startExpr = col_ref[$plan])? DOUBLE_PERIOD (endExpr = col_ref[$plan])? )
SourceLocation loc = new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$col_range.start );
$expr = builder.buildRangeProjectExpr(
loc, plan, $GScope::currentOp,
pound_proj returns[String key]
: ^( POUND ( QUOTEDSTRING { $key = builder.unquote( $QUOTEDSTRING.text ); } | NULL ) )
bin_expr[LogicalExpressionPlan plan] returns[LogicalExpression expr]
: ^( BIN_EXPR cond[$plan] e1 = expr[$plan] e2 = expr[$plan] )
$expr = new BinCondExpression( $plan, $cond.expr, $e1.expr, $e2.expr );
$expr.setLocation( new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$bin_expr.start ) );
case_expr[LogicalExpressionPlan plan] returns[LogicalExpression expr]
@init {
List<LogicalExpression> lhsExprs = new ArrayList<LogicalExpression>();
List<LogicalExpression> rhsExprs = new ArrayList<LogicalExpression>();
: ^( CASE_EXPR ( ( ^( CASE_EXPR_LHS lhs = expr[$plan] { lhsExprs.add($lhs.expr); } ) )
( ^( CASE_EXPR_RHS rhs = expr[$plan] { rhsExprs.add($rhs.expr); } ) )+ )+ )
// Convert CASE tree to nested bincond expressions. Please also see
// QueryParser.g for how CASE tree is constructed from case statement.
boolean hasElse = rhsExprs.size() \% 2 == 1;
LogicalExpression elseExpr = hasElse ? rhsExprs.get(rhsExprs.size()-1)
: new ConstantExpression($plan, null);
int numWhenBranches = rhsExprs.size() / 2;
BinCondExpression prevBinCondExpr = null;
BinCondExpression currBinCondExpr = null;
for (int i = 0; i < numWhenBranches; i++) {
currBinCondExpr = new BinCondExpression( $plan,
new EqualExpression( $plan, lhsExprs.get(i), rhsExprs.get(2*i) ), rhsExprs.get(2*i+1),
prevBinCondExpr == null ? elseExpr : prevBinCondExpr);
prevBinCondExpr = currBinCondExpr;
$expr = currBinCondExpr;
$expr.setLocation( new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$case_expr.start ) );
case_cond[LogicalExpressionPlan plan] returns[LogicalExpression expr]
@init {
List<LogicalExpression> conds = new ArrayList<LogicalExpression>();
List<LogicalExpression> exprs = new ArrayList<LogicalExpression>();
: ^( CASE_COND ^( WHEN ( cond[$plan] { conds.add($cond.expr); } )+ )
^( THEN ( expr[$plan] { exprs.add($expr.expr); } )+ ) )
// Convert CASE tree to nested bincond expressions. Please also see
// QueryParser.g for how CASE tree is constructed from case statement.
boolean hasElse = exprs.size() != conds.size();
LogicalExpression elseExpr = hasElse ? exprs.remove(exprs.size()-1)
: new ConstantExpression($plan, null);
int numWhenBranches = conds.size();
BinCondExpression prevBinCondExpr = null;
BinCondExpression currBinCondExpr = null;
for (int i = 0; i < numWhenBranches; i++) {
currBinCondExpr = new BinCondExpression( $plan,
conds.get(i), exprs.get(i),
prevBinCondExpr == null ? elseExpr : prevBinCondExpr);
prevBinCondExpr = currBinCondExpr;
$expr = currBinCondExpr;
$expr.setLocation( new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$case_cond.start ) );
limit_clause returns[String alias]
scope GScope;
@init {
$GScope::currentOp = builder.createLimitOp();
LogicalExpressionPlan exprPlan = new LogicalExpressionPlan();
: ^( LIMIT rel ( INTEGER
$alias = builder.buildLimitOp( new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$LIMIT ),
$statement::alias, $statement::inputAlias, Long.valueOf( $INTEGER.text ) );
$alias = builder.buildLimitOp( new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$LIMIT ),
$statement::alias, $statement::inputAlias, builder.parseLong( $LONGINTEGER.text ) );
| expr[exprPlan]
$alias = builder.buildLimitOp( new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$LIMIT ),
(LOLimit)$GScope::currentOp, $statement::alias, $statement::inputAlias, exprPlan);
) )
sample_clause returns[String alias]
scope GScope;
@init {
$GScope::currentOp = builder.createSampleOp();
LogicalExpressionPlan exprPlan = new LogicalExpressionPlan();
$alias = builder.buildSampleOp( new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$SAMPLE ), $statement::alias,
$statement::inputAlias, Double.valueOf( $DOUBLENUMBER.text ),
new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$DOUBLENUMBER ) );
| expr[exprPlan]
$alias = builder.buildSampleOp( new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$SAMPLE ),
(LOFilter)$GScope::currentOp, $statement::alias, $statement::inputAlias, exprPlan, $expr.expr);
) )
rank_clause returns[String alias]
scope {
LORank rankOp;
scope GScope;
@init {
$GScope::currentOp = builder.createRankOp();
@after {
: ^( RANK rel rank_by_statement? )
SourceLocation loc = new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode) $rank_clause.start );
List<LogicalExpressionPlan> tempPlans = $rank_by_statement.plans;
List<Boolean> tempAscFlags = $rank_by_statement.ascFlags;
if(tempPlans == null && tempAscFlags == null) {
tempPlans = new ArrayList<LogicalExpressionPlan>();
tempAscFlags = new ArrayList<Boolean>();
((LORank)$GScope::currentOp).setIsRowNumber( true );
((LORank)$GScope::currentOp).setIsDenseRank( $rank_by_statement.isDenseRank != null?$rank_by_statement.isDenseRank:false );
$alias = builder.buildRankOp( loc, (LORank)$GScope::currentOp, $statement::alias, $statement::inputAlias, tempPlans, tempAscFlags );
rank_by_statement returns[List<LogicalExpressionPlan> plans, List<Boolean> ascFlags, Boolean isDenseRank]
@init {
$plans = new ArrayList<LogicalExpressionPlan>();
$ascFlags = new ArrayList<Boolean>();
$isDenseRank = false;
: ^( BY rank_by_clause ( DENSE { $isDenseRank = true; } )? )
$plans = $rank_by_clause.plans;
$ascFlags = $rank_by_clause.ascFlags;
rank_by_clause returns[List<LogicalExpressionPlan> plans, List<Boolean> ascFlags]
@init {
$plans = new ArrayList<LogicalExpressionPlan>();
$ascFlags = new ArrayList<Boolean>();
: STAR {
LogicalExpressionPlan plan = new LogicalExpressionPlan();
builder.buildProjectExpr( new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$STAR ), plan, $GScope::currentOp, $statement::inputIndex, null, -1 );
$plans.add( plan );
( ASC { $ascFlags.add( true ); } | DESC { $ascFlags.add( false ); } )?
| ( rank_col
$plans.add( $rank_col.plan );
$ascFlags.add( $rank_col.ascFlag );
} )+
rank_col returns[LogicalExpressionPlan plan, Boolean ascFlag]
@init {
$plan = new LogicalExpressionPlan();
$ascFlag = true;
: col_range[$plan] (ASC | DESC { $ascFlag = false; } )?
| col_ref[$plan] ( ASC | DESC { $ascFlag = false; } )?
order_clause returns[String alias]
scope GScope;
@init {
$GScope::currentOp = builder.createSortOp();
: ^( ORDER rel order_by_clause func_clause[FunctionType.COMPARISONFUNC]? )
SourceLocation loc = new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$ORDER );
$alias = builder.buildSortOp( loc, (LOSort)$GScope::currentOp, $statement::alias,
$statement::inputAlias, $order_by_clause.plans,
$order_by_clause.ascFlags, $func_clause.funcSpec );
order_by_clause returns[List<LogicalExpressionPlan> plans, List<Boolean> ascFlags]
@init {
$plans = new ArrayList<LogicalExpressionPlan>();
$ascFlags = new ArrayList<Boolean>();
: STAR {
LogicalExpressionPlan plan = new LogicalExpressionPlan();
builder.buildProjectExpr( new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$STAR ), plan, $GScope::currentOp,
$statement::inputIndex, null, -1 );
$plans.add( plan );
( ASC { $ascFlags.add( true ); } | DESC { $ascFlags.add( false ); } )?
| ( order_col
$plans.add( $order_col.plan );
$ascFlags.add( $order_col.ascFlag );
} )+
order_col returns[LogicalExpressionPlan plan, Boolean ascFlag]
@init {
$plan = new LogicalExpressionPlan();
$ascFlag = true;
: col_range[$plan] (ASC | DESC { $ascFlag = false; } )?
| col_ref[$plan] ( ASC | DESC { $ascFlag = false; } )?
distinct_clause returns[String alias]
: ^( DISTINCT rel partition_clause? )
$alias = builder.buildDistinctOp( new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$DISTINCT ), $statement::alias,
$statement::inputAlias, $partition_clause.partitioner );
partition_clause returns[String partitioner]
: ^( PARTITION func_name )
$partitioner = $func_name.funcName;
cross_clause returns[String alias]
: ^( CROSS rel_list partition_clause? )
$alias = builder.buildCrossOp( new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$CROSS ), $statement::alias,
$rel_list.aliasList, $partition_clause.partitioner );
rel_list returns[List<String> aliasList]
@init { $aliasList = new ArrayList<String>(); }
: ( rel { $aliasList.add( $statement::inputAlias ); } )+
join_clause returns[String alias]
scope {
MultiMap<Integer, LogicalExpressionPlan> joinPlans;
int inputIndex;
List<String> inputAliases;
List<Boolean> innerFlags;
scope GScope;
@init {
$GScope::currentOp = builder.createJoinOp();
$join_clause::joinPlans = new MultiMap<Integer, LogicalExpressionPlan>();
$join_clause::inputAliases = new ArrayList<String>();
$join_clause::innerFlags = new ArrayList<Boolean>();
int oldStatementIndex = $statement::inputIndex;
@after {
: ^( JOIN join_sub_clause join_type? partition_clause? )
SourceLocation loc = new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$JOIN );
$alias = builder.buildJoinOp( loc, (LOJoin)$GScope::currentOp, $statement::alias,
$join_clause::inputAliases, $join_clause::joinPlans,
$join_type.type, $join_clause::innerFlags, $partition_clause.partitioner );
join_type returns[JOINTYPE type]
$type = builder.parseJoinType( $QUOTEDSTRING.text, new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$QUOTEDSTRING ) );
: join_item ( LEFT { $join_clause::innerFlags.add( true );
$join_clause::innerFlags.add( false ); }
| RIGHT { $join_clause::innerFlags.add( false );
$join_clause::innerFlags.add( true ); }
| FULL { $join_clause::innerFlags.add( false );
$join_clause::innerFlags.add( false ); } ) OUTER? join_item
| join_item+
: ^( JOIN_ITEM rel join_group_by_clause )
$join_clause::inputAliases.add( $statement::inputAlias );
$join_clause::joinPlans.put( $join_clause::inputIndex, $join_group_by_clause.plans );
join_group_by_clause returns[List<LogicalExpressionPlan> plans]
@init {
$plans = new ArrayList<LogicalExpressionPlan>();
: ^( BY ( join_group_by_expr { $plans.add( $join_group_by_expr.plan ); } )+ )
join_group_by_expr returns[LogicalExpressionPlan plan]
@init {
$plan = new LogicalExpressionPlan();
: col_range[$plan]
| expr[$plan]
builder.buildProjectExpr( new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$STAR ), $plan, $GScope::currentOp,
$statement::inputIndex, null, -1 );
union_clause returns[String alias]
@init {
boolean onSchema = false;
: ^( UNION ( ONSCHEMA { onSchema = true; } )? rel_list )
$alias = builder.buildUnionOp( new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$UNION ), $statement::alias,
$rel_list.aliasList, onSchema );
foreach_clause returns[String alias]
scope {
LOForEach foreachOp;
scope GScope;
@init {
$foreach_clause::foreachOp = builder.createForeachOp();
$GScope::currentOp = $foreach_clause::foreachOp;
: ^( FOREACH rel foreach_plan )
SourceLocation loc = new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$FOREACH );
$alias = builder.buildForeachOp( loc, $foreach_clause::foreachOp, $statement::alias,
$statement::inputAlias, $foreach_plan.plan );
foreach_plan returns[LogicalPlan plan]
scope {
LogicalPlan innerPlan;
Map<String, LogicalExpressionPlan> exprPlans;
Map<String, Operator> operators;
@init {
inForeachPlan = true;
$foreach_plan::innerPlan = new LogicalPlan();
$foreach_plan::exprPlans = new HashMap<String, LogicalExpressionPlan>();
$foreach_plan::operators = new HashMap<String, Operator>();
@after {
$plan = $foreach_plan::innerPlan;
inForeachPlan = false;
: ^( FOREACH_PLAN_SIMPLE generate_clause )
| ^( FOREACH_PLAN_COMPLEX nested_blk )
nested_blk : nested_command* generate_clause
@init {
LogicalExpressionPlan exprPlan = new LogicalExpressionPlan();
inNestedCommand = true;
@after {
inNestedCommand = false;
$foreach_plan::operators.put( $IDENTIFIER.text, $nested_op.op );
$foreach_plan::exprPlans.remove( $IDENTIFIER.text );
$foreach_plan::exprPlans.put( $IDENTIFIER.text, exprPlan );
nested_op[String alias] returns[Operator op]
: nested_proj[$alias] { $op = $nested_proj.op; }
| nested_filter[$alias] { $op = $nested_filter.op; }
| nested_sort [$alias] { $op = $nested_sort.op; }
| nested_distinct[$alias] { $op = $nested_distinct.op; }
| nested_limit[$alias] { $op = $nested_limit.op; }
| nested_cross[$alias] { $op = $nested_cross.op; }
| nested_foreach[$alias] { $op = $nested_foreach.op; }
nested_proj[String alias] returns[Operator op]
@init {
LogicalExpressionPlan plan = new LogicalExpressionPlan();
List<LogicalExpressionPlan> plans = new ArrayList<LogicalExpressionPlan>();
cr0 = col_ref[plan]
( cr = col_ref[new LogicalExpressionPlan()]
plans.add( (LogicalExpressionPlan)( $cr.expr.getPlan() ) );
)+ )
SourceLocation loc = new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$cr0.start );
$op = builder.buildNestedProjectOp( loc, $foreach_plan::innerPlan, $foreach_clause::foreachOp,
$foreach_plan::operators, $alias, (ProjectExpression)$cr0.expr, plans );
nested_filter[String alias] returns[Operator op]
scope GScope;
@init {
LogicalExpressionPlan plan = new LogicalExpressionPlan();
Operator inputOp = null;
$GScope::currentOp = builder.createNestedFilterOp( $foreach_plan::innerPlan );
: ^( FILTER nested_op_input cond[plan] )
SourceLocation loc = new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$FILTER );
$op = builder.buildNestedFilterOp( loc, (LOFilter)$GScope::currentOp, $foreach_plan::innerPlan, $alias,
$nested_op_input.op, plan );
nested_sort[String alias] returns[Operator op]
scope GScope;
@init {
Operator inputOp = null;
$GScope::currentOp = builder.createNestedSortOp( $foreach_plan::innerPlan );
: ^( ORDER nested_op_input order_by_clause func_clause[FunctionType.COMPARISONFUNC]? )
SourceLocation loc = new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$ORDER );
$op = builder.buildNestedSortOp( loc, (LOSort)$GScope::currentOp, $foreach_plan::innerPlan, $alias,
$order_by_clause.plans, $order_by_clause.ascFlags, $func_clause.funcSpec );
nested_distinct[String alias] returns[Operator op]
@init {
Operator inputOp = null;
: ^( DISTINCT nested_op_input )
SourceLocation loc = new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$DISTINCT );
$op = builder.buildNestedDistinctOp( loc, $foreach_plan::innerPlan, $alias, $nested_op_input.op );
nested_limit[String alias] returns[Operator op]
scope GScope;
@init {
Operator inputOp = null;
LogicalExpressionPlan exprPlan = new LogicalExpressionPlan();
$GScope::currentOp = builder.createNestedLimitOp( $foreach_plan::innerPlan );
: ^( LIMIT nested_op_input ( INTEGER
SourceLocation loc = new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$LIMIT );
$op = builder.buildNestedLimitOp( loc, $foreach_plan::innerPlan, $alias, $nested_op_input.op,
Integer.valueOf( $INTEGER.text ) );
| expr[exprPlan]
SourceLocation loc = new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$LIMIT );
$op = builder.buildNestedLimitOp( loc, (LOLimit)$GScope::currentOp, $foreach_plan::innerPlan, $alias,
$nested_op_input.op, exprPlan);
) )
nested_cross[String alias] returns[Operator op]
@init {
Operator inputOp = null;
: ^( CROSS nested_op_input_list )
SourceLocation loc = new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$CROSS );
$op = builder.buildNestedCrossOp( loc, $foreach_plan::innerPlan, $alias, $nested_op_input_list.opList );
nested_foreach[String alias] returns[Operator op]
scope {
LogicalPlan innerPlan;
LOForEach foreachOp;
@init {
Operator inputOp = null;
$nested_foreach::innerPlan = new LogicalPlan();
$nested_foreach::foreachOp = builder.createNestedForeachOp( $foreach_plan::innerPlan );
: ^( FOREACH nested_op_input generate_clause )
SourceLocation loc = new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$FOREACH );
$op = builder.buildNestedForeachOp( loc, (LOForEach)$nested_foreach::foreachOp, $foreach_plan::innerPlan,
$alias, $nested_op_input.op, $nested_foreach::innerPlan);
scope GScope;
@init {
$GScope::currentOp = builder.createGenerateOp(inNestedCommand ? $nested_foreach::innerPlan : $foreach_plan::innerPlan );
List<LogicalExpressionPlan> plans = new ArrayList<LogicalExpressionPlan>();
List<Boolean> flattenFlags = new ArrayList<Boolean>();
List<LogicalSchema> schemas = new ArrayList<LogicalSchema>();
: ^( GENERATE ( flatten_generated_item
plans.add( $flatten_generated_item.plan );
flattenFlags.add( $flatten_generated_item.flattenFlag );
schemas.add( $flatten_generated_item.schema );
builder.buildGenerateOp( new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$GENERATE ),
inNestedCommand ? $nested_foreach::foreachOp : $foreach_clause::foreachOp,
(LOGenerate)$GScope::currentOp, plans, flattenFlags, schemas );
nested_op_input returns[Operator op]
@init {
LogicalExpressionPlan plan = new LogicalExpressionPlan();
: col_ref[plan]
SourceLocation loc = new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$col_ref.start );
$op = builder.buildNestedOperatorInput( loc, $foreach_plan::innerPlan,
$foreach_clause::foreachOp, $foreach_plan::operators, $col_ref.expr );
| nested_proj[null]
$op = $nested_proj.op;
nested_op_input_list returns[List<Operator> opList]
@init { $opList = new ArrayList<Operator>(); }
: ( nested_op_input { $opList.add( $nested_op_input.op ); } )+
stream_clause returns[String alias]
@init {
StreamingCommand cmd = null;
SourceLocation loc = new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$stream_clause.start );
: ^( STREAM rel ( EXECCOMMAND { cmd = builder.buildCommand( loc, builder.unquote( $EXECCOMMAND.text ) ); }
cmd = builder.lookupCommand( $IDENTIFIER.text );
if( cmd == null ) {
String msg = "Undefined command-alias [" + $IDENTIFIER.text + "]";
throw new ParserValidationException( input,
new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$IDENTIFIER ), msg );
) as_clause? )
$alias = builder.buildStreamOp( loc, $statement::alias,
$statement::inputAlias, cmd, $as_clause.logicalSchema, input );
mr_clause returns[String alias]
@init {
List<String> paths = new ArrayList<String>();
String alias = $statement::alias;
SourceLocation loc = new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$mr_clause.start );
: ^( MAPREDUCE QUOTEDSTRING path_list[paths]?
{ $statement::alias = null; } store_clause
{ $statement::alias = alias; } load_clause
$alias = builder.buildNativeOp( loc,
builder.unquote( $QUOTEDSTRING.text ), builder.unquote( $EXECCOMMAND.text ),
paths, $store_clause.alias, $load_clause.alias, input );
: ^( SPLIT
SourceLocation loc = new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$SPLIT );
$statement::inputAlias = builder.buildSplitOp( loc, $statement::inputAlias );
split_branch+ split_otherwise?
scope GScope;
@init {
LogicalExpressionPlan splitPlan = new LogicalExpressionPlan();
$GScope::currentOp = builder.createSplitOutputOp();
: ^( SPLIT_BRANCH alias cond[splitPlan] )
SourceLocation loc = new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$alias.start );
builder.buildSplitOutputOp( loc, (LOSplitOutput)$GScope::currentOp, $,
$statement::inputAlias, splitPlan );
split_otherwise throws PlanGenerationFailureException
scope GScope;
@init {
$GScope::currentOp = builder.createSplitOutputOp();
: ^( OTHERWISE alias )
SourceLocation loc = new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$alias.start );
builder.buildSplitOtherwiseOp( loc, (LOSplitOutput)$GScope::currentOp, $,
col_ref[LogicalExpressionPlan plan] returns[LogicalExpression expr]
: alias_col_ref[$plan] { $expr = $alias_col_ref.expr; }
| dollar_col_ref[$plan] { $expr = $dollar_col_ref.expr; }
alias_col_ref[LogicalExpressionPlan plan] returns[LogicalExpression expr]
$expr = builder.buildProjectExpr( new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$GROUP ), $plan, $GScope::currentOp,
$statement::inputIndex, $GROUP.text, 0 );
$expr = builder.buildProjectExpr( new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$CUBE ), $plan, $GScope::currentOp,
$statement::inputIndex, $CUBE.text, 0 );
SourceLocation loc = new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$IDENTIFIER );
String alias = $IDENTIFIER.text;
Operator inOp = builder.lookupOperator( $statement::inputAlias );
if(null == inOp)
throw new UndefinedAliasException (input,loc,$statement::inputAlias);
LogicalSchema schema;
try {
schema = ((LogicalRelationalOperator)inOp).getSchema();
} catch (FrontendException e) {
throw new PlanGenerationFailureException( input, loc, e );
// PIG-3581
// check within foreach scope before looking at outer scope for scalar
if( inForeachPlan && ($foreach_plan::operators).containsKey(alias)) {
$expr = builder.buildProjectExpr( loc, $plan, $GScope::currentOp,
$foreach_plan::operators, $foreach_plan::exprPlans, alias, 0 );
} else {
Operator op = builder.lookupOperator( alias );
if( op != null && ( schema == null || schema.getFieldPosition( alias ) == -1 ) ) {
$expr = new ScalarExpression( plan, op,
inForeachPlan ? $foreach_clause::foreachOp : $GScope::currentOp );
$expr.setLocation( loc );
} else if( inForeachPlan ) {
$expr = builder.buildProjectExpr( loc, $plan, $GScope::currentOp,
$foreach_plan::operators, $foreach_plan::exprPlans, alias, 0 );
} else {
$expr = builder.buildProjectExpr( loc, $plan, $GScope::currentOp,
$statement::inputIndex, alias, 0 );
dollar_col_ref[LogicalExpressionPlan plan] returns[LogicalExpression expr]
int col = builder.undollar( $DOLLARVAR.text );
$expr = builder.buildProjectExpr( new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$DOLLARVAR ), $plan, $GScope::currentOp,
$statement::inputIndex, null, col );
const_expr[LogicalExpressionPlan plan] returns[LogicalExpression expr]
: literal
$expr = new ConstantExpression( $plan, $literal.value);
$expr.setLocation( new SourceLocation( (PigParserNode)$const_expr.start ) );
literal returns[Object value, byte type]
: scalar
$value = $scalar.value;
$type = $scalar.type;
| map
$value = $map.value;
$type = DataType.MAP;
| bag
$value = $bag.value;
$type = DataType.BAG;
| tuple
$value = $tuple.value;
$type = DataType.TUPLE;
scalar returns[Object value, byte type]
: num_scalar
$type = $num_scalar.type;
$value = $num_scalar.value;
$type = DataType.CHARARRAY;
$value = builder.unquote( $QUOTEDSTRING.text );
$type = DataType.NULL;
$type = DataType.BOOLEAN;
$value = Boolean.TRUE;
$type = DataType.BOOLEAN;
$value = Boolean.FALSE;
num_scalar returns[Object value, byte type]
@init {
int sign = 1;
: ( MINUS { sign = -1; } ) ?
$type = DataType.INTEGER;
$value = sign * Integer.valueOf( $INTEGER.text );
$type = DataType.LONG;
$value = sign * builder.parseLong( $LONGINTEGER.text );
$type = DataType.FLOAT;
$value = sign * Float.valueOf( $FLOATNUMBER.text );
$type = DataType.DOUBLE;
$value = sign * Double.valueOf( $DOUBLENUMBER.text );
$type = DataType.BIGINTEGER;
$value = builder.parseBigInteger( $BIGINTEGERNUMBER.text );
if ( sign == -1 ) {
$value = ((BigInteger)$value).negate();
$type = DataType.BIGDECIMAL;
$value = builder.parseBigDecimal( $BIGDECIMALNUMBER.text );
if ( sign == -1 ) {
$value = ((BigDecimal)$value).negate();
map returns[Object value]
@init { Map<String, Object> kvs = new HashMap<String, Object>(); }
: ^( MAP_VAL ( keyvalue { kvs.put( $keyvalue.key, $keyvalue.value ); } )* )
$value = kvs;
keyvalue returns[String key, Object value]
: ^( KEY_VAL_PAIR map_key literal )
$key = $map_key.value;
$value = $literal.value;
map_key returns[String value]
: QUOTEDSTRING { $value = builder.unquote( $QUOTEDSTRING.text ); }
bag returns[Object value]
@init { DataBag dataBag = builder.createDataBag(); }
: ^( BAG_VAL ( tuple { dataBag.add( $tuple.value ); } )* )
$value = dataBag;
tuple returns[Tuple value]
@init { List<Object> objList = new ArrayList<Object>(); }
: ^( TUPLE_VAL ( literal { objList.add( $literal.value ); } )* )
$value = builder.buildTuple( objList );
// extended identifier, handling the keyword and identifier conflicts. Ugly but there is no other choice.
eid returns[String id] : rel_str_op { $id = $; }
| IMPORT { $id = $IMPORT.text; }
| RETURNS { $id = $RETURNS.text; }
| DEFINE { $id = $DEFINE.text; }
| LOAD { $id = $LOAD.text; }
| FILTER { $id = $FILTER.text; }
| FOREACH { $id = $FOREACH.text; }
| MATCHES { $id = $MATCHES.text; }
| ORDER { $id = $ORDER.text; }
| DISTINCT { $id = $DISTINCT.text; }
| COGROUP { $id = $COGROUP.text; }
| CUBE { $id = $CUBE.text; }
| ROLLUP { $id = $ROLLUP.text; }
| JOIN { $id = $JOIN.text; }
| CROSS { $id = $CROSS.text; }
| UNION { $id = $UNION.text; }
| SPLIT { $id = $SPLIT.text; }
| INTO { $id = $INTO.text; }
| IF { $id = $IF.text; }
| ALL { $id = $ALL.text; }
| AS { $id = $AS.text; }
| BY { $id = $BY.text; }
| USING { $id = $USING.text; }
| INNER { $id = $INNER.text; }
| OUTER { $id = $OUTER.text; }
| PARALLEL { $id = $PARALLEL.text; }
| PARTITION { $id = $PARTITION.text; }
| GROUP { $id = $GROUP.text; }
| AND { $id = $AND.text; }
| OR { $id = $OR.text; }
| NOT { $id = $NOT.text; }
| GENERATE { $id = $GENERATE.text; }
| FLATTEN { $id = $FLATTEN.text; }
| EVAL { $id = $EVAL.text; }
| ASC { $id = $ASC.text; }
| DESC { $id = $DESC.text; }
| BOOLEAN { $id = $BOOLEAN.text; }
| INT { $id = $INT.text; }
| LONG { $id = $LONG.text; }
| FLOAT { $id = $FLOAT.text; }
| DOUBLE { $id = $DOUBLE.text; }
| BIGINTEGER { $id = $BIGINTEGER.text; }
| BIGDECIMAL { $id = $BIGDECIMAL.text; }
| DATETIME { $id = $DATETIME.text; }
| CHARARRAY { $id = $CHARARRAY.text; }
| BYTEARRAY { $id = $BYTEARRAY.text; }
| BAG { $id = $BAG.text; }
| TUPLE { $id = $TUPLE.text; }
| MAP { $id = $MAP.text; }
| IS { $id = $IS.text; }
| NULL { $id = $NULL.text; }
| TRUE { $id = $TRUE.text; }
| FALSE { $id = $FALSE.text; }
| STREAM { $id = $STREAM.text; }
| THROUGH { $id = $THROUGH.text; }
| STORE { $id = $STORE.text; }
| MAPREDUCE { $id = $MAPREDUCE.text; }
| SHIP { $id = $SHIP.text; }
| CACHE { $id = $CACHE.text; }
| INPUT { $id = $INPUT.text; }
| OUTPUT { $id = $OUTPUT.text; }
| STDERROR { $id = $STDERROR.text; }
| STDIN { $id = $STDIN.text; }
| STDOUT { $id = $STDOUT.text; }
| LIMIT { $id = $LIMIT.text; }
| SAMPLE { $id = $SAMPLE.text; }
| LEFT { $id = $LEFT.text; }
| RIGHT { $id = $RIGHT.text; }
| FULL { $id = $FULL.text; }
| IDENTIFIER { $id = $IDENTIFIER.text; }
| TOBAG { $id = "TOBAG"; }
| TOMAP { $id = "TOMAP"; }
| TOTUPLE { $id = "TOTUPLE"; }
| ASSERT { $id = "ASSERT"; }
// relational operator
rel_op : rel_op_eq
| rel_op_ne
| rel_op_gt
| rel_op_gte
| rel_op_lt
| rel_op_lte
rel_op_eq : STR_OP_EQ | NUM_OP_EQ
rel_op_ne : STR_OP_NE | NUM_OP_NE
rel_op_gt : STR_OP_GT | NUM_OP_GT
rel_op_gte : STR_OP_GTE | NUM_OP_GTE
rel_op_lt : STR_OP_LT | NUM_OP_LT
rel_op_lte : STR_OP_LTE | NUM_OP_LTE
rel_str_op returns[String id]
: STR_OP_EQ { $id = $STR_OP_EQ.text; }
| STR_OP_NE { $id = $STR_OP_NE.text; }
| STR_OP_GT { $id = $STR_OP_GT.text; }
| STR_OP_LT { $id = $STR_OP_LT.text; }
| STR_OP_GTE { $id = $STR_OP_GTE.text; }
| STR_OP_LTE { $id = $STR_OP_LTE.text; }
| STR_OP_MATCHES { $id = $STR_OP_MATCHES.text; }